Tag Archives: Eligibility

EXIM Bank Recruitment 2023 for Management Trainee: Apply now

EXIM Bank Recruitment 2023 for Management Trainee: Apply online now

Exim Bank Recruitment 2023 has been released. Exim Bank Recruitment 2023 Apply Online for 45 Vacancy will start from 21 October.


Export-Import Bank of India (India Exim Bank) is inviting online applications in the specified format from eligible candidates who meet the desired eligibility criteria for the recruitment of Management Trainees in various disciplines for the year 2023. (Advertisement no. HRM/MT/2023-24/01). Get ready to explore these government job opportunities with India Exim Bank!

OrganizationIndia Exim Bank
PostManagement Trainees
Application ModeOnline
Advt. No.HRM/MT/2023-24/01
Online Registration Date21th October to 10th November 2023
Selection ProcessOnline Test and Interview
EXIM Bank Recruitment 2023 for Management Trainee: Apply now

Exim Bank Recruitment 2023-24 Vacancies

Management Trainee (MT) Recruitment 2023: India Exim Bank has announced 45 vacancies for Management Trainees (MT) in various disciplines. Eligible candidates, aged between 21 and 28 years as of October 1, 2023, can apply. Selected candidates will receive a monthly stipend of ₹55,000. Qualification requirements vary depending on the specific discipline.

DisciplineVacanciesQualificationCategory-wise Distribution
Management Trainee (Banking Operations)35Graduation/ MBAUR-16, EWS-03, OBC-09, SC-05, ST-02, PWD-01
Management Trainee (Digital Technology)07BE/ B.Tech Degree in Computer ScienceUR-05, OBC-01, SC-01
Management Trainee (Rajbhasha)02Master DegreeUR-02
Management Trainee (Administration)01Bachelor Degree/ Master DegreeUR-01

After the successful completion of a traineeship lasting up to two years within the Bank, Management Trainees (MT) will transition to the role of Deputy Manager in Grade/Scale Junior Management (JM)-I with a salary range of ₹36,000 to ₹63,840. The current Cost to Company (CTC) for Deputy Managers is approximately ₹17 lakh per annum.

View – Government Jobs for MBA Graduates

Application Fee for Exim Bank Management Trainee Recruitment 2023

Application fees and intimation charges (Non-refundable) amount to ₹600 for OBC candidates, and ₹100 for SC/ST/PWD/EWS and Female candidates, which are intimation charges.

Exam Pattern

The official EXIM Bank Management Trainee Exam Pattern 2023 is available in the official notification. You can also refer to the expected EXIM Bank MT Exam Pattern 2023 below.

The exam includes a combination of objective type and descriptive type questions. Please note that there is a penalty for incorrect answers to objective type questions, with 1/4th of the marks assigned to the question being deducted for each wrong answer.

Name of TestQuestionsMax. MarksDuration
Objective Type (Qualifying Nature)
Reasoning202080 mins
English Language2020
Quantitative Aptitude2020
Financial Awareness with reference to the banking industry2020
Data Analysis & Interpretation2020
Descriptive Paper on EnglishEssay – 1
Letter Writing – 1
35 mins
Descriptive Paper on Professional KnowledgeQuestion 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
35 mins
Total200150 mins

*Note: This is the expected exam pattern.

Selection Procedure

The selection for the position of Management Trainees (MT) in EXIM Bank will involve a written examination, tentatively scheduled for December 2023, followed by personal interviews for the shortlisted candidates.

View – Trainee Government Jobs open now

How to Apply for Exim Bank Management Trainee Recruitment 2023-24?

Qualified and interested candidates are encouraged to submit their applications online via the EXIM Bank website. The application window for the Exim Bank Management Trainee Vacancy Recruitment 2023 will be open from 21/10/2023 to 10/11/2023.

  • To apply, visit the official website.
  • Navigate to the “Careers” section, and then click on “Apply Now.”
  • Register by providing an active email ID and mobile number.
  • Log in using the generated registration number and password.
  • Complete the application form by accurately entering all requested information.
  • Upload scanned copies of your photograph, signature, left thumb impression, and a handwritten declaration in the prescribed format.
  • Click “FINAL SUBMIT” to submit your application.
  • Pay the application fee online.
  • Remember to print the application form for future reference.

Details and Online application format

For comprehensive information and the online application format regarding the EXIM Bank Management Trainee Vacancy Recruitment 2023-24, please navigate to https://www.eximbankindia.in/careers.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

**All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

NaBFID Recruitment 2023 for Officer Analyst Grade Vacancy

NaBFID Recruitment 2023 for Officer Analyst Grade Vacancy: Apply Now Today!!

The NaBFID Recruitment 2023 notification has been published on the official website, announcing 56 vacancies. Interested candidates can commence their online application process for NaBFID Recruitment starting from October 23, 2023.


National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development (NaBFID), established under the NaBFID Act of 2021, is welcoming online applications in the specified format from qualified candidates for the recruitment of Officers (Analyst Grade) in various disciplines for the year 2023. (Advertisement Number – NaBFID/REC/ANA/2023-24/01). Apply today to seize this opportunity.

OrganizationNational Bank For Financing Infrastructure and Development
Exam NameNABFID Exam 2023
PostsOfficers(Analyst Grade)
Notification Date23 October 2023
Application ModeOnline
Online Registration Date23 October 2023-13 November 2023
Who Can Apply?Indian citizens
Eligibility CriteriaEducational Qualification: Varies Post-Wise
Age Limit: 21-32 Years
Application FeesGeneral/ EWS/ OBC Candidates: Rs.800
SC/ST/PwBD Candidates: Rs.100
Selection ProcessOnline Written Examination & Interview
Exam DateNovember/December 2023
NaBFID Recruitment 2023 for Officer Analyst Grade Vacancy: Apply Now Today!!

NaBFID Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

PostVacanciesAge (as of 01/10/2023)ExperienceRemuneration
Officer Analyst Grade5621-32 yearsPost-qualification experience of 1 year is preferred for all positions in Analyst gradeApprox. ₹14.83 lakh per annum plus performance-based bonus of up to 20% on fixed compensation.
Sr. NoDisciplineVacancies
1Lending Operations15 (UR-8, EWS-1, OBC-3, SC-2, ST-1)
2Human Resources02 (UR-2)
3Investment & Treasury04 (UR-3, OBC-1)
4Information Technology & Operations04 (UR-3, OBC-1)
5General Administration07 (UR-5, OBC-1, SC-1)
6Risk Management10 (UR-6, EWS-1, OBC-2, SC-1)
7Legal02 (UR-2)
8Internal Audit & Compliance03 (UR-3)
9Company Secretariat02 (UR-2)
10Accounts02 (UR-2)
11Strategic Development and Partnerships04 (UR-3, OBC-1)
12Economist01 (UR-1)

Educational Qualification for NaBFID Officer Recruitment 2023

PostEducational Qualification
Lending OperationsMBA (Finance)/ICWA/ CFA / CMA/CA /Post-Graduation Degree /Diploma in Management with Specialization in Finance
Human ResourcesPost-Graduation Degree/ Diploma in Management with Specialization in Human Resources / Industrial Relations
Investment & TreasuryMBA (Finance) / ICWA / CA / CFA/ Post Graduation Degree / Diploma in Management with Specialization in Finance / Forex
Information Technology & OperationsMCA / MTech / M. E. / Postgraduate in Computer Science, AI & ML, Software Engineering, IT, Cyber Security from recognized University / Institution
General AdministrationPostgraduate in any discipline from a recognized University / Institution
Risk ManagementMBA (Finance) / CA / ICWA/ CFA/ Post Graduation Degree / Diploma in Management with Specialization in Finance
LegalMasters in law from a recognized University / Institution in India
Internal Audit & ComplianceMBA (Finance) / CA /ICWA / Post Graduation Degree / Diploma in Management with Specialization in Finance
Company SecretariatMember of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India(ICSI)
AccountsMBA (Finance) / CA /ICWA / Post Graduation Degree / Diploma in Management with Specialization in Finance
Strategic Development and PartnershipsPost-Graduation Degree/ Diploma in Management with Specialization in Finance, Business/ Sustainability Management, Economics, Humanities
EconomistMaster’s degree in economics with specialization in monetary economics or Econometrics or mathematical economics or equivalent from a recognized University /Institution

Application Fee for NaBFID Vacancy 2023

Application fees and intimation charges (Non-refundable) for the recruitment are ₹800/- plus applicable taxes for General, EWS, and OBC candidates. SC, ST, and PWD candidates are required to pay ₹100/- plus applicable taxes, which covers only the intimation charges. Please note that the fees are non-refundable.

Selection Procedure for NaBFID Notification 2023

The selection process for this recruitment will involve an Online Exam and a Personal Interview. Candidates who perform well in the Online Exam will be shortlisted and called for the Interview. The tentative schedule for the Examination and Interview is set for November/December 2023.

Exam Pattern for NaBFID Officer Analyst Grade Vacancy Recruitment 2023

NaBFID will conduct the online examination for 56 posts of officer analyst. Let’s have a look at the exam pattern.

Sr. No.Name of the ExamNo. of QuestionsMax. MarksTime (minutes)
Section (A) Objective Type
1.Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude1515  30 Mins.
2.English Language1010
3.Data Analysis and Interpretation1515
 Subtotal – (A)4040 
Section (B) Objective
4.Professional Knowledge406030 Mins.
 Subtotal – (B)4060 
 Total (A) & (B)8010060 Mins.

Key Points to Remember:

  • Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) available in both English and Hindi.
  • Each question offers 5 answer options.
  • Negative Marking: 0.25 Marks deducted for each incorrect response.

How to Apply for NaBFID Officer Vacancies 2023?

Prospective candidates interested in Analyst Grade Officers positions should complete the online application form available on the NaBFID website. The application window is open from 23rd October 2023 to 13th November 2023 for NaBFID’s Analyst Grade Officers Vacancy Recruitment in 2023.

  • Visit the official NaBFID website.
  • Navigate to the “Careers” section on the website.
  • Click on “New Registration” and enter your registration details, including your name, email address, and mobile number.
  • Begin the registration process by filling out the online form with accurate information.
  • Upload your photo, signature, and thumb impression as required.
  • Double-check to ensure that all necessary details are correctly filled.
  • Make the online payment for the fees and submit the form.
  • Keep a copy of the submitted form for future reference.

Details and Online Application format 

Aspiring candidates are encouraged to access the Careers page on https://nabfid.org/careers to access detailed information and complete the online application form for the NaBFID Analyst Grade Officer Vacancy Recruitment in 2023.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

**All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

Indian Army TGC Recruitment for Technical Graduate July 2024 Course (TGC-139th)

Indian Army TGC Recruitment for Technical Graduate July 2024 Course (TGC-139th) : 30 Posts

Indian Army TGC Recruitment – 139th Technical Engineer Graduate Course TGC in Indian Army course commence July 2024


Indian Army invites online applications in the prescribed format from unmarried male engineering graduates for the 139th Technical Graduate Course (139 TGC), commencing in July 2024 at the prestigious Indian Military Academy (IMA) in Dehradun. This course offers an opportunity for a Permanent Commission (PC) in the Indian Army, where selected engineers will serve in the esteemed Officer cadre Sarkari Naukri, dedicated to serving the nation.

DepartmentIndian Army
Posts139th Technical Graduates Course (TGC)
Total Posts30 Posts
EligibilityBE/B. Tech (Engineering Degree)
Age LimitBetween 20 to 27 years
Apply FeeNil
Last Date26 October 2023
SalaryRs.56,100/- to 2,50,000/- (Level-18)
Job LocationAll Indian
Apply ModeOnline
Indian Army TGC Recruitment for Technical Graduate July 2024 Course (TGC-139th) : 30 Posts

SSC Commissioned Officer in Indian Army 139 TGC Entry

Upon selection for the Technical Graduate Course (139th TGC), candidates will receive Short Service Commission (SSC) on probation, holding the rank of Lieutenant. This status is effective from either the course commencement date or the date of reporting at the Indian Military Academy (IMA), whichever is later. During the training period, candidates will receive full pay and allowances in accordance with the Lieutenant rank.

After successfully completing the training for the 139th TGC, cadets will be eligible for Permanent Commission (PC) in the Army, with a Lieutenant rank, at which point pay and allowances will be regularly provided.

Indian Army TGC Recruitment Vacancies of 139th TGC Engineers in the Indian Army

  • 30 vacancies in various engineering streams/disciplines (with related disciplines also)
Engineering StreamVacancies
Computer Sc. & Engineering/Computer Technology/IT/M. Sc. Computer Sc07
Miscellaneous Engineering Streams02


Candidates must be between 20 and 27 years of age as of 01/07/2024. This means candidates born between 02 July 1997 and 01 July 2004 (both dates inclusive) are eligible.

Educational Qualification Criteria:

Eligible candidates include those who have either completed the required Engineering Degree course or are in their final year of the Engineering Degree program.

Pay Scale and Stipend:

During the training period, selected candidates will receive a stipend of ₹56,100/-. Upon completion of training, they will be commissioned as Lieutenants, with a 7th CPC Pay Level-10 scale of ₹56,100-177,500. Additionally, officers will receive a Military Service Pay (MSP) of ₹15,500/- per month.

Apply Online for Indian Army 139 TGC Entry

Candidates who meet the suitable and desirable criteria are invited to apply online, following the prescribed format, exclusively through the Indian Army Recruitment website at https://joinindianarmy.nic.in. The application window for the Indian Army 139 Technical Graduate TGC Entry Course for Engineers will be open from September 27, 2023, to October 26, 2023.

  • Visit the official website to initiate the TGC 139 application process.
  • Upon accessing the Indian Army Registration page, candidates will encounter two options: “Login for existing users” and “Registration for New users.”
  • For new users, click on the “Registration” button located at the bottom of the page.
  • Afterward, carefully review all the instructions provided on the page. Click the “continue” button to proceed. The registration page will appear, prompting candidates to enter required information such as Aadhaar Number, Candidate’s Name, Parent’s Name, Date of Birth, Email Id, and Mobile Number. Click “Submit” to advance.
  • Subsequently, the “Apply Online” button will appear on the screen. Click this button to access the TGC application form. The application form will request various details, including Board of Class 10th, Highest Qualification, Enrolment number, and more.
  • Towards the end, candidates should mark the “I agree” checkbox at the bottom of the page and then proceed with the final submission.
  • Finally, download and print a copy of the TGC 138 application form for future reference and record-keeping.

View – Government Jobs for Engineers

Details and Online Submission of Application

Additionally, you can find more information about this entry scheme and access the online application form at https://joinindianarmy.nic.in for the Indian Army 139 Technical Graduate TGC Entry Course for Engineers, which is scheduled to commence in July 2024.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

NSIC Recruitment 2023: Apply Online Today!!

NSIC Recruitment 2023: Apply Online Today!!

NSIC Recruitment 2023 | NSIC Assistant Manager Recruitment 2023, Apply Online


The National Small Industries Corporation Limited (NSIC), a leading Mini-Ratna Government of India Enterprise operating under the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), is welcoming online applications in the prescribed format for the recruitment of various Government Job vacancies for Managers at different levels and across diverse domains of expertise. This recruitment drive, known as the Regular and Special Recruitment Drive for SC/ST/OBC/PWD Candidates, is being conducted for NSIC in the year 2023, under the advertisements numbered NSIC/HR/SRD/1/2023 and NSIC/HR/E-0/AM/2/2023.

Recruitment OrganizationNational Small Industries Corporation Limited (NSIC)
Post NameAssistant Manager, General Manager, Dy. General Manager, Chief Manager & Deputy Manager
Advt No.NSIC/HR/SRD/1/2023, NSIC/HR/E-0/AM/2/2023
Salary/ Pay ScaleVarious Posts wise
Job LocationAcross India
Last Date to Apply29 September 2023
Mode of ApplyOnline
CategoryGovt jobs 2023
NSIC Recruitment 2023: Apply Online Today!!

NSIC Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

Special Recruitment Drive for  SC, ST, OBC & PWD candidates

PositionVacanciesCategories (OBC/SC/ST/PWD)Pay Scale
General Manager04OBC-03, ST-01E-5 ₹80,000-220,000
Deputy General Manager03OBC-02, ST-01E-4 ₹70,000-200,000
Deputy General Manager (Finance & Accounts)01SC-01E-4 ₹70,000-200,000
Chief Manager03OBC-01, SC-02E-3 ₹60,000-180,000
Chief Manager (Finance & Accounts)01OBC-01E-3 ₹60,000-180,000
Deputy Manager12OBC-06, SC-02, ST-04 (PWD-03)E-1 ₹40,000-140,000
Deputy Manager (Finance & Accounts)06OBC-03, SC-02, ST-01 (PWD-02)E-1 ₹40,000-140,000

Regular Recruitment

Assistant Manager: 51 vacancies (07-SC, 04-ST, 13-OBC, 05-EWS, 22-UR) (02-PWD), Pay Scale: E-0 level ₹30000-120000/-, Age: 28 years as of 29/09/2023

DepartmentNumber of Posts
Finance & Accounts19
Human Resource02
Business Development21
Law and Recovery02
Company Secretary01

Selection Process for NSIC Manager Recruitment 2023

Stages of Assessment:

  1. Written Examination
  2. Interview
  3. Document Verification

Application Fee for NSIC Jobs 2023

CategoryApplication Fee
General/OBC Candidates₹1500 per application
SC/ST/PWD/Women candidatesNo Application Fee
Departmental candidatesNo Application Fee

Exam Pattern

Written Test Details:

  • The Written Test will consist of Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs).
  • Each correct answer will carry 01 Mark, while there will be a penalty of 0.50 marks for each incorrect answer.
  • The duration of the question paper will be 60 minutes.
  • The Written Test will be conducted by NSIC in collaboration with a Government Agency.

Selection Process Overview:

  • The selection process comprises a Written Test (if specified) and a Personal Interview.
  • The Written Test will hold a 70% weightage in the overall assessment, while the Personal Interview will carry a 30% weightage.

How to Apply for NSIC Manager Vacancy Recruitment 2023?

Prospective candidates meeting the qualifications and requirements are encouraged to submit their applications online using the prescribed format, exclusively accessible on the NSIC website. The application window for the NSIC Manager Vacancy Recruitment 2023 will remain open from September 4, 2023, to September 29, 2023.

The hard copy of the online application form, along with the required documents, must be submitted no later than October 6, 2023, through Ordinary Post, Registered Post, Speed Post, Courier, or in person, to the following address:

Senior General Manager – Human Resources The National Small Industries Corporation Limited “NSIC Bhawan”, Okhla Industrial Estate New Delhi-110020

  • Review the eligibility criteria outlined in the NSIC Notification PDF for 2023.
  • Click on the provided Apply Online link or visit the NSIC website.
  • Complete the online application form.
  • Upload the necessary documents as specified.
  • Submit the applicable fees.
  • Print a copy of the completed application form.
  • Send the printed application form to the above address mention.

Details and Application Format

To access information and the online application form for the NSIC Manager Vacancy Recruitment in 2023, candidates are advised to visit the following website: https://nsic.co.in/Career/Careers.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

IDBI Recruitment 2023: Apply for 600 Junior Assistant Manager posts

IDBI Recruitment 2023: Apply for 600 Junior Assistant Manager posts

IDBI Recruitment 2023 (IDBI PGDBF 2023) – The IDBI Junior Assistant Manager Recruitment 2023 Notification is out for 600 vacancies. You can find more details here.


IDBI Bank is now accepting online applications in the specified format from qualified and motivated individuals for the Junior Assistant Manager Grade-O Recruitment program. This program offers a one-year Post Graduate Diploma in Banking and Finance (PGDBF), which includes 9 months of intensive classroom studies at our campus followed by a 3-month internship at IDBI Bank branches. This opportunity is for the year 2023 and is advertised under Advertisement No. 8/2023-24.

IDBI Bank is currently in the process of hiring Junior Assistant Managers for the year 2023 through the IDBI-PGDBF program. (Admissions for IDBI PGDBF – 2023-24)

Recruitment OrganizationIndustrial Development Bank of India (IDBI)
Post NameAssistant Manager Grade-A
Advt No.08/2023-24
Job LocationAll India
Last Date to Apply30 September 2023
Mode of ApplyOnline
CategoryIDBI Bank Assistant Manager Recruitment 2023
IDBI Recruitment 2023: Apply for 600 Junior Assistant Manager posts

IDBI PGDBF Programme – IDBI Recruitment 2023

IDBI Bank has partnered with Manipal Global Education Services Private Limited (Manipal) in Bengaluru and Nitte Education International Private Limited (NEIPL) in Greater Noida to offer comprehensive Banking and Finance training to prospective candidates aspiring to join IDBI Bank as Junior Assistant Manager Grade ‘O.’

Upon successful completion of this one-year program (consisting of 9 months of on-campus classroom studies and a 3-month internship), candidates will receive a PGDBF certificate and become eligible for recruitment as Junior Assistant Manager Grade ‘O’ in IDBI Bank, provided they meet the eligibility criteria. IDBI Bank has opened vacancies for the year 2023. The program fee for this course is ₹300,000/- (Rupees Three Lakh only), plus applicable GST.

IDBI Jr. Assistant Manager Recruitment 2023 vacancies

PositionJunior Assistant Manager Grade ‘O’
Total Seats/Vacancies600
Category-wise Breakdown– UR: 243 – EWS: 60 – OBC: 162 – SC: 90 – ST: 45 – PH: 51
Age Requirement20-25 years as of 31/08/2023
Stipend– During Training Period (9 Months): ₹5,000/- per month
– During Internship Period (3 Months): ₹15,000/- per month
Compensation (CTC)– Upon joining as Junior Assistant Manager: ₹6.14 lakh to ₹6.50 lakh (for Class A city)
QualificationA Graduate in any discipline from a recognized university

Selection Procedure for IDBI Junior Assistant Manager Recruitment 2023

The IDBI Assistant Manager selection process consists of an online written examination, followed by a personal interview (worth 100 marks). Below, you’ll find the exam pattern for the written test in the IDBI Assistant Manager Recruitment 2023:

  • Negative Marking: 1/4th deduction for each incorrect answer.
  • Time Duration: 2 Hours (composite).
  • Mode of Exam: Online (Computer-Based Test).
English Language4040
Quantitative Aptitude4040
General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness6060
Logical Reasoning, Data Analysis, Interpretation6060

This comprehensive table outlines the exam structure for the IDBI Assistant Manager Recruitment 2023, including the number of questions and marks allocated for each section.

Application Fee for IDBI Junior Assistant Manager Notification 2023

Application Fee₹1000/- (₹200/- for SC/ST/PWD)
Payment Methods– Debit Cards (RuPay/Visa/MasterCard/Maestro) / – Credit Cards / – Internet Banking / – IMPS / – Cash Cards / – Mobile Wallets
Payment ProcessPay online by providing the required information as prompted on the screen.

How to Apply for IDBI Bank Jr. Assistant Manager Recruitment 2023?

Qualified and motivated individuals and aspiring job candidates are encouraged to submit their applications online using the prescribed recruitment form on the IDBI Bank website. The application window for IDBI Bank Junior Assistant Manager through PGDBF Recruitment 2023 is open from 15/09/2023 to 30/09/2023.

Details and Online Application Format 

Please access https://www.idbibank.in/idbi-bank-careers-current-openings.aspx for comprehensive information regarding the IDBI Bank Junior Assistant Manager Recruitment 2023, including a direct link to submit your application online.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

RBI Assistant Recruitment 2023 - Apply online for 450 posts

RBI Assistant Recruitment 2023 – Apply Online for 450 Posts!

RBI Assistant Recruitment 2023- The RBI Assistant 2023 Notification PDF is now available for download on the official website as of September 13, 2023.


Online applications are now open for eligible candidates seeking to apply for 450 Sarkari Naukri vacancy positions as Assistants in the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) across various locations in India. This recruitment drive is exclusively for Indian citizens in the year 2023. Don’t miss this opportunity to secure an Assistant-2023 position with RBI.

OrganisationReserve Bank of India (RBI)
Exam LevelNational
Application ModeOnline
CategoryBank Jobs
Exam ModeOnline
Registration Dates13th September to 4th October 2023
Recruitment ProcessPrelims, Main Exams, Language Proficiency Test
Education QualificationGraduates or relevant degree
Age Limit20 years to 28 years
RBI Assistant SalaryRs. 45,050/-

RBI Assistant Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

PositionVacanciesCategory-wise BreakdownAgeQualificationPay Scale
Assistant450UR-241, EWS-37, OBC-71, SC-45, ST-56, PWD-68, Ex.SM-6520-28 years (as of 01/09/2023)At least a Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline with a minimum of 50% marks (pass class for SC/ST/PWD candidates) in the aggregate and knowledge of word processing on PC.₹20,700 – ₹55,700/-
RBI Assistant 2023: Vacancies 
Office Reserved Vacancies* PwBD# EXS
Kanpur & Lucknow12195285514(3)1(1)3(2)25
New Delhi1082172811(1)01(1)13
Thiruvananthapuram & Kochi01(1)41101602(1)01(1)12
Note: “The Bank reserves the right to increase/decrease the number of vacancies as per the requirement or not fill up the vacancies”.

Application Fee for RBI Assistant 2023 Notification

Application FeeGeneral/OBC CandidatesSC/ST/PWD Candidates
Fee Amount₹450 + 18% GST₹50 + 18% GST
Payment MethodOnline OnlyOnline Only

View – All open Bank Job vacancy in Government Sector

Selection process for RBI Assistant Vacancy 2023

Candidates will be selected through a process comprising preliminary examination, main examination, and a language proficiency test (LPT). These constitute the examination schemes.

Prelims (MCQs)

Name QuestionsMarksTime
English Language303020 minutes
Numerical Ability353520 minutes
Reasoning Ability353520 minutes

Mains (MCQs)

Test of Reasoning404030 minutes
Test of English Language404030 minutes
Test of Numerical Ability403030 minutes
Test of General Awareness404025 minutes
Test of Computer Knowledge404020 minutes

Language test

Successful candidates in the main examination will be required to participate in a language proficiency test, conducted in the official/local language(s) of the respective state. Please refer to the notification for additional details.

How to Apply for RBI Assistant Job Recruitment Examination 2023?

Prospective candidates who meet the required qualifications and attributes are encouraged to submit their applications online using the specified format, accessible on the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Recruitment website. The application window for the Assistant-2023 Job Vacancies in RBI will be open from September 13, 2023, to October 04, 2023.

  • Go to the official website.
  • On the homepage, find and click on ‘Current Vacancies,’ then select ‘Recruitment for the Post of Assistant – 2023.’
  • You’ll be taken to a new page; register and complete the application form.
  • Upload the necessary documents and complete the payment of the application fee.
  • Download and print a copy of the application form for your records.

View – All open Assistant Government Jobs

Details and Application format

For additional information and access to the online application format, please visit https://opportunities.rbi.org.in/Scripts/Vacancies.aspx for the RBI 2023 Assistant-2023 Vacancy Recruitment Examination.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

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Image of a job posting for UKPSC RO and ARO positions

UKPSC RO and ARO Recruitment 2023: Apply online for 137 vacancies

Uttarakhand Public Service Commission – UKPSC RO and ARO Recruitment 2023 for 137 Review Officer and Assistant Review Officer Posts


Looking for a promising government job opportunity in Uttarakhand? The Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UK PSC) in Haridwar, Uttarakhand, is excited to announce online applications from eligible Indian Nationals for 137 Group-B Employee category vacancies. These prestigious Sarkari Naukri positions include Review Officer and Assistant Review Officer roles, and they will be filled through the upcoming Review Officer Recruitment Exam 2023.

If you’re aspiring to join the government workforce in Uttarakhand in the year 2023, this is a golden opportunity. The recruitment drive, advertised as Advt. No. A-1/E-3/DR(RO/ARO)/2023, spans various departments within the state. Don’t miss out on this chance to secure a stable and rewarding career with the Uttarakhand Public Service Commission. Apply now in the prescribed format and embark on your journey towards a bright future.

OrganizationUttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC)
Post NameReview Officer (RO) and Assistant Review Officer (ARO)
Advt No.A-1/E-3/DR(RO/ARO)/2023
CategoryGovt Jobs
Mode of ApplicationOnline
Registration Dates08th to 29th September 2023
Selection ProcessPreliminary Examination
Mains Examination
Typing test
Job LocationUttarakhand
UKPSC RO and ARO Recruitment 2023: Apply online for 137 vacancies

UKPSC RO and ARO Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

PositionVacanciesDepartmentPay ScaleAge Limit
Review Officer53Uttarakhand SecretariatPay Level-8 ₹47,600-₹1,51,10021-42 years
Review Officer08Uttarakhand Public Service CommissionPay Level-8 ₹47,600-₹1,51,10021-42 years
Review Officer08Office of Revenue BoardPay Level-8 ₹47,600-₹1,51,10021-42 years
Assistant Review Officer60Uttarakhand SecretariatPay Level-7 ₹44,900-₹1,42,40021-42 years
Assistant Review Officer02Uttarakhand Public Service CommissionPay Level-7 ₹44,900-₹1,42,40021-42 years
Assistant Review Officer06Office of Revenue BoardPay Level-7 ₹44,900-₹1,42,40021-42 years
Post NameDepartmentCategory Total
Review Officer (RO)Uttarakhand Secretariat3904050553
Uttrakhand Public Service Commission0401020108
Revenue Council Office05010208
Assistant Review Officer (ARO)Uttarakhand Secretariat271101150660
Uttrakhand Public Service Commission0202
Revenue Council Office04010106

Selection Process

The UKPCS RO ARO Exam selection process typically consists of three stages, and candidates should prepare thoroughly for each of them. These stages are:

  1. Preliminary Examination
  2. Mains Examination
  3. Typing Test

Application Fee

CategoryOnline Application Fee
General, OBC, and EWS candidatesRs 222.30
SC and ST candidatesRs 102.30
PH (divyang) candidatesRs 22.30

How to Apply UKPSC Review Officer Exam 2023? 

Prospective candidates who meet the eligibility criteria are encouraged to submit their applications online using the prescribed format, which can be accessed exclusively on the Uttarakhand PSC website. The application window for the Uttarakhand PSC Review Officer Recruitment Exam 2023 will be open from 08/09/2023 to 29/09/2023.

  • Begin by visiting the official UKPSC website.
  • Locate the registration link and click on it. Provide your basic information such as your name, email, and mobile number to create your account.
  • Log in using the credentials you just created and proceed to fill out the online application form. Make sure to input your personal, educational, and other necessary details accurately.
  • Upload scanned copies of essential documents, including your photograph and signature, ensuring they meet the specified format and size requirements.
  • Complete the application process by making the required payment based on your category, utilizing the provided online payment options. Be sure to retain the payment receipt for future reference.
  • Before final submission, carefully review your application form for any errors. Once you are confident in its accuracy, submit it. After submission, don’t forget to take a printout of the application form for your records.

View Also – Latest Government Jobs in Uttarakhand

Details and online application submission

For comprehensive information, including the syllabus and application submission for the Uttarakhand PSC Review Officer Recruitment Exam 2023, please visit https://psc.uk.gov.in/candidate-corner/recruitment.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

SBI Apprentice Recruitment 2023 Banner Image

SBI Apprentice Recruitment 2023: Apply for 6160 Vacancies Now!

SBI Apprentice Recruitment 2023: 6160 golden opportunities to kickstart your career in banking.


State Bank of India (SBI) has released a notification for recruiting Apprentices Trainees under the Apprentice Act 1961 (as per the latest amendments) for the year 2023. The advertisement reference is CRPD/APPR/2023-24/17.

The Central Recruitment & Promotion Department (CRPD) of the State Bank of India (SBI) is now accepting online applications from eligible Indian citizens for the Apprenticeship program. Candidates are allowed to apply for apprenticeship opportunities in only one state, and each candidate can participate in the examination process just once within this particular engagement project.

OrganizationState Bank of India (SBI)
Advertisement No.CRPD/APPR/2023-24/17
CategoryGovt Jobs
Mode of ApplicationOnline
Online Registration Dates1st to 21st September 2023
Selection ProcessComputer-based online exam and local language test
SalaryRs. 15,000/-
Duration of Apprenticeship1 year
SBI Apprentice Recruitment 2023: Apply for 6160 Vacancies Now!

SBI Apprentice Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

CategoryVacanciesAge (as of 01/08/2023)QualificationStipend
Apprentices Trainees6160 20-28 yearsGraduation from a recognized University/ Institute₹15,000/- per month
SBI Apprentice Vacancy 2023: Category-Wise
Total Vacancies6160 Posts

Application Fee for SBI Apprentice 2023

Application FeePayment MethodFee Exemption
₹750/-Online Payment (Debit Card/ Credit Card/ Internet Banking)No fee for SC/ST/PWD candidates

Candidates are required to pay a fee of ₹750/- for their application, and this fee can be paid online using various methods, including Debit Card, Credit Card, and Internet Banking. However, please note that there is no application fee for candidates belonging to the SC/ST/PWD categories.

Selection Process for SBI Apprentice Vacancies 2023

The selection process will rely on an Online Test, which is expected to take place exclusively in the month of October/November 2023.

View Also – Government Jobs for IT Professionals

How to Apply for SBI Apprentices Vacancies 2023? 

Prospective candidates who meet the required qualifications and attributes are encouraged to submit their applications online in the prescribed format for the SBI Apprentices Vacancy Recruitment 2023 on the SBI website. The online application window will be open from 01/09/2023 to 21/09/2023 exclusively.

  • Step 1: Visit the official SBI Careers website.
  • Step 2: Scroll down the page and click on “Current Openings,” then select “ENGAGEMENT OF APPRENTICES UNDER THE APPRENTICES ACT, 1961.” Finally, click on “Apply Online.”
  • Step 3: To begin your registration process for the SBI Apprentice Exam, click on “New Registration” at the top-right corner of the provided link’s homepage.
  • Step 4: Start your SBI Apprentice application by entering your basic information, including your name, contact number, email address, and address. After filling in the details, click on the “Save and Next” button.
  • Step 5: Upload the required documents, including the handwritten declaration, photograph, and signature, in the specified format provided by the State Bank of India.
  • Step 6: Enter your academic details in this section of the online application process. Once completed, click on the “Save and Next” button.
  • Step 7: Preview your application form and make the payment of your application fee through the online payment options, which include Credit Card, Debit Card, or Net Banking.
  • Step 8: Finally, click on the “Submit” button to complete your application process.

See Also – All open Government Jobs in the Banking sector

Details and Application Format

For detailed information and access to the online application format, kindly visit the SBI website’s Recruitment page at https://www.sbi.co.in/careers/ongoing-recruitment.html or https://bank.sbi/careers/ specifically for the SBI Apprentices Vacancy Recruitment 2023.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

SSC CPO 2023

SSC CPO Recruitment 2023: Apply Now for Sub-Inspector Posts in Delhi Police and CAPFs

SSC CPO Recruitment 2023 – Sub-Inspector in Delhi Police and Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) Recruitment Examination 2023 by Staff Selection Commission (SSC)


The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has announced the commencement of the much-awaited open Competitive Computer Based Examination 2023. This examination is specifically held for the purpose of recruiting candidates for various prestigious Government Jobs (Sarkari Naukri) in the capacity of Sub-Inspectors (SI) within the esteemed Delhi Police and Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs). The CAPFs encompass well-known organizations such as the Border Security Force (BSF), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP), and Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB). Scheduled to take place in October 2023, the examination presents a remarkable opportunity for aspirants seeking a rewarding career in the government sector. SSC has already begun accepting online applications for the recruitment of Sarkari Naukri Vacancies of Sub-Inspectors in CAPF and Delhi Police for the year 2023. Prospective candidates are urged to apply using the prescribed format and seize the chance to secure a promising future in these esteemed law enforcement agencies.

OrganisationStaff Selection Commission (SSC)
PostsSub-Inspector (Executive) in Delhi Police and Sub-Inspector (GD) in CAPF
Exam NameSSC CPO 2023
CategoryLatest Jobs
Total Vacancies1876
Application ModeOnline
SSC CPO Online Registration22th July to 13th August 2023
Registration LinkGiven Below
Eligibility10th pass, 18 to 27 years
SalaryRs. 35400-112400/- (Level-6)
SSC CPO Recruitment 2023: Apply Now for Sub-Inspector Posts in Delhi Police and CAPFs

SSC CPO Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

  • Sub-Inspector (GD) in CAPFs: 1714 Vacancies classified as Group-B in the Pay Scale: Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400/- of 7th CPC pay index, Age: 20-25 years as on 01/08/2023
    • CRPF-818
    • BSF-113
    • ITBP-63
    • CISF-630
    • SSB-90
Sub Inspector in Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF)
BSF (Male)431129160810711311
BSF (Female)0201020106
CISF (Male)23156153854256763063
CISF (Female)260617090563
CRPF (Male)319792131185978881882
CRPF (Female)120308050230
ITBP (Male)2110130703546306
ITBP (Female)0402020109
SSB (Male)3809251102859009
Total (Male)65216543323711416011714171
Sub Inspector (Exe.) in Delhi Police- Male
Ex-Servicemen (Special Category)020103
Departmental Candidates040301020111
Sub Inspector (Exe.) in Delhi Police- Female

Qualification for SSC CAPF Delhi Police Sub-Inspector Recruitment 2023

Educational Qualification for all posts is a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university or equivalent.

Selection Process for SSC CPO Recruitment

The Selection Process for SSC CPO Vacancy 2023 includes the following Stages:

  • Tier-I CBT Written Exam
  • Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
  • Tier-II CBT Written Exam
  • Document Verification
  • Medical Examination

Application Fee

CategoryApplication Fee
GeneralRs 100/-
OBCRs 100/-
SCRs 100/-
STRs 100/-
EWSRs 100/-
PwDRs 100/-

Exam Pattern for SSC CPO Vacancy

  1. Questions asked in both paper-1 and paper-2 of SSC CPO 2023 will be of Objective Multiple Choice Type.
  2. Questions asked in Paper 1 will be bilingual, i.e. in both Hindi and English while questions in Paper 2 will be only in English language.
  3. 0.25 marks will be deducted for each incorrect answer marked by a candidate for both Paper 1 & 2.
SSC CPO Paper 1 Exam Pattern 2023
SubjectsNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
General Intelligence & Reasoning50502 hours
General Knowledge5050
Quantitative Aptitude5050 
English Comprehension5050
SSC CPO Paper 1 Exam Pattern 2023
SubjectsNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
English language & Comprehension2002002 hours

How to Apply SSC CAPF Delhi Police Sub-Inspector Recruitment 2023?

Suitable and desirable candidates should Apply Online in prescribed format at SSC Recruitment website from 22/07/2023 to 15/08/2023 for SSC Sub-Inspector Recruitment 2023: Delhi Police & CAPF Examination Details.

  • Go to the official website.
  • Click on the “Apply” button.
  • Select “CPO Recruitment 2023” or “SI Recruitment” button.
  • Create a Registration ID and proceed to the application form.
  • Fill in basic details like Name, Mother’s Name, Father’s Name, Qualification, and Age.
  • Upload your Signature, Marksheet, and Photograph.
  • Submit the application form.
  • Pay the Registration Fees.
  • Take a printout of your application for future reference.

View – All Government Jobs by Central SSC and State SSC

Details and Online Submission of Application

For further details like the scheme of examination, syllabus, application form etc. SSC CAPF Delhi Police Sub-Inspector Recruitment 2023, view a detailed document and apply online with details at https://ssc.nic.in

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

India Post Payments Bank IT Officer Recruitment 2023

IPPB Recruitment 2023 for IT Officer: Eligibility, Salary, and Application Process

IPPB Recruitment 2023 is announced for the post of Executives (IT Officers). Aspirants can submit their application forms for IPPB Notification 2023 from 13 June 2023 to 03 July 2023, Apply now


India Post Payments Bank Limited (IPPB), a subsidiary of the Department of Post under the Ministry of Communication, is seeking applications from highly skilled and motivated Information Technology Professionals. This is an excellent opportunity to join IPPB on a Contract basis and contribute to their IT operations in Delhi and Chennai. The organization is currently recruiting 43 talented individuals for the position of Information Technology Officers for the year 2023. If you are passionate about IT and meet the eligibility requirements, we encourage you to apply online for these prestigious Executive Govt. Job vacancies. To begin the application process, please visit the official website of India Post Payments Bank. (Advertisement No.: IPPB/CO/HR/RECT./2023-24/01). Don’t miss out on this chance to be part of a dynamic and forward-thinking organization. Apply today! Selection will be made on the basis of the Interview. However, Bank reserves the right to conduct the assessment, Group Discussion, or Online Test in addition to the interview.

Organization NameIndian Post Payment Bank Limited
Post NameExecutive
No.of Posts43 Posts
Advertisement NumberIPPB/CO/HR/RECT./2023-24/01
Application Starting DateStarted
Application Closing Date3rd July 2023
Selection ProcessInterview, May Also conduct assessment, Group Discussion or Online Test
Job LocationNew Delhi & Chennai
Mode of ApplicationOnline
CategoryBank Jobs
IPPB Recruitment 2023 for IT Officer: Eligibility, Salary, and Application Process

IPPB Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

  1. Executive (Associate Consultant – IT): 30 vacancies (UR-13, EWS-03, OBC-08, SC-04, ST-02), Age: 24-40 years as of 01/05/2023, Experience: 01 year of post qualification experience, Remuneration: ₹10 Lakh CTC
  2. Executive (Consultant – IT): 10 vacancies (UR-06, EWS-01, OBC-02, SC-01), Age: 30-40 years as of 01/05/2023, Experience: 04 years of post qualification experience, Remuneration: ₹15 Lakh CTC
  3. Executive (Senior Consultant – IT): 03 vacancies (UR-03), Age: 35-45 years as of 01/05/2023, Experience: 06 years of post qualification experience, Remuneration: ₹25 Lakh CTC
Vacancy Details
Information Technology Officers (IT Officer)
Post NameTotalAge Limit (as on 01.05.2023)
Executive (Associate Consultant-IT)3024 to 40 years 
Executive (Consultant- IT)1030 to 40 Years
Executive (Senior Consultant-IT)0335 to 45 Years

Application Fee for India Post Payments Bank IT Officer Recruitment 2023

CategoryApplication FeePayment Mode
GeneralINR 750Debit/ Credit Card, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallet
SC/ST/PWDINR 150Debit/ Credit Card, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallet

How to Apply for India Post Payment Bank Senior Manager Vacancies 2023?

Suitable and Desirable candidates should Apply Online in the prescribed format available at the India Post Payments Bank recruitment page between 13/06/2023 and 03/07/2023 only for Senior IT Officers/Executive Vacancy Recruitment in India Post Payment Bank 2023.

  • Go to the IPPB website and scroll down to the Important Web-Links section.
  • Click on the Online Application Form link and complete the registration process.
  • In the next stage, click on the Online Application Form link and login.
  • Fill in your personal and educational details, and upload the necessary documents.
  • Pay the application fee as per your category and submit the form.
  • Print out the application form for future reference.

Details and online submission of application

Please visit the ‘Careers’ tab and then ‘Current Openings’ at the India Post Payments Bank recruitment website at https://www.ippbonline.com/web/ippb/current-openings for details and online submission of the application for IT Officers/Executive Consultant Vacancy Recruitment 2023 in India Post Payment Bank.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**