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NTPC recruitment 2022

NTPC EET Recruitment through GATE-2022 – Apply Online

NTPC Recruitment 2022 for 864 Executive Engineer Trainee (EET) Posts | Freshers Eligible – Check Detailed Notification


National Thermal Power Corporation Limited, a ‘Maharatna’ PSU and Government of India Enterprise, works to generate Electricity. NTPC has released a short notification for 864 vacancies for EETs.The NTPC recruitment through GATE 2022 is for E-1 grade pay. The complete NTPC recruitment overview is shared for candidates below in the table. (Advertisement No. 23/2022) 

NTPC EET Recruitment through GATE-2022 - Apply Online

NTPC Engineering Executive Trainee Recruitment 2022 vacancies

  • Engineering Executive Trainees (EET): 864 vacancies in various engineering disciplines mention below,  Recruitment through GATE-2022,  Age: 27 years, Qualification: : Full time Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology/AMIE with not less than 65% marks, as per respective Institute/University norms (55% for SC/ST/PwBD candidates). Candidates must have appeared for Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) – 2022, Pay Scale: E-1 ₹40000 -3% -140000.
    1. Electrical Engineering
    2. Mechanical Engineering
    3. Electronics Engineering
    4. Instrumentation Engineering
    5. Civil Engineering
    6. Mining Engineering

Candidates interested in joining NTPC as Engineering Executive Trainee in 2022 must have appeared for Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)-2022. Candidates will be selected based on the GATE-2022 performance.

See – Government Jobs for Engineering Graduates

Application Fee

CategoryApplication Fees
Male Candidates of General / EWS / OBC (NCL)Rs. 300/-
SC / ST / PwBD / XSM and All Category Female CandidatesNil

Selection Process

Candidates must have appeared for Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)-2022. Candidates will be selected based on the GATE-2022 performance.

How to Apply for NTPC Engineering Executive Trainee Recruitment through GATE 2022?  

Suitable and desirable engineer candidates should Apply Online in the prescribed format at the NTPC website from 28/10/2022 to 11/11/2022 with GATE-2022 score only for NTPC Engineering Executive Trainee Recruitment through GATE-2022.

  1. Visit the official website of NTPC
  2. Click on the ‘Online Application  Link’. Apply online for the post of EET-2022 with their GATE-2022 registration number
  3. Provide your details
  4. Take a printout of the application form

Details and application form

Please visit the NTPC recruitment website https://careers.ntpc.co.in/openings.php for more details and online submission of the application for Engineering Executive Trainee Recruitment 2022 through GATE-2022 in NTPC.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**