Tag Archives: DRDO Recruitment 2022

DRDO Recruitment 2022

DRDO DST ADA Scientist-B Vacancy Recruitment 2022 – Apply Now

DRDO Recruitment 2022: Apply for over 600 posts, direct link and other details here


Recruitment and Assessment Centre (RAC) of DRDO invites online applications in the prescribed format from Graduate Engineers and Post Graduates in Science including students who have appeared in their final year examination through the RAC website in various disciplines for recruitment to the Sarkari Government Naukri Vacancy posts of Scientist `B’ in Defence Research & Development Organization (DRDO), Department of Science and Technology (DST) and Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) for the candidates who are NET/GATE, qualified candidates. (Advertisement No. 140).

Recruitment is based on the valid score of GATE for some vacancies, a Descriptive Examination followed by an Interview for some posts. The Written Examination is likely to be held on 16th October 2022.

DRDO DST ADA Scientist-B Vacancy Recruitment 2022 - Apply Now

About DRDO/DST/ADA Scientist-B Recruitment 2022

RAC of Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), has invited Engineers and Scientist PG candidates for Scientist-B Vacancy Recruitment 2022 after a gap of 3 years. Along with the recruitment of Scientist-B in DRDO, RAC is also recruiting Scientist-B vacancies for ADA, Bengaluru, and the Department of Science & Technology (DST) for the year 2022.  

RAC DRDO/DST/ADA Scientist-B Recruitment 2022 Vacancies

  • Scientist ‘B’:  528 vacancies for DRDO, Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 of CPC Pay Matrix starting at ₹56100-177500, Age: 28 years for DRDO
    1. Electronics & Communication Engineering : 135 vacancies
    2. Mechanical Engineering: 132 vacancies
    3. Computer Science & Engineering: 104 vacancies
    4. Electrical Engineering: 25 vacancies
    5. Material Science & Engineering/ Metallurgical Engineering: 15 vacancies
    6. Physics: 24 vacancies
    7. Chemistry: 25 vacancies
    8. Chemical Engineering: 16 vacancies
    9. Aeronautical Engineering: 22 vacancies
    10. Mathematics: 07 vacancies
    11. Civil Engineering: 06 vacancies
    12. Instrumentation Engineering: 01 vacancies
    13. Material Science: 09 vacancies
    14. Naval Architecture: 03 vacancies
    15. Atmospheric Science: 01 vacancies
    16. Microbiology: 03 vacancies
    17. Biochemistry: 02 vacancies 
  • Scientist ‘B’: 43 vacancies for ADA, Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 of CPC Pay Matrix starting at ₹ 56100, Age: 30 years for ADA
    1. Electronics & Communication Engineering: 12 vacancies
    2. Mechanical Engineering: 17 vacancies
    3. Computer Science & Engineering: 04 vacancies
    4. Electrical Engineering: 02 vacancies
    5. Material Science & Engg/ Metallurgical Engg.: 01 vacancies
    6. Aeronautical Engg.: 07 vacancies
    7. Instrumentation Engg.: 01 vacancies
  • Scientist ‘B’: 08 vacancies for DST, Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 of CPC Pay Matrix starting at ₹56100, Age: 35 years for DST
    1. Electronics & Comm. Engg.: 02 vacancies
    2. Mechanical Engg.: 01 vacancies
    3. Computer Science & Engg. : 02 vacancies
    4. Electrical Engineering: 01 vacancies
    5. Chemical Engineering: 01 vacancies
    6. Environmental Science & Engineering: 01 vacancies 

Application Fee

₹ 100/- (No fee for SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates)  to be paid online for DRDO/DST/ADA  Engineer/Scientist-B Vacancy 2022.

Selection Process

Candidates applying for the posts in the DRDO will be shortlisted on the basis of their GATE scores and/or Written Examination. Shortlisted candidates will then have appear  in a personal interview round.

The Written Examination will consist of two papers of 300 marks each. The exam will be conducte  in two sessions for a duration of three hours each. The exam tentatively will be held on October 16, 2022.

The Examination is scheduled to be conducted at DRDO centres in seven cities (Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kanpur, Kolkata, and Pune) as well as at other common centres, if the need arises.

How to Apply for DRDO/DST/ADA Engineer/Scientist-B Vacancy 2022?

Suitable and desirable aspirants should Apply Online in the prescribed recruitment form at DRDO RAC website only for DRDO/DST/ADA Engineer/Scientist-B Recruitment 2022 from 07/07/2022 to 29/07/2022 Extended up to 05/08/2022 only.

  • Go to the official website of RAC
  • Click on the Apply Online option given under “Recruitment of Scientists ‘B’ in DRDO/ADA/DST (579/43/8) vacancies.”
  • Fill the application form.
  • Upload the necessary documents.
  • Pay the application fee.
  • Download the application form and take a printout of it for future reference.

See Also – Government Jobs for Engineers

Detailed Information on the DRDO RAC website

Please visit https://rac.gov.in for complete details for DRDO/DST/ADA Engineer/Scientist-B Recruitment 2022 and a link to apply online for DRDO/ADA/DST Engineer/Scientist-B vacancies 2022.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

DRDO Scientist B Vacancy 2022

DRDO Scientist B Recruitment 2022 Apply Online 630 Vacancies

RAC DRDO Scientist B Recruitment 2022 [630] Posts] Notification Released, Apply Online


Recruitment and Assessment Centre (RAC) of DRDO invites online applications in the prescribed format from Graduate Engineers and Post Graduates in Science including students who have appeared in their final year examination through the RAC website in various disciplines for recruitment to the Government Naukri Vacancy posts of Scientist `B’ in Defence Research & Development Organization (DRDO), Department of Science and Technology (DST) and Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) for the candidates who are NET/GATE, qualified candidates. (Advertisement No. 140). Recruitment is based on the valid score of GATE for some vacancies, a Descriptive Examination followed by Interview for some posts. The Written Examination is likely to be held on 16th October, 2022.

DRDO Scientist B Recruitment 2022 Apply Online 630 Vacancies

About DRDO/DST/ADA Scientist-B Recruitment 2022

RAC of Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), has invited Engineers and Scientist PG candidates for Scientist-B Vacancy Recruitment 2022 after a gap of 3 years. Along with the recruitment of Scientist-B in DRDO, RAC is also recruiting Scientist-B vacancies for ADA, Bengaluru, and the Department of Science & Technology (DST) for the year 2022. 

  • The Written Examination will consist of two papers of 300 marks each. The syllabus of the examination (downloadable from RAC website) is similar to the Engineering Services Examination (Main) in the relevant discipline conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). The examination will be administered in a paper-based format.
  • The exam will be conducted in two sessions and the duration of exam is three hours each.
  • Tentatively, the Written Examination will be conducted at DRDO centres in seven cities (Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kanpur, Kolkata, and Pune) as well as at other common centres, if the need arises. Candidates are required to indicate their first and second preference of examination centre in the online application from among the listed centres.

RAC DRDO/DST/ADA Scientist-B Recruitment 2022 Vacancies

  • Scientist ‘B’:  528 vacancies for DRDO, Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 of CPC Pay Matrix starting at ₹56100-177500, Age: 28 years for DRDO
    1. Electronics & Communication Engineering : 135 vacancies
    2. Mechanical Engineering: 132 vacancies
    3. Computer Science & Engineering: 104 vacancies
    4. Electrical Engineering: 25 vacancies
    5. Material Science & Engineering/ Metallurgical Engineering: 15 vacancies
    6. Physics: 24 vacancies
    7. Chemistry: 25 vacancies
    8. Chemical Engineering: 16 vacancies
    9. Aeronautical Engineering: 22 vacancies
    10. Mathematics: 07 vacancies
    11. Civil Engineering: 06 vacancies
    12. Instrumentation Engineering: 01 vacancies
    13. Material Science: 09 vacancies
    14. Naval Architecture: 03 vacancies
    15. Atmospheric Science: 01 vacancies
    16. Microbiology: 03 vacancies
    17. Biochemistry: 02 vacancies 
  • Scientist ‘B’: 43 vacancies for ADA, Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 of CPC Pay Matrix starting at ₹ 56100, Age: 30 years for ADA
    1. Electronics & Communication Engineering: 12 vacancies
    2. Mechanical Engineering: 17 vacancies
    3. Computer Science & Engineering: 04 vacancies
    4. Electrical Engineering: 02 vacancies
    5. Material Science & Engg/ Metallurgical Engg.: 01 vacancies
    6. Aeronautical Engg.: 07 vacancies
    7. Instrumentation Engg.: 01 vacancies
  • Scientist ‘B’: 08 vacancies for DST, Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 of CPC Pay Matrix starting at ₹56100, Age: 35 years for DST
    1. Electronics & Comm. Engg.: 02 vacancies
    2. Mechanical Engg.: 01 vacancies
    3. Computer Science & Engg. : 02 vacancies
    4. Electrical Engineering: 01 vacancies
    5. Chemical Engineering: 01 vacancies
    6. Environmental Science & Engineering: 01 vacancies 
Post NameVacancyMax Age
Scientist B (DRDO)579 (UR-214, SC- 98, ST-51, OBC-163, EWS-53)28 Yrs
Scientist B (ADA)43 (UR-19, SC-6, ST-3, OBC-11, EWS-4)30 Yrs
Scientist B (DST)8 (UR-3, SC-2, ST-2, OBC-1)35 Yrs

Application Fee  

₹ 100/- (No fee for SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates)  to be paid online for DRDO/DST/ADA  Engineer/Scientist-B Vacancy 2022.

How to Apply for DRDO/DST/ADA Engineer/Scientist-B Vacancy 2022? 

Suitable and desirable aspirants should Apply Online in the prescribed recruitment form at DRDO RAC website only for DRDO/DST/ADA Engineer/Scientist-B Recruitment 2022 from 07/07/2022 to 29/07/2022 only.

  1. Visit the official website.
  2. On the homepage, on the left-hand side the apply button will be visible
  3. Click on it and fill in the details
  4. Proceed to the payment gateway
  5. Then submit the form

Candidates are advised to keep a check on the website and download the forms once submitted and keep a copy.

Detailed Information on DRDO RAC website

Please visit https://rac.gov.in for complete details for DRDO/DST/ADA Engineer/Scientist-B Recruitment 2022 and a link to apply online for DRDO/ADA/DST Engineer/Scientist-B vacancies 2022. 

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

DRDO RAC Recruitment 2022

DRDO RAC Scientist Vacancy Recruitment 2022 – Apply Online

Recruitment of Scientists Vacancy in DRDO by RAC 2022. The recruitment drive will fill a total of 58 Scientist Vacancies in DRDO.


DRDO RAC Recruitment 2022 of Scientists: Defence Research & Development Organization (DRDO), Recruitment and Assessment Centre (RAC), Delhi invites online recruitment applications for the post of Scientists in various grades under various Science and Engineering disciplines. The last date for registration of online applications is 28th June 2022.(Advertisement No. 139)

Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), India’s premier Defence R&D organization employs bright, qualified and competent scientists in Group ‘A’ (Gazetted) technical service known as Defence Research & Development Service (DRDS). DRDO has come up with the Recruitment 2022 for Engineers as Scientists for the year 2022 after 2-3 years for its various laboratories/establishments located across the country.

DRDO RAC Scientist Vacancy Recruitment 2022

RAC DRDO Engineer/Scientist Recruitment 2022 Vacancies

  • Scientist ‘F’:  03 vacancies in various disciplines, Pay Scale: Level-13A of CPC Pay Matrix ₹131100-216600/-, Age: 50 years
  • Scientist ‘E’:  06 vacancies in various disciplines, Pay Scale: Level-13 of CPC Pay Matrix ₹123100-215900/-, Age: 45 years for DRDO
  • Scientist ‘D’:  15 vacancies in various disciplines, Pay Scale: Level-12 of CPC Pay Matrix ₹78800-209200/-, Age: 45 years
  • Scientist ‘C’:  34 vacancies in various disciplines, Pay Scale: Level-11 of CPC Pay Matrix ₹67700-208700/-, Age: 35 years 

Application Fee 

₹ 100/- (No fee for SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates)  to be paid online for DRDO  Engineer/Scientist-B Vacancy 2020.

How to Apply DRDO RAC Scientist Recruitment?

Eligible Candidates are required to register online at the RAC website. On successful registration, the candidates may login before the closing date of the advertisement to fill the application form online. The candidates are required to upload all required documents:-

(1) Self attested certificates/ testimonials regarding Date of Birth, Essential and Higher qualification along with mark-sheets, caste, ex-servicemen,
Disability certificate (wherever applicable), employment etc.
(2) Experience claimed in the column pertaining to employment history of online application, document/certificate in support of all pay drawn.
(3) A recent passport size colour photograph (size not exceeding 30 KB; resolution of 110 x 140 pixels).
(4) Scanned sample of candidate’s signature.

Suitable and desirable candidates should Apply Online in the prescribed format at the DRDO RAC website only for DRDO Engineer/Scientist Recruitment 2022 from 01/06/2022 to 28/06/2022 only.

Detailed Information on the DRDO RAC website

Please visit https://rac.gov.in for complete details for DRDO Engineer/Scientist Recruitment 2022 and a link to apply online for DRDO Engineer/Scientist vacancies 2022.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


DRDO Scientists Recruitment 2022 – Apply Online

Defense Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has released  58 Vacancies for Scientists in Various Sectors in the Recruitment and Assessment Centre(RAC). Job seekers must apply before the deadline and be a part of DRDO Jobs 2022


The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), through the Recruitment and Assessment Centre (RAC), Lucknow, has invited online applications from qualified and interested candidates for filling Fifty-Eight (58) vacancies to the post of Scientist ‘F’, Scientist ‘E’, Scientist ‘D’ and Scientist ‘C‘ in DRDO through direct recruitment. Interested Candidates may apply for DRDO Recruitment 2022 through Online mode only which starts from 28/05/2022 and ends on 23/06/2022.

DRDO Scientists Recruitment 2022

DRDO RAC Scientist Vacancy 2022 Details

TradeNo. of Vacancies
Scientist F03
Scientist E06
Scientist D15
Scientist C34

DRDO Scientist Application Fee:

  • Application Fee is Rs. 100.
  • No fee for SC/ ST/ Divyang/ Women candidates.
  • Payment Mode: Online Mode.

DRDO Recruitment For Scientist Jobs Salary details:

S.NoVacancy NamePay Scale
1.Scientist ‘F’Rs.1,31,100/-
2.Scientist ‘E’Rs.1,23,100/-
3.Scientist ‘D’Rs.78,800/-
4.Scientist ‘B’Rs.67,700/-

Important Dates

  • Starting Date for Submission of Application : 26th May 2022
  • Last Date for Submission of Application : 22nd June 2022

Eligibility Criteria for DRDO RAC Scientist Recruitment Process 2022

Applicants who are willing to apply for DRDO Scientist Jobs can check the eligibility details on this webpage.

DRDO Scientist Educational Qualification:

Post NameQualification and Experience
Scientist ‘F’At least First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology in Mechanical/Aeronautical/ Applied Optics/ Optical Engineering or First Class M.Sc./M.Sc. (Tech) in Applied Optics/Photonics from a recognized university or equivalent. Minimum 13 years experience is required.
Scientist ’E’At least First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology in Mechanical/Production/ Production & Industrial Engg/ Aeronautical/ Aerospace / Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding / Electronics/Electrical/ Electrical & Electronics / Electronics & Communication / Electronics & Telecommunication / Electronics & Control / Electronics & Instrumentation/ Instrumentation/ Instrumentation & Control Engineering from a recognized university or equivalent. Minimum 10 years experience is required.
Scientist ‘D’At least First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology in Mechanical/Production/ Production & Industrial Engg/ Aeronautical/ Aerospace/ Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering / Electronics and Communication Engineering / Chemistry/ Electronics and Electrical Communication/ Chemical Engineering from a recognized university or equivalent. At least First Class Master’s Degree in Physics/ Radiation Physics from a recognized university or equivalent. At least First Class M.Sc. in Physics/Chemistry/Material Science from a recognized university or equivalent Minimum 7 Years experience is required.
Scientist ‘C’At least First Class Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology in Electronics Engg./Electronics & Communication/ Applied Physics/ Computer Science/ Electrical & Electronics Engg./ Mechanical / Electrical & Power Engg/ Power Systems Engg. from a recognized University or equivalent. At least First Class Master’s Degree in Mathematics/ Polymer Science/ Chemistry/Physics/ Oceanography/ Marine Geology/Marine Geophysics from a recognized University or Equivalent At least First Class M.Sc. in Physics/Chemistry/Material Science from a recognized university or equivalent. Minimum 3 years experience is required

DRDO Scientist Age Limit:

  • ‘F’ Scientist : not exceeding 50 years.
  •  ‘D’/‘E’ Scientist: not exceeding 45 years.
  •  ‘C’ Scientist: not exceeding 35 years

DRDO Scientist Selection Process:

Selection of Candidates for the posts will be done as per following rules:

  • On the basis of educational qualifications and / experience higher than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement duly supported by the Documentary evidence.
  • Relevance of experience as filled in application by candidates.
  • On the basis of Desirable Qualification (DQ), if more than one DQ is prescribed, on any one or all of the DQs.
  • By holding a Screening Committee Meeting consisting of Technical Experts from Industry.

In case, the no. of candidates shortlisted in accordance to any of above mentioned methods is large, then further shortlisting may be carried out by conducting a Preliminary Online Interview of short duration (10-15 minutes).

Preliminary Online InterviewThe number of candidates shortlisted for Preliminary Online Interview are

For one PostUpto 24 Candidates
For 2-3 PostsUpto 48 Candidates
For 4-6 PostsUpto 72 Candidates

Based upon the performance in the Preliminary Online Interview, candidates will be shortlisted for the Final Personal Interview.

For one PostUpto 12 Candidates
For 2-3 PostsUpto 24 Candidates
For 4-6 PostsUpto 36 Candidates

The final selection of candidates will be purely on the basis of merit of marks scored by a candidate in the final personal interview only. The candidates must score a minimum of 75% marks (i.e. 75 out of 100) for all Vacancies in the Final Personal Interview for consideration of selection.

How to apply for DRDO RAC Scientist Jobs 2022?

  1. Visit the DRDO official website @ rac.gov.in.
  2. Then the homepage will appear on the screen
  3. Check the Careers link and click on it
  4. Find out Scientist Vacancy Official Notification: Click Here
  5. Download the Advertisement and read it carefully
  6. If eligible, download the application form
  7. Fill out the application form as required
  8. Attach all necessary documents and photographs
  9. At last click on submit button to complete DRDO Scientist Recruitment 2022 Process.
  10. Most Importantly Capture the Application Number or Request number for further reference

Required Documents:

  • Passport size photograph.
  • Proof of Date of Birth.
  • Essential and Higher qualification certificate.
  • Mark-sheets.
  • Caste certificate.
  • Ex-servicemen Certificate.
  • Scanned sample of candidate’s signature.
  • Experience Certificate.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***