Tag Archives: Diploma Engineer Vacancies

Diploma Engineer Recruitment 2023

PGCIL Recruitment 2023 for Diploma Engineer – Apply Now

PGCIL Recruitment 2023: Apply for Diploma Trainee Positions in Electrical, Civil, and Electronics Disciplines


The Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) is welcoming online applications for the recruitment of Diploma Engineers to join as Diploma Trainees (DT) in Electrical (EE), Civil (CE), and Electronics (EC) disciplines. This recruitment drive is part of the regional recruitment scheme for various regions and Corporate Telecom Departments of PGCIL for the year 2023, advertised under Advt. No. CC/06/2023.

If you’re a bright, committed, and energetic Diploma Engineer, this is your opportunity to join PGCIL. We invite you to apply online in the prescribed format for various Diploma Engineer Trainee positions for the year 2023.

PGCIL Recruitment 2023 for Diploma Engineer - Apply Now
Recruitment OrganizationPowergrid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL)
Post NameDiploma Trainee
Advt No.Advt. No. CC/06/2023
Salary/ Pay ScaleRs. 27500/-
Job LocationAll India
Last Date to Apply23 September 2023
Mode of ApplyOnline
CategoryPGCIL Diploma Trainee Notification 2023

PGCIL Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

PositionVacanciesReservationPayAge LimitQualification
Diploma Trainee425UR-214, EWS-38, OBC-82, SC-67, ST-24, PWD-32, Ex.SM-38, DEx-SM-12₹27,500/- per month (Stipend during training)27 years as of 23/09/2023Full-Time Regular Three Years Diploma in relevant disciplines Electrical/Electronics/Civil engineering from recognized Technical Board / Institute with Minimum 70% marks
RegionStates/UTs CoveredVacanciesDisciplines
Northern Region-I (NR-I)Delhi, Rajasthan, Part of Uttar Pradesh, Part of Haryana, Part of Uttarakhand85 (Electrical-71, Civil-14)Electrical, Civil
Northern Region-II (NR-II)Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Part of Haryana, UT of J&K, UT of Ladakh, UT of Chandigarh15 (Electrical-12, Civil-03)Electrical, Civil
Northern Region-III (NR-III)Part of Uttarakhand, Part of Uttar Pradesh, Part of Madhya Pradesh50 (Electrical-42, Civil-08)Electrical, Civil
Eastern Region-I (ER-I)Bihar, Jharkhand35 (Electrical-30, Civil-05)Electrical, Civil
Eastern Region-II (ER-II)West Bengal, Sikkim20 (Electrical-16, Civil-04)Electrical, Civil
Southern Region-I (SR-I)Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Part of Karnataka47 (Electrical-38, Civil-07, Electronics-02)Electrical, Civil, Electronics
Southern Region-II (SR-II)Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Part of Karnataka48 (Electrical-40, Civil-05, Electronics-03)Electrical, Civil, Electronics
Western Region-I (WR-I)Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Part of Madhya Pradesh40 (Electrical-35, Civil-05)Electrical, Civil
Western Region-II (WR-II)Gujarat, Part of Madhya Pradesh, Part of Maharashtra, UT of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu44 (Electrical-35, Civil-07, Electronics-02)Electrical, Civil, Electronics
Odisha ProjectOdisha11 (Electrical-8, Civil-3)Electrical, Civil
Corporate CentreGurugram, Manesar, Delhi14 (Electrical-5, Civil-4, Electronics-4)Electrical, Civil, Electronics

Application Fee for Power Grid Diploma Engg. Trainee Recruitment 2023

Application FeePayment MethodExemption
₹300/-Online PaymentSC/ST/PWD/Ex-SM candidates are exempted from application fees.

Selection Process for PGCIL Diploma Trainee Recruitment 2023

The selection process will involve a Computer-Based Written Test for eligible candidates. The evaluation of applications will be based on the Job Specification, Relaxation, and Concession criteria as outlined in the uploaded documents.

The Written Test will be of an Objective Type format, lasting for two hours. It will consist of two parts:

  1. Part-I: Technical Knowledge Test (TKT) comprising 120 questions, each with four answer options. This section will feature specific questions from the respective discipline.
  2. Part-II: Supervisory Aptitude Test (SAT) comprising 50 questions on vocabulary, verbal comprehension, quantitative aptitude, reasoning ability, data sufficiency and interpretation, numerical ability, and more.

Apply Online for PGCIL Diploma Engg. Trainee Recruitment 2023

Prospective candidates who meet the necessary qualifications and criteria are encouraged to apply online in the specified format exclusively on the Power Grid Corporation website. The application window for Diploma Engineer Trainee Vacancy Recruitment in Power Grid 2023 will be open from 01/09/2023 to 23/09/2023.

  1. Review eligibility criteria outlined in the PGCIL Diploma Trainee Notification 2023.
  2. Click on the provided Apply Online Link or visit powergrid.in.
  3. Complete the application form.
  4. Upload the necessary documents.
  5. Submit the application fee.
  6. Print a copy of the completed Application Form for your records.

Details and Application Format

For detailed information and to access the online application for the Diploma Engineer Trainee Vacancy Recruitment in Power Grid 2023, please visit the Power Grid website at https://www.powergrid.in. Navigate to ‘Careers,’ then ‘Job Opportunities,’ and select ‘Openings’ for regional openings.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**