DTC Has released the notification of Section Officer, Assistant Foremen, Assistant Fitter and Assistant Electrician Contract Based Jobs. Read the advertisement for eligibility, age limit, selection procedure, syllabus, pay scale and other information in recruitment.
Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) wishes to recruit Indian Nationals (Male & Female) who meet the requirements stipulated herein, for various government job vacancy posts to be posted at the various stations on a Fixed Term Contract basis for one year initially which may be renewed subject to their performance and the requirements of the DTC for the year 2022. Any candidate who is interested in the recruitment of Delhi and fulfills the eligibility can apply online.
DTC Contract Job Recruitment 2020 Vacancies
Advertisement No. 01/2022
Section Officer (Civil): 08 vacancies, Pay: Consolidated ₹35400/- plus DA @31% (changes frequently) plus PF @12%, Age: 35 years, Qualification: 3 years Diploma in Civil Engineering with at least one year experience or one-year training as a Diploma holder Apprentice.
Advertisement No. 02/2022
Section Officer (Electrical): 02 vacancies, Pay: Consolidated ₹35400/- plus DA @31% (changes frequently) plus PF @12%, Age: 35 years, Qualification: 3 years Diploma in Electrical Engineering with at least one year experience of Electrical installation in building.
Advertisement No. PLD-IV/R&M/20221776
Assistant Foreman (R&M) : 112 vacancies, Pay: Consolidated ₹46374/-, Age : 18-35 years years, Qualification: 3 years Diploma in Automobile or Mechanical or Electrical Engineering with two years experience.
Assistant Fitter (R&M): 175 vacancies, Pay : Consolidated ₹17693/-, Age : 18-25 years, Should have ITI in the trade of Mechanic (MV)/Diesel/Tractor Mechanic/Automobile/Fitter OR should have 3 years apprentice in the trade of Mechanic (MV)/Diesel/Tractor Mechanic/Automobile/Fitter
Assistant Electrician (R&M): 70 vacancies, Pay : Consolidated ₹17693/-, Age : 18-25 years, Qualification: Should have ITI in the trade of Electrician (Auto)/Mechanic Auto Electrical and Electronics OR should have 3 years apprentice in the trade of Electrician (Auto)/Mechanic Auto Electrical and Electronics
Application Fee
There is no application fee for this vacancy recruitment.
How to Apply for DTC contract job vacancies 2022?
Applicants meeting the eligibility criteria should apply online in the prescribed format available at DTC recruitment website from 12/04/2022 to 11/05/2022 for the vacancies of Section Officers and from 18/04/2022 to 04/05/2022 for other contract job vacancies recruitment 2022 in DTC.
Steps To Follow
Delhi Transport Department DTC Section Officer, Assistant Foremen, Assistant Fitter & Assistant Electrician Contract Based Recruitment 2022. Candidate Can Apply on the official website.
Candidate Read the Notification Before Apply the Recruitment Application Form in DTC Delhi Latest Recruitment Online Form 2022.
For detailed information and online submission of application form for various contract job vacancies in DTC 2022, please visit https://dtc-rp.com
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NBCC Recruitment 2022: NBCC (India) Limited released notification for the posts of Junior Engineer (Civil), Junior Engineer (Electrical), and Dy. General Manager (Engg)-(Civil). The last date for submission of the application is 14.04.2022
National Buildings Construction Corporation LimitedNBCC (India) Limited invites online applications in the prescribed format for Government Job Vacancies of various Junior Engineer (Civil/Electrical) from dynamic and result-oriented Engineers who are passionate to excel & take NBCC to new heights. (Advt. No. 06/2022).
NBCC Jr. Engineer (Civil/Electrical) Recruitment 2022 Vacancies
Junior Engineer (Civil): 60 vacancies (UR-29, SC-09, ST-06, OBC (NCL)-08, EWS-08) (PWD-03), IDA Pay Scale: S-3 starting ₹27270, Age: 28 years, Qualification:- Three years full-time Diploma in Civil Engineering from Govt. recognized Institute/University with 60% aggregate marks
Junior Engineer (Electrical): 20 vacancies (UR-09, SC-03, OBC (NCL)-06, EWS-02 (PWD-01), IDA Pay Scale: S-3 starting ₹27270, Age: 28 years, Qualification:- Three years full-time Diploma in Civil Engineering from Govt. recognized Institute/University with 60% aggregate marks.
Deputy General Manager (Engineer-Civil): 01 backlog vacancies (ST), IDA Pay Scale: E-4 ₹ 70000-200000/, Age: 46 years, Qualification:- Full-time Degree in Civil Engineering from Govt. recognized Institute/University with 60% aggregate marks. Experience:– Total of 09 years of relevant experience in the field of PMC/ EPC/Real Estate/ Infrastructure. Should be presently working on a regular basis for a minimum period of 2 years experience in one step below the post (E-3) in the scale of pay of Rs. 60,000-1,80,000 (IDA) or Level 11 Rs 6,7700-2,08,700/- (CDA), if working in PSU/ Government or otherwise drawing minimum annual CTC of Rs. 18 Lakhs for the last two years, if working in Private Sector Company/Banks.
Application Fee
Applicants/Candidates are required to pay a non-refundable amount of ₹1000/- through online mode. SC, ST & PWD candidates are exempted from payment of the application fee.
Please view https://www.nbccindia.com/webEnglish/jobs for more details and the online application form for NBCC Junior Engineer Civil Electrical Vacancy Recruitment 2022.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Jawaharlal Nehru University released the notification for Assistant Professor on its official website. Meanwhile, know the 2022 JNU Assistant Professor vacancy eligibility, salary, and selection process etc. below.
The Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi has openings for the following Faculty Govt Job Vacancy positions at the level of Assistant Professor for its various Schools/ Centres and Special Centres in various areas of specialization as per the qualification of the UGC Regulations (Faculty Advt. No. RC/63/2022 (Re-Advertisement)).
Candidates with a good academic record, teaching/research experience and working in related areas of research are encouraged to apply online in the prescribed recruitment application proforma. This is a Government Job in Delhi.
JNU Assistant Professor Recruitment 2022 Vacancies
Assistant Professor vacancies in various schools of learning of JNU Delhi in various subjects/disciplines in the Pay Level-10 of 7th CPC scale ₹57700-182400/-
Application Fee
There is an application fee of ₹2000/- from candidates belonging to General and OBC Category. There is no application fee for SC/ST/PWD and Women candidates for Assistant Professor Vacancy Recruitment 2022 in JNU Delhi.
Kindly visit https://jnu.ac.in/career for details of JNU Faculty Assistant Professor Vacancy Recruitment 2022 and the online application format.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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The Delhi High Court has started accepting online applications for the Delhi Higher Judicial Service Examination (HJSE) 2022. For more information Please take a look at this page.
The High Court of Delhi invites online applications from eligible candidates for filling up the following 45 vacancies in Delhi Higher Judicial Service by holding the Delhi Higher Judicial Service (DJS) Examination 2022. The candidates can submit their application in online mode only through the website of the High Court of Delhi.
The Delhi Higher Judicial Service Preliminary Examination (Objective type) will be held on Sunday, March 20 (11.00 AM to 1.00 PM). The recruitment drive is being conducted to fill up a total of 45 posts under the Delhi Higher Judicial Service.
Delhi Higher Judicial Service (DJS) Examination 2022 Vacancies
Delhi Higher Judicial Service Examination (DJS) – 2022 : 45 vacancies (Existing Vacancy-43, Anticipated Vacancies-02) (UR-32, SC-07, ST-06) (PH-03), Pay Scale : Pay Level-13A of 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹131100-216600. Qualification : A candidate shall be eligible to appear in the examination if he/she is (a) a Citizen of India, (b) a Law Graduate from a recognized university, (c) a person practicing as an Advocate not less than years (d) a person, must have attained the age of 35 years and have not attained the age of 45 years as on 1st January 2022. Relaxation in age as per rules.
Application Fee
₹1000/- each for General Category candidates and ₹200/- for SC/ST/PH candidates to be paid through Debit Card/Internet Banking Online mode only.
Eligibility Criteria
Age Limit: Candidates applying for HJSE must have attained the age of 35 years and have not attained the age of 45 years as on January 1, 2022.
Qualification: Must have been continuously practicing as an Advocate for not less than seven years as on the last date of receipt of applications, i.e., 12.03.2022 is eligible to apply.
Selection procedure
Delhi Higher Judiciary Exam 2022 will consist of Preliminary Examination (Objective type with 25% negative marking), Mains Examination (Written) and Viva-Voce.
How to Apply for Delhi Higher Judicial Service (DHJS) Examination 2022?
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Delhi Judiciary Exam 2022: Delhi High Court has released the latest notification for the recruitment of Delhi Judicial Service Examination 2022, and Delhi Judicial Service Main Examination 2022. For more information Please take a look at this page
The High Court of Delhi will hold written examination for direct recruitment to Delhi Judicial Service (DJS) Examination 2022 in two stage selection process comprising Preliminary Written Examination of Objective type on 27/03/2022 and Delhi Judicial Service Main Exam (Written) for selection of candidates for calling for Viva Voce.
The High Court of Delhi invites online applications from eligible candidates for filling up the following 123 vacancies in Delhi Judicial Service by holding the Delhi Judicial Service (DJS) Examination 2022. The candidates can submit their application in online mode only through the website of the High Court of Delhi.
Delhi Judicial Service (DJS) Examination 2022 Vacancies
Delhi Judicial Service Examination (DJS) – 2022 : 123 vacancies (Existing Vacancy-55, Anticipated Vacancies-68) (UR-86, SC-08, ST-29) (PH-10), Pay Scale : Pay Level-10 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹56100-177500. Qualification : A candidate shall be eligible to appear in the examination if he/she is (a) a Citizen of India, (b) a Law Graduate from a recognized university, (c) a person practicing as an Advocate (d) a person, not more than 32 years as on 1st January 2022. Relaxation in age as per rules.
Application Fee
₹1000/- each for General Category candidates and ₹200/- for SC/ST/PH candidates to be paid through Debit Card/Internet Banking Online mode only.
Delhi High Court Judiciary Exam 2022 Selection Process
The Selection Process of Delhi Judicial Service Examination 2022 includes the following Stages:
Prelims Written Exam
Mains Written Exam
Interview/ Viva-Voce
Document Verification
Medical Examination
How to Apply Delhi Judicial Service (DJS) Examination 2022?
For more information about the Delhi Judicial Service Examination 2022 and online submission of applications, kindly visit http://delhihighcourt.nic.in.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Ch. Brahm Prakash Ayurved Charak Sansthan Recruitment 2022 – 13 Vacancy of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Deputy Director (Administration), Radiologist. Check All details Here..
Applications in the prescribed format are invited for recruitment of the the following Group-A Ayurveda Faculty Vacancy in various disciplines and some other Non-Faculty Govt Job Vacancy posts by Direct recruitment in the Chaudhary Brahm Prakash Ayurvedic Charak Sansthan (CBPACS), Najafgarh, Delhi, An Autonomous Institution under Govt. of NCT of Delhi (Advertisement No. 01/2022).
₹5000/- (for General Category) and ₹1500/- (for Reserved Category) in form of Demand Draft in favour of Director-Principal, Ch. Brahm Prakash Ayurved Charak Sansthan, Khera Dabar, New Delhi-110073 payable at New Delhi.
How to Apply for Job Vacancy Recruitment in CBPCS Delhi 2022?
Candidates should apply offline and send application in the prescribed format should reach the office of the Director-Principal, Chaudhary Brahm Prakash Ayurvedic Charak Sansthan (CBPACS), Khera Dabur, near Najafgarh, New Delhi-110073 by 02/03/2022 through registered/Speed-Post Only for Teaching and Non-Teaching Job Vacancy Recruitment in CBPACS Delhi 2022.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Union Public Service Commission Recruitment Notification No. 15/2021 for the 64 vacancies of Medical Officer, Assistant Director, Sr Scientific Officer posts. Getimportant dates, application fees, age limit, qualification, number of vacancies, pay scale and important linkshere.
UPSC Government Jobs Recruitment 15/2021 Vacancies
Assistant Professor (Mechatronics): 01 vacancies (OBC-01) in Integrated Headquarters (Navy), Directorate of Civilian Personnel, Ministry of Defence
Assistant Defence Estates Officer: 06 vacancies ( ST-01, OBC-01, EWS-01, UR-03) (PwBD-01) in Defence Estates Organization, Directorate General of Defence Estates, Ministry of Defence
Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II (Armament): 03 vacancies (OBC-01, EWS-01, UR-01 ) (PwBD-01) in Directorate General Quality Assurance, Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence
Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II (Chemistry): 03 vacancies (EWS-01, UR-02 ) in Directorate General Quality Assurance, Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence
Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II (Engineering): 03 vacancies (EWS-01, UR-02 ) in Directorate General Quality Assurance, Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence
Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II (Gentex): 02 vacancies (ST-01, OBC-01) in Directorate General Quality Assurance, Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence
Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II (Instrumentation): 01 vacancies (SC-01) in Directorate General Quality Assurance, Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence
Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II (Metallurgy): 02 vacancies (SC-01, UR-01) in Directorate General Quality Assurance, Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence
Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II (Military Explosives): 02 vacancies (UR-02 ) in Directorate General Quality Assurance, Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence
Assistant Director (Economist): 01 vacancies (UR-01) in Central Institute of Coastal Engineering for Fishery, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying
Assistant Director (Information Technology): 29 vacancies (SC-04, ST-02, OBC-07, EWS-02, UR14) (PwBD-02) in the Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner of India, Ministry of Home Affairs
Assistant Director (Horticulture): 03 vacancies (OBC-02, UR-01) in Central Public Works Department, Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs
Medical Officer (Ayurveda): 03 vacancies (OBC-03) in Directorate of AYUSH, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
Medical Officer (Unani): 05 vacancies (OBC-05) in Directorate of AYUSH, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
Application Fee
₹25/- to be paid cash/online at SBI. No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women candidates.
Important Dates :
Notification Published on : 22/10/2021
Last Date for Submission of Online application (ORA) : 11/11/2021 upto 23:59 HRS
Last Date for Printing of Completely submitted Online Application : 12/11/2021 upto 23:59 HRS
Master Degree in Computer Applications or Information Technology or Computer Science or Software Engineering or Bachelor of Engineering or Bachelor of Technology
35 years
Assistant Director (Horticulture)
M.Sc. in Agriculture/Horticulture or M.Sc. in Botany with Horticulture or B.Sc. in Agriculture/Botany/Horticulture
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Food Safety and Standards Authority of India has released FSSAI Recruitment 2021 Notification against Advt No. DR-03/2021 and DR-04/2021 for Group A and other posts on its official website.
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has been established under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India for laying down standards for articles of food and to regulate their manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import to ensure availability of safe and wholesome food for human consumption.
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) invites online applications in the prescribed format for following various Govt Job Vacancies of Officers, Director, Managers, Engineers, Assistants etc. in Group-A, Group-B and Group-Con direct recruitment basis from dynamic, proficient and motivated candidates looking for exciting career opportunities in the Food Regulatory System and wanted to be a part of the FSSAI growth journey. (Advertisement No. DR-02-03-04/2021).
The initial appointment of the selected candidates will be on probation for a period of two years. At Authority’s discretion, the probationary period can also be extended as per rules. The selected candidates for the respective posts they have applied for may be posted and transferred anywhere in India.
FSSAI Job Recruitment 2021 Vacancies
Recruitment Notice DR-02/2021
Principal Manager: 01 vacancies, Pay Scale: Pay Level-13 ₹123100-215900/-
Post Graduate Degree or Diploma (Full Time courses) in journalism or Mass Communication or Public Relation or MBA with specialization in Marketing from a recognized university or Institute and six years of experience.
Assistant Director (Technical)
M.Tech/ PG Diploma/ B.E. B.Tech
Assistant Director
Bachelor’s degree from a recognized University or Institution; and six years’ experience in handling administration, finance, human resource development or/ and vigilance and accounts matters.ORDegree of Law from a recognized University or institution with three years experience of handling legal matters or working experience as a Law Officer in a reputed Government or Autonomous body or Research Institutions or Universities or Public Sector Undertakings or Law firms.
Technical Officer
“Master Degree from a recognized University or Institution in Chemistry or Biochemistry or Food Technology or Food Science & Technology or Food & Nutrition or Edible Oil Technology or Microbiology or Dairy Technology or Agricultural or horticultural Sciences or Industrial Microbiology or Toxicology or Public Health or Life Science or Biotechnology or Fruit & Vegetable Technology or Food Safety & Quality Assurance.ORBE or B.Tech in Food Technology or Dairy Technology or Biotechnology or Oil Technology or Food Process Engineering or Food Processing Technology or Fruit & Vegetable Technology or Food Safety & Quality Assurance or Bachelor’s degree in Medicine or Veterinary Sciences or Fisheries or Animal SciencesORPG Diploma of at least one-year duration in Food Safety or Food Science or Food Processing or Quality Assurance in Food sector or Dietetic and Public Health or Nutrition or Dairy Science or Bakery Science or Post Harvest Technology
Central Food Safety Officer
Degree in Food Technology or Dairy Technology or Biotechnology or Oil Technology or Agricultural Science or Veterinary Sciences or Bio-Chemistry or Microbiology or Master’s Degree in Chemistry or degree in medicine from a recognized University
Food Analyst
Master’s Degree in Chemistry or Biochemistry or Dairy Chemistry or Food Technology or Food Science & Technology or Food & Nutrition or Edible Oil Technology or MicrobiologyORBachelor of Technology in Dairy or Oil or degree in Veterinary Sciences and 3 years of experience in the analysis of food
Assistant Manager
Post Graduate Degree or Diploma (Full Time courses) in journalism or Mass Communication or Public Relation from a recognized university or InstituteORPost Graduate Degree or Diploma in Social Work or psychology or Labour and Social Welfare from a recognized university or InstituteORBachelor’s degree in Library Sciences or Library and Information Science of a recognized University or Institute. Two years of professional experience in a Library under Central or State Govt. or Autonomous or Statutory Organisation or Public Sector Undertaking or University.
Assistant Manager (IT)
B. Tech or M. Tech in Computer Science or any other relevant Engineering Discipline or MCAORBachelor’s Degree in Relevant field and 5 Years of total experience. Minimum 3 years’ experience in relevant field.
Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or Institution
Hindi Translator
Masters degree in Hindi with English as a compulsory subject and vice versa.ORMasters degree in any other subject with Hindi and English as compulsory subjects
Personal Assistant
Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or Institution with proficiency in shorthand (80 WPM) and typing (40 WPM – English) and/ or (35 WPM Hindi) Should be computer literate and proficient in using MS Office and internet etc.
IT Assistant
Bachelor’s Degree with at least one year PG Diploma/Degree in Computer Application or Information Technology or equivalent degree in relevant field.ORBachelor’s Degree in Computer Application or equivalent degree in relevant field
Junior Assistant Grade-1
12th Standard or equivalent examination from a recognized Board or University
FSSAI Recruitment Nationality
The candidate applying for FSSAI Recruitment 2021 must be either a citizen of India, or a subject of Nepal, or a subject of Bhutan, or a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before 1st January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.
FSSAI Recruitment Age Limit
The candidates should not exceed more than the below age as on the closing date of the online application i.e. 12th November 2021.
Post Name
Upper Age Limit
Deputy Manager, Assistant Director (Technical), Assistant Director, Food Analyst
35 years
Assistant Manager, Assistant Manager (IT), Assistant, Hindi Translator, Personal Assistant, IT Assistant, Technical Officer, Central Food Safety Officer
30 years
Junior Assistant Grade-1
25 years
FSSAI Recruitment 2021 Selection Process
CBT/ CBT+ Interview
The candidates will be selected through Computer Based Test (Stage 1 /Stage 2) and for some posts, there will be an interview round too. Check the post-wise selection process from the below section.
Please visit the FSSAI website athttps://fssai.gov.in/jobs@fssai.php for details like educational qualifications, syllabus of the exams etc. and online application format for Officer/Director/Manager/Engineer/Assistant Job vacancy recruitment in FSSAI 2021.
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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UPSC Recruitment 2021 for Various Group-A and Group-B [56 Posts] Vacancies as per advertisement no 14/2021. The last date for submission of the application is 28.10.2021. Print out of the application may be taken by 23:59 hrs on 19.10.2021.
About (UPSC)
The Union Public Service Commission, commonly abbreviated as UPSC, is India’s premier central recruiting agency for central government public servants. It is responsible for appointments to and examinations for Group A and Group B posts under civil services cadre and defence services cadre of the union government.
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), Dholpur House, New Delhi invites Online application from eligible candidates by 28/10/2021 for recruitment of following various Government Jobs vacancy posts of Officers, etc. (Group-A and Group-B) in various departments/organizations of Government of India as per (UPSC Advt. No. 14/2021). **The post is permanent and Job Location : Anywhere In India.
UPSC Government Jobs Recruitment 14/2021 Vacancies
Data Processing Assistant: 01 vacancies (UR-01) in Directorate of Plant Protection Quarantine and Storage, Faridabad, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare
Private Secretary: 01 vacancies (UR-01) (PwBD-01) in Commission for Agricultural Costs & Prices (CACP), Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare
Senior Grade of Indian Information Service: 20 vacancies (SC-03, ST-02, OBC-02, EWS-01, UR-12) (PwBD-01) in Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
Junior Time Scale (JTS) Grade of Central Labour Service (Group ‘A’ Organized Service): 29 vacancies (SC-05, ST-01, OBC-04, EWS-02, UR-17) (PwBD-02) consisting of the posts of Assistant Labour Commissioner (Central)/ Assistant Welfare Commissioner (Central)/ Assistant Labour Welfare Commissioner (Central)/ Assistant Director, Ministry of Labour & Employment
Youth Officer: 05 vacancies (SC-01, OBC-01, UR-03) (PwBD-01) in National Service Scheme Organization, Department of Youth Affairs, Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports
Important Dates :
06 October 2021
23:59 HRS ON 28.10.2021
23:59 HRS ON 29.10.2021
Application Fee :
₹25/- to be paid cash/online at SBI (only either by remitting the money in any branch of the SBI by cash or by using the net banking facility of the SBI or by using a visa/master credit/debit card). No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women candidates.
Vacancy Details : Eligibility Criteria, Age Limit
1. Post Name:- Data Processing Assistant
No of posts:- 1 (UR-01)
Department:- Directorate of Plant Protection Quarantine and Storage, Faridabad, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare. General Central Service Group- “B” Gazetted (Non-Ministerial).
Upper age limit:- 30 years.
Salary:- Level-07 in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC.
Educational Qualification:- Master’s Degree in Computer Application or Information Technology or Computer Science from a recognized University or Institute OR B.E. or B.Tech in Computer Engineering or Computer Science or Computer Technology or Computer Science and Engineering or Information Technology from a recognized University or Institute.
2. Post Name:- Private Secretary
No of posts:- 1 (UR-01) (PwBD-01)
Department:- Commission for Agricultural Costs & Prices (CACP), Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare
Upper age limit:- 30 years.
Salary:- Level-07 in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC.
Educational Qualification:- (i) Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or Institute. (ii) Dictation: 10 minutes @ 100 words per minute. (iii) Transcription: 40 minutes (English) 55 minutes (Hindi) only on Computers.
3. Post Name:- Senior Grade
No of posts:- 20 (SC-03, ST-02, OBC-02, EWS-01, UR-12) (PwBD-01)
Department:- Indian Information Service, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
Upper age limit:- 30 years.
Salary:- Level-07 in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC.
Educational Qualification:- (i) Degree of a recognized University or Institute; (ii) Diploma/Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism/Mass Communication from a recognized University/Institution; or Degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from a recognized University/Institute; (iii) Candidates must have studied concerned Indian language upto 10th Class. Note: Direct recruitment to posts in Senior Grade of Indian Information Service shall be made language-wise. There shall be no category-wise/community-wise reservation for any of the languages. One can apply for any number of languages and indicate the same in the ONLINE RECRUITMENT APPLICATION in the order of preference if he/she has studied that language up to class 10th.
4. Post Name:- Junior Time Scale (JTS) Grade
No of posts:- 29 (SC-05, ST-01, OBC-04, EWS-02, UR-17) (PwBD-02)
Department:- Central Labour Service (Group ‘A’ Organized Service) consisting of the posts of Assistant Labour Commissioner (Central)/ Assistant Welfare Commissioner (Central)/ Assistant Labour Welfare Commissioner (Central)/ Assistant Director, Ministry of Labour & Employment.
Upper age limit:- 35 years.
Salary:- Level-07 in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC.
Educational Qualification:- (i) Degree of a recognized University, (ii) Diploma in Social Work or Labour Welfare or Industrial Relations or Personnel Management or Labour Law from a recognized University or Institution. Desirable: Degree in Law from a recognized university.
5. Post Name:- Youth Officer
No of posts:- 5 (SC-01, OBC-01, UR-03) (PwBD-01)
Department:- National Service Scheme Organization, Department of Youth Affairs, Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports
Upper age limit:- 30 years.
Salary:- Level-07 in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC.
Educational Qualification:- (i) Master’s Degree from a recognized University OR (ii) Degree of a recognized University.
**They will be required to send self attested copies of documents/relevant certificates in support of the claims made in the application as and when demanded by the Commission.
How to Apply UPSC Government Jobs Advt. 14/2021 Vacancies?
Candidates must upload the documents/certificates in support of all the claims made by them in the application like, Date of Birth, Experience (preferably in prescribed format), Desirable Qualification(s) etc. or any other information, separately against each claim in pdf file in such a way that the file size does not exceed 1 MB for the respective aforesaid modules and 2 MB for the “UPLOAD OTHER DOCUMENT” module and is legible when a printout taken.
Candidates are not required to submit to the Commission either by post or by hand the printouts of their online applications or any other document. They will be required to bring along with them the printouts of their online applications and the documents mentioned in (para 7 Advt. No. 14/2021) if called for interview.
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women (IGDTUW) Recruitment 2021 for 53 Teaching and Non Teaching Vacancies. The online registration process will be start from 10th September 2021 and scheduled to be close on 4th October 2021.
Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University For Women (IGDTUW), a Delhi State Government University Teaching-cum-Research University for Women invites online applications in the prescribed form from Indian Nationals for recruitment to the following Group-A various Faculty Govt Job Vacancy positions in various departments at the level of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor Gr. I and for recruitment of Non-Teaching Govt Job Vacancies in IGTUW for the year 2021. (Advertisement No. GDTUW/RECRUITMENT/2021/2 ).
IGDTUW Faculty Recruitment 2021 Vacancies
Professor: 12 vacancies in 7th CPC Pay Scale-14 ₹144200-218200
Information Technology: 03 vacancies
Computer Science Engineering: 03 vacancies
Electronics and Communication Engineering: 01 vacancies
Mechanical & Automation Engineering: 02 vacancies
Architecture and Planning: 02 vacancies
English: 01 vacancies
Associate Professor: 17 vacancies in 7th CPC Pay Scale-13A1 ₹131400-217100
Information Technology: 07 vacancies
Computer Science Engineering: 04 vacancies
Electronics and Communication Engineering: 01 vacancies
Mechanical & Automation Engineering: 02 vacancies
Architecture and Planning: 02 vacancies
Mathematics: 01 vacancies
Assistant Professor: 19 vacancies in 7th CPC Pay Scale-10 ₹57700-182400
Information Technology: 04 vacancies
Computer Science Engineering: 09 vacancies
Architecture and Planning: 04 vacancies
Physics: 01 vacancies
Chemistry: 01 vacancies
IGDTUW Non-Teaching Group-A Vacancies 2021
Controller of Examinations: 01 vacancies in Pay Level-14 ₹144200-218200
Deputy Registrar: 01 vacancies in Pay Level-12 ₹78800-209200
Assistant Registrar: 02 vacancies in Pay Level-10 ₹56100-177500
Assistant Controller of Examinations: 01 vacancies in Pay Level-10 ₹56100-177500
Important Dates :
Last Date Of Online Submission – 04 October 2021 Last Date Of Offline Submission -11 October 2021
Application Fee :
The candidate is required to pay an application fee amounting to ₹1000/- in the case of UR/OBC candidate, and ₹500/- in the case of EWS/SC/ST category candidate. The candidates belonging to PwBD (Persons with benchmark Disabilities) category are exempted from the payment of the application fee.
Age Limit :
35 years as on first day of the month (01/07/2021) Age Relaxation as per GoI Rules.
Educational Qualifications :
Master’s Degree with at least 55% of the marks or an equivalent grade. Ph.D. degree in relevant branch and first class or equivalent for Faculty Positions.
The candidates are also required to send the printout of their online filled-in Application Form along with documentary evidence with the prescribed fee to the Additional Registrar (HR), Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women, First Floor, Administrative Block, Kashmere Gate, Delhi-110006 latest by 11/10/2021 till 4:30 P.M.
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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