Tag Archives: Computer Operator (GROUP B)


University of Allahabad Recruitment 2021 – Faculty and Administrative Vacancies

Recruitment of Faculty and Non-Teaching Vacancy in University of Allahabad 2021


The University of Allahabad (UoA), a Central University at Prayagraj (Uttar Pradesh) invites online applications in the prescribed format for Academic Faculty Govt Job vacancy posts of Professor,  Associate Professor, Assistant Professor and Assistant Librarian and some other Non-Teaching Administrative Group-A, Group-B and Group-C vacancy posts, etc. on Direct Recruitment 2021 on a regular basis in University of Allahabad at Prayagraj (Advertisement No. UoA/Asst Prof/01/2021, UoA/Asso Prof/01/2021, UoA/Prof/01/2021 & AUNT/02-03-04/2021).

University of Allahabad Faculty and Administrative Staff Recruitment 2021 Vacancies 

  • Faculty Vacancies (Advt. No. UoA/Prof/01/2021
    1. Professor: 70 vacancies in various subjects/disciplines
  • Faculty Vacancies (UoA/Asso Prof/01/2021
    1. Associate Professor: 160 vacancies in various subjects/disciplines
  •  Faculty Vacancies (UoA/Asst Prof/01/2021)
    1. Assistant Professor: 357 vacancies in various subjects/disciplines
  • Librarian Vacancies (Advt. No. AUNT/Asst. Lib./01/2021)
    1. Assistant Librarian: 04 vacancies
  • Non-Faculty Group-A Vacancies (Advt. No. AUNT/02/2021)
    1. Assistant Registrar: 01 vacancies (Against leave Vacancy)
    2. Director-College Development Council: 01 vacancies on Deputation
    3. Electronic Shop Engineer: 01 vacancies
    4. Executive Engineer: 01 vacancies on deputation
    5. Hindi Officer: 01 vacancies
    6. Internal Audit Officer: 01 vacancies on deputation
    7. Medical Officer: 01 vacancies
    8. Public Relation Officer: 01 vacancies
    9. Scientist-B: 01 vacancies
    10. Scientific Officer: 01 vacancies
    11. System Analyst/System Programmer: 02 vacancies
    12. System Manager/ Senior System Analyst/ Senior System Programmer: 03 vacancies
  • Non-Faculty Group-B Vacancies (Advt. No. AUNT/03/2021)
    1. Assistant Engineer (Civil/Electrical): 01 vacancies
    2. Computer Operator: 08 vacancies
    3. Curator: 03 vacancies
    4. Exploration Asssitant: 01 vacancies
    5. Junior Engineer: 02 vacancies
    6. Senior Nursing Officer (Female): 01 vacancies
    7. Professional Assistant: 05 vacancies
    8. Section Officer: 04 vacancies
    9. Security Officer: 01 vacancies
    10. Senior Technical Assistant: 09 vacancies
    11. Sports Assistant/Coach: 01 vacancies
  • Non-Faculty Group-C Vacancies (Advt. No. AUNT/04/2021)
    1. Animal Attendant: 05 vacancies
    2. Assistant Draftsman: 03 vacancies
    3. Boatman/Groundsman/Waterman: 09 vacancies
    4. Data Entry Operator: 23 vacancies
    5. Driver: 02 vacancies
    6. Hindi Typist: 01 vacancies
    7. Junior Office Assistant: 49 vacancies
    8. Laboratory Assistant: 30 vacancies
    9. Laboratory Attendant: 47 vacancies
    10. Library Attendant: 64 vacancies
    11. Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS): 90 vacancies
    12. Pharmacist: 03 vacancies
    13. Semi-Professional Assistant: 07 vacancies
    14. Sick Attendant: 02 vacancies
    15. Stenographer: 13 vacancies
    16. Technical Assistant: 08 vacancies
    17. Wire-man: 02 vacancies
    18. X-Ray Technician: 01 vacancies
University of Allahabad Recruitment 2021

Application Fee

₹1550 (₹650/- for SC/ST candidates, for Women/PWD candidates) for Faculty vacancies and ₹1050 (₹450/- for SC/ST candidates, for Women/PWD candidates) for Non-Teaching Administrative and Librarian vacancies by way of online payment i.e. Net Banking/UPI or Debit/Credit Cards.

Important Dates :

Date of uploading of detailed Advertisement and Online Registration28.09.2021
Starting Date of  fee payment28.09.2021
 Last date for Online Registration and final submission of Application form27.10.2021
Date of uploading of detailed Advertisement and Online Registration24.09.2021
 Starting Date of  fee payment  24.09.2021
Last date for Online Registration and final submission of Application form  23.10.2021

Eligibility Details :

✅ Age Limit: As per Advertisement.

✅ Pay Scale: As per Advertisement.

Job Location : Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh

✅ Educational Qualifications:

✔️ Bachelor’s Degree.
✔️ Post Graduate.
✔️ Diploma.
✔️ Matriculation / 10+2.

Selection Process : Written Examination / Interview.

How to Apply for UoA Faculty and Non-Teaching Recruitment 2021?

All suitable and desirable candidates should apply online in the prescribed format at the University of Allahabad recruitment website from 24/092021 to 23/10/2021 for Non-Teaching Staff vacancies and from 28/09/2021 to 27/10/2021 for Professor, Associate Professor, and Librarian vacancies and from 28/09/2021 to 06/11/2021 for the posts of Assistant Professors only for University of Allahabad Recruitment 2021 for Faculty and Administrative Vacancies.

Details and Online submission of application

Kindly visithttps://www.allduniv.ac.in/about-uoa/recruitment for detailed information and application format for University of Allahabad Recruitment 2021 for Faculty and Administrative Vacancies. Click here to see Notification

Advertisement for various teaching positions in the University vide Advt. No. UoA/Asst Prof/01/2021, UoA/Asso Prof/01/2021 & UoA/Prof/01/2021and Assistant Librarian

Advertisement for various Non teaching positions in the University vide Advt. No. AUNT/02/2021, AUNT/03/2021 and AUNT/04/2021.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…

 ***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***