Jagat Guru Nanak Dev Punjab State Open University, Patiala Recruitment 2022 – 23 Vacancy of Non-Teaching posts
Jagat Guru Nanak Dev University (JGNDU), Punjab State Open University (PSOU) at Patiala is a State University established by the Government of Punjab that invites online applications in the prescribed format for the recruitment of the following Non-TeachingGovernment Jobs in various disciplines of JGNDU PSOU Patiala (Punjab) for the year 2022. (Advertisement No. 09/2022).
Application fees (including GST) post at Sr. No.01 to 02 will be ₹1180/- General Category and ₹590/- for SC/ST & PWD candidates. For post at Sr. No.03 to 06 the Application fees (Including GST) will be ₹590/- for General Category and ₹295/- for SC/ST & PWD candidates.
How to Apply for PSOU Patiala Non-Teaching Vacancy 2022?
The last date for submitting the hard copy/printout of the online application and supporting documents is 09/05/2022 and should be sent to the Registrar, Jagat Guru Nanak Dev Punjab State Open University, Patiala (Punjab)
For more detailed information about JGNDU PSOU Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2022 and online application format, please visit https://psou.ac.in/jobs
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Footwear Design and Development Institute (FDDI) has published an advertisement for the Academic and Managerial Cadre Recruitment 2022 for 30+ vacancies at present. Check other details for FDDI Recruitment 2022 below.
Footwear Design & Development Institute (FDDI), An Institution of National Importance (INI) invites applications in the prescribed format from proficient and motivated professional candidates in various disciplines for various Teaching Faculty and Non-Teaching Managerial CadreGovernment Job Vacancies in various FDDI campuses throughout India on a contract basis for a period of 5 years (extendable at the discretion of Management). (Advertisement No. FDDI/HO/48(2)/HR/ADVT/2022/01).
Executive Engineer: 01 vacancies, Age: 50 years, Salary: ₹75000/-
System Assistant: 01 vacancies, Age: 30 years, Salary: ₹25000/-
Manager (Legal): 01 vacancies, Age: 40 years, Salary: ₹60000/-
Deputy Manager: 01 vacancies, Age: 35 years, Salary: ₹45000/-
Assistant Manager: 01 vacancies, Age: 30 years, Salary: ₹40000/-
Hindi Officer: 01 vacancies, Age: 40 years, Salary: ₹35000/-
Deputy Manager: 01 vacancies, Age: 35 years, Salary: ₹45000/-
Important Dates
Publish/Starting Date for FDDI application submission: 13 January 2022
Last Date for FDDI Jobs form submission: 14 February 2022
Eligibility Criteria
Post Name
Eligibility Criteria
Academic and Managerial Cadre
Aspirants must have a certificate/ degree of Graduate, Post Graduate or must have an equivalent qualification from a recognized institute/ Board.
Age Limit
Maximum age limit for Candidates to apply FDDI Jobs 2022 application: 35 Years to 45 Years
How to Apply for FDDI Faculty and Managerial Vacancies 2022?
Duly filled applications in the prescribed format along with relevant enclosures, super scribing the envelope with the name of the post & category, to be sent to Faculty (HR), Human Resource Department, Footwear Design & Development Institute (An Institution of National Importance), A-10/A, Sector-24, NOIDA-201301, Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar (UP) on or before 14/02/2022 only for Faculty Teaching and Managerial Cadre vacancy recruitment in FDDI 2022.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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National Institute Of Industrial Engineering (NITIE) Mumbai Recruitment 2022 – Non-Teaching Staff Position advertisement (On Contract/Deputation basis – purely temporary and contract) – Tenure engagement
Applications through online mode in the prescribed form format are invited for the following Non-TeachingGovt Job vacancy posts on Deputation/Contract basis (purely temporary and contract) –Tenure engagement in National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai (an autonomous body under the Ministry of Education (earlier MHRD), Government of India for the year 2021-22. (Advertisement No. 004/NT/2021-22 & 005/NT/2021-22).
Internal Auditor cum Advisor: 01 vacancies, Age: 63 years, Remuneration: ₹50000-75000
Programmer: 03 vacancies, Age: 35 years, Remuneration: ₹50000-75000
Network Engineer: 01 vacancies, Age: 35 years, Remuneration: ₹50000-75000
Driver Cum Security Guard: 01 vacancies, Age: 35 years, Remuneration: ₹25000-30000
Application Fee
₹250/- as the application fee is to be paid along with the application format. SC/ST/PwD/Women candidates are exempted from payment of the fee.
How to Apply for NITIE Non-Teaching Vacancies 2021-22?
Candidates possessing requisite qualifications and experience are required to apply online in the prescribed format at the NITIE Recruitment portal on or before 18/01/2022 by 5.30 P.M for NITIE Mumbai Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2021-22. Hardcopy of the application is not required. Candidates are requested to upload self-attested PDF files of all degree certificates /testimonials /cast certificate/age proof certificate etc. as file attachments at the portal.
The link for submission of On-Line Application Form will remain active from 28.12.2021.
Last date to apply online: 18.01.2022 by 5.30 p.m.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs….
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54 Vacancy of Teaching, Non-Teaching, Academic (Non-vacational) Posts in Mahatma Gandhi International Hindi University (MGAHV) Wardha, Maharashtra 2021
Applications through online mode in the prescribed format for recruitment to fill up the following various Faculty Govt Job vacancy posts in various subject/disciplines and some other Non-Teaching Government Job vacancies in various department/administrative office in the महात्मा गांधी अंतरराष्ट्रीय हिंदी विश्वविद्यालय, वर्धा (Mahatma Gandhi International Hindi University, Wardha), Maharashtra. (Advertisement No. MGAHV/07-08-09/2021).
MGAHV Faculty and Non-Teaching Recruitment 2021 Vacancies :
Advt. no. MGAHV/09/2021 : All Candidates are required to deposit application fee on the online portal @Rs.1000/- for each position they apply through NEFT/Online Banking
Advt. no. MGAHV/08/2021 : All Candidates belonging to General/OBC Category applying for Group-A posts are required to deposit ₹1000/- to be submitted online through NEFT/Net Banking for faculty vacancies. And applying for other posts ₹ 500/- for each post they apply.
Advt. no. MGAHV/07/2021 : All candidates belonging to General/OBC/EWS Category applying for Group-A post are required to deposit application fee @Rs.1,000/-(One Thousand Rupees only) for each post they apply, through Online Payment Gateway ONLY (Fee once deposited will not be returned or adjusted) There is no fee for the posts on Deputation/Contract basis
No fee for SC/ST/PWD (Divyang)/Women candidates and in-services candidates (Regular employees) of MGAHV, Wardha.
Important Dates :
Starting Date For Submission Of Application : 25 September 2021
Last Date For Submission Of Application : 24 October 2021
Education Qualification :
Candidates should have passed 10th, 12th class, Graduate, Post Graduate (PG) or Equivalent from a recognized Board/University/Institution
For more education qualification details go to the official notification
Age Limit :
The Candidate’s age limit should be Minimum 28 Years and Maximum 55 Years.
Age Relaxation:- SC/ST/OBC Candidates Relaxation as per Govt Rules & Regulations
System generated hard copy of the application complete in all respect should be sent to the Registrar, Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Gandhi Hills, Wardha – 442001 (Maharashtra) by Speed Post/ Registered Post only on or before 01/11/2021.
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Punjab Govt. Para-Medical Staff, Dialysis Technician, Administrative Posts Vacancy Recruitment by BFUHS (Baba Farid University of Health Sciences) , Faridkot Punjab 2021. Apply Online from 28-08-2021 to 10-09-2021
Interested aspirants across the Faridkot, Punjab, who are searching for the Central Government BFUHS Board Jobs, Now Can apply For BFUHS Jobs for this. There are total 58 + BFUHS job opening in Lab Technician Vacancies available in the organization. All the details that are given in the official BFUHS Recruitment Board Faridkot, Punjab 2021. Jobs Notification are clearly discussed in this post.
Online application in the prescribed application format is invited by the Registrar, Baba Farid University of Health Sciences (BFUHS), Faridkot (Punjab) from the eligible candidates for filling up the following Group-CPara -Medical Staff and other Dialysis Technician Govt Job vacancy posts for Hospitals and Medical Colleges of the Department of Health and Family Welfare and Department of Medical Education & Research, Government of Punjab. (Advt. No. BFU-21/4-5).
BFUHS Government Staff Recruitment 2021 Vacancies
Advt. No. BFU-21/4
Anesthesia Technician: 01 vacancies in Pay Level-4 of 7th CPC ₹25500-81100/-
ECG Technician: 10 vacancies in Pay Level-3 of 7th CPC ₹21700-69100/-
Radiographer: 13 vacancies in Pay Level-5 of 7th CPC ₹29200-92300/-
Dialysis Technician: 09 vacancies in Pay Level-5 of 7th CPC ₹29200-92300/-
Cardiac Technician: 04 vacancies in Pay Level-5 of 7th CPC ₹29200-92300/-
CSSD Technician: 06 vacancies in Pay Level-5 of 7th CPC ₹29200-92300/-
MGPS Technician: 14 vacancies in Pay Level-4 of 7th CPC ₹25500-81100/-
Physiotherapist: 03 vacancies in Pay Level-4 of 7th CPC ₹25500-81100/-
Radiotherapy Technician: 04 vacancies in Pay Level-4 of 7th CPC ₹25500-81100/-
Lab. Attendant: 07 vacancies in Pay Level-2 of 7th CPC ₹19900-63200/-
Operation Theatre Assistant: 03 vacancies in Pay Level-3 of 7th CPC ₹21700-69100/-
CSSD Assistant: 08 vacancies in Pay Level-5 of 7th CPC ₹29200-92300/-
ICCU Technician: 02 vacancies in Pay Level-5 of 7th CPC ₹29200-92300/-
Manifold Supervisor: 01 vacancies in Pay Level-6 of 7th CPC ₹35400-112400/-
Medical Laboratory Grade-2: 02 vacancies in Pay Level-3 of 7th CPC ₹21700-69100/-
Advt. No. BFU-21/5
Dialysis Technician: 44 vacancies in Pay Level-3 of 7th CPC ₹21700-69100/-, Age: 18-37 years as of 01/01/2021
Age Limit : 37 years as on 1st January 2021as per BFUHS Rules . Age relaxation as per Punjab Government Rules.
Please visit https://www.bfuhs.ac.in/careers/pbcareers.asp for all the details and application forms for BFUHS Faridkot Punjab Government Para Medical Staff Job Vacancy Recruitment 2021.
Ph: 01639 – 256232 256236
More Details For job information click below link:
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs..
Also Check VACANCIES :
Advt. No. 13/2021
Applications are invited on a before 16.09.2021 upto 05:00 PM from eligible candidates for the recruitment of Medical Physicist-04, Senior Assistant-05, Senior Scale Stenographer (English)-02, Programmer Gr-II -02, Steno Typist-02 and ECG Technician -02 on regular basis at Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot and its constituent colleges/ institution (Guru Gobind Singh Medical College & Hospital Faridkot , Advanced Cancer Institute, Bhathinda). For Application form, fee, Category Wise distribution and other terms & conditions, visit website https://www.bfuhs.ac.in/
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Council Of Scientific And Industrial Research (CSIR) IHBT Recruitment 2021 | CSIR IHBT Job Vacancy | Posts: Scientist, Sr. Medical Officer, Technical Assistant | Last date: 13 September 2021
– www.governmentrozgar.in
CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, Palampur (Himachal Pradesh) is a constituent laboratory and an R&D organization with a mission to discover, develop and commercialize processes and products from Himalayan Bioresources using cutting edge science and technology under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR).
IHBT Palampur invites Online applications in the prescribed format from young and dynamic candidates having excellent academic records for the recruitment of the following Group-A and Group-B Scientists and TechnicalGovt Job vacancy posts in IHBT Palampur. please refer (Advertisement No. 02/2020). Eligibility should be Indian National and Job Location is Himachal Pradesh.
Sr. Medical Officer: Age: 40 years, Pay Scale: Pay Level-11 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹67700-208700/-
Technical Assistant: Age: 28 years, Pay Scale: Pay Level-6 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹35400-112400/
Application Fee
The application fee of ₹100/- is to be paid through NEFT/RTGS in favour of the Director, CSIR-IHBT, Palampur SBI A/c. SC/ST/PH/Women candidates and regular employees of CSIR are exempted from payment of application fee for Scientist and Technical Vacancy Recruitment in CSIR IHBT 2021.
Last Date of receipt of hard copy of the application
How to Apply for Scientist Technical Vacancy Recruitment in CSIR IHBT 2021?
Apply Online in the prescribed format at the IHBT website from 14/08/2021 to 13/09/2021 followed by sending a hard copy of the online application and data sheet generated duly signed along with copies of mark sheets, certificates, reprint of applications, and other testimonials etc. only for Scientist Vacancy Recruitment in CSIR IHBT 2021 and the hard copy of the system generated should be sent to The “The Director, CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, Post Box No-6, Palampur, District Kangra (H.P.), Pin-176061, so as to reach on or before 27/09/2021.
Candidates who are interested in Delhi Govt Jobs can apply for these IHBT jobs. Keep watching our website
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs..