Tag Archives: Clerk Grade

Rajasthan High Court Recruitment 2022

Rajasthan High Court Recruitment 2022 for Assistant and Clerk – Apply Online

Rajasthan High Court Recruitment 2022 for 2756 Clerk, JJA, JA Posts


Rajasthan High court at Jodhpur invites Online Applications in the prescribed format for Common Competitive Recruitment Examination 2022 for Direct Recruitment to the Government Rojgar Sarkari Naukri Vacancy posts of Junior Assistant, and Clerk Grade-II for Rajasthan High Court (RHC), Rajasthan State Legal Service Authority (RSLSA) and District Legal Service Authorities (DLSA), Rajasthan State Judicial Academy (RSJA) in the state of Rajasthan through the establishment of Rajasthan High Court at Jodhpur. (Advertisement No. 2020/2248) 

Rajasthan High Court Recruitment 2022 for Assistant and Clerk - Apply Online

Rajasthan High Court Assistant/Clerk Recruitment 2022 Vacancies

  1. Junior Assistant: 220 vacancies (UR-116, EWS-32, OBC-67, MBC-16, SC-51, ST-38) (PWD-58) in Rajasthan High Court
  2. Clerk Grade-II: 04 vacancies (UR-04) in Rajasthan Judicial Academy 
  3. Junior Assistant: 18 vacancies (UR-15, EWS-01, ST-02) (PWD-03) in Rajasthan State Legal Service Authority
  4. Clerk Grade-II: 1985 vacancies in Non-TSP Areas (UR-738, EWS-228, OBC-337, MBC-109, SC-315, ST-249, Sahariya Tribe-09) (PWD-175) in District Courts of Rajasthan
  5. Clerk Grade-II: 69 vacancies in TSP Areas (UR-27, EWS-02,  SC-05, ST-35) (PWD-1) in District Courts of Rajasthan
  6. Junior Assistant: 343 vacancies in Non-TSP Areas (UR-166, EWS-25, OBC-55, MBC-11, SC-45, ST-38, Sahariya Tribe-03) (PWD-08) in District Legal Service Authorities in the districts of Rajasthan
  7. Junior Assistant: 17 vacancies in TSP Areas (UR-09, ST-08) in District Legal Service Authorities in the districts of Rajasthan
Name of the PostGeneralEWSBCMCSCSTSaharia
Jr Judicial Assist116326716513800
Clerk Grade 204000000000000
Jr Assist15010000000200
Clerk Grade 2
Clerk Grade 2
Jr Assist
Jr Assist

Pay Scale: Selected candidates will be on a monthly stipend of ₹14600/- in two years duration as probationer trainees and after that, they will be adjusted in the pay scale of Pay Level-5 ₹20800-65900/-

Age: 18-40 years as on 01/01/2023

Qualification:  Must be a Graduate of any University established by law in India or equivalent examination from any university recognised by the Government for the purpose and must have basic knowledge of computers.

Application Fee

CategoryApplication Fee
Gen/OBC/Other StateRs. 500/-
SC/ST/PWDRs. 350/-

Exam Pattern

The Rajasthan High Court Written Test will consist of 150 objective-type questions. There will be no negative marking and the duration of the exam will be 120 minutes.

Hindi501002 hour (120 minutes)

How to Apply for High Court Rajasthan Assistant/Clerk Recruitment 2022?

Desirous and suitable candidates can apply online in the prescribed format at the Rajasthan High Court website from 22/08/2022 to 22/09/2022 only for High Court Rajasthan Assistant and Clerk Vacancy Recruitment 2022.

  • Step 1- Go to the official website of the high court and click on the Recruitment option, then click on the clerk/Jr. assistant, after this click on the online application portal.
  • Step 2- First pay the application form fee by using a debit/credit card or by net banking. After paying the form fee, keep all the copied documents ready like the education and category certificates, photographs, signatures, and so on.
  • Step 3- After this fill the form very carefully, fill all the asked personal and educational details in the application form. Then attached are the necessary documents.
  • Step 4- Check all the details properly one more time and then click on the submission.
  • Step 5- Then take the print-out of the application form for future use. It is very important to do.

View – All Government Jobs in High Courts in India

Details and application submission

Please visit the ‘Recruitment’ Tab of the Rajasthan High Court website https://hcraj.nic.in for all the details and online application submission for High Court Rajasthan Assistant and Clerk Vacancy Recruitment 2022.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**