Tag Archives: Civil Judge Recruitment 2021: Rajasthan Judicial Services

Civil Judge Recruitment 2021: Rajasthan Judicial Services

Rajasthan High Court Civil Judge Recruitment 2021 – Apply

Rajasthan High Court Civil Judge Recruitment 2021

Rajasthan High Court Recruitment 2021: 120 Vacancies – www.governmentrozgar.in

Rajasthan High court at Jodhpur invites online application in the prescribed format Competitive Recruitment Examination 2021 for Direct Recruitment to the Government Naukri Vacancy posts of  Civil Judge Judicial Magistrate for the courts in the state of Rajasthan through the establishment of Rajasthan High Court at Jodhpur. (Advertisement No. 2021/780)  

Rajasthan High Court Civil Judge Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  • Civil Judge and Judicial Magistrate: 120 vacancies (UR-49, EWS-11, MBC-05, OBC-14, SC-18, ST-13) (PWD-05) (for the year 2021 – 89, for the year 2021 -31), Pay Scale: ₹27700-44770 (to be revised),  Age: 21-40 years as of 01/01/2022, Qualification: Law Graduate from any recognised university. Every candidate must possess a thorough knowledge of Hindi Written in Devanagari script and Rajasthani dialects and social customs of Rajasthan.

Application Fee

₹1000/-  (₹750/- for OBC/MBC/EWS candidates and ₹500/- for SC/ST candidates of Rajasthan state only) to be paid online at the Rajasthan High Court recruitment website only.

How to Apply High Court Rajasthan Civil Judge Recruitment 2021?

Desirous candidates can apply online in the prescribed format at the Rajasthan High Court website from 30/07/2021 to 31/08/2021 only for High Court Rajasthan Civil Judge Judicial Magistrate Recruitment Examination 2021.

Details and application submission

Please visit the “Recruitment” Tab of Rajasthan High Court website https://hcraj.nic.in for all the details and online submission of application for High Court Rajasthan Civil Judge Judicial Magistrate  Recruitment Examination 2021.