Tag Archives: central government jobs for graduates 2023

NIT Hamirpur Recruitment 2023

NIT Hamirpur Recruitment 2023 for Faculty Non-Teaching – Apply Now

NIT Hamirpur Recruitment 2023 Notification for 108 Faculty Posts, Application Form


National Institute of Technology (NIT) Hamirpur (Himachal Pradesh) invites applications on prescribed form from Indian Nationals for recruitment and filling up the following Faculty #SarkariNaukri vacancy posts of Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professors in Various Departments of  NIT Hamirpur (Himachal) (Advertisement No. Admn-02-03-17/2023), and other Non-Teaching Sarkari Naukri Vacancies for the year 2023. (Advertisement No. 31/2023) 

Organization NameNational Institute of Technology, Hamirpur
Post NamesProfessor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor
No. of Posts108 Posts
Advt. No.02/2023, 03/2023 to 16/2023, 17/2023 to 30/2023
Application Starting DateStarted
Application Ending Date10th March 2023
Mode of ApplicationOffline
CategoryCentral Government Jobs
Selection ProcessInterview
Job LocationAcross India
NIT Hamirpur Recruitment 2023 for Faculty Non-Teaching - Apply Now

Subject/Disciplines of NIT Hamirpur Recruitment 2023

Department of Civil Engineering /Electrical Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/ Electronics and Communication Engineering/ Computer Science and Engineering/ Chemical Engineering/ Material Science and Engineering/ Architecture / Mathematics and Scientific Computing/ Physics and Photonics Science/ Chemistry/ Humanities and Social Sciences/ Management Studies/ Energy Studies

NIT Hamirpur Faculty Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

  1. Assistant Professor (Grade-II): 39 vacancies (UR-27, EWS-03, SC-05, ST-02, OBC-02) (PwD-01), Pay Scale : Pay Level-10 with starting basic pay of ₹70900/-
  2. Assistant Professor (Grade-II): 06 vacancies (UR-05, OBC-01), Pay Scale : Pay Level-11 with starting basic pay of ₹73100/-
  3. Assistant Professor (Grade-I): 17 vacancies (UR-9, , EWS-01, SC-02, ST-01, OBC-04) (PWD-01), Pay Scale : Pay Level-12 with starting basic pay of ₹101500/-
  4. Associate Professor: 20 vacancies (UR-10, , EWS -01, SC-03, ST-01, OBC-05) (PWD-01), Pay Scale : Pay Level-13A2 with starting basic pay ₹139600/-  
  5. Professor: 26 vacancies ([UR-13, , EWS-02, SC-03, ST-01, OBC-07) (PWD-01), Pay Scale : Pay Level-14A with starting basic pay ₹159100/-
S.NoName of the PostVacancies
2.Assistant Professor (Grade II)45
3.Assistant Professor (Grade I)17
4.Associate Professor20

NIT Hamirpur Non Teaching Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

  1. Registrar: 01 vacancies (UR) on deputation, Pay Scale: Pay Level-14
  2. Deputy Registrar: 01 vacancies (UR), Pay Scale : Pay Level-12
  3. Executive Engineer (Civil): 01 vacancies (UR), Pay Scale : Pay Level-10

Application Fee for NIT Hamirpur Vacancy 2023

All applications must be accompanied by a non-refundable processing fee of ₹ 1000/-except SC/ST/PWD and Women Candidates.

Selection Process for NIT Recruitment 2023

National Institute Of Technology Hamirpur Teaching Faculty Recruitment 2023 Selection Procedure consists of following successive stages.

  1. Written examination
  2. Interview
  3. Document verification
  4. Medical fitness test

How to Apply for NIT Hamirpur Vacancy Recruitment 2023?

For the NIT Hamirpur Faculty and Non-Teaching vacancy recruitment 2023, candidates should Apply Online in the prescribed format at NIT Hamirpur recruitment website only. The hard copy of the system generated application along with the self-attested copies of the relevant testimonials, certificates, enclosures, etc. should be sent to The Registrar, National Institute of Technology, P.O- Anu, Hamirpur, Hamirpur – 177055 (Himachal Pradesh) on or before 10/03/2023.

Details and application format for NIT Vacancy 2023

For more information and the application format for NIT Hamirpur Faculty and Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2023, please visit the NIT Hamirpur recruitment website at https://www.nith.ac.in/advertisement-recruitments

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