Tag Archives: BTech/BE Jobs 2021


IBPS 11th CRP Bank Specialist Officer Recruitment Examination 2021-22, Apply now

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS), an autonomous body, has been authorized by the IBA and has received mandates from  Public Sector Banks to conduct the recruitment of XIth (11) CRP for Specialist Officer Cadre Posts in PSU Banks.


Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) will conduct XIth (11th)  Online Common Recruitment Process (CRP), Preliminary and Main Examination for the year 2021-22 for and recruitment and selection of personnel for 1828 Specialist Officers (SO) Government Job Vacancy Posts in participating 11 Public Sector Bank or any other Financial Institution tentatively in the month of December 2021 and January 2022 through XIth (11th) CRP for Specialist Officer Vacancy in PSU Banks by IBPS.

Any eligible candidate, who aspires to join any of the Participating Banks and Financial Organizations as Specialist Officer Cadre Posts or in a similar post in that cadre, is required to register for the Common Recruitment Process (CRP SPL-XI for Vacancies of 2022-23) for the following posts of Specialist Officers –

  1. Information Technology (IT) Officer (Scale-I)
  2. Agricultural Field Officer (Scale I)
  3. Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale I)
  4. Law Officer (Scale I)
  5. HR/Personnel Officer (Scale I)
  6. Marketing Officer (Scale I)

IBPS 11th CRP Specialist Officer Vacancy Details

  • Age: 20-30 years as on 01/11/2021, relaxation in age as per rules.
  • Qualification: As mentioned against each Specialist Cadre vacancy from a University recognized by the Govt. Of India. 
  • Vacancies: 1828 vacancy posts in various Banks in various States.
    • Information Technology Officer (Scale-I): 220 vacancies, Qualification:  4 year Engineering/ Technology Degree in Computer Science/ Computer Applications/ Information Technology/ Electronics/ Electronics & Telecommunications/ Electronics & Communication/ Electronics & Instrumentation OR b) Post Graduate Degree in Electronics/ Electronics & Tele Communication/Electronics & Communication/ Electronics & Instrumentation/ Computer Science/ Information Technology/ Computer Applications OR Graduate having passed DOEACC ‘B’ level
    • Agriculture Field Officer (Scale-I): 884 vacancies, Qualification:  4 year Degree (graduation) in Agriculture/ Horticulture/Animal Husbandry/ Veterinary Science/ Dairy Science/ Fishery Science/ Pisciculture/ Agri. Marketing & Cooperation/ Co-operation & Banking/ Agro-Forestry/Forestry/ Agricultural Biotechnology/ Food Science/ Agriculture Business Management/ Food Technology/ Dairy Technology/ Agricultural Engineering/ Sericulture
    • Rajbhasha Adhikari (Hindi) Officer (Scale-I):  84 vacancies, Qualification: Post Graduate Degree in Hindi with English as a subject at the degree (graduation) level OR Postgraduate degree in Sanskrit with English and Hindi as subjects at the degree (graduation) level. 
    • Law Officer (Scale-I): 44 vacancies, Qualification: A Bachelor Degree in Law (LLB) and enrolled as an advocate with Bar Council
    • HR/ Personnel Officer (Scale-I):  61 vacancies, Qualification: Graduate and Two Years Full-time Post Graduate degree or Two Years Full-time Post Graduate Diploma in Personnel Management / Industrial Relations/ HR / HRD/ Social Work / Labour Law.
    • Marketing Officer (Scale-I): 535 vacancies, Qualification:  Graduate and Two Years Full-time MMS (Marketing)/ Two Years Full-time MBA (Marketing)/ Two Years Full-time PGDBA / PGDBM/ PGPM/ PGDM with specialization in Marketing
  • Pay Scale: JMG-I Scale ₹36000-63840/-
IBPS 11th CRP Bank Specialist Officer Recruitment Examination 2021-22

Important Dates for IBPS 11th CRP for Specialist Officer (SO) Recruitment

  1. Online Registration – 03/11/2021  to 23/11/2021
  2. Payment of Application Fees – Online 03/11/2021  to 23/11/2021
  3. Online Examination (Preliminary)  –  26/12/2021
  4. Online Main Examination   –  30/01/2022

Application Fee 

₹ 850/- (₹175/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates) inclusive of GST to be paid online which can be made by using Debit Cards (RuPay/Visa/MasterCard/Maestro), Credit Cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets by providing information as asked on the screen.

About IBPS 11th CRP Specialist Officer (SO) Cadre Recruitment

XIth (11th) Common Recruitment Process (CRP) Common Written Examination (CWE)  (Preliminary and Main) for Recruitment of Specialist Officer (SO) Cadre Vacancy in Public Sector Banks will be conducted in the month of December 2021 (Prelim) and in January 2022 (Main) through online mode by the IBPS as a per-requisites for selection of personnel for 1828 Specialist Officer posts for the vacancies for 2021-22 in the various 11 Public Sector Banks and/or in any other Bank/ Financial Institution.

On completion of the Main Examination, depending on the state/UT wise vacancies to be filled in during the financial year 2022-23 based on the business needs of the Participating Organizations and as reported to IBPS, candidates shortlisted will be provisionally allotted to one of the Participating Organizations, based on merit-cum-preference keeping in view the spirit of Govt. Guidelines on reservation policy, various guidelines issued by Govt. of India/Others from time to time, administrative exigency, etc.

Participating Banks for IBPS 10th Specialist Officer CRP

  1. Bank of Baroda
  2. Canara Bank
  3. Indian Overseas Bank
  4. UCO Bank
  5. Bank of India
  6. Central Bank of India
  7. Punjab National Bank
  8. Union Bank of India
  9. Bank of Maharashtra
  10. Indian Bank
  11. Punjab & Sind Bank

IBPS Bank Specialist Officer Cadre 11th CRP Examination Structure

The XIth (11th) CRP for Bank Specialist Officer Cadre Vacancy will have an Examination Structure like this in the image below. 

Online Preliminary Examination will have 3 subjects papers having 150 questions of English Language and Reasoning Ability as common and General Awareness with Special Reference to Banking Industry for Law Officers and Rajbhasha Officer while IT Officer, Agriculture Field Officer, HR/Personnel Officer and Marketing Officer will appear for Quantitative Aptitude paper

Each paper will be of 50 questions and will be of 40 minutes duration with a total of 125 marks of two-hour duration only. 

The Preliminary examination will be conducted on 26th December 2021 at various test centres across India.

The Online Main Examination for IBPS 11th CRP for Specialist Officer (SO) Cadre for Professional Knowledge in the speciality is as given in the image.  The exam will be held on 30th Jan 2022.

IBPS Bank Specialist Officer Cadre CRP Exam Structure
IBPS Bank Specialist Officer Cadre CRP Exam Structure

How to Apply for IBPS XIth CRP for Specialist Officer Vacancy Posts?  

Suitable and desirable candidates need to apply Online in the prescribed format at the IBPS website from 03/11/2021 to 23/11/2021 only for IBPS 11th CRP Bank Specialist Officer Recruitment Examination 2021-22.

Details and Online Submission of Application

Please visit https://www.ibps.in/crp-specialist-officers-xi/ for all the details and online submission of application and Notification for IBPS 11th CRP Bank Specialist Officer Recruitment Examination 2021-22.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


ITI Limited Engineer Manager Vacancy Recruitment 2021 – Apply Online/Offline

ITI Limited Recruitment 2021 : The ITI Limited has published the  Notification for Recruitment To The Assistant Executive Engineer (AEE), Dy. Manager, Manager & Other Job Vacancy Are Listed Here.


Indian Telephone Industries Limited (ITI), the Country’s premier Telecom Company, multi-unit Central Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) invites online applications in the prescribed format for its various offices for the following Govt Job vacancy posts of Engineering and Management Professionals as Assistant Executive Engineers (AEE), Marketing Executives and Managers in various disciplines. (Advertisement No. ITI/COMP/01/28/21/08) for the Location : Bengaluru.

Notification Details

Organisation NameITI Limited
Recruitment Exam NameITI Limited Recruitment 2021 for AEE / Dy. Managers / Managers
Post NotifiedAssistant Executive Engineer (AEE), Dy. Manager, Manager
Recruitment TypeFixed Term for 5 Years, Which May Be Extended
Recruitment CategoryPSU Jobs

ITI Engineer Manager Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  1. Advertisement No. JK/PD/287 – The last date to apply – 15/11/2021
    1. Marketing Executive: 02 vacancies, Age: 33 years, Qualification: MBA (Marketing), Experience: 05 years, Remuneration: Consolidated Remuneration of ₹18000/- per month😕
  2. Advertisement No. – ITI/COMP/01/28/21/08 for Engineers and Managers Vacancies
    1. Assistant Executive Engineers (AEE) Grade-2: 03 vacancies in Civil Engineering, Age: 30 years, Experience: 02 years, Pay Scale: ₹8600-14600 (to be revised)
    2. Assistant Executive Engineers (AEE) Grade-2: 03 vacancies in E&C/ Electronics/ Telecommunication/ Computer Science/ Information Technology, Age: 30 years, Experience: 02 years, Pay Scale: ₹8600-14600 (to be revised)
    3. Dy. Manager/ Manager Grade 4/5: 08 vacancies in E&C/ Electronics/ Telecommunication, Age: 40 years for Dy Manager / 42 years for Manager, Experience: 06 years for Dy. Manager and 09 years for Manager in the relevant area, Pay Scale: ₹13000-18250 for Dy. Manager and ₹14500-18700 for Manager vacancies (to be revised).
ITI Limited Engineer Manager Vacancy Recruitment 2021

Important Dates

Date of Notification : 28.10.2021

Starting Date of Online Application : 28.10.2021

Last Date to Submit the Online Application : 11.11.2021

Last Date to Submit the Hard copy of Online Application : 15.11.2021

Application Fees

No application fees is required to be paid by the candidates. 

Education Details

Assistant Executive Engineer (AEE) : B.E. / B.Tech in Civil Engineering / E&C / Electronics / Telecommunication / Computer Science / Information Technology With 02 Years Relevant Experience.

Dy. Manager / Manager : B.E. / B.Tech in E&C / Electronics / Telecommunication with 06 years relevant experience for Dy. Manager and 09 Years Relevant Experience for Manager.

Age Limit

Assistant Executive Engineer (AEE) : 30 Years, Dy. Manager : 40 Years, Manager : 42 Years

Selection Process

Selection of candidates in ITI Limited for the above mentioned posts will be through Interview. 

How to Apply Recruitment of Engineers and Managers in ITI Limited 2021?

Suitable and desirable candidates should apply online in the prescribed format at the ITI Limited recruitment website on or before 11/11/2021 (15/11/2021 for the posts of Marketing Executives) only for ITI Limited Engineer Manager Vacancy Recruitment 2021 and the hard copy of the system generated application should be sent along with documents and application fees at the designated address given in the detailed advertisement document.


Steps To Apply

Details and Application Format

Please visit https://itiltd.in/careers for detailed information and online application format for ITI Limited Engineer Manager Vacancy Recruitment 2021. Direct Link for Notification.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


IBPS 11th CRP Bank PO/MT Vacancy Recruitment 2021 – Apply Online

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection Commonly known As IBPS Conducts Common Recruitment Process For Recruitment Of Probationary Officers/ Management Trainees In Participating Organizations. Candidates Can Check Detailed Information from Below Provided Details……


The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) will conduct XI (11th)  Online Common Recruitment Process (CRP), Preliminary and Main Examination for the 4135 vacancies for the year 2022-23  for selection of personnel for Probationary Officers (PO)/ Management Trainees (MT) Government Job vacancy posts in participating Public Sector Bank or any other Financial Institution.

Any eligible candidate, who aspires to join any of the Participating Banks and Financial Organizations  as a Probationary Officer (PO) / Management Trainee (MT) or in a similar post in that cadre, is required to register for the 11th Common Recruitment Process (CWE PO/MT-XI).

About IBPS

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) is an autonomous body has been authorized by the IBA and has received mandates from  Public Sector Banks and Financial Institutions to conduct the recruitment of Eligible Candidates for Probationary Officers (PO)/ Management Trainees (MT).

IBPS gives its recruitment services to Public Sector Banks, SBI, RBI, NABARD, SDBI, Co-operative Banks, LIC and Public Sector Insurance companies, Regional Rural Banks and some other PSU and Government organizations.

Some Universities and Management Institutes also avail of IBPS services for the conduct of their admission tests.

IBPS has evolved as one of the biggest recruitment examiners in India.

Participating Banks / Organisations for IBPS 11th PO/MT CRP

  1. Bank of Baroda
  2. Canara Bank
  3. Indian Overseas Bank
  4. UCO Bank
  5. Bank of India
  6. Central Bank of India
  7. Punjab National Bank
  8. Union Bank of India
  9. Bank of Maharashtra
  10. Indian Bank
  11. Punjab and Sind Bank

IBPS XI 11th PO/MT vacancy details :

  • Probationary Officer (PO) / Management Trainee (MT): 4135 vacancies (UR-1600, EWS-404, OBC-1102, SC-679, ST-350)
  • Age: 20-30 years as of 01/10/2021, age relaxation as per rules for SC/ST/OBC/ PWDs/ Ex.-SM
  • Qualification: Graduate Degree in any discipline from any recognized University/Institution.
  • Indicative Vacancies:  around 4135 vacancies 
  • Pay Scale: JMG-I scale ₹36000-63840
IBPS 11th CRP Bank PO/MT Vacancy Recruitment 2021

IBPS XI 11th PO/MT 2021: Exam Dates

EventsDates (Tentative)
IBPS PO Notification 202119th October 2021
Apply Online Starts20th October 2021
Last date to Apply Online10th November 2021
Download PET Call LetterNovember 2021
Conduct of Pre-exam TrainingNovember/ December 2021
IBPS PO Prelims Admit CardNovember/ December 2021
IBPS PO 2021 Preliminary Exam Date04th and 11th December 2021 (tentative)
IBPS PO Preliminary ResultDecember 2021
IBPS PO 2021 Mains Admit cardDecember 2021/January 2022
IBPS PO Mains Exam DateJanuary 2022
IBPS PO Mains ResultJanuary/ February 2022
Download call letter for interviewFebruary 2022
Conduct of interviewFebruary/ March 2022
IBPS PO 2021 Provisional AllotmentApril 2022

Application Fee :

₹850/- (₹175/- SC/ST/PWD candidates) to be paid Online between 20/10/2021 to 10/11/2021.

The payment can be made by using Debit Cards (RuPay/ Visa/ MasterCard/ Maestro), Credit Cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets.

Eligibility Criteria :-

  • Degree (Graduation) in any discipline from a University recognized by the Govt. Of India or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Central Government. (As on 26.08.2021)
  • The candidate must possess valid Mark-sheet / Degree Certificate that he/ she is a graduate on the day he / she registers and indicate the percentage of marks obtained in Graduation while registering online.

Selection Process for PO/MT XIth CRP:-

IBPS conducts the Common Recruitment Process (CRP PO/MT) for the selection of Probationary Officers (PO) and Management Trainees (MT) in interested Public Sector Banks once every year. 

Any eligible candidate, who aspires to join any of the 11 PSU Bank as a Probationary Officer/ Management Trainee or in a similar post in that cadre, is required to register for the 11th Common Recruitment Process (CRP PO/MT-XI). 

The examination is of two-tier i.e. the online examination will be held in two phases, Online Preliminary and Online Main. 

Candidates who will qualify in Online Preliminary examination and shortlisted will have to appear for Online Main examination and shortlisted candidates in the Online Main examination will subsequently be called for a Common Interview to be conducted by the Participating Organizations and coordinated by the Nodal Bank.

IBPS XI 11th Bank PO/MT Examination Structure

The XIth (11th) CRP for Bank PO/MT Vacancy will have an Examination Structure like this in the image below. Online Preliminary Examination will have 3 subjects having 100 questions of English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning Ability with a total of 100 marks of one-hour duration only.

The Online Main Examination for XI 11th IBPS CRP for PO/MT Exam will be of 3 hours and 155 questions having 4 subjects Reasoning & Computer Aptitude, General/Economy/Banking Awareness, English Language and Data Analysis & Interpretation of 200 marks with an additional 30 minutes for English Language (Letter Writing & Essay).

IBPS Bank PO/MT Exam Structure
IBPS Bank PO/MT Exam Structure

How to Apply for IBPS 11th CWE/CRP Bank PO/MT 2021?  

Candidates need to apply Online in the prescribed format at the IBPS recruitment website from 20/10/2021 to 10/11/2021 only for XI 11th CRP for Probationary Officers/Management Trainees in 11 PSU Banks 2021.

Steps To Apply:

Online Submission of Application and Details

Please view https://www.ibps.in/wp-content/uploads/PO_XI_DA.pdf for detailed information about IBPS 11th CRP for PO/MT Bank Recruitment and visit https://www.ibps.in to submit the online application form.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…

 ***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**


Manager Officer Recruitment in India Post Payment Bank 2021- Apply Online

India Post Payment Bank Recruitment 2021-Latest notification released for 23 vacancies of Senior IPPB Officers Scale II, III, IV, V, VI, VII Managerial posts. interested candidates can go through this article for vacancy details.


India Post Payments Bank Limited (IPPB) has been set up under the Department of Post, Ministry of Communication with 100% equity owned by the Government of India.

IPPB invites Online recruitment application forms for the following 21 Govt.Job vacancy posts of Senior level Officers/Managers at various levels on a Regular/Deputation basis in various disciplines/areas in order to support our future growth and transformation challenges in India Post Payments Bank. Interested candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria may apply online.

India Post Payment Bank Job Details 2021

  1. Manager in MMGS-II Scale, Age: 23 to 35 years, Experience: 3 Years
  2. Senior Manager in MMGS-III Scale, Age: 26 to 35 Years, Experience: 6 Years
  3. Chief Manager in SMGS-IV Scale, Age: 29 to 45 Years, Experience: 9 Years
  4. Assistant General Manager in SMGS-V Scale, Age: 32 to 45 Years, Experience: 12 Years
  5. Deputy General Manager in TEGS-VI Scale, Age: 35 to 55 Years, Experience: 15 Years
  6. General Manager in TEGS–VII Scale, Age: 38 to 55 Years, Experience: 18 Years

India Post Payment Bank Area-wise Recruitment 2021

  1. Area – Technology
    1. AGM (Enterprise/ Integration Architect): 01 vacancies in SMGS-V
    2. Chief Manager (Digital Technology): 01 vacancies in SMGS-IV
    3. Chief Manager (IT Project Management): 01 vacancies in SMGS-IV
    4. Chief Manager (Banking & Payment Solution Architect): 01 vacancies in SMGS-IV
    5. Senior Manager (Network/Infrastructure Administration): 01 vacancies in MMGS-III
    6. Senior Manager (System/ Database Administration) : 01 vacancies in MMGS-III
    7. Manager (Digital Technology): 01 vacancies in MMGS-II
  2. Area – Information Technology
    1. Chief Manager (Security Architect): 01 vacancies in SMGS-IV
    2. Senior Manager (Security Administration): 02 vacancies in MMGS-III
  3. Area – Product
    1. AGM – BSG (Business Solutions Group): 01 vacancies in SMGS-V
    2. Chief Manager (Retail Products): 01 vacancies in SMGS-IV
    3. Chief Manager (PG Acquiring): 01 vacancies in SMGS-IV
  4. Area – Operations
    1. GM (Operations): 01 vacancies in TEGS–VII on deputation
    2. AGM (Operations): 01 vacancies in SMGS-V
    3. Chief Manager (Operations): 01 vacancies in SMGS-IV
    4. Senior Manager (Operations): 02 vacancies in MMGS-III
    5. Manager (Operations): 01 vacancies in MMGS-II
  5. Area – Risk Management
    1. DGM (Risk)/Chief Risk Officer: 01 vacancies in TEGS–VI
    2. Chief Manager (Fraud Monitoring): 01 vacancies in SMGS-IV
  6. Area – Finance
    1. DGM (Finance & Accounts): 01 vacancies in TEGS–VI on deputation
    2. AGM (Financial Planning, Budgeting and Analysis) : 01 vacancies in SMGS-V
  7. CEO Office
    1. Company Secretary: 01 vacancies in MMGS-III
Manager Officer Recruitment in India Post Payment Bank 2021

Application Fee

Candidates who wish to apply for the job vacancies in IPPB should pay an application fee of Rs.750/- (Rs.150/- for SC/ST candidates) which is to be paid online.

Important Dates :

Starting date to apply : 09.10.2021

Last date to apply : 23.10.2021

IPPB Recruitment 2021- Eligibility Criteria

Check the required educational qualification, experience, and age limit required for IPPB Recruitment 2021 from the below section.

Education Qualification & Experience


Candidate should have Bachelor of Engineering/ Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology or Computer Science. Candidate with MBA/ Post Graduate Degree in Information Technology or Computer Science will be given preference.

Required Experience

Assistant General Manager: Minimum 12 years of experience in Officer cadre in IT as a Technology Architect. (of which) at least experience of 3 years in banking and electronic payment services industry is mandatory.

For Chief Manager Post: Minimum 9 years of experience in Officer cadre in IT in banking and electronic payment services industry is mandatory.

For Senior Manager: Minimum 6 years of experience in Officer Cadre in IT (of which) Minimum 3 years of experience in network infrastructure/ administration in banking or financial services or insurance industry is mandatory.

For Manager: Candidate should have Post Qualification Experience of Minimum 3 years of experience in Officer Cadre in Information Technology function is mandatory.

For General Manager: Candidate should have Minimum 18 years of experience in banking/ financial  services industry is mandatory. (of Which) Minimum 3 years of experience in heading or one level below the head of operations of a bank, operating in a technology environment, is mandatory.

For Deputy General Manager: Candidate should have Minimum 15 years of experience in Finance and Accounting department of a bank is mandatory. (of which) 05 years should be at senior management level.

Age Limit (01/09/2021)

Designation/PostsAge Limit 
General Manager38 to 55 years
Deputy General Manager35 to 55 years
Assistant General Manager32 to 45 years
Chief Manager29 to 45 years
Senior Manager26 to 35 years
Manager23 to 35 years

Selection Process :

Selection will be made on the basis of the Interview. However, Bank reserves the right to conduct the assessment, Group Discussion, or Online Test in addition to the interview.

How to Apply for India Post Payment Bank Job Vacancies 2021?

Apply Online in the prescribed format available at the India Post Payments Bank recruitment page between 09/10/2021 and 23/10/2021 only for Senior Manager Officer Recruitment in India Post Payment Bank 2021.

  • Go to the official site of IPPB website.
  • Select “Announcement” option on the Home page.
  • The section contains notification link. Read Carefully.
  • Click “Apply Online” and fill the application form.
  • Click “Submit” button and print it for future purposes.

Online submission of application and Details

Please visit the ‘Careers’ tab and then at ‘Current Openingsat the India Post Payments Bank recruitment website at  https://www.ippbonline.com/web/ippb/current-openings for details and online submission of application.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


NIT Nagaland Assistant Professor Vacancy Recruitment 2021 – Apply Offline

National Institute of Technology (NIT) Nagaland released notification for faculty recruitment at the level of Assistant Professor (Grade-I). Apply within 45 days from the date of advertisement in Employment News paper dated 11th September 2021 Issue.  i.e. Last date will be 25/10/2021.


Offline Applications in the prescribed format are invited for the following Faculty Govt Job vacancy posts of Assistant Professors in various subjects/ disciplines in the National Institute of Technology Nagaland (NIT Nagaland). (Advertisement No. NIT-N/RECT-T/2021/08).

NIT Nagaland Faculty Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

Educational Qualification :

✔️ B.E/ B.Tech with M.E/ M.Tech & Ph.D. in the relevant or equivalent discipline.
✔️ Ph.D in the relevant or equivalent discipline and first class in the preceding degrees Essential Requirement.
✔️ 3 years after Ph.D. or 6 years total teaching and research experience in reputed academic Institute / R&D Labs / relevant Industry.

Application Fee

₹1000/- for General/OBC category and ₹500/- in case of SC/ST in the form of Demand Draft in favour of IRG, NIT Nagaland payable at State Bank of India, Chumukedima Branch, Dimapur. However, Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) candidates are exempted from payment of the prescribed fees.

Selection Process :

✔️Personal Interview.

View – All open Government Jobs in Institutes

NIT Nagaland Assistant Professor Vacancy Recruitment 2021

How to Apply for NIT Nagaland Faculty Vacancy 2021?

Applicants are required to submit the application form along with one latest passport size photograph duly pasted in the space prescribed in the application form and signed across on it (the stapled photograph will not be accepted) and self-attested copies of the certificates of educational qualifications, date of birth, experience, caste/category certificate, credit point claimed, identity proof (Election I-Card/UID Aadhar /PAN etc.), etc.

The application must be sent in the prescribed format only through speed post/ registered post to “The Registrar, National Institute of Technology Nagaland, Chumukedima, Dimapur, Nagaland 797103” on or before 25/10/2021. On the envelope please inscribe “Application for Recruitment for the post of  ………… Advt No. (please fill in name of post category applied for)”.

Detailed information and application format

Details and application format for Teaching Faculty of Assistant Professor Vacancy Recruitment 2021 in NIT Nagaland is available at https://nitnagaland.ac.in/ .

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

 ***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


IBPS Government Jobs Vacancy Recruitment 2021 – Apply Now

IBPS Recruitment 2021 OUT – Apply for Assistant Professor, Research Associate, IT Engineers and Various Others


Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS), is an autonomous body setup by RBI, Central Financial Institutions and Public Sector Banks, invites online applications in the prescribed format from eligible candidates for recruitment and selection of personnel to the following various Govt Job Vacancy posts in IBPS.

IBPS Government Jobs Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  1. Assistant Professor in the Pay Scale: Academic Pay Level-12 starting ₹101500
  2. Faculty Research Associate in the Pay Scale: Academic Pay Level-10 starting  ₹57700
  3. Research Associatein the Pay Scale: Academic Pay Level-07 starting ₹44900 
  4. Hindi Officer in the Pay Scale: Academic Pay Level-07 starting  ₹44,900
  5. IT Engineer (Data Centre) in the Pay Scale: Academic Pay Level-06 starting ₹35400
  6. IT Database Administrator in the Pay Scale: Academic Pay Level-06 starting ₹35400
  7. Software Developer and Tester (Frontend, Backend) in the Pay Scale: Academic Pay Level-06 starting ₹35400

All the above listed IT Jobs vacancies are in Grade-D/E/F/G having starting basic pay as indicted above where total emoluments will be basic pay plus various allowances and benefits such as PF Employer’s contribution, medical benefits, medi-claim, LTC, Telephone and newspaper reimbursement, canteen subsidy, gratuity, superannuation, interest subsidy on housing loans, etc. are admissible as per rules.

Application Fee

₹1000/- for all candidates to be paid online  by using Debit Cards (RuPay/ Visa/ Master Card/ Maestro), Credit Cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets by providing information as asked on the screen.

IBPS Eligibility Criteria 2021:

Assistant Professors: Candidates should have completed Ph.D. or equivalent degree in Statistics with minimum 55% marks in Post-graduation. Minimum 5 years of work experience required.

Faculty Research Associates: Candidates should completed Ph.D. or equivalent degree in Industrial Psychology or Organisational Psychology or Educational Measurement or Psychological Measurement or related at least 55% marks in Post graduation.

Research AssociateApplicant should have completed Post-Graduation in Psychology, Education, Psychological Measurement, Psychometrics, Management from recognized University.

Hindi Officers: Master’s degree from a recognized university in Hindi with English or related from recognized University, Application needed to have minimum 1 year of work experience in Hindi translation or in related field.

IT Engineer/ IT Data Base Admin/ Software Developer and Tester: Candidates should have completed B.E. or B.Tech. Degree, preferably in Computer science or IT from a recognize University. Candidates should have minimum 3 years of work experience in related field.

Important Dates :

Online Registration Date : 01.10.2021 to 14.10.2021

IBPS Age Limit :

  • To apply for Assistant Professor candidates age should between 32 years to 45 years.
  • Faculty Research Associate age limit is 27 years to 40 years.
  • Research Associate and Hindi Officer age should between 21 years to 30 years.
  • IT Engineer, IT Database Administrator and Software Developer and Tester age should between 21 years to 35 years.

Selection Process :

The selection of candidates will be on the basis of performance in Online test, Skill test and Interview. The selection test will be held in the month of November/December 2021 tentatively. The selection process for the vacancies will be like this.

  1. For Assistant Professor – Group Exercises, Presentation  Exercise and Personal Interview 
  2. For Faculty Research Associate, and Research Associate – Online Exam, Item writing Exercise, Group Exercises and Personal Interview 
  3. For Hindi Officer – Online Exam, Skill test, Item Writing Exercise and Personal Interview 
  4. For IT Engineer (Data Centre), IT Database Administrator – Online Exam, Skill test and Personal  Software Developer and Tester (Frontend, Backend) and Interview
IBPS Government Jobs Vacancy Recruitment 2021

IBPS Exam Pattern 2021 :

Faculty Research Associate

TopicNumber of QuestionsTiming
Aptitude6090 Minutes
Professional Knowledge3030 Minutes

Research Associate

TopicNumber of QuestionsMarksTiming
Reasoning505045 Min
Quantitative Aptitude505040 Min
English Language505035 Min
General Awareness505020 Min

Hindi Officer

TopicNumber of QuestionsMarksTiming
Reasoning502535 Min
English Language505035 Min
General Awareness505025 Min
Hindi Language507550 Min

IT Engineer, IT Data Base Admin and Software Developer & Tester

TopicNumber of QuestionsMarkTiming
Aptitude505090 Minutes
Professional Knowledge5050

How to Apply for Job Vacancy in IBPS 2021?

Suitable and desirable candidates should Apply Online in the prescribed format at the IBPS website from 01/10/2021 to 14/10/2021 only for Government Job Vacancy in IBPS 2021.

Steps To Apply :

  • Go to official website of IBPS.
  • Go to careers page then find the notification and application link.
  • Or use the link given in this page.
  • It will lead you to application page.
  • Fill the application and attach required documents.
  • Submit the application form.

Application Format and Details

Please visit https://www.ibps.in/career/ for all the details available and to submit the application online for various Government Job Vacancy in IBPS 2021.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment in Central University of Haryana 2021- apply online

CUH Non-Teaching Recruitment 2021 notification has been recently updated for 50+ Post of Librarian, Deputy Librarian, Deputy Registrar, Internal Audit Officer jobs.


Central University of Haryana is a Central University established under the Central Universities Act, 2009 of the Parliament. It is one of the 15 Central Universities established by MHRD, GoI under the XIth Five Year Plan (2007 -12). The University is fully Funded by the UGC. Permanent Campus of the University is situated in 488 acres of land at Jant-Pali Villages, Mahendergarh district of Haryana from where CUH is running its Academic Operations.

Applications through online mode in the prescribed format are invited from the eligible candidates for appointment to the following various Group-A, Group-B, and Group-C Non-Teaching Govt Job vacancy posts on a regular/deputation basis in Central University of Haryana (CUH), Mahendergarh, Haryana 2021 (Advertisement No. 4-5/NT/R/2021).

CUH Non-Teaching Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  1. Non-Teaching Vacancies 4/NT/R/2021 
    1. Group-A Posts
      1. Deputy Librarian: 01 vacancies
      2. Deputy Registrar: 01 vacancies
      3. Internal Audit Officer: 01 vacancies on deputation
      4. Chief Security Officer: 01 vacancies on deputation
      5. Executive Engineer: 01 vacancies
      6. Hindi Officer: 01 vacancies
      7. System Analyst: 01 vacancies
      8. Medical Officer: 02 vacancies (Male-1, Female-1)
  2. Non-Teaching Vacancies 5/NT/R/2021
    1. Group-B posts
      1. Security Officer: 01 vacancies
      2. Assistant Engineer: 01 vacancies
      3. Private Secretary: 02 vacancies
      4. Hindi Translator: 01 vacancies
      5. Assistant: 01 vacancies
      6. Personal Assistant: 03 vacancies
      7. Professional Assistant: 01 vacancies
      8. Senior Technical Assistant (Civil Engineering): 01 vacancies
      9. Senior Technical Assistant (Computer Science Engineering): 01 vacancies
      10. Senior Technical Assistant (Electrical Engineering): 01 vacancies
      11. Senior Technical Assistant (Printing & Packaging Technology): 01 vacancies
    2. Group-C Vacancies
      1. Statistical Assistant: 01 vacancies
      2. Security Inspector: 01 vacancies
      3. Technical Assistant (Computer): 01 vacancies for (For B.Ed. and M.Ed. programmes)
      4. Technical Assistant (Civil Engineering): 01 vacancies
      5. Technical Assistant (Computer Science Engineering): 01 vacancies
      6. Technical Assistant (Electrical Engineering): 01 vacancies
      7. Technical Assistant (Printing & Packaging Technology): 01 vacancies
      8. Laboratory Assistant: 01 vacancies for B.Ed. and M.Ed. programmes
      9. Laboratory Assistant (Civil Engineering): 01 vacancies
      10. Laboratory Assistant (Computer Science Engineering): 01 vacancies
      11. Laboratory Assistant (Electrical Engineering): 01 vacancies
      12. Laboratory Assistant (Printing & Packaging Technology): 01 vacancies
      13. Laboratory Assistant (Physical Sciences): 01 vacancies
      14. Laboratory Assistant (Chemical Sciences): 01 vacancies
      15. Laboratory Assistant (Biological Sciences): 02 vacancies
      16. Library Assistant: 02 vacancies
      17. Lower Division Clerk (LDC): 03 vacancies
      18. Hindi Typist: 01 vacancies
      19. Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS): 02 vacancies
      20. Library Attendant: 02 vacancies
      21. Kitchen Attendant: 01 vacancies
      22. Laboratory Attendant: 01 vacancies (For B.Ed. and M.Ed. programmes)
      23. Laboratory Attendant: 08 vacancies (Engineering /Science disciplines) 
Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment in Central University of Haryana 2021

Application Fee

₹1000/- for Group-A, ₹800/- for Group-B and ₹500/- for Group-C (No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women candidates)  be paid.

Important Dates :

Starting Date For Submission Of Application : 22 September 2021

Last Date For Submission Of Application : 19 October 2021

Eligibility :

Candidates should have passed 10th, 12th class, Graduate, Post Graduate or Equivalent from a recognized Board/University/Institution.

Age Limit :

Minimum Age Limit : 18 Years

Maximum Age Limit : 35 Years

Age Relaxation : For OBC >> 03 Years | SC/ST >> 05 Years. for More age details can go to official website.

CUH Non-Teaching Job 2021 Summary :

  • Department Name : Central University of Haryana
  • Notification About : CUH Non-Teaching Job 2021
  • Selection Process : Written Exam & Interview
  • Type of Job : State Government Jobs.
  • Location : Haryana
  • Mode of Apply : Online

How to Apply for CUH Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2021?   

The recruitment online application form in the prescribed format should be submitted to the CUH website on or before 21/10/2021 for Advt. No. Advertisement No. 4/NT/R/2021 for Group-A Gazetted posts and on or before 19/10/2021 for Advertisement No. 5/NT/R/2021 for Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2021 in Central University of Haryana.

Steps To Apply :

  • The candidate goes to the Official website of CUH
  • Go to the Recruitment Tab given on the right side and Press new job openings.
  • Search for the latest CUH Non-Teaching Recruitment Notifications.
  • Click on apply online and fill all the basic details.
  • After filling all details then click submit.
  • Save your Registration no and password for future use.

Application Format and Details

Please visit  http://cuh.ac.in/cuh-jobs.aspx   for details and prescribed application format for Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment in Central University of Haryana 2019.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***