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SBI Recruitment 2023

SBI SO Recruitment 2023 on Regular/Contract basis – Apply Now

SBI SO Recruitment 2023 Apply Online | 19 Specialist Officer Vacancies on a Regular/Contract Basis


State Bank of India (SBI), India’s number One bank invites Online Applications in the prescribed format from Indian citizens for selection and recruitment for engagement of various Specialist Cadre Officers (Officers/Managers/Specialists) etc. on a regular/contract basis on the State Bank of India (SBI) and its offices throughout India for the year 2022-23. (Advertisement No. : CRPD/SCO/2022-23/30-31).

SBI SO Recruitment 2023 on Regular/Contract basis - Apply Now

SBI SO Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

  1. Advertisement No. CRPD/SCO/2022-23/30, Contractual posts for 3 years, place of posting: Mumbai, Remuneration/CTC: Market best CTC
    1. Vice President (Transformation): 01 vacancy (UR-01), Age: 50 years
    2. Program Manager: 04 vacancies (UR-03, OBC-01), Age: 35 years
    3. Manager Quality & Training: 01 vacancy (UR-01), Age: 40 years
    4. Command Centre Manager: 03 vacancies (UR-03), Age: 40 years 
Name of PostNo of Vacancy
Vice President (Transformation)01
Program Manager04
Manager Quality and Training01
Command Centre Manager03
  1. Advertisement No. CRPD/SCO-WEALTH/2022-23/31, Regular/Contractual posts for 3 years, place of posting: Mumbai/Navi Mumbai, Remuneration/CTC: Market best CTC:
    1. Vice President & Head (Digital Marketing): 01 vacancies (UR), Age: 38-50 years, Remuneration/CTC: Maximum ₹48 lakhs CTC per annum
    2. Deputy Vice President (Analytical Marketing & Campaign): 01 vacancies (UR), Age: 33-45 years, Remuneration/CTC: Maximum ₹33 lakhs CTC per annum
    3. Deputy Vice President (Content Marketing): 01 vacancies (UR), Age: 33-45 years, Remuneration/CTC: Maximum ₹33 lakhs CTC per annum
    4. Deputy Vice President (Social Media & Affiliate Marketing): 01 vacancies (UR), Age: 33-45 years, Remuneration/CTC: Maximum ₹33 lakhs CTC per annum
    5. Deputy Vice President (Marketing – Own Digital Platforms): 01 vacancies (UR), Age: 33-45 years, Remuneration/CTC: Maximum ₹33 lakhs CTC per annum
    6. Deputy Vice President (Marketing Tech Stack): 01 vacancies (UR), Age: 33-45 years, Remuneration/CTC: Maximum ₹33 lakhs CTC per annum
    7. Deputy Vice President (Digital Acquisition): 01 vacancies (UR), Age: 33-45 years, Remuneration/CTC: Maximum ₹33 lakhs CTC per annum
    8. Manager (Digi Marketing): 03 Regular vacancies (UR-03), Age: 25-40 years, Pay Scale: MMGS-III ₹63840-78230
Name of PostNo of Vacancy
Vice President & Head (Digital Marketing)01
Deputy Vice President (Analytical Marketing & Campaign)01
Deputy Vice President (Content Marketing)01
Deputy Vice President (Social Media & Affiliate Marketing)01
Deputy Vice President (Marketing – Own Digital Platforms)01
Deputy Vice President (Marketing Tech Stack)01
Deputy Vice President (Digital Acquisition)01
Manager (Digi Marketing)03

Application Fee for SBI Specialist Officer Recruitment 2022-23

  • A Non-refundable fee of ₹ 750/-  for General/ EWS/ OBC candidates.
  • No fees/ intimation charges for SC/ ST/ PwBD candidates.

Selection Process for SBI Regular/contract Specialist Officer Recruitment 2022-23

  • Shortlisting
  • Interview
  • CTC Negotiation
  • Merit List

View Also – All open Banking Government Jobs

How to Apply for SBI Specialist Officer Recruitment 2022-23/30-31?

Suitable and desirable job aspirants should Apply Online in the prescribed format for SBI Specialist Officer/Manager/Engineer Vacancy Recruitment 2022-23/30-31 at the career SBI website from 20/01/2023 to 09/02/2023.

  • Eligible candidates will be required to register themselves online through SBI Careers portal.
  • The candidates are required to enter basic details and upload Photograph, Signature and required documents.
  • The last date for registration of online applications is 09/02/2023.

Details and Application Format

For more information and the online application format for SBI Specialist Officer Manager Engineer Vacancy Recruitment 2022-23/30-31, please visit the Recruitment page on the SBI website at https://sbi.co.in/web/careers/current-openings and at https://bank.sbi/careers/

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**