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UPSC Government Jobs Vacancy Recruitment 04/2022 

UPSC Government Jobs Vacancy Recruitment 04/2022 – Apply Online Now

UPSC Administrative Officer, Assistant Professor Recruitment 2022 for the position Administrative Officer, Assistant Professor etc. Read details, eligibility criteria mentioned below for the vacancy.


Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), Dholpur House, New Delhi invites Online application by 17/03/2022 in the prescribed recruitment form for the recruitment of following various Government Jobs vacancy posts of Unani Faculty, Officers etc. (Group-A and Group-B) in various departments/organizations of Government of India in the prescribed online format (UPSC Advt. No. 04/2022).

UPSC Government Jobs Vacancy Recruitment 04/2022 

UPSC Government Jobs Recruitment 04/2022 Vacancies

  1. Administrative Officer: 04 vacancies (ST-01, UR-03) in Bureau of Outreach & Communication, Field Publicity Division, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting 
  2. Assistant Professor (Unani), Kulliyat: 02 vacancies (SC-01, UR-01) in Directorate of AYUSH, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi 
  3. Assistant Professor (Unani), Ilmul Advia: 01 vacancy (UR-01) in Directorate of AYUSH, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi 
  4. Assistant Professor (Unani), Jarahat: 01 vacancies (SC-01) in Directorate of AYUSH, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi 
  5. Assistant Professor (Unani), Ilaj bit Tadabeer: 02 vacancies (ST-01, UR-01) in the Directorate of AYUSH, Health & Family Welfare Department,  Govt. of NCT of Delhi
  6. Assistant Professor (Unani), Qabalat wa Amraze Niswan: 02 vacancies (SC-01, UR-01) in Directorate of AYUSH, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi 
  7. Assistant Professor (Unani), Moalajat: 02 vacancies (SC-01, UR-01) in Directorate of AYUSH, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
  8. Assistant Professor (Unani), Ilmul Amraz: 01 vacancies (SC-01) in Directorate of AYUSH, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi 
  9. Assistant Professor (Unani), Tashreehul Badan: 02 vacancies (OBC-01, EWS-01) in Directorate of AYUSH, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi 
  10. Assistant Professor (Unani), Munafeul Aza: 03 vacancies (ST-01, OBC-01, UR-01) in Directorate of AYUSH, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi 
  11. Assistant Professor (Unani), Ilmul Saidla: 02 vacancies (SC-01, OBC-01) in Directorate of AYUSH, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi 
  12. Assistant Professor (Unani), Amraze Jild wa Tazeeniyat: 02 vacancies (OBC-01, UR-01) in Directorate of AYUSH, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi 
  13. Assistant Professor (Unani), Amraze Ain, Uzn, Anf, Halaq wa Asnan: 02 vacancies (ST-01, OBC-01) in Directorate of AYUSH, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi 
  14. Assistant Professor (Unani), Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib: 01 vacancies (OBC-01) in Directorate of AYUSH, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi 
  15. Assistant Professor (Unani), Ilmul Atfal: 02 vacancies (SC-01, OBC-01) in Directorate of AYUSH, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi.

Application Fee

₹25/- to be paid cash/online at SBI.  No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women candidates.

Qualification in Details:

  • Post Name: Administrative Officer.
    • Experience: Five years’ experience in a responsible capacity in a Government or Semi-Government organization or a commercial concern of repute out of which three years’ experience should be in establishment/financial matter including budget/accounts work.
    • Educational: Degree in Arts/Commerce/Science of a recognized University or equivalent.
    • Duties: To oversee all Establishment/Audit/Budget/Accounts matters
  • Post Name: Assistant Professor.
    • Educational: Degree in Unani Medicine from a University established by law or Statutory Board/Faculty/Examining body of Indian Medicine or equivalent as recognized under Indian Medicine Central Council Act 1970. (ii) A post Graduate Degree in the subject/specialty concerned included in the schedule of Indian Medicine Central Council Act 1970.
    • Duties: Academic and Clinical work assigned to them, such as Teaching & Training to students, Research, Demonstrations, Presentations, Practical, Laboratory work etc. and any other work assigned by the authority.

Age Limit:

35 years – 50 years

Selection Procedure

Candidates shortlisted for interview on the basis of the information provided in the online applications submitted by them will be required to send self attested copies of documents/relevant certificates in support of the claims made in the application as and when demanded by the Commission.

How to Apply for UPSC Government Jobs Advt. 04/2022 Vacancies?

Suitable and desirable candidates should Apply Online in the prescribed application format at UPSC Online website at https://upsconline.nic.in/ora/VacancyNoticePub.php from 26/02/2022 to 17/03/2022 for UPSC Sarkari Naukri Vacancy Advt. 04/2022.

Details and online submission of application

For Details of posts, qualifications, instructions, and online application format relating to UPSC Government Jobs Vacancy Recruitment Advt. No. 04/2022  please view https://upsc.gov.in/sites/default/files/Advt-No-04-2022-Engl-250222.pdf

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

****All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website****


UKSSSC Statistical Job Vacancy Recruitment 2022 – Apply Online

Uttarakhand Subordinate Service Selection Commission has released UKSSSC Jobs 2021 Notification for the post of Statistical Assistant, Research Officer. Interested candidates are advised to visit the official website of UKSSSC and apply for the same within the last date.


The Uttarakhand Subordinate Service Selection Commission (UK SSSC) invites online application submission in the prescribed format for the recruitment of the following 93 Statistical and Mathematical Govt Job vacancy posts of Investigator cum Computer, Statistical Assistant, Assistant Statistical Officer, and Assistant Research Officer in Group-B and Group-C categories under various Departments of Government of Uttarakhand (Advertisement No. 41/2021).

Uttarakhand SSSC Statistical Job Recruitment 41/2022 Vacancies

  1. Investigator-cum-Computer: 01 vacancies (UR) in Homoeopathy Medical Services Department, Age: 21-42 years, Pay Scale: Pay Level-06 ₹35400-112400/-
  2. Investigator-cum-Computer: 03 vacancies (UR-02, SC-01) in Cooperative Societies Uttarakhand, Age: 21-42 years, Pay Scale: Pay Level-05 ₹29200-92300/- 
  3. Investigator-cum-Computer: 01 vacancies (01) in Higher Education Department Uttarakhand, Age: 21-42 years, Pay Scale: Pay Level-05 ₹29200-92300/- 
  4. Investigator-cum-Computer: 04 vacancies (UR-04) in Women Empower and Child Development Department, Uttarakhand, Age: 21-42 years, Pay Scale: Pay Level-04 ₹25500-81100/- 
  5. Statistical Assistant: 11 vacancies (UR-07, EWS-01, OBC-01, SC-02) in Women Empower and Child Development Department, Uttarakhand, Age: 21-42 years, Pay Scale: Pay Level-06 ₹35400-112400/- 
  6. Assistant Statistical Officer Gr.2: 29 vacancies (UR-19, EWS-01, OBC-03, SC-06) in Agriculture Department, Uttarakhand, Age: 21-42 years, Pay Scale: Pay Level-06 ₹35400-112400/- 
  7. Statistical and Planning Branch Gr.2: 13 vacancies (UR-08, EWS-01, OBC-02, SC-02) in Holticulture and Food Processing Department, Uttarakhand, Age: 21-42 years, Pay Scale: Pay Level-05 ₹29200-92300/-  
  8. Assistant Statistical Officer: 01 vacancies (SC-01) in Dairy Development Department, Uttarakhand, Age: 21-42 years, Pay Scale: Pay Level-05 ₹29200-92300/- 
  9. Assistant Research Officer (Investigator-cum-Computer) : 01 vacancies (UR-01) in Dairy Tourism Development Council, Uttarakhand, Age: 21-42 years, Pay Scale: Pay Level-06 ₹35400-112400/- 
  10. Assistant Statistical Officer : 29 vacancies (UR-21, EWS-01, OBC-04, SC-03) in Forest Department, Uttarakhand, Age: 21-42 years, Pay Scale: Pay Level-06 ₹35400-112400/-

Application Fee

No application fee to be paid by any type of candidates. 

Education Qualification

Statistical Assistant, Research Officer : Aspirants must have a certificate/ degree of B.AB.ComB.ScGraduateM.ScMAPost Graduate or must have an equivalent qualification from a recognized institute/ Board.

Detailed Information About Education Qualification is Mention in Below Detailed Advertisement.

Recruitment Examination

Selection for UKSSSC Statistical Job Vacancy Vacancy Recruitment 2022 will be done through an Objective Type with Multiple Choice Written of 100 marks of 2-hour duration recruitment examinations Online or Offline. The exam will be held probably in the month of June 2022.

How to Apply for UKSSSC Statistical Vacancy Recruitment 2022?

Apply Online in the prescribed format at the Uttarakhand SSSC Recruitment website from 30/12/2021 to 12/02/2022 only for Uttarakhand SSSC Statistical Mathematical Jobs Vacancy Recruitment 41/2021.

Details and Online Application Form

Kindly visit  https://sssc.uk.gov.in for detailed information for Uttarakhand Statistical Mathematical Government Jobs Vacancy Recruitment 41/2021 by UKSSSC.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs.

****All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website****