The National Institute of Technology (NIT) Meghalaya in Shillong is actively seeking online applications from talented Indian Nationals with exceptional academic records and the necessary qualifications and experience. This prestigious institute is offering exciting opportunities for recruitment and appointment in various faculty positions, including Professors, Associate Professors, and Assistant Professors. These positions are available on a permanent basis for the year 2023. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply in the prescribed format. Don’t miss out on this chance to secure a coveted #SarkariNaukri Vacancy at NIT Meghalaya. Refer to Advertisement No. NITMGH/ES/REC/F/Vol.II/2023-24/410 for further details.
How to Apply for NIT Meghalaya Faculty vacancy recruitment 2023?
Desirous candidates should apply online in the prescribed format from 01/06/2023 to 05/07/2023 only for Faculty Vacancy Recruitment in NIT Meghalaya 2023. The printout of the filled-in application form should be addressed to the “Registrar, National Institute of Technology Meghalaya, Bijni Complex, Laitumkhrah, Shillong-793003” on or before 19/07/2023 only.
First of all, visit the official website.
Press on National Institutes of Technology Meghalaya Recruitment 2023 advertisement
Before proceeding, carefully read the instructions.
Apply or download the application form as per the information mentioned on the official advertisement
Details and Application Format
The candidates should visit the Recruitment Tab at the NIT Meghalaya recruitment website at for details and online application format for Faculty Vacancy Recruitment in NIT Meghalaya 2023.
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ISRO Recruitment 2023: Indian Space Research Organization is recruiting candidates for the post of Engineer/Scientist. Check How to Apply, Selection Process, Eligibility, Selection Process and Other Details.
ISRO Centralised Recruitment Board (ICRB) of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) under the Department of Space, Government of India intended to recruit and fill up following Group-A Gazetted Officer Employee type category #SarkariNaukri vacancy position of Scientist/Engineer `SC’ in the Level-10 of 7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix starting ₹56100 to the to young engineering graduates in the Civil, Electrical, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning and Architecture disciplines in constituent ISRO Centres/Units and Group ‘A’ (Non-Gazetted Post) in Autonomous Bodies of ISRO for the year 2023. (Advertisement No. ISRO:ICRB:01(CEPO):2023)
Recruitment 2023 of Scientists/Engineers ‘SC’ in Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Refrigeration & AC Engineering and Architecture disciplines.
ISRO ICRB invites online applications in the prescribed format for the Recruitment 2023 of Scientists/ Engineers ‘SC’ in Civil, Electrical, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning and Architecture disciplines in ISRO in the pay scale level-10 ₹56100-177500 of 7th CPC. This recruitment is being done by ISRO ICRB for constituent ISRO Centres (Group ‘A’ Gazetted posts) and in Autonomous Bodies (Group ‘A’ Non-Gazetted posts).
Scientist/Engineer ‘SC’ (Refrigeration & Air Conditioning)
Scientist/Engineer ‘SC’ (Architecture)
Scientist/Engineer ‘SC’ (Civil) – Autonomous Body [PRL]
Scientist/Engineer ‘SC’ (Architecture) – Autonomous Body [PRL]
Educational Qualification for ISRO Scientist/Engineer Recruitment 2023
Scientist/Engineer ‘SC’ (Civil) – BE/B.Tech or equivalent in Civil Engineering with an aggregate minimum of 65% marks or CGPA 6.84/10.
Scientist/Engineer ‘SC’ (Electrical) BE/ B.Tech or equivalent in Electrical Engineering OR Electrical and Electronics Engineering with an aggregate minimum of 65% marks or CGPA 6.84/10.
Scientist/Engineer ‘SC’ (Refrigeration & Air Conditioning) BE/ B.Tech or equivalent in Mechanical Engineering with Air Conditioning & Refrigeration or allied subjects as electives or as a core subject in any of the semesters, with an aggregate minimum of 65% marks or CGPA 6.84/10 .
Scientist/Engineer ‘SC’ (Architecture) Bachelor degree in Architecture with an aggregate minimum of 65% or CGPA 6.84/10 and registration with Council of Architecture..
Scientist/Engineer ‘SC’ (Civil) – Autonomous Body – PRL BE/ B.Tech or equivalent in Civil Engineering with an aggregate minimum of 65% marks or CGPA 6.84/10.
Scientist/Engineer ‘SC’ (Architecture) – Autonomous Body – PRL Bachelor degree in Architecture with an aggregate minimum of 65% or CGPA 6.84/10 and registration with Council of Architecture..
Age Limit for ISRO Scientist/Engineer ‘SC’ Recruitment 2023
28 years as of 24/05/2023 (Serving Govt. employees, Ex-Servicemen; Persons with Benchmark Disabilities, meritorious Sports persons are eligible for age relaxation as per Govt. of India orders).
See Also – Government Jobs for Engineers
Selection Process
The selection process for ISRO Scientist/Engineer ‘SC’ Vacancy Recruitment 2023 will through a written examination having Single objective type paper consisting of two parts, viz. Part ‘A’ and Part ‘B’, with a duration of 120 minutes (with compensation time as applicable for PwBD candidates).
The selected candidates having minimum cut off marks in the written examination will be called for persona Interview. For generation of the final panel, 50% weightage will be given to Written Test marks and 50% weightage to Interview marks
Part ‘A’ – Area/Discipline Specific part – Consists of 80 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) of 1 mark each (+1 and -1/3 pattern of marking). 75% of the questions will be based in the core specialization/discipline. 25% of the questions will cover the allied area topics.
Part ‘B’ – Aptitude/Ability Tests – Consists of maximum 15 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) totaling to 20 marks (No negative marks). Questions will be based on Numerical Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, Diagrammatic Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning and Deductive Reasoning.
The Written test will be conducted at eleven venues viz., Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Dehradun, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, New Delhi and Thiruvananthapuram.
Application Fee
The Application Fee is ₹250/- for each application ‘online’ using Internet Banking/Debit Card/Internet Banking or ‘offline’ by visiting nearest SBI Branch e immediately or any day before the last date for fee payment which is 26/05/2023. All Women/Scheduled Castes (SC)/ Scheduled Tribes (ST); Ex-serviceman [EX] and Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) candidates are exempted from payment of Application Fee.
How to apply for ISRO Scientist/Engineer ‘SC’ Recruitment 2023?
Please visit for further information and complete details and online submission of application for ISRO Scientist/Engineer ‘SC’ Vacancy Recruitment 2023.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Kindly view for details and the online application format for Group-A Scientist Government Jobs Vacancy Recruitment in AIIMS Delhi 2023.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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EPFO Recruitment 2023 – EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023 Notification is out on 24 March 2023 for the post of SSA and Stenographer posts. Candidates can submit their online application for EPFO SSA Recruitment till 26 April.
Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) having Hq. at Delhi will be conducting an Online Computer Based Recruitment Examination for selection to the following Group-C and Group-B Employee category #SarkariNaukri vacancy posts of Social Security Assistant (SSA) and Stenographers in EPFO and invites Online Applications in the prescribed form format for recruitment through National Testing Agency (NTA) for the year 2023. (Advt. No. A-12024/3/2021-EXAM/188-189).
The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) under the Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India has invited the online application for vacancies and recruitment meant 2023 of Social Security Assistants (SSA) and Stenographers for its various offices throughout India.
EPFO Social Security Assistant and Steno Recruitment 2023 Vacancies
Social Security Assistant (SSA):2674 vacancies (UR-999, EWS-529, OBC-514, SC-359, ST-273) (PWD-139, Ex.SM-478) in various States of India, Pay Scale: Pay Level-5 of 7th CPC ₹29200-92300/-, Educational Qualifications: Degree from recognized University or equivalent and ii) A typing speed of 35 words per minute in English or 30 words per minute in Hindi on computer. (35 words per minute and 30 words per minute correspond to 10500 Key Depression per Hour (KDPH) / 9000 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for each word for Data Entry Work. Time allowed – ten minutes, Age: 18-27 years as of 28/04/2023 (Age relaxation as per GoI rules)
Stenography:185 vacancies (UR-74, EWS-19, OBC-50, SC-28, ST-14) (PWD-07, Ex.SM-18) in various States of India, Pay Scale: Pay Level-4 of 7th CPC ₹25500-81100/-, Educational Qualifications: 12th class pass from a recognized Board and ii) Skill in Stenography, Age: 18-27 years as of 28/04/2023 (Age relaxation as per GoI rules)
Post Name
Social Security Assistant (SSA)
Graduate + Typing
12th Pass + Steno
State Wise Vacancies: EPFO Social Security Assistant and Stenographer Recruitment 2023
Enter all your personal and educational details as required .
Upload your passport sized photograph and signature and other required documents.
Pay the application fee as per your category and at the end click on submit button .
Don’t forget to take a print of submitted application form .
Details and online submission of the application
Please visit and/or to view the detailed information and online application submission in the prescribed format for EPFO Social Security Assistant Steno Vacancy Recruitment 2023.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Interested candidates can apply for the given posts from March 9 to April 7, 2023. DSSSB announced 258 vacancies in the DTTE department. DSSSB Vacancies …
About DSSSB Group B Recruitment 2023
Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB) has come up with Government Job Vacancy Recruitment No. 01/2023 for various Group-B and Group-C category Government Jobs Vacancies for the Government of NCT of Delhi for the year 2023. This is an opportunity for Government job seekers in the state of Delhi.
DSSSB Government Jobs Recruitment Advt. 01/2023 Vacancies
The selection for DSSSB Recruitment Vacancies Advt. No. 01/2023 shall be made through the One Tier and Two Tier examination scheme and Skill Test wherever applicable.
DSSSB will conduct One Tier and Two-Tier examinations for the vacancy posts advertised. However, DSSSB reserves the right to change/amend the examination scheme, if so required, any time before the examination.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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UPPSC Notification 2023: UPPSC is filling up 173 vacancies through UPPSC PCS PRE Exam 2023. Check Application Dates, Exam Details, and Other Details Here.
Public Service Commission, Uttar Pradesh (UPPSC), Allahabad (UP) shall hold a preliminary examination for the various 173 Officer Government Jobs vacancy posts under the Combined State / Upper Subordinate Services (PCS) Examination 2023 at various test centers of UP (Advertisement No. A-1/E-1/2023). Online applications in the prescribed format are invited by Uttar Pradesh (UP) Public Service Commission (PSC), Prayagraj for various 171 Government Job (#SarkariNaukri) Vacancy posts for the various Officer level vacancy posts in UP Combined State / Upper Subordinate Services Examination 2023.
Presently, the number of vacancies for the Combined State / Upper Subordinate Services Examination under General Recruitment are about 173.
Following Vacancy posts are to be filled through the PCS Recruitment Examination 2023
Deputy Collector
Deputy Superintendent of Police
Block Development Officer
Assistant Regional Transport Officer
Assistant Commissioner (Commercial Tax)
District Commandant Home Guards
Treasury Officer/Accounts Officer (Treasury)
Cane Inspector and Assistant Sugar Commissioner
District Cane Officer U.P. Agriculture Service Group “B” (Development Branch)
Superintendent Jail
Manager Credit (Small Industries)
Manager Marketing and Economic Survey (Small Industries)
Executive Officer Grade-I/Assistant Nagar Ayukta
District Basic Education Officer/Associate DIOS & other equivalent Administrative Posts
Assistant Director Industries (Marketing)
Assistant Labour Commissioner
Senior Lecturer DIET
Assistant Commissioner Industries
Statistical Officer
Assistant Accounts Officer (Treasury)
Commercial Tax Officer
District Minority Welfare Officer
District Food Marketing Officer
Executive Officer (Panchayati Raj)
Deputy Secretary (Housing and Urban Planning)
Area Rationing Officer
District Backward Welfare Officer
Naib Tehsildar, District Saving Officer
District Panchayat Raj Officer
District Social Welfare Officer
Accounts Officer (Nagar Vikas)
District Supply Officer Grade-2
Additional District Development Officer (Social Welfare)
Passenger/Goods Tax Officer
District Handicapped Welfare Officer
Assistant District Employment Assistance Officer
Accounts Officer (Local Bodies)
Regional Employment Officer
Assistant Registrar (Cooperative)
Sub Registrar
Assistant Prosecuting Officer (Transport)
District Probation Officer
District Administrative Officer
District Audit Officer (Revenue Audit)
Assistant Controller Legal Measurement (Grade-1 and Grade-2)
District Programme Officer
District Youth Welfare and Pradeshik Vikas Dal Officer
Labour Enforcement Officer
Excise Inspector
Child Development Project Officer
Food safety Officer
Deputy Jailor
Technical Assistant (Geophysics)
Technical Assistant (Geology)
Management Officer/Manager (Estate Department)
Information Officer/District Information officer
Manager (Khadi and Village Industries)
Officer on Special Duty (Computer) (Khadi and Village Industries)
Law Officer
21-40 years as of 01/07/2023. Relaxation for reserved categories as per Govt. orders.
A Bachelor’s Degree or it’s equivalent and special qualification for some vacancy posts.
Pay Scale
₹9300-34800 Grade Pay ₹4600/- (except Naib Tehsildar whose grade pay is ₹4200/-) to ₹15600-39100/- Grade Pay ₹5400/- (pay scales to be revised as per 7th Pay Commission)
View – All open Government Jobs in Uttar Pradesh
Application Fee for UP PSC PCS Officer Recruitment Examination 2023
Exam Fee
Unreserved (General)
Rs. 100/- + On-line processing fee Rs. 25/-
Rs. 125/-
Other Backward Class and SC/ ST
Rs. 40/- + On-line processing fee Rs. 25/-
Rs. 65/-
NIL + On-line processing fee Rs. 25/-
Rs. 25/-
Rs. 40/- + On-line processing fee Rs. 25/-
Rs. 65/-
Dependents of the freedom fighters/Women
According to their original category
Selection Process for UPPSC PCS Officer Recruitment 2023
Selection of the candidates will be done on the basis of:
UPPSC PCS Prelims Exam
UPPSC PCS Mains Exam
UPPSC PCS Interview
How to Apply for UPPSC State Upper Subordinate Services Exam 2023?
Details and online application for UPPSC Recruitment 2023
Please visit the Notification Section on the UP PSC website for all the details, instructions, syllabus and a link to apply online for UPPSC Combined State Upper Subordinate Services Examination 2023.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research (AMDER) 2021 to recruit candidates for 124 Technician and other posts. Eligible candidates can Apply till October 24, 2021.
Atomic Minerals Directorate (AMD) for Exploration and Research (AMDER) – Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India invitesonline applicationsfor dynamic and result oriented Young Personnel for various Govt Job vacancyposts inGroup-B and Group-C categoriesat various Job Location Anywhere in India (Advertisement No. AMD-3/2021).
The prime mandate of the Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research is to identify and evaluate uranium resources required for the successful implementation of the Atomic Energy program of the country.
AMDER Group-B and Group-C Recruitment 2021 Vacancies
Starting Date for Submission of online application : 09.10.2021
Last Date for Submission of online application : 24.10.2021
Application Fee
₹200/- for Scientific Assistant-B vacancies and ₹100/- for all other vacancies (No fee for SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates) to be paid online through Net Banking/Credit Card/Debit Card only.
Educational Qualification
Applicants should pass 10th std/ B.Sc/ Degree/ Diploma from recognized board or university.
Check Advertisement for educational qualification.
Age Limit :
Age limit should be between 18 to 30 years
Check notification for age limit and relaxation
Selection Process :
AMD selection will be based on Written Examination & Interview
How to Apply for AMDER Job vacancy recruitment 2021?
Apply Online in the prescribed application format at the AMDER website from 09/10/2021 to 24/10/2021 for AMDER Government Jobs vacancy recruitment 2021. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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