IIT Tirupati Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021 – Apply Now

Recruitment of Faculty Vacancy in IIT Tirupati 2021| Candidates Who wants to apply for IIT Tirupati Assistant Professor Grade I Vacancies, apply on or before 24 December 2021.


Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Tirupati invites online applications in the prescribed format for Special Recruitment Drive of SC, ST, OBC-NCL and PwD candidates with an established record of independent high-quality research and commitment to teaching for regular Faculty Govt Jobs Vacancy positions of Assistant Professor Grade-I in special recruitment drive for reserved category. (Advertisement No. IIT T/SRD-01/2021).

IIT Tirupati Assistant Professor Faculty Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

Assistant Professors-I in academic Pay Level-12 and Cell-1 of the pay matrix of 7th Pay Commission) ₹101500/- in various subjects/departments/disciplines of IIT Tirupati. Candidates not eligible for direct recruitment as Assistant Professor Grade-I such as those with lesser experience may be appointed as Assistant Professor Grade-II (Contractual basis) if selected.

Disciplines/Subjects of IIT Tirupati 2021 Faculty Vacancies

  1. Chemical Engineering  
  2. Computer Science & Engineering  
  3. Electrical Engineering  
  4. Mathematics & Statistics 
  5. Physics 
  6. Humanities and Social Sciences

Important Dates

Opening date for on-line registration: 17-11-2021

Closing date for on-line registration: 24-12-2021


(Minimum) Ph.D. with first class or equivalent at the preceding degree in the appropriate branch with consistently very good academic record throughout.


Eligibility & experience will be reckoned as on last date for receipt of applications.

Age Limit

Candidates for Assistant Professor should be preferably below 38 years of age. The age will be reckoned as on the closing date of the online application

IIT Tirupati Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021

How to Apply for Assistant Professor Vacancy in IIT Tirupati 2021?

Application for Assistant Professor Faculty vacancy recruitment 2021 in IIT Tirupati at IIT  is to be submitted online at the IIT Tirupati website in the prescribed format from 17/11/2021 to 24/12/2021. A scan of the signed copy of the datasheet has to be uploaded using the online link.

Details and Application format 

Please visit https://iittp.ac.in/recruitment  for more details and the online application format for the assistant professor faculty vacancy in IIT Tirupati 2021. 

Note==> Available Faculty Government Jobs, view all

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 ***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***