Tag Archives: Army Jobs

Indian Army Recruitment 2022

Indian Army TGC 137 Recruitment 2022 – Apply Online

Candidate those wants to fill the Indian army TGC Entry 137th can apply till 30th November 2022. For more details regarding TGC read the full article.


Online Application in the prescribed format is invited by the Indian Army from unmarried Male Engineering Graduates for 137th Technical Graduate Course (137th TGC)  (commencing in July 2023 at Indian Military Academy (IMA), Dehradun) for Permanent Commission (PC) in the Indian Army.  Selected Engineers will be posted in the prestigious Officer cadre Sarkari Job of the Indian Army and for the nation. Indian Army TGC 137 Recruitment: Indian Army is one of the most preferred employers by young Indians. Many young aspirants wait for the release of notification for jobs in the Indian army. If you too want to be a part of this reputed and most advanced army then now you have a chance.

Article CategoryRecruitment
TitleIndian Army Indian Army TGC 137 Online Form July 2023 Application Eligibility
Commencement of CourseJuly 2023
Technical Graduate Course (TGC-137)
Official NotificationReleased
Mode To ApplyOnline
Starting Date to Submit the Application16 November 2022
Last Date to Apply15 December 2022
Available Vacant Seats40
Indian Army TGC 137 Recruitment 2022 - Apply Online

SSC Commissioned Officer in Indian Army 137nd TGC Entry

Selected candidates for Technical Graduate Course (137th TGC) will be granted Short Service Commission (SSC) on probation in the rank of Lieutenant from the date of commencement of the course or the date of reporting at the Indian Military Academy (IMA), whichever is later and will be entitled to full pay and allowances admissible to Lieutenant during the training period. Pay & allowances will be paid after the successful completion of the training of the 137th TGC. On successful completion of training, cadets will be granted Permanent Commission (PC) in the Army in the rank of Lieutenant.

Vacancies of 137th TGC Engineers in the Indian Army

  • 40 vacancies in various engineering streams/disciplines (with related disciplines also)
    • Civil: 11
    • Computer Sc. & Engineering/Computer Technology: 09
    • Electrical: 03
    • Electronics: 06
    • Mechanical: 09
    • Miscellaneous Engineering Streams: 02
Engineering Streams (Listed in AI)Available Vacancies
Electrical/ Electrical & Electronics3
Computer Sc & Engg / Computer Technology/ M. Sc Computer Sc9
Misc Engineering Streams02

Age Limit

  • The age limit of the candidates must be 20 to 27 years (as on 1st July 2023) to apply for the available vacancies.
  • Applicants’ date of birth must be between of 02 July 1996 and 01 July 2003, both dates are inclusive).
  • Applicants will have to show their Matriculation/ Secondary School Examination Certificate or an Equivalent Examination Certificate to prove their age.

Educational Qualification Criteria 

Candidates who have passed the requisite Engineering Degree course or are in the final year of the Engineering Degree course are eligible to apply.

Pay Scale and Stipend

The stipend during the period of training is ₹56100/-. On completion, the selected Engineers will be commissioned as Lieutenant on the pay scale of 7th CPC Pay Level-10 ₹56100-177500.  Additionally,  Military Service Pay (MSP) is ₹15500/- Per month paid to the officers.

Apply Online for Indian Army 137th TGC Entry

Suitable and desirable candidates Apply Online in the prescribed format at the Indian Army Recruitment website https://joinindianarmy.nic.in only from 16/11/2022 to 15/12/2022  for the Indian Army 137th Technical Graduate TGC Entry Course for Engineers.

  • All Interested Candidates can Apply Online from  01 Nov 2022 to 30 Nov 2022
  • Read the Notification for More Details about Indian Army TGC Recruitment.
  • Kindly Fill Your Basic Details and Upload Your Photo, Sign, ID Proof and Other Documents.
  • Check Your full Details Preview Before Submit Application Form.
  • Take a Print Out of Submit Final Form for Further Process.

View – Government Jobs for Engineers

Details and Online Submission of Application

Furthermore, detail regarding this entry scheme and online application form can be seen at https://joinindianarmy.nic.in for the Indian Army 137th Technical Graduate TGC Entry Course for Engineers course commencing July 2023.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

Agniveer Agnipath Recruitment Scheme for Armed Forces

‘Agnipath’ Military Recruitment Scheme Announced – Read All Details

Agniveers upon recruitment in the Armed Forces through the Agnipath Scheme will receive an attractive monthly financial package along with allowances. Know Eligibility, Pay, Perks, Training Details of Agnipath Scheme.


Defence Recruitment News: The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 14th June 2022 approved the transformative Agnipath scheme for the recruitment of youth in the Indian Armed Forces who after induction will be referred to as Agniveers. The Agnipath Scheme is a major defence policy reform in the Human Resource Policy of the Army, Navy, and Air Force.

The Agnipath scheme aims at providing an opportunity to the patriotic and motivated youth with the ‘Josh’ and ‘Jazba’ to join the Armed Forces for a period of 4-years thereby infusing a transformational shift toward a more tech-savvy, youthful, and dynamic Armed Forces. The implementation of the scheme is expected to bring down the average age profile of the Indian Armed Forces by about 4 to 5 years.

'Agnipath' Defence recruitment scheme launched

The Agnipath Recruitment Scheme

In the new Agnipath Armed Forces recruitment scheme, the candidates will be selected for four (4) years only in three services of the Armed forces viz. ArmyNavy and Air Force and they will be called ‘Agniveer’.

All of the recruited Agniveer will be de-mobiled after the four year period and 25% of them will be taken back to serve a full term of another 15 years. These four years will not be counted for pension benefits at the time of reiement.

It is proposed to recruit around 46000 youngsters in this new Agnipath recruitment scheme from the age of 17.5 (Seventeen and a Half) to 21 (Twenty One) years annually with a monthly salary of ₹30000-40000/- plus allowances. for the first year the consolidated package will be ₹30000/- per month, for second year ₹33000/- per month, ₹36500/- per month for the third year and ₹40000/- per month for the fourth year. Insurance and Medical covers will be provided as like the regular cadre of soldiers.

The present proposal in the Agnipath scheme is to retain 25% of demobilised troops but the final say in this regard is with the government.

The youth who will be de-mobilised in the scheme will be given 6 (Six) months of training to adapt to real-world situations outside of the armed force. 75% of Agniveers will be demobilised with an exit of the ‘Seva Nidhi’ package of ₹11.75 Lakh, partially funded by their monthly contributions, as well as skill certificates and a bank loan for help in their second careers. A diploma and a degree are being planned for recruits, besides skill training when they are released from the armed forces.

A diploma and a degree is being planned for recruits, besides skill training when they are released from armed forces.

Who are Agniveers?

Candidates who will be recruited through the Agnipath Scheme in the Armed Forces will be referred to as Agniveers. They will be given the unique opportunity to serve their country India and contribute to nation building. The Indian government has announced to recruit 46,000 Agniveers in the Armed Forces through the Agnipath scheme.

Eligibility for Agnipath Scheme

Age Limit

Candidates between the age of 17.5 years to 21 years will be eligible for enrolling in the Agnipath scheme.

Educational Qualification

Candidates will have to possess the required educational qualifications as per the service and trades they would be enrolling for under the Scheme. For example, if one is applying for the General Duty (GD), one has to have education upto Class 10 from a recognized board of the school.

Selection Process

The Agnipath scheme will have a Pan-India merit-based recruitment process that will include a centralized transparent screening assessment based on merit and performance during the service. The Agniveers will be recruited in the Armed Forces for a period of 4 years.

Training & Commissioning

During the course of 4-years of posting, the Agniveers will receive their training to enhance their qualifications and skills from the best institutions. During the service period, the Agniveers will receive various military skills. They will also be given a Skill Gained Certificate and credits for their higher education and employment purposes.

would be enrolling for under the Scheme. For example, if one is applying for the General Duty (GD), one has to have education upto Class 10 from a recognized board of the school.

Selection Process

The Agnipath scheme will have a Pan-India merit-based recruitment process that will include a centralized transparent screening assessment based on merit and performance during the service. The Agniveers will be recruited in the Armed Forces for a period of 4 years.

Training & Commissioning

During the course of 4-years of posting, the Agniveers will receive their training to enhance their qualifications and skills from the best institutions. During the service period, the Agniveers will receive various military skills. They will also be given a Skill Gained Certificate and credits for their higher education and employment purposes.

Upon completion of the 4-years of service, the scheme will have two scenarios:

(i) the Agniveers will return to the society with the aim to contribute to the nation-building process. Under the scheme, they shall receive attractive re-employment opportunities when they return to society.


(ii) the Agniveers be given the opportunity to apply for Permanent Commission in the Armed Forces. Based on their performance in the 4-years of service, the scheme envisages that 25 per cent of Agniveers to be enrolled in the regular cadres of the Armed Forces. NOTE: Agniveers who are selected in the Armed Forces to serve in regular cadre will be required to serve further for a minimum of 15 years.


Since it is a new proposal, let us wait what effect this scheme brings to the new recruitee called Agniveer. We should evaluate all pros and cons of the Agnipath scheme before commenting.

It is envisaged that the average age profile of the Indian Armed forces would come down by about 4-5 years by the implementation of this scheme.

The nation stands to immensely benefit from the infusion of highly inspired youth with a deeper understanding of self-discipline, diligence and focus who would be adequately skilled and will be able to contribute in other sectors.

Please visit https://pib.gov.in/PressReleseDetail.aspx?PRID=1833705 for more details about Armed Forces Agnipath and Agniveer scheme.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***

Indian Army TGC 136 Recruitment 2022

Indian Army Technical Graduate Course(TGC-136th) Recruitment 2022 – Apply Now!!

Indian Army has released the latest notification for the recruitment of 136th Technical Graduate Course (TGC) Officers Entry. Interested candidates can check the vacancy, selection process, and application procedure below.


The Indian Army is inviting online applications from eligible unmarried Male Engineering Graduates for 40 vacancies for Technical Graduate Course Posts. The course will commence in January 2023. This Indian Army DGC Recruitment 2022 Application Form will be available on the official website from  11.05.2022 to 09.06.2022. It is expected that the Indian Army TGC 136th Course will be held at Indian Military Academy (IMA), Dehradun for Permanent Commission in the Indian Army.

Indian Army Technical Graduate Course(TGC-136th) Recruitment 2022

Indian Army TGC 136th Recruitment 2022 Details:-

Engineering DisciplineNo. of Posts
Civil/ Building Construction Technology09
Electrical/ Electrical & Electronics03
Computer Science & Engineering/ Computer Technology/ M. Sc. Computer Science08
Information Technology03
Electronics & Telecommunication01
Electronics & Communication03
Aeronautical/ Aerospace01
Electronics & Instrumentation/ Instrumentation01
Production Engineering01
Industrial/ Industrial/Manufacturing/ Industrial Engg & Mgt01

Pay Scale for Indian Army (TGC-136) Technical Jobs 2022

LieutenantLevel 10Rs.56,100-1,77,500/-
CaptainLevel 10BRs.61,300-1,93,900/-
MajorLevel 11Rs.69,400-2,07,200/-
Lt ColonelLevel 12ARs.1,21,200-2,12,400/-
ColonelLevel 13Rs.1,30,600-2,15,900/-
BrigadierLevel 13ARs.1,39,600-2,17,600/-
Major GeneralLevel 14Rs.1,44,200-2,18,200/-
Lieutenant General HAG ScaleLevel 15Rs.1,82,200-2,24,100/-
HAG+ScaleLevel 16Rs.2,05,400 – 2,24,400/-
VCOAS/Army CDR/ Lieutenant General (NFSG)Level 17Rs.2,25,000/- (fixed)
COASLevel 18Rs.2,50,000/- (fixed)
Refer to the official website for details on the pay scale for Indian Army Jobs

Indian Army TGC Recruitment Application Fee (अर्ज शुल्क)

No Application Fees

Important Dates

Starting Date For Online Application : May 11, 2022

Last Date For Online Application : June 9, 2022

Eligibility Criteria for Indian Army 136 Technical Graduate Course

Educational Qualification

  •  Candidate should have passed or appeared Engineering Degree B.E/B. Tech, M.Sc. in the relevant Trade/branch.
  • Candidates in their final year can also apply.
  • Check Discipline and Experience at Detailed Advertisement

Age Limit

  • 20 to 27 years as on 01 Jul 2022. (Candidates born between 02 Jul 1995 and 01 Jul 2002, both dates inclusive)

Indian Army TGC Recruitment Selection Process (भर्ती प्रक्रिया)

  • SSB Exam
  • Document Verification (Screening)
  • main Interview
  • Medical Examination
  1. Shortlisting of Applications –  Integrated HQ of MoD (Army) reserves will shortlist applications and fix cutoff percentage of marks for each Engineering discipline/stream without assigning any reason. The cut off will be applied in each stream on the cumulative percentage of marks obtained by the candidates up to the final semester/year.
  2. Centre Allotment – shortlisting of applications, the Centre allotment will be intimated to the candidate via their email. After allotment of the Selection Centre viz. Allahabad (UP), Bhopal (MP), Bangalore (Karnataka) and Kapurthala (Punjab), candidates will have to log in to the website and select their SSB dates which are available on a first-come-first-serve basis initially.
  3. SSB Interview – Candidates will be put through the two-stage selection procedure interviewed by Psychologist, Group Testing Officer and Interviewing Officer. Those who clear Stage-1 will go to Stage-2. Those who fail in Stage-1 will be returned on the same day. The duration of SSB interviews is five days.
  4. Merit List – merit list will be prepared engineering stream/subject wise on the basis of the marks obtained by the candidate at SSB interview.

How to apply for the joinindianarmy.in Jobs 2022?

  • Applications will only be accepted online on the website www.joinindianarmy.nic.in.
  • Click on ‘Officer Entry Apply/Login’ and then click ‘Registration’ (Registration is not required if already registered on www.joinindianarmy.nic.in).
  • Fill out the online registration form after reading the instructions carefully.
  • After getting registered, click on ‘Apply Online’ under Dashboard.
  • A page of Officers Selection ‘Eligibility’ will open.
  • Then click ‘Apply’ shown against Technical Graduate Course.
  • A page ‘Application Form’ will open.
  • Read the instructions carefully and click ‘Continue’ to fill in details as required under various segments – Personal information, Communication details, Education details and details of previous SSB.
  • Save & Continue’ each time before going to the next segment.
  • After filling in details on the last segment, you will move to a page, ‘Summary of your information,’ wherein you can check and edit the entries already made.
  • Only after ascertaining the correctness of your details, click on ‘Submit’.
  • Candidates must click on ‘Submit’ each time they open the application to edit any details.
  • The candidates must take out two copies of their application having Roll Number 30 minutes after the final closure of the online application on the last day.

Details and online application format

Go to the official website joinindianarmy.nic.in for more information on  Indian Army TGC 136 Recruitment 2022. View OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***

Army Technical SSC Officer Men-59th Women-30th October 2022 course entry 

Army Technical SSC Officer Men-59th Women-30th October 2022 course entry – Apply Online

Indian Army has released the latest notification for the recruitment of SSC (Tech) Men & Women OCT 2022 Course. All the details like Eligibility, Salary, Important Dates, How to Apply, etc. are given below.


Online applications are invited from eligible unmarried Male/Female Engineering Graduates and also from Widows of Defence Personnel who died in harness for grant of 59th entry for Men and 30th entry for Women for Technical Short Service Commission (SSC) entry in the Indian Army.

The course will commence in October 2022 at Officers Training Academy (OTA), Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

Army Technical SSC Officer Men-59th Women-30th October 2022 course entry 
For SSC(Tech)- 59 Men and SSCW(Tech)- 30 Women. 20 to 27 years as on 01 Oct 2022 (Candidates born between 02 Oct 1995 and 01 Oct.

Army 59th/30th Men/Women Technical SSC Officer Entry Details

  • Army  SSC (Tech)-59 Men and SSCW (Tech.)-30: 189 vacancies (175 vacancies for male and 14 vacancies for Women) in various Engineering disciplines, Qualification: SSCW (Non-Tech) (Non-UPSC). Graduation in any Discipline. (ii) SSCW(Tech). BE/B Tech in any Engineering stream.
    • For SSC(Tech)-57 Men: 175 vacancies
      1. Civil/ Building Construction Technology : 40 vacancies
      2. Architecture: 02 vacancies
      3. Mechanical: 21 vacancies
      4. Electrical/ Electrical & Electronics: 14 vacancies
      5. Computer Science & Engineering/Computer Technology/M. Sc. Computer Science: 33 vacancies
      6. Information Technology: 09 vacancies
      7. Electronics & Telecommunication: 06 vacancies
      8. Telecommunication: 03 vacancies
      9. Electronics & Communication: 10 vacancies
      10. Satellite Communication: 01 vacancies
      11. Electronics: 02 vacancies 
      12. Micro Electronics & Microwave: 01 vacancies
      13. Aeronautical/Aerospace/Avionics: 05 vacancies
      14. Remote Sensing: 01 vacancies
      15. Electronics & Instrumentation/ Instrumentation: 04 vacancies
      16. Production: 01 vacancies
      17. Automobile Engineering: 03 vacancies
      18. Industrial /Manufacturing/ Industrial Engineering & Management: 02 vacancies
      19. Ballistics: 01 vacancies
      20. Bio Medical Engineering: 01 vacancies
      21. Food Technology: 01 vacancies
      22. Agriculture: 01 vacancies
      23. Metallurgical/Metallurgy and Explosive: 02 vacancies
      24. Opto Electronics: 01 vacancies
      25. Fibre Optics: 01 vacancies
      26. Workshop Technology: 02 vacancies
      27. Laser Technology: 02 vacancies
      28. Bio-technology: 01 vacancies
      29. Rubber Technology: 01 vacancies
      30. Chemical Engineering: 01 vacancies
      31. Transportation Engineering: 01 vacancies
      32. Mining: 01 vacancies
    • For SSCW(Tech)-30: 14 vacancies
      1. Civil/ Building Construction Technology: 02 vacancies
      2. Agriculture: 01 vacancies
      3. Mechanical: 02 vacancies
      4. Electrical/ Electrical & Electronics: 01 vacancies
      5. Computer Science & Engineering/ Computer Technology/ M. Sc. Computer Science: 03 vacancies
      6. Information Technology: 02 vacancies
      7. Aeronautical/ Aerospace/ Avionics: 01 vacancies
      8. Telecommunication/Electronics & Communication/Electronics & Telecommunication: 01 vacancies
      9. Electronics: 01 vacancies
  • For Widows of Defence Personnel Only: 02 vacancies (Women-2)
    1. SSC(W) Tech : 01 vacancies
    2. SSC(W)(Non Tech)(Non UPSC): 01 vacancies

Important Dates

  • Apply Start8.3.2022 at 03:00 pm
  • Apply Last Date6.4.2022 up to 03:00 pm
  • SSB DateNotify Later


  • For SSC (Tech)-59 Men and SSCW (Tech.)-30 Women.: 20 to 27 years as of 01 October 2022 (Candidates born between 02 October 1995 and 01 October 2002, both days inclusive). (ii) For widows of Defence Personnel who Died in Harness Only. SSCW (Non-Tech) [Non-UPSC] and SSCW (Tech) – A maximum of 35 years of age as of 01 October 2022.

Pay Scale & Stipend

A stipend of training is ₹56100/- during the training at OTA, Chennai for selected candidates. On completion, selected candidates will be commissioned as Lt in the pay scale of 7th CPC Pay Level-10 ₹56100-177500.

Method of Selection

Only shortlisted eligible candidates depending on the cutoff percentage will be interviewed at one of the Selection Centres viz. Allahabad (UP), Bhopal (MP), Bengaluru (Karnataka) and Kapurthala (Punjab) by Psychologist, Group Testing Officer and Interviewing Officer. Call Up letter for SSB interview will be issued by respective Selection Centres through candidate’s registered e-mail id and SMS only.

Allotment of Selection  Centre is at the discretion of DG Rtg, IHQ of MoD (Army) and NO request for changes are entertained in this regard. Candidates will be put through a two-stage selection procedure at the SSB. Those who clear Stage-I will go to Stage-II. Those who fail in Stage-I will be returned on the same day. The duration of SSB interviews is five days.

Medical Examination

Candidates recommended by the SSB will go under Medical Examination by a Board of Service Medical Officers. 

How to Apply for Army 59th/30th Technical SSC Officer Entry 2022?

Suitable and desirable candidates should Apply Online in the prescribed recruitment proforma at Indian Army website http://www.joinindianarmy.nic.in only from 08/03/2022 to 06/04/2022 for Army 59th/30th Technical Entry SSC Officer Entry October-2022.

Details and Online Submission of Application

Furthermore, detail regarding 59th/30th Men/Women Technical Entry SSC Officer Vacancy entry scheme October 2022 in the Indian Army and online application form can be seen at http://joinindianarmy.nic.in

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


Army SSC Remount Veterinary Corps Recruitment 2021- Apply Online/Offline

Indian Army Short Service Commission (SSC) in Remount Veterinary Corps 2021. Apply for various vacancies – Check eligibility, age limit, other details.


Offline Application on the prescribed format is invited from qualified male veterinary graduates for Short Service Commission (SSC) in Remount Veterinary Corps of Indian Army for the year 2021.

The Remount and Veterinary Corps is an administrative and operational branch of the Indian Army, and one of its oldest formations. It is responsible for breeding, rearing and training of all animals used in the army

Army SSC Remount Veterinary Corps Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  • Age: 21-32 years as on 18/11/2021
  • Nationality : Applicant should be a citizen of India.
  • QualificationBVSc./BVSc. & AH degree from any recognized Indian University or equivalent.
  • Pay Scale: 7th CPC Pay Matrix Pay Level-10B ₹61300/- plus Military Service Pay of ₹15500/- plus 20% NPA 
  • Method of Selection: shortlisting of applications will be done at Directorate General Remount Veterinary Corps, those found eligible will be called for SSB on a specified date. On arrival at the SSB, the Shortlisted candidates will be administered stage-1 of the two-stage testing procedure. Those who qualify will be detailed to undergo Group Test, Psychological Test, and Interview which will extend for a duration of 5 days.
  • Medical Examination: Candidates recommended by the SSB will go under Medical Examination by a Board of Service Medical Officers.

***Note: Candidate should have passed the Qualifying Examination with Internship at the time of submission of application. Candidates who are not in possession of Marksheets of all Years/Parts/Semesters of Qualifying Examination and Internship Completion Certificate cannot apply for this post.

Application Fee :

There is No Application Fee.

Important Dates :

Application Started : September 24, 2021

Last Date of Application Submission : 18 November 2021 (till 5 pm)

Army SSC Remount Veterinary Corps Recruitment 2021

Selection Process :

  • Short listing of applications
    • Initial screening and shortlisting of applications will be done at Directorate General Remount Veterinary Services, Integrated HQ of MoD (Army) before forwarding them to Dte Gen Recruiting of IHQ of MoD (Army). Common reasons for rejection of applications during screening are given at para 7 below.
  • SSB Interview
    • Candidates whose applications are found in order shall be detailed to appear for the Service Selection Board on a specified date. Detailed instructions along with date and place of SSB will be intimated directly by Dte Gen Recruiting, IHQ of MoD(Army).
  • Merit list
    • Merit list of the candidates recommended by the SSB and declared medically fit will be prepared. It is to be noted that mere qualifying at the SSB interview does not confirm final selection. Merit list will be prepared on the basis of marks obtained by the candidate at SSBs only and as such higher educational qualifications, previous achievements have no role to play.

How to Apply for Army SSC Recruitment Remount Veterinary Corps 2020?

Apply on plain paper (21 cm x 36 cm) duly typed as per the prescribed format. The envelope containing the application should be super-scribed in Red ink indicating clearly “Application for Short Service Commission in RVC. The application should be posted by ordinary post to reach the following address by 18/11/2021.

Steps to Apply

  1. Visit the Official Website of Indian Army.
  2. Now Click on Notices For “RVC, TA & MNS Entries”.
  4. Now Download the Application Form.
  5. Take a Print out of Application.
  6. Now Fill the Application Form.
  7. Fill All the Required Details.
  8. Forward the Application Form accompanied with self attested enclosures to the Given Address.

Directorate General Remount Veterinary Services (RV-1)
QMG’s Branch, Integrated Headquarters of MoD (Army)
West Block 3, Ground Floor, Wing No-4
RK Puram, New Delhi –110 066

Documents Required for Filling Offline Form :

Application form must be accompanied with self attested copies of:

Application format and Details

Further details regarding Army SSC Remount Veterinary Corps Recruitment 2021 along with the application form can be seen at  https://joinindianarmy.nic.in

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***