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Haryana PSC Agriculture Officer Vacancy Recruitment 2021- Apply Now

Haryana Public Service Commission announced notification for the recruitment of Agricultural Development Officer and Sub Divisional Agricultural Officer on 15th September 2021.


Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) having Hq. at Panchkula (Haryana) invites online applications in the prescribed format from eligible candidates for the recruitment of the following 500 Govt Job Vacancy of Agriculture Development Officer (Administrative Cadre) and 26 vacancies of Sub Divisional Agriculture Officer and Equivalent (Class-II) in Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Department of Government of Haryana. (Advt. No. 04-05/2021).

View – All open Government Jobs by Public Service Commissions in India

Haryana PSC Agriculture Officers Recruitment 2021 Vacancies 

  1. Agriculture Development Officer (Administrative Cadre): 500 vacancies (UR-275, EWS-50, BC-A-50, BC-B-25, SC-100), Pay Scale: FPL-6 ₹35400-112400/-, Age: 17-35 years, Qualification: B.Sc. (Honours) Degree in Agriculture (ii) Sanskrit or Hindi up to Matriculation or 10+2/BA/MA with Hindi as one of the subjects
  2. Sub Divisional Agriculture Officer and Equivalent: 26 vacancies (UR-24, EWS-01, BC-B-01, SC-01), Pay Scale: FPL-7 ₹44900-142400/-, Age: 17-35 years, Qualification: B.Sc. (Honours) Degree in Agriculture and 2nd class M.Sc. Agriculture (ii) Sanskrit or Hindi up to Matriculation or 10+2/BA/MA with Hindi as one of the subjects.
Haryana PSC Agriculture Officer Vacancy Recruitment 2021

Application Fee

Application fee of ₹1000/- for males, ₹250/- for all Female/SC/ST/BC (A&B) / ESM at all branches of State Bank of India or State Bank of Patiala. No fee for PWD candidates of Haryana.

Eligibility Criteria : The candidate must have educational qualifications as per the vacancy and not exceed the age limit. Check other eligibility criteria given below-

Nationality :

For this recruitment, Candidate must be the-

  1. A citizen of India, or 
  2. A subject of Nepal or
  3. A subject of Bhutan, or 
  4. A Tibetan refugee who came over to India before 01st January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or 
  5. (e) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India 

Provided that a candidate belonging to categories B, C, D, and E shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Govt. of India.

Education Qualifications :

Agriculture Development Officer: Candidates having a degree in B.Sc (Honours) in Agriculture from any recognized university can apply for the post

Sub-divisional Agriculture OfficerB Sc. (Honors) degree in Agriculture and 2nd class M Sc. in Agriculture from a recognized university.

For both the post, the candidates must possess Sanskrit or Hindi up to Matriculation or 10+2/BA/MA with Hindi as one of the Subjects

 Overview of HPSC Recruitment 2021 :

Name of OrganizationHaryana Public Service Commission (HPSC)
Number of Vacancies526
Name of PostAgricultural Development Officer and Sub Divisional Agricultural Officer
Advertisement Date15th September 2021
Opening Date of Registration16th September 2021
Closing Date of Registration (& Fee Deposit)6th October 202

Age Limit :

The age limit for Agricultural Development Officer and Sub Divisional Agriculture Officer is as follows:

Agricultural Development Officer (as on 01.09.2021)

  • Minimum Age: 17 years.
  • Maximum Age: 35 years.

Sub Divisional Agricultural Officer(as on 01.09.2021)

  • Minimum Age: 21years.
  • Maximum Age: 35 years.

Age Relaxation : Check Advertisement as per state govt norms

How to Apply for Haryana PSC Agriculture Officers Recruitment 2021?

Apply Online in the prescribed format at Haryana PSC website http://hpsc.gov.in from 16/09/2021 to 06/10/2021 only for Agriculture Officers Vacancy Recruitment 2021 by Haryana PSC.

Steps To Apply:

  1. Visit the official website of Haryana PSC .
  2. Click on the Advertisement Section Appearing on the right side of the homepage.
  3. Click on the “Click here to apply online” against the notification you want to apply.
  4. Sign up and fill all the information asked in the application form
  5. Recheck all the information before submitting the application form
  6. Upload Documents and Pay the examination fee
  7. Click on the SUBMIT” button

See Also – Government Jobs in Haryana

Details and Online Application Format

For details and instructions etc. for Haryana PSC Agriculture Officers Recruitment 2021, please visithttp://hpsc.gov.in/en-us/Instructions

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

 ***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***