JMC Recruitment 2022 Apply For Sr Technical Asst., Jr Technical Asst., Accountant Asst. Vacancies
Jaipur Municipal Corporation (JMC) Recruitment 2022: Jaipur Municipal Corporation (JMC) has invited application for various 104 posts including Sr Technical Asst, Jr Technical Asst, Accountant Asst & Others on its official website. Interested and eligible candidates can apply for these posts in prescribed format on or before 24 June 2022. Candidates having certain educational qualification including Post Graduate/Graduate/B.Com/C.A. Intermediate (I.P.C)/I.C.W.A (Inter)/Company Secretary (Inter) with additional eligibility as mentioned in the notification can apply for these posts.
Municipal Corporation Jaipur Heritage Jobs 2022 – Apply Offline
Check the notification link for details educational qualification of the posts .
How to Apply for Jaipur Municipal Corporation (JMC) Recruitment 2022
Interested and eligible candidates can apply for these posts in prescribed format with all the essential documents to the address mentioned @ in the notification by post on or before 24 June 2022.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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HMT Limited Recruitment 2022 – 10 Vacancy of Professionals & Workmen, Deputy/ Assistant General Manager, Accounts Officer, Deputy Engineer, Officers. For more information Please take a look at this page.
HMT Limited, a Govt. of India Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) is looking for qualified and experienced Professionals for various requirements on fixed tenure (contract) basis and on regular basis in HMT Limited for the year 2022.
Interested and eligible candidates can apply for the following various Government Jobs vacancies in the prescribed format for the recruitment of Professionals in various disciplines in HMT Group of Companies 2022 on a contract and regular basis.
HMT Professionals Recruitment 2022 Vacancies
Regular Vacancies of Professionals
Deputy General Manager/ Assistant General Manager (Finance): 01 vacancies, Age: 47/44 years, Qualification: CA/CMA/ICWA and Proficiency in computer skills is essential, Experience: 17/14 years of experience in relevant field
Deputy Engineer (Civil/Estate): 01 vacancies, Age: 30 years, Qualification: Engineering Degree in Civil discipline and Proficiency in computer skills is essential, Experience: 2 years of experience in relevant field
Accounts Officer (Finance): 02 vacancies, Age: 30 years, Qualification: CA/CMA/ICWA and Proficiency in computer skills is essential, Experience: 2 years of experience in relevant field
Professionals Recruitment on Contract basis
Deputy General Manager/ Assistant General Manager (Legal): 01 vacancies, Age: 47/44 years, Qualification: Law Graduate (LLB.) and Proficiency in computer skills is essential, Experience: 17/14 years of experience in relevant field
Deputy General Manager/ Assistant General Manager (Mechanical): 01 vacancy, Age: 47/44 years, Qualification: Engineering Degree in Mechanical discipline and Proficiency in computer skills is essential, Experience: 17/14 years of experience in relevant field
Assistant General Manager/Manager (Civil): 01 vacancy, Age: 44/40 years, Qualification: Engineering Degree in Civil discipline and Proficiency in computer skills is essential, Experience: 14/11 years of experience in relevant field
Officer (Legal): 01 vacancy, Age: 30 years, Qualification: Law Graduate (LLB.) and Proficiency in computer skills is essential, Experience: 2 years of experience in relevant field
Deputy Engineer (Production): 01 vacancy, Age: 30 years, Qualification: Engineering Degree in Mechanical discipline and Proficiency in computer skills is essential, Experience: 2 years of experience in relevant field
Officer (Sales): 01 vacancies, Age: 30 years, Qualification: 2 years full-time Postgraduate Degree/Master of Business Administration (MBA) with specialization in Marketing and Proficiency in computer skills is essential, Experience: 2 years of experience in relevant field
Application Fee
A non-refundable account payee Demand Draft for ₹750/- for General, EWS & OBC (which includes ₹500/- as Application Fee and Rs. 250/- as processing fee), drawn in favour of HMT Limited, on any Scheduled Bank payable at Bengaluru, is to be enclosed along with the prescribed application. For SC/ST category, a non-refundable account payee Demand Draft for ₹250/- only as the processing fee is to be enclosed along with the prescribed application. No fee is to be paid by Persons with Disability (PWD).
How to Apply for Professionals Recruitment in HMT 2022?
Application in the prescribed format duly filled for Recruitment of Professionals in HMT Limited 2022 enclosing Demand Draft of application fee and a set of self-attested photocopies of the relevant certificates should be sent in a sealed cover superscribed “Application for the post of …. “ so as to reach the following address on or before 15/03/2022 to the Manager (HR), HMT Limited, 59, HMT Bhavan, Bellary Road, Bangalore -560032.
For further details and the application form for HMT Limited Recruitment of Professionals 2022, please visit
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF JHARKHAND Recruitment 2022 of Teaching, Non-Teaching Posts, Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Finance Officer, Internal Audit Officer. Eligible candidates may apply through Email.
Central University of Jharkhand (CUJ), Ranchi (Jharkhand) invites online applications in the prescribed format from the eligible Citizen of India who have strong commitment to teaching and high quality research for the following Teaching positions in various departments of Teaching Faculty Vacancy to be filled by direct recruitment on regular basis in CUJ Ranchi. (Advt. No.: CUJ/Advt./2021-22/03).
CUJ Faculty Recruitment 2022 Vacancies
Professor : 07 vacancies, Pay Scale : Pay Level-14 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹144200-218200/-
Check Advertisement for educational qualification.
Age Limit : 18 To 30 Years
Check notification for age limit and relaxation.
Application Fee
₹1000/- for General and OBC candidates and No Fee for SC, ST, PH and Women candidates. The payment shall be Payment Gateway given in the online application Portal.
How to Apply for Faculty Govt. Jobs in CUJ Ranchi 2022?
Suitable and desirable candidates should Apply Online in the prescribed format at the CUJ website from 09/02/2022 to 08/03/2022 only for CUJ Ranchi Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2022. Print out of the system generated application should be send within 10 days from the last date of application to the address – The Recruitment Cell, Central University of Jharkhand, Cheri-Manatu Campus, P.O.- Kamre, P.S. – Kanke, Ranchi-835222 (Jharkhand).
Details and Application Format
Please visit for all the details and online application form for Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2022 in Central University of Jharkhand 2022.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Footwear Design and Development Institute (FDDI) has published an advertisement for the Academic and Managerial Cadre Recruitment 2022 for 30+ vacancies at present. Check other details for FDDI Recruitment 2022 below.
Footwear Design & Development Institute (FDDI), An Institution of National Importance (INI) invites applications in the prescribed format from proficient and motivated professional candidates in various disciplines for various Teaching Faculty and Non-Teaching Managerial CadreGovernment Job Vacancies in various FDDI campuses throughout India on a contract basis for a period of 5 years (extendable at the discretion of Management). (Advertisement No. FDDI/HO/48(2)/HR/ADVT/2022/01).
Executive Engineer: 01 vacancies, Age: 50 years, Salary: ₹75000/-
System Assistant: 01 vacancies, Age: 30 years, Salary: ₹25000/-
Manager (Legal): 01 vacancies, Age: 40 years, Salary: ₹60000/-
Deputy Manager: 01 vacancies, Age: 35 years, Salary: ₹45000/-
Assistant Manager: 01 vacancies, Age: 30 years, Salary: ₹40000/-
Hindi Officer: 01 vacancies, Age: 40 years, Salary: ₹35000/-
Deputy Manager: 01 vacancies, Age: 35 years, Salary: ₹45000/-
Important Dates
Publish/Starting Date for FDDI application submission: 13 January 2022
Last Date for FDDI Jobs form submission: 14 February 2022
Eligibility Criteria
Post Name
Eligibility Criteria
Academic and Managerial Cadre
Aspirants must have a certificate/ degree of Graduate, Post Graduate or must have an equivalent qualification from a recognized institute/ Board.
Age Limit
Maximum age limit for Candidates to apply FDDI Jobs 2022 application: 35 Years to 45 Years
How to Apply for FDDI Faculty and Managerial Vacancies 2022?
Duly filled applications in the prescribed format along with relevant enclosures, super scribing the envelope with the name of the post & category, to be sent to Faculty (HR), Human Resource Department, Footwear Design & Development Institute (An Institution of National Importance), A-10/A, Sector-24, NOIDA-201301, Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar (UP) on or before 14/02/2022 only for Faculty Teaching and Managerial Cadre vacancy recruitment in FDDI 2022.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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54 Vacancy of Teaching, Non-Teaching, Academic (Non-vacational) Posts in Mahatma Gandhi International Hindi University (MGAHV) Wardha, Maharashtra 2021
Applications through online mode in the prescribed format for recruitment to fill up the following various Faculty Govt Job vacancy posts in various subject/disciplines and some other Non-Teaching Government Job vacancies in various department/administrative office in the महात्मा गांधी अंतरराष्ट्रीय हिंदी विश्वविद्यालय, वर्धा (Mahatma Gandhi International Hindi University, Wardha), Maharashtra. (Advertisement No. MGAHV/07-08-09/2021).
MGAHV Faculty and Non-Teaching Recruitment 2021 Vacancies :
Advt. no. MGAHV/09/2021 : All Candidates are required to deposit application fee on the online portal @Rs.1000/- for each position they apply through NEFT/Online Banking
Advt. no. MGAHV/08/2021 : All Candidates belonging to General/OBC Category applying for Group-A posts are required to deposit ₹1000/- to be submitted online through NEFT/Net Banking for faculty vacancies. And applying for other posts ₹ 500/- for each post they apply.
Advt. no. MGAHV/07/2021 : All candidates belonging to General/OBC/EWS Category applying for Group-A post are required to deposit application fee @Rs.1,000/-(One Thousand Rupees only) for each post they apply, through Online Payment Gateway ONLY (Fee once deposited will not be returned or adjusted) There is no fee for the posts on Deputation/Contract basis
No fee for SC/ST/PWD (Divyang)/Women candidates and in-services candidates (Regular employees) of MGAHV, Wardha.
Important Dates :
Starting Date For Submission Of Application : 25 September 2021
Last Date For Submission Of Application : 24 October 2021
Education Qualification :
Candidates should have passed 10th, 12th class, Graduate, Post Graduate (PG) or Equivalent from a recognized Board/University/Institution
For more education qualification details go to the official notification
Age Limit :
The Candidate’s age limit should be Minimum 28 Years and Maximum 55 Years.
Age Relaxation:- SC/ST/OBC Candidates Relaxation as per Govt Rules & Regulations
System generated hard copy of the application complete in all respect should be sent to the Registrar, Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Gandhi Hills, Wardha – 442001 (Maharashtra) by Speed Post/ Registered Post only on or before 01/11/2021. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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