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NHPC Trainee Job Vacancies Recruitment 2021-22 ---> Apply Online Now

NHPC Trainee Job Vacancies Recruitment 2021-22 —> Apply Online Now

NHPC Recruitment 2021 For 67 Trainee Engineer And Trainee Officer Posts, Online Registration Starts on December 22, 2021 and ends on January 17, 2022 by 5 pm


The National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Ltd. (NHPC),a premier Schedule-A, ‘Mini Ratna’ Company of Government of India is the biggest hydropower Public Sector Company in India and a leader in the design, construction, and operation of Hydropower Plants.

NHPC Limited is looking for High Performing, Dynamic & Achievement-Oriented Professionals for recruitment to the following various Trainee Engineer and Officer Govt Job vacancies in various disciplines and at various levels through direct recruitment and invites Online Applications in the prescribed format for the vacancies in NHPC Limited Projects/Power Stations/Offices including Joint Ventures & Subsidiary Companies of NHPC located in various parts of the country or abroad through GATE – 2021 Score, CA/CMA Score & CS Score. (Advt. No. NH/Rectt./04/2021).

NHPC Trainee Job Recruitment 2021-22 Vacancies

  1. Trainee Engineer (Civil) : 29 vacancies (SC-08,ST-01, OBC-06,EWS-02, UR-12), Age: 30 years, Pay Scale: E2 Rs.50000-3%-160000 (IDA)
  2. Trainee Engineer (Mechanical) : 20 vacancies (SC-01,ST-01, OBC-04,EWS-02, UR-12), Age: 30 years, Pay Scale: E2 Rs.50000-3%-160000 (IDA)
  3. Trainee Engineer (Electrical) : 04 vacancies (SC-03,ST-01), Age: 30 years, Pay Scale: E2 Rs.50000-3%-160000 (IDA)
  4. Trainee Officer (Finance) : 12 vacancies (ST-10, UR-02), Age: 30 years, Pay Scale: E2 Rs.50000-3%-160000 (IDA)
  5. Trainee Officer (Company Secretary) : 02 vacancies (UR-01, OBC-01), Age: 30 years, Pay Scale: E2 Rs.50000-3%-160000 (IDA)

Educational Qualification :

Bachelor’s Degree/B.Sc in relevant engineering disciplines with minimum 60% marks; qualified CA from ICSI

Age Criteria :

Candidates interested in applying for NHPC Trainee Engineer and Officer Jobs through NHPC Trainee Engineer and Officer Recruitment 2021 must not have exceeded 30 years as on December 1, 2021 with relaxation (upper age limit) up to 5 years (SC/ST), 3 years (OBC – NCL) and 10 years (PwBd) respectively as specified in the NHPC Notification 2021

Selection Process :

The selection of candidates to NHPC Trainee Engineer and Officer Jobs through NHPC Recruitment 2021 will be done through Shortlisting and GATE – 2021 Score, CA/CMA Score & CS Score as notified in the NHPC Notification 2021

How to Apply for NHPC Trainee Job Vacancies Recruitment 2021-22?

Apply Online in the prescribed format at the NHPC recruitment website from 22/12/2021 to 17/01/2022 only for Recruitment of Trainee Engineer Officer Job Vacancies in NHPC 2021-22.

Details and online application format

For more information and online application form, please visit the Careers Page at NHPC website at http://www.nhpcindia.com/career.htm  for various Trainee Engineer Officer Job Vacancies Recruitment in NHPC 2021-22.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs….

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