SSC Has Start the Recruitment of Phase IX (9th) Selection Vacancy of Technical Operator, Canteen Attendant, and Other Posts by 9 SSC Regions…Get the full info regarding SSC Selection Posts IX 2021 Notification like Name of the Posts, Post wise vacancy, Age Criteria, Qualification, Method of Selection, Salary, etc.

Online applications in the prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates for the following various 3261 Group-B and Group-C Selection Govt Job Vacancy Posts by 9 Regional Offices of Staff Selection Selection (SSC) situated at Kolkata (Eastern Region), Guwahati (North Eastern Region), Raipur (Madhya Pradesh Region), New Delhi (Northern Region),  Mumbai (Western Region), Allahabad (Central Region), Bangalore (Karnataka Kerala Region), Chandigarh (North Western Region,),  Chennai (Southern Region) for IXth (9th) edition of combined selection posts vacancy recruitment 2021 (Advt. No. Phase-IX/2021/Selection Posts).

SSC 9th IXth Selection Posts 2021 – Vacancy Details Region-wise:

*The 9th Selection posts are listed herein alphabetically ordered. Some posts are shown here combined vacancies. The recruitment for these 9th selection posts is to be done by various regional offices of SSC only.

**Please view the detailed advertisement for better information.

***The vacancies have been advertised in the 9th Selection posts by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) as per the Indents submitted by the respective Indenting Departments/ Offices. There may be withdrawal/ alteration of the vacancies by the Indenting Departments/ Offices. Candidates who wish to apply for more than one post should apply separately for each post irrespective of the education level of the post.

SSC 9th Selection Posts Vacancy Recruitment 2021 -Apply Online
  • Central Regions CR
    1. Junior Seed Analyst: 03 vacancies
    2. Girls Cadet Instructor: 34 vacancies
    3. Chargeman (Mechanical): 03 vacancies
    4. Chargeman (Metallurgy): 02 vacancies
    5. Scientific Assistant (M&E/Metallurgy): 02 vacancies
    6. Accountant: 01 vacancies
    7. Head Clerk: 01 vacancies
    8. Rehabilitation Counsellor: 01 vacancies
    9. Staff Car Driver (Ordinary Grade): 01 vacancies
    10. Technical Superintendent (Weaving): 01 vacancies
    11. Conservation Assistant: 01 vacancies
    12. Technical Assistant (Wildlife): 01 vacancies
    13. Research Investigator (Forestry): 01 vacancies
    14. Junior Computer: 01 vacancies
  • Eastern Region ER
    1. Sub-Editor (Hindi): 01 vacancies
    2. Sub-Editor (English): 01 vacancies
    3. Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS): 398 vacancies
    4. Senior Scientific Assistant (Biology): 03 vacancies
    5. Senior Scientific Assistant (Physics): 01 vacancies
    6. Senior Scientific Assistant (Toxicology): 01 vacancies
    7. Senior Scientific Assistant (Chemistry): 01 vacancies
    8. Senior Zoological Assistant: 01 vacancies
    9. Laboratory Assistant: 01 vacancies
    10. Field Attendant (MTS): 03 vacancies
    11. Office Attendant (MTS): 03 vacancies
    12. Canteen Attendant: 04 vacancies
    13. Photographer Grade-III: 08 vacancies
    14. Library Information Assistant: 01 vacancies
    15. Chargeman (Mechanical): 01 vacancies
    16. Chargeman (Computer): 01 vacancies
    17. Legal Assistant: 01 vacancies
    18. Fertilizers Inspector: 01 vacancies
    19. Driller-cum-Mechanic (Master Craftsman): 19 vacancies
    20. Junior Geographical Assistant: 62 vacancies
    21. Research Assistant: 146 vacancies
    22. Personal Assistant: 01 vacancies
    23. Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS): 06 vacancies
    24. Electric Welder: 02 vacancies
    25. Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) (Technical): 78 vacancies
  • Karnataka Kerala Region KKR
    1. Deputy Ranger: 12 vacancies
    2. Fieldman: 04 vacancies
    3. Girl Cadet Instructor: 47 vacancies
    4. Technical Superintendent (Processing): 01 vacancies
    5. Technical Superintendent (Weaving): 02 vacancies
    6. Textile Designer: 01 vacancies
    7. Research Associate (Physical Anthropology Division): 02 vacancies
    8. Library and Information Assistant: 01 vacancies
    9. Scientific Assistant (Computer Science): 02 vacancies
    10. Scientific Assistant (Electrical): 01 vacancies
    11. Scientific Assistant (Electronics): 02 vacancies
    12. Assistant Welfare Administrator: 01 vacancies
    13. Junior Grade of Indian Information Service, Group-B : 40 vacancies in Ministry of Information & Broadcasting (English-17, Hindi-03, Urdu-06, Punjabi-03, Kashmiri-01, Bengali-04, Assamese-01, Oriya-01, Marathi-01, Sindhi-01, Kannada-01, Telugu-01 )
  • MP Region MPR
    1. Technical Officer (S&R): 01 vacancies
    2. Research Associate (Cultural Anthropology): 02 vacancies
    3. Research Associate (Physical Anthropology Division): 01 vacancies
    4. Dietician Grade-III (Junior Dietician): 01 vacancies
    5. Chargeman (Mechanical): 03 vacancies
    6. Chargeman (Chemical): 01 vacancies
    7. Chargeman (Electronics): 01 vacancies
    8. Chargeman (Computer): 01 vacancies
    9. Draftsman: 05 vacancies
    10. Senior Draughtsman: 06 vacancies
    11. Pharmacist (Allopathic): 12 vacancies
    12. Pharmacist: 03 vacancies
    13. Pharmacist-cum-Clerk (Homeopathic): 03 vacancies
    14. Medical Laboratory Technologist: 01 vacancies
    15. Nursing Officer Jabalpur: 02 vacancies
    16. Cleaner: 01 vacancies
    17. Staff Driver (Ordinary Grade): 01 vacancies
    18. Chemical Assistant: 92 vacancies
  • North Eastern Region NER
    1. Artist: 01 vacancies
    2. Librarian: 01 vacancies
    3. Research Associate (Cultural Anthropology): 02 vacancies
    4. Research Associate (Physical Anthropology Division): 01 vacancies
    5. Girl Cadet Instructor: 44 vacancies
    6. Senior Scientific Assistant (Physics): 01 vacancies
  • Northern Region NR
    1. Data Processing Assistant Grade-A: 02 vacancies
    2. Artist Retoucher: 03 vacancies
    3. Senior Geographer: 05 vacancies
    4. Girl Cadet Instructor (GCI): 38 vacancies
    5. Assistant Curator: 04 vacancies
    6. Senior Draughtsman: 09 vacancies
    7. Investigator (SS) Grade-I: 02 vacancies
    8. Canteen Attendant: 08 vacancies
    9. Wildlife Inspector: 01 vacancies
    10. Junior Technical Assistant (JTA): 08 vacancies
    11. Data Processing Assistant Grade-A: 64 vacancies
    12. Senior Translator (Hindi): 01 vacancies
    13. Assistant (Technical) (Hindi Branch): 02 vacancies
    14. Investigator (Language): 01 vacancies
    15. Senior Technical Assistant: 08 vacancies
    16. Assistant Extension Officer: 01 vacancies
    17. Documentation & Information Technology Assistant: 01 vacancies
    18. Library and Information Assistant: 02 vacancies
    19. Senior Scientific Assistant (Operational Research): 01 vacancies
    20. Assistant (Printing): 01 vacancies
    21. Research Associate (Cultural Anthropology): 02 vacancies
    22. Research Associate (Physical Anthropology Division): 03 vacancies
    23. Research Associate (Linguistics): 01 vacancies
    24. Scientific Assistant (SA): 24 vacancies
    25. Mud Plaster: 01 vacancies
    26. Laboratory Attendant: 01 vacancies
    27. Painter: 01 vacancies
    28. Gallery Attendant: 04 vacancies
    29. Junior Engineer (Quality Assurance), Armament/Ammunition: 29 vacancies
    30. Junior Engineer (Quality Assurance), Armament/Instruments: 18 vacancies
    31. Junior Engineer (Quality Assurance), Armament/Small Arms: 10 vacancies
    32. Junior Engineer (Quality Assurance), Armament/Weapons: 25 vacancies
    33. Junior Engineer (Quality Assurance), Engineering Equipment: 11 vacancies
    34. Junior Engineer (Quality Assurance), Electronics: 24 vacancies
    35. Junior Engineer (Quality Assurance), M&E/Metallurgy: 02 vacancies
    36. Junior Engineer (Quality Assurance), Vehicle: 31 vacancies
    37. Scientific Assistant, Store/Chemistry: 01 vacancies
    38. Scientific Assistant, M&E/Military Explosives: 01 vacancies
    39. Junior Engineer (Quality Assurance), Radar & System: 15 vacancies
    40. Conservation Assistant: 02 vacancies
    41. Senior Draughtsman: 27 vacancies
    42. Data Processing Assistant Grade-A: 39 vacancies
    43. Sanitary Inspector: 01 vacancies
    44. Research Assistant: 01 vacancies
    45. Technician: 04 vacancies
    46. Laboratory Attendant: 05 vacancies
    47. Research Assistant: 01 vacancies
    48. Canteen Attendant: 02 vacancies
    49. Stockman (Junior Grade): 03 vacancies
    50. Farm Assistant: 01 vacancies
    51. Assistant Communication Officer (Cipher): 52 vacancies
    52. Data Entry Operator Grade ‘B‘: 01 vacancies
    53. Technical Clerk (Economics): 02 vacancies
    54. Clerk: 01 vacancies
    55. Canteen Attendant: 07 vacancies
    56. Accounts Clerk: 01 vacancies
    57. Staff Car Driver (Ordinary Grade): 01 vacancies
    58. Town and Country Planning Organization, Research Assistant: 02 vacancies
    59. Nursing Officer (Allopathic): 53 vacancies
    60. Pharmacist (Ayurvedic): 15 vacancies
    61. Medical Laboratory Technologist: 21 vacancies
    62. Lady Medical Attendant: 39 vacancies
    63. Pachkarma Therapist: 93 vacancies
    64. Staff Nurse (Ayurvedic): 02 vacancies
    65. Radiographer: 02 vacancies
    66. Dental Technician: 05 vacancies
    67. Medical Attendant: 81 vacancies
    68. Pharmacist (Allopathic): 49 vacancies
    69. Pharmacist (Homeopathic): 08 vacancies
    70. ECG Technician (Junior): 02 vacancies
    71. Topass: 04 vacancies
    72. Store Keeper: 161 vacancies
    73. Crane Operator for Floating Cranes Python and Mammoth: 03 vacancies
    74. Superintendent (Store): 26 vacancies
    75. Lascar-I: 142 vacancies
    76. Fireman: 22 vacancies
    77. Exhibition Officer: 01 vacancies
    78. Programme & Public Relaxation Officer: 01 vacancies
  • North Western Region NWR
    1. Junior Technical Assistant: 03 vacancies
    2. Scientific Assistant: 31 vacancies
    3. Technical Assistant: 57 vacancies
    4. Assistant Plant Protection Officer (Chemistry): 10 vacancies
    5. Senior Technical Assistant (Geophysics): 08 vacancies
    6. Fieldman: 11 vacancies
    7. Junior Engineer: 01 vacancies
    8. Farm Assistant: 02 vacancies
    9. Stockman (Jr. Grade): 11 vacancies
    10. Driller-cum-Mechanic (Master Craftsman): 20 vacancies
    11. Deputy Ranger: 09 vacancies
    12. Draftsman: 05 vacancies
    13. Cleaner: 02 vacancies
    14. Technical Operator (Drilling): 22 vacancies
    15. Laboratory Attendant: 05 vacancies
    16. Assistant Photographer: 01 vacancies
    17. Workshop Attendant: 01 vacancies
    18. Sub-Inspector (Statistician): 01 vacancies
    19. Sub-Inspector (Draftsman): 07 vacancies
    20. Sub-Inspector (Computer): 07 vacancies
    21. Sub-Inspector (Short Hand Reporter/Hindi): 03 vacancies
    22. Assistant Sub-Inspectors (Short-Hand Reporter/Hindi): 04 vacancies
    23. Assistant Sub-Inspector (Stenographer): 26 vacancies
    24. Assistant Sub-Inspector (Radio Technician): 57 vacancies
    25. Head Constable (Store Clerk): 29 vacancies
    26. Head Constable Fitter (Battery): 05 vacancies
    27. Head Constable (Telephone Exchange Operator): 07 vacancies
    28. Head Constable (Draftsman) (Tracer): 01 vacancies
    29. Head Constable (Carpenter) (Communication): 01 vacancies
    30. Head Constable (Mast Lasker): 06 vacancies
    31. Head Constable (MT-Electrician): 02 vacancies
    32. Head Constable (Fitter Electrician): 29 vacancies
    33. Constable (Workshop Hand): 43 vacancies
    34. Constable (Photographer): 57 vacancies
    35. M.T Helper (Constable), Mechanical: 104 vacancies
    36. M.T. Storeman (Constable): 03 vacancies
    37. M.T. Helper Constable (Electrician): 09 vacancies
    38. M.T. Helper Constable (Battery Chargemen): 03 vacancies
    39. M.T. Helper Constable (Welder): 02 vacancies
    40. M.T. Helper Constable (Painter): 02 vacancies
    41. M.T. Helper Constable(Vacuum/Tyreman): 03 vacancies
    42. M.T. Helper Constable (Denter): 02 vacancies
    43. M.T. Helper Constable (Upholster): 02 vacancies
    44. M.T. Helper Constable (Blacksmith): 01 vacancies
    45. M.T. Helper Constable (Carpenter): 04 vacancies
  • Southern Region SR
    1. Technical Superintendent (Weaving): 04 vacancies
    2. Instructor (Fishing Technology): 01 vacancies
    3. Stockman (Junior Grade): 01 vacancies
    4. Laboratory Assistant: 01 vacancies
    5. Textile Designer: 03 vacancies
    6. Syce: 02 vacancies
    7. Medical Attendant: 21 vacancies
    8. Lady Medical Attendant: 14 vacancies
    9. Farm Assistant: 01 vacancies
    10. Junior Computor: 01 vacancies
    11. Girl Cadet Instructor (GCI): 76 vacancies
    12. X-Ray Technician: 01 vacancies
    13. Chargeman (Electronics): 01 vacancies
    14. Instructor (Stenography): 02 vacancies
    15. Chargeman (Chemical): 01 vacancies
    16. Investigator Grade-II: 04 vacancies
    17. Assistant Store Keeper: 03 vacancies
    18. Assistant Epigraphist (Dravidian Inscriptions): 02 vacancies
    19. Driller -cum-Mechanic (Master Craftsman): 19 vacancies
    20. Draftsman: 01 vacancies
  • Western Region WR
    1. Technical Officer: 04 vacancies
    2. Library and Information Assistant: 04 vacancies
    3. Mechanical Supervisor (Sr.): 01 vacancies
    4. Research Associate (Cultural Anthropology): 02 vacancies
    5. Rehabilitation Counselor: 01 vacancies
    6. Assistant Epigraphist (Arabic & Persian Inscriptions): 01 vacancies
    7. Conservation Assistant: 02 vacancies
    8. Stockman: 01 vacancies
    9. Accountant: 01 vacancies
    10. Research Associate (Physical Anthropology Division): 01 vacancies
    11. Stockman (Junior Grade): 01 vacancies
    12. Driller-cum-Mechanic (Master Craftsman): 19 vacancies
    13. Senior Scientific Assistant (Neutron Activation Analysis): 01 vacancies
    14. Occupational Therapist: 03 vacancies
    15. Draftsman Grade-I: 01 vacancies
    16. Library and Information Assistant: 05 vacancies
    17. Laboratory Assistant Grade-II: 12 vacancies
    18. Chargeman (Chemical): 03 vacancies
    19. Girls Cadet Instructor (GCIS) Woman Only: 28 vacancies
    20. Scientific Assistant (Computer Science): 01 vacancies
    21. Scientific Assistant (Electrical): 01 vacancies
    22. Scientific Assistant (Electronics): 01 vacancies
    23. Scientific Assistant (Mechanical): 01 vacancies
    24. Lady Health Visitor: 15 vacancies
    25. Pharmacist (Allopathic): 13 vacancies
    26. Pharmacist (Ayurvedic): 02 vacancies
    27. Pharmacist-cum-Clerk (Homoeopathic): 03 vacancies
    28. Medical Laboratory Technologist: 03 vacancies
    29. Nursing Officer: 02 vacancies
    30. Dental Technician: 02 vacancies
    31. Medical Attendant (MTS): 26 vacancies
    32. Lady Medical Attendant (MTS): 04 vacancies
    33. Pharmacist (Allopathic): 09 vacancies
    34. Pharmacist-cum-Clerk (Homoeopathic): 01 vacancies
    35. Medical Attendant (MTS): 06 vacancies
    36. Lady Medical Attendant (MTS): 01 vacancies
    37. Pharmacist (Allopathic): 06 vacancies
    38. Pharmacist-cum-Clerk (Homoeopathic): 01 vacancies
    39. Ayurvedic Pharmacist: 01 vacancies
    40. Medical Attendant (MTS): 09 vacancies
    41. Medical Laboratory Technologist: 02 vacancies
    42. Nursing Officer (Allopathy): 01 vacancies
    43. Pharmacist (Allopathic): 02 vacancies
    44. Pharmacist (Ayurvedic): 01 vacancies
    45. Medical Attendant (MTS): 05 vacancies
    46. Chargeman (AWS): 10 vacancies

Application Fee :

The application fee for the SSC 9th Selection Posts is ₹100/- to be paid online up to 28/10/2021 through BHIM UPI, Net Banking, by using Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, RuPay Credit or Debit cards or in SBI Branches by generating SBI Challan. No fee for SC/ ST/ PH/ Ex-Servicemen and Women candidates.

Important Dates for SSC Phase 9 Recruitment Post :-

Dates for submission of online applications24/09/2021 to 25/10/2021
Last date for receipt of application25-10-2021 Upto 05:00 PM Only
Last date for making online fee payment28-10-2021 (23.30 PM)
Last date for generation of offline Challan28-10-2021 (23.30 PM)
Last date for payment through Challan (during working hours of Bank)01-11-2021
Date of Computer Based ExaminationJanuary/February 2022

SSC Posts Phase IX Recruitment 2021 – Eligibility Criteria

Age Limit (Minimum Age)-(Maximum Age) :- 18-30 Years Post Wise as on 01/01/2021

Educational Qualification :-

  • The Educational qualification depends upon the Post you are willing to apply.
  • Candidates who have passed Graduation/ Higher Secondary (10+2), Matriculation (10th) from a recognized board/ university are eligible to apply for SSC Phase 9 Recruitment 2021.

SSC Selection Posts 2021 Examination Pattern :-

There will be a Computer Based Mode of Examinations consisting of Objective/Multiple Choice Questions for SSC 9th Selection Vacancy posts in January/February 2022 tentatively, separately for each post with minimum Educational Qualification of Matriculation, Higher Secondary, and Graduation. 

The computer-based SSC 9th Selection Posts 2021 Vacancy Exam will be held in the month of January/February 2022 tentatively at various test centers across India. The total duration of the exam is 60 minutes (1 hour) and the total marks of the exam are 200. There will be negative marking of 0.50 marks for each wrong answer. 

  1. General Intelligence – 25 questions / 50 marks
  2. English Language (Basic Knowledge) – – 25 questions / 50 marks
  3. Quantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skill) – – 25 questions / 50 marks
  4. General Awareness  – – 25 questions / 50 marks

SSC Post 2021 Selection Process :-

  • Candidates will be selected on the basis of merit in the CBT.
  • The final selection of candidates will be based on the online test followed by a document verification round.
  • For some posts, a skill test/ computer proficiency test/ typing test will be conducted, which is qualifying nature.

Document Verification :-

If qualified in CBT, and subsequent stages of skill test if any, candidates will be shortlisted for document verification round and issued admit card by the concerned regional office.

Candidates will have to submit a print out of the online application form along with original and self-attested copies of all the documents/certificates such as :

  • Admit Card
  • 2 Passport-sized photographs
  • Matriculation/ Secondary Certificate
  • Proof of minimum educational qualification certificate
  • Experience certificates
  • Proof of category [only for candidates of SC / ST / OBC / PH(PwD) / Ex-S categories]
  • NOC if already employed

How to Apply for SSC IXth 9th Selection Post Recruitment 2021? 

Suitable and desirable candidates should apply online in the prescribed format at the SSC Recruitment website at from 24/09/2029 to 25/10/2021 only for SSC IXth 9th Selection Posts Vacancy Recruitment 2021.

Steps To Apply :

Part I: Online Registration

  • Open the website of SSC
  • Click on the ‘Apply’ button and then on the ‘Others
  • Click on Phase-IX/2021/Selection Posts Application Form link
  • Click on the ‘Register’ tab for ‘New Registration’ available under the section ‘Registration Part’
  • Enter and verify the name
  • Enter and verify the father’s name
  • Enter and verify the mother’s name
  • Enter and verify roll no.
  • Select and verify your date of birth
  • Select & verify gender
  • Enter the text then click on tab ‘Enter’
  • You will see a complete registration form
  • Now, fill up the basic details and contact details such as a permanent address, mobile number, email ID, etc.
  • Enter the text as shown in the box
  • Then click on tab ‘Submit
  • Upload scanned copies of your photo & signature
  • After uploading the scanned files, click on tab ‘Next’
  • Your SSC registration is completed
  • Note down the Registration ID and password
  • Use your registration ID & password to proceed to fill up the Online Application Form

Part II: Online Application Submission

  • Before filling up the Online Application Form, read the instructions carefully
  • Now, proceed to fill up the details available in the online application form
  • After performing all the necessary actions, enter the text then click on tab ‘Final Submit
  • Pay the fee online or Generate challan of SBI and submit it along with the application fee [if eligible] at any designated branch of SBI
  • After making payment online or challan of SBI, you can check your application status at
  • After the successful submission of the online application form, print your application form for reference.

Online Submission of Application and Details

For further details for all these selection posts 2021 by 9 Regional Offices of Staff Selection Commission SSC are available at for Northern Region at Delhi, for Central Region at Allahabad, for Eastern Region at Kolkata, for Western Region at Mumbai, for Southern Region at Chennai, for North Western Region at Chandigarh, for Kerala Karnataka Region at Bengaluru, for North Eastern Region at Guwahati,  for MP Chhattisgarh Region at Raipur, please see details of every region for every post, etc. by visiting the website of  that region, and apply online at wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***

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