RPSC ASO Recruitment 2021: RPSC or Rajasthan Public Service Commission has recently released an official notification related to recruitment for the post of ASO or Assistant Statistical Officer. Read This Article Till End for more details.
Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) invites Online applications in the prescribed format for the recruitment for the following latest Govt Job vacancy of Assistant Statistical Officer (ASO) for Economic and Statistics Department of Rajasthan Government (Advt. No. 05/Rectt./A.S.O./RPSC/EP-I/2021-22). From 218 vacancies, 203 are for the Non Tribal Sub-Plan (Non TSP) area and remaining 15 vacancies are for the Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP) area.
Assistant Statistical Officer (ASO): 218 vacancies (Non-TSP-203, TSP-15) in Economic and Statistics Department, Age: 18-40 years as of 01/01/2022, Pay Scale: Pay Level-11 of pay matrix (Grade Pay ₹4200/-),
Qualification: At least a second class master’s degree in Mathematics, Statistics, Economics or Commerce OR Master degree in any of the above subject with one year diploma in Statistics from a recognized University established by law in India.
Higher Level Certificate Course conducted by DOEACC under control of the Department of Electronics, Government of India. or Certificate course on Computer concept by NIELIT, New Delhi. or Computer Operator & Programming Assistant (COPA)/Data Preparation and Computer Software (DPCS) Certificate organized under National/State Council or Vocational Training Scheme. or Degree/Diploma/Certificate in Computer Science/Computer Application from a University established by law in India or from an institution recognized by the Government. or Senior Secondary Certificate from a recognized Board of Secondary Education in the Country, with Computer Science/Computer Application as one of the subjects. or Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering from a Polytechnic institution recognized by the Government. or Rajasthan State Certificate Course in Information Technology (RSCIT) conducted by Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University, Kota under control of Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited.
The minimum age limit for the RPSC ASO Recruitment 2021 is 18 years and maximum is 40 years as on 01 January 2022.
Application Fee
₹350/- (₹250/- for Non-Creamy layer OBC / MBC and ₹150/- for SC/ST and family income less than 2.50 lakh candidates) to be paid online.
Important Dates
Apply Start: 1.12.2021
Apply Last Date: 20.12.2021
Exam Date: Notify Later
Selection Procedure for RPS Assistant Statistical Officer Recruitment 2021
The selection of suitable candidates for the vacancy recruitment of Assistant Statistical Officer 2021 by RPSC will be done through a competitive recruitment examination which will have objective type questions
Detailed information and online submission of application
For complete information and online submission of application for Assistant Statistical Officer Vacancy Recruitment 2021 by RPSC, please visit https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/advertisements
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National Institute Of Ayurveda (NIA) Recruitment 2021 – 18 Vacancy for Associate Professor, Lecturer, Museum Curator, Pharmacist, Cataloguer, Lower Divisional Clerk (LDC), Multi Tasking Staff (MTS). Apply Offline Now!!!
Offline Applications are invited in the prescribed format for the following various Group-B and Group-CNon-Teaching Non-FacultyGovt Job Vacancy in the National Institute of Ayurveda (NIA) at Jaipur (Rajasthan) (Advt. No. 2/2021). The detailed Vacancy Notification containing Essential Qualifications, Experience, Pay Scales, Age Limit, Last Date, Fees Payable, Reservations etc. are being published in Employment News and also in Institute’s Website. Read Below Article for more Information
Application Fee is to be paid for each Post by Demand Draft only, in favour of ‘Director, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur’ for Panchakarma Vaidya ₹3500/- for General & OBC and ₹3000/- for EWS, SC & ST; and for all other posts: ₹2000/- for General & OBC and ₹1800/- for EWS, SC, & ST Applicants. However, no fee is payable by Physically Handicapped Applicants.
Eligibility Criteria
Post Name
Educational Qualification
Panchkarma Vaidya
MD (Ayurveda) in the Subject of Panchakarma from a recognized University and duly recognized by CCIM.
Junior Stenographer (Hindi)
HSC from a recognised Central/State Board of Education & Ability to write 80 WPM in Hindi Shorthand and a30 WPM in Hindi Typewriting.
Junior Medical Laboratory Technologist
10+2 with Science Subject and DMLT from any Government recognized institution with 1 Year relevant Experience.
Library Assistant
SSC from a recognised Central/State Board of Education.
Lower Division Clerk
12th Standard from a Central/State Board of Education.
Multi-Tasking Staff
10th Standard from a Central/State Board of Education.
Age Limit
Applicant’s minimum age must be 25 years as of the application submission date. While the maximum age of the candidates should be 40 years. Age relaxation is applicable to the reserved categories as per the government rules and regulations.
Important Dates for NIA Jaipur Recruitment 2021
The offline application submission process starts on 27 November 2021.
The Closing Date for the applicants is 60 Days from the date of publication of the recruitment notification in Employment News.
The Closing Date for the applicants belonging to Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Division of J&K State, Spiti District and Pangi Sub-Division of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands Lakshadweep is 70 Days from the date of publication in Employment News.
How to Apply for Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment in NIA 2021?
The filled-in Application form in the prescribed format carrying a recent Passport Size Photograph pasted on the upper right corner duly attested by a Gazetted Officer along with attested copies of all testimonials and an Application fee should reach the “Director, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jorawar Singh Gate, Amer Road, Jaipur 302002” within 60 days of the advertisement published in weekly Employment News (70 days for the candidates from far-flung areas).
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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UPSC Recruitment 2021: UPSC to recruit candidates for Faculty and Tutor posts. Candidates can check details here and apply for the posts through the official site of UPSC
UPSC Government Jobs Recruitment 17/2021 Vacancies
Professor (Control System): 01 vacancies (UR-01) in Integrated Headquarters, Directorate of Civilian Personnel, Ministry of Defence
Associate Professor (Computer Science): 01 vacancies (UR-01) in Integrated Headquarters, Directorate of Civilian Personnel, Ministry of Defence
Associate Professor (Electrical Engineering): 01 vacancies ( UR-01) (PwBD-01) in Integrated Headquarters, Directorate of Civilian Personnel, Ministry of Defence
Associate Professor (Electronics & Communication Engineering): 01 vacancy (OBC-01) in Integrated Headquarters, Directorate of Civilian Personnel, Ministry of Defence
Associate Professor (Mechanical Engineering): 02 vacancies (SC-01, UR-01) in Integrated Headquarters, Directorate of Civilian Personnel, Ministry of Defence
Associate Professor (Metallurgy/ Production Engineering): 01 vacancies (UR-01), Integrated Headquarters, Directorate of Civilian Personnel, Ministry of Defence
Tutor: 14 vacancies (SC-02, OBC-05, EWS-02, UR05) (PwBD-01) in College of Nursing, Lady Hardinge Medical College & Smt. Sucheta Kriplani Hospital, New Delhi, Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.
Important Dates
Official Notification Published on: 26.11.2021
Last Date for Apply Online: 16.12.2021
Application Fee
₹25/- to be paid cash/online at SBI. No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women candidates.
A PhD Degree with First Class at Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Control System Engineering/ Embedded System Engineering/ Instrumentation Engineering/ Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering/ Controls & Instrumentation Engineering/ Electrical Engineering and experience of ten years of teaching, research and/or industry, out of which at least five years at the level of Assistant Professor/ Reader or equivalent grade.
A Ph.D Degree with First class at Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science and experience of eight years in teaching, research and/or industry at the level of Lecturer or equivalent grade, excluding period spent on obtaining the research degree.
A Ph.D Degree with First class at Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering and experience of eight years in teaching, research and/or industry at level of Lecturer or equivalent grade, excluding period spent on obtaining the research degree.
Not exceeding 40 years as on normal closing date.
Academic Level-13A1(Rs. 1,31,400-2,17,100/-)
Associate Professor (Electronics & Communication Engineering)
A Ph.D Degree with First class at Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering and experience of eight years in teaching, research, and/or industry at the level of Lecturer or equivalent grade, excluding the period spent on obtaining the research degree.
Not exceeding 43 years for Other Backward Class candidates.
A Ph.D Degree with First class at Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and experience of eight years in teaching, research and/or industry at the level of Lecturer or equivalent grade, excluding period spent on obtaining the research degree.
Not exceeding 40 years as on normal closing date.
Academic Level-13A1(Rs. 1,31,400-2,17,100/-)
Associate Professor (Metallurgy/ Production Engineering)
A Ph.D Degree with First class at Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Metallurgy/ Production Engineering and experience of eight years of teaching, research and/or industry at level of Lecturer or equivalent grade, excluding period spent on obtaining the research degree.
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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UPPSC Recruitment 2021 | Medical Officer, Farm Manager & Other Post | 970+ Vacancies | Last Date: 23.12.2021 |
Online applications on the prescribed format are invited by Uttar Pradesh (UP) Public Service Commission (PSC), Prayagraj for the various Unani, Ayurvedic Medical Officer, Faculty, MicrobiologistGovernment Job Vacancy posts for Ayush (Unani) Education Departments of Government of Uttar Pradesh (Advt. No.: 4/2021-22).
UPPSC Medical Officer Recruitment 2021 Advt 4/2021 Vacancies
Microbiologist (Food): 06 vacancies in State Government Public Analyst Laboratories
Medical Officer, Community Health (Ayurvedic and Unani): 962 vacancies for UP Ayush Department
Lecturer Ilaj Bit Tadbeer: 01 vacancies for UP Ayush (Unani) Department
Reader Nafasiyat: 01 vacancies for UP Chikitsa Shiksha (Unani) Department
Lecturer Moalijat: 01 vacancies for UP Ayush (Unani) Department
Farm Manager, Assistant Director (Farms), Fodder Development Officer and Agriculture Officer: 1 Post in Animal Husbandry Department
UPPSC Medical Officer Pay Scale (Ayurvedic / Unani): Rs. 15600-39100/- with Grade Pay Rs. 5400/- (Pay Matrix level-10).
Important dates
Starting date of Online form: 23 November 2021
Last date of fee payment: 20 December 2021
Last date of submission of online form: 23 December 2021
Eligibility Criteria for UPPSC Medical Officer & Other posts
Registration as Vaidhya OR Hakeem with Board of Indian Medicine, Uttar Pradesh
At Least 06 Month Experience in State Ayurvedic, Unani or Allopathic Hospital or dispensary.
Preferential:- Post graduate degree in Ayurveda or Unani Tib from a recognized Institution.
different qualifications are required for posts listed above as there are many specialties required for a particular job vacancy. Read detailed recruitment advertisements carefully before applying and be sure to know the minimum requirements of the post you want to apply for.
Age Limit (as on 01.07.2021)
Age limit should be 21 to 45 years.
Selection Process
Selection process will be based on Written Examination/ Interview.
Please visit the Notification Section at UP PSC website http://uppsc.up.nic.in for all the details, instructions, syllabus, and a link to apply online for UP PSC Government Jobs vacancy recruitment 4/2021-22.
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BOB IT SO Recruitment 2021 Notification Released for Data Scientist and Data Engineer Posts. Check application process, educational qualification, experience, selection criteria and other details here..
Bank of Baroda (BoB), India’s International Bank, is looking for experienced Information Technology (IT) professionals for the Bank’s Analytical Centre of Excellence (ACoE) as Data Scientist and Data Engineer in Bank of Baroda (BoB) and hence invites online application in the prescribed format for the following 15 IT Specialist Officer PostsGovernment Job Vacancy for the year 2021
BoB Data Specialist Professionals Recruitment 2021 Vacancies
Data Scientist: 09 Vacancies in various levels
Data Scientist: 01 Vacancies, Pay Scale: SMG/S-IV Scale ₹76010-89890, Age: 32-40 years, Experience: 09 years
Data Scientist: 02 Vacancies, Pay Scale: MMG/S-III Scale ₹63840-78230, Age: 28-35 years, Experience: 06 years
Data Scientist: 06 Vacancies, Pay Scale: MMG/S-II Scale ₹48170-69180, Age: 25-32 years, Experience: 03 years
Data Engineer: 06 Vacancies in various levels
Data Engineer: 02 Vacancies, Pay Scale: MMG/S-III Scale Rs.63840-78230, Age: 28-35 years, Experience: 06 years
Data Engineer: 04 Vacancies, Pay Scale: MMG/S-II Scale Rs.₹48170-69180, Age: 25-32 years, Experience: 03 years
Important Dates:
Commencement of submission of online application: 16 November 2021
Last date for submission of online application: 6 December 2021
Application Fee
₹600/- (₹100/- for SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates) to be paid online by using Debit Card / Credit Card / Internet Banking etc.
BOB IT SO Recruitment 2021 Eligibility Criteria Educational Qualification:
The selection process may comprise of an online test (for positions in MMGS-II & MMGS-III only), a psychometric test, or any other test deemed suitable for further selection process followed by a Group Discussion / & Interview of shortlisted candidates.
Please visit the Career=>Current Opportunities page at the Bank of Baroda website https://www.bankofbaroda.in/career/current-opportunities for detailed information and a link to Apply Online for Bank of Baroda Data Specialist/Engineer IT Officer Professionals Recruitment 2021.
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Bank of Baroda to recruit candidates for Relationship Manager posts. Eligible candidates can apply online till December 9, 2021. Read below for eligibility, selection process and other details.
Bank of Baroda (BoB), India’s International Bank, is looking for qualified and experienced Specialists Officers Professionals asSr. Relationship Manager and e- Wealth Relationship Manager in the Wealth Management Services Department of the Bank of Baroda (BoB) and hence invites online application in the prescribed format for the following 376 Relationship Management Government Job Vacancy for the year 2021 on a contract basis.
BoB Relationship Manager Recruitment 2021 Vacancies
Sr. Relationship Manager: 326 Vacancies (UR-92, EWS-47, OBC-101, SC-44, ST-42) (PWD-23), Age: 24-35 years as of 01/11/2021, Experience: 2 years as Relationship Manager in Wealth Management
e-Wealth Relationship Manager: 50 Vacancies (UR-19, EWS-05, OBC-14, SC-08, ST-04) (PWD-04), Age: 23-35 years as of 01/11/2021, Experience: 1.5 years as Relationship Manager in Wealth Management.
Remuneration offered will be on Fixed Salary basis depending on candidate’s qualifications, experience, overall suitability, last drawn salary of the candidate and market benchmarks for the respective posts. Apart from the Fixed Salary, selected candidate will be eligible for Performance Linked Variable Pay which will be over and above the Fixed Salary but linked to the achievement of specific targets.
Employment Type
Contractual Engagement for a period of 5 years, with a periodic performance review. The term of engagement may be extended at the option of the Bank.
Important Dates
Starting Date for Online Registration of Application & Payment of Fee: 19-11-2021
Last Date Online Registration of Application & Payment of Fee: 09-12-2021
Application Fee
₹ 600/- (₹100/- for SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates) to be paid online by using Debit Card / Credit Card / Internet Banking etc.
(1) A Degree (Graduation) in any discipline from a University recognised by the Govt. of India./ Govt. bodies/ AICTE. (2) Desirable qualification: 2 years full time Post Graduate Degree / Diploma in Management. Regulatory certifications e.g. NISM/IRDA. (3) Minimum 2 Years of Experience as Relationship Manager in Wealth Management with Public Banks / Private Banks / Foreign Banks / Broking Firms / Security Firms / Asset Management Companies Rich Knowledge and Experience in Mutual funds and Insurance is desirable. (4) Proficiency/ knowledge in local language/ area/ market/ clients is desirable.
✔️ E-Wealth Relationship Manager:
(1) A Degree (Graduation) in any discipline from a University recognized by the Govt. Of India./ Govt. bodies/ AICTE. (2) Desirable qualification/certification: 2 years full time Post Graduate Degree / Diploma in Management. Regulatory certifications e.g. NISM/IRDA. (3) Minimum 1.5 Years of Experience as Relationship Manager in Wealth Management with Public Banks / Private Banks / Foreign Banks / Broking Firms / Security Firms / Asset Management Companies (OR) 1.5 years’ experience in sales/ services of High Value financial products through digital medium (telephone/ video or web).
Selection Process
Selection will be based on short listing and subsequent round of Personal Interview and/or Group Discussion and/or any other selection method. Minimum Qualifying marks for UR/EWS Candidates shall be 60% of the Marks and for SC/ST/OBC/PWD Candidates, the same shall be 55% of the Marks.
Please visit the ‘Career=>Current Opportunities’ page at the Bank of Baroda website https://www.bankofbaroda.in/career/current-opportunities for detailed information and a link to Apply Online for Bank of Baroda Relationship Management Professionals Recruitment 2021.
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GMCH released Non-Teaching Medical Staff Nurse Vacancy Notification to recruit 162 posts. Here, you will check details for the Staff Nurse Recruitment in this article
Online applications in the prescribed format are invited for recruitment for filling up the following Group-C Medical Non-Teaching Govt Job Vacancy posts of Staff Nurse (Nursing Officer) in various Medical Disciplines/Subjects in Government Medical College & Hospital (GMCH), Chandigarh for the year 2021.
Staff Nurse (Nursing Officer): 162 vacancies (UR-64, EWS-16, OBC-31, SC-20, PWD-02, Ex-SM-29), Remuneration: Consolidated Pay of ₹29200/- on the basis of 7th CPC, Age: 18-37 years as of 01/01/2021
Application Fee
₹1000/- (₹500/- for SC candidates only and no fee for Ex.SM and PWD candidates) to be paid in online through State Bank of India payment gateway.
Detailed Information and Online Submission of Application
Please visit https://gmch.gov.in/jobs.aspx for detailed information and online application format for GMCH Chandigarh Staff Nurse (Nursing Officer) Recruitment 2021
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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(CSIR-CBRI) Recruitment 2021 – 12 Vacancy of Scientist, Principal Scientist. A Unique opportunity for research careers in Science & Technology The Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India. It is amongst the foremost Scientific and Industrial research set-ups in the world.
CSIR-Central Building Research Institute (CBRI), Roorkee a premier Institute under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) invites online applications in the prescribed recruitment form from enthusiastic, innovative and young Indian researchers having an excellent academic record and proven scientific achievements for Recruitment to fill up the following Govt Job vacancies of Scientists in CSIR CBRI. (Advertisement No. 05/2021).
Principal Scientist: 04 Vacancies (UR), Pay Scale: Pay Level-13 ₹123100-216900, Age: 45 years
Important Dates
Starting Date for Submission of Application : 25.11.2021
Last date for Submission of Application : 20.12.2021
Application Fee
Application fee of ₹100/- to be paid online through SBI Collect Facility only through CBRI website (no fee from SC/ST/PH/Women/CSIR employees)
Educational Qualification: (As on)
Scientist – Total 08 posts :-
Post Code
Essential Educational qualifications & experience
1. Scientist – 01Post Ph.D. (submitted) in Biological Sciences/Sciences or equivalent with specialization in the areas of Pest & Mycology, Entomology for Building Sciences with Masters degree or equivalent in Biological Sciences. Desirable Experience:• Working Knowledge in some of the areas Pest & Mycology, Entomology for Building Sciences.• Good publication in SCI journals
2.Scientist – 02 Post Ph.D. (submitted) in Geology/Applied Geology/Geosciences/Earth Sciences/ Physical Sciences/Sciences or equivalent in the areas of Engineering Geology/Landslide Disaster related studies with Master’s degree or equivalent in Geology/Applied Geology/Geological Technology. Desirable Experience:• Working Knowledge in some of the areas like landslides/other mass movements, engineering geological investigations, remote sensing & GIS applications, field experience in Indian Himalayas.• Good publications in SCI journals
3. Scientist – 01 Post M.E./M.Tech or equivalent in Civil Engineering with specialization in Structural Engineering/ Building Engineering and Disaster Mitigation/Engineering of infrastructure and disaster mitigation/Building Science and Technology/Earthquake Engineering with bachelors degree or equivalent in Civil Engineering . OR Ph.D. (submitted) in any of above areas with B.E./B.Tech. in Civil Engineering. Desirable Experience:• Working Knowledge in some of the areas like Structural Fire Engineering, Disaster Resistant Structural system, Prefabricated Building system, 3D printing techniques, Composite Structural System, Heritage Structures.• Good publication in SCI journals
4. Scientist – 01 Post M.Arch. or equivalent in Architecture with Bachelors Degree or equivalent in Architecture. OR Ph.D.(submitted) in Architecture or equivalent having Bachelors degree or equivalent in Architecture only. Desirable Experience:• Working Knowledge in Green Building System/Energy efficient buildings/ Heritage structures/Building physics/sustainable architecture /Acoustics and lighting of buildings/Futuristic cities and villages/Net zero emission building/BIMN.• Good publication in SCI journals
5. Scientist – 01 Post M.Arch. or equivalent in Architecture with Bachelors Degree or equivalent in Architecture. OR Ph.D.(submitted) in Architecture or equivalent having Bachelors degree or equivalent in Architecture only. Desirable Experience: Working Knowledge in Green Building System/Energy efficient buildings/ Heritage structures/Building physics/sustainable architecture /Acoustics and lighting of buildings/Futuristic cities and villages/Net zero emission building/BIM.• Good publication in SCI journals
6. Scientist – 01 Post M.E./M.Tech or equivalent in Machine Design/ Mechatronics/ Robotics/CAD/Thermal Engg. with bachelors degree or equivalent in Mechanical Engineering OR Ph.D. (submitted) in any of the above areas with bachelors degree or equivalent in Mechanical Engineering. Desirable Experience:• Working knowledge in Kinematics of machinery/ Engineering design/FEM software/ Construction automation and instrumentation/ Robotics/Heat and mass transfer/ 3D Printing.• Good publications in SCI journals
7. Scientist – 01 Post M.E./M.Tech or equivalent in Machine Design/ Mechatronics/ Robotics/CAD/Thermal Engg. with bachelors degree or equivalent in Mechanical Engineering OR Ph.D. (submitted) in any of the above areas with bachelors degree or equivalent in Mechanical Engineering. Desirable Experience:• Working knowledge in Kinematics of machinery/ Engineering design/FEM software/ Construction automation and instrumentation/ Robotics/Heat and mass transfer/ 3D Printing. • Good publications in SCI journals
Principal Scientist (Lateral level) – Total 04 posts :-
1.Principal Scientist – 01 Post Ph.D. or equivalent in Physics with 3 years experience in the relevant areas of Building Physics/Energy Efficient Buildings/Indoor Environmental Quality/IEQ Controls/ Instrumentation electronics/sensors & actuators. Candidate must have Masters degree or equivalent in Physics. Desirable Experience:• Working Knowledge in some of the areas like Building Physics/Energy Efficient Buildings/Indoor Environmental Quality/IEQ Controls/Instrumentation electronics/sensors & actuators• Good publications in SCI journals• Product development/ Technology transfer
2. Principal Scientist – 01 Post Ph.D. or equivalent in Chemical Engineering with 3 years experience in the relevant areas of Combustion Processes/Fire Dynamics/Passive & Active Fire Protection. Candidate must have Masters degree or equivalent in Chemical Engineering. Desirable Experience:• Working Knowledge in some of the areas like Structural Fire Engineering, Disaster Resistant Structural system, Combustion Processes/Fire Dynamics/Passive & Active Fire Protection.• Good publication in SCI journals• Product development/ Technology transfer
3. Principal Scientist – 01 Post Ph.D. or equivalent in Civil Engineering/Structural engineering with 3 years experience in the relevant areas of Structural Fire Engineering/Retrofit & Rehabilitation of Fire Damaged Structures. Candidate must have Masters degree or equivalent in Civil Engineering/Structural Engineering. Desirable Experience:• Working Knowledge in some of the areas like Structural Fire Engineering, Disaster Resistant Structural system, Retrofit & Rehabilitation of Fire Damaged Structures.• Good publication in SCI journals• Product development/ Technology transfer
4.Principal Scientist – 01 Post Ph.D. or equivalent in Civil Engineering with 3 years experience in the relevant areas of Building Materials including Concrete, Admixtures and Cementitious Materials. Candidate must have Masters degree or equivalent in Civil Engineering. Desirable Experience:• Working Knowledge in some of the areas like Building Materials including Concrete, Admixtures and Cementitious Materials.• Good publication in SCI journals• Product development/ Technology transfer
Age Limit:
Name of Posts
Age Limit
37 years
32 years
32 years
35 years
37 years
32 years
35 years
Principal Scientist
45 years
Principal Scientist
45 years
Principal Scientist
45 years
Principal Scientist
45 years
Candidates Relaxation in Upper Age limit will be provided as per Govt. Rules. Go through CSIR-CBRI official Notification 2022 for more reference
(i) Application format and summery sheet will be available on our website www.cbri.res.in upto 20.12.2021. No other format of application will be accepted.
(ii) Eligible candidates are required to take a printout of application format and summery sheet. Fill it and send duly filled application form and summery sheet along with all the attachments in a single pdf file at the following e.mail IDs given to each Post Code :-
Post Code
Post Name
E .mail ID
Principal Scientist
Principal Scientist
Principal Scientist
Principal Scientist
Principal Scientist
The hard copy of the Application form duly signed and e-receipt of application fee slip along with recent passport size photograph, Self-attested copies of all testimonials/Certificates/marks sheets/Degree in support of qualification, experience, date of birth and Caste etc. should be placed in a sealed cover superscribed “Application for the post of SCIENTIST /PRINCIPAL SCIENTIST (Post Code No.__ ) and send the same to Sr. Controller of Administration, CSIR-Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee- 247667 on or before 30/12/2021.
For completed details and application form, please visit Notifications=>Recruitment at CBRI website at https://cbri.res.in/notifications/recruitments/ for Scientist Job Vacancy Recruitment in CBRI Roorkee 2021.
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Kumaun University has released KU Jobs 2021 Notification for the post of Professor, Librarian on its official website. Interested candidates are advised to read the article below and apply for the same within the last date.
Applications through online mode are invited in the prescribed format from eligible candidates for the following various faculty Govt Job vacancy positions of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professors in various Disciplines/ Subjects of the Kumaun University, Sleepy Hollow, Mallital, Nainital (Uttarakhand) for the year 2021. (Advt. No. 716-719/2021).
Kumaun University Faculty Recruitment 2021 Vacancies
Professor: 10 vacancies in various subjects/ disciplines, Pay Scale: Academic Pay Level-14 ₹144200-218200 as per 7th Central Pay Commission
Associate Professor: 15 vacancies in various subjects/disciplines, Pay Scale: Academic Pay Level-13A ₹131400-217100 as per 7th Central Pay Commission
Associate Professor: 47 vacancies in various subjects/disciplines, Pay Scale: Academic Pay Level-10 ₹57700-182400 as per 7th Central Pay Commission
Publish/ Starting Date for KU application submission: 24 November 2021
Last Date for KU Jobs form submission: 23 December 2021
Posts & Qualification
Post Name
Eligibility Criteria
Professor, Librarian
Aspirants must have a certificate/ degree of Graduate, Ph.D, Post Graduate or must have an equivalent qualification from a recognized institute/ Board.
Application Fee :
Application fee is exempted as per order of the Uttarakhand Government.
Selection Process :
Interview Only
How to Apply for Kumaun University Faculty Vacancy 2021?
Suitable and desirable candidates should apply online in the prescribed format at the Kumaun University website from 24/11/2021 to 23/12/2021 only for Kumaun University Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021. The last date for accepting the hardcopy of the system generated application along with the enclosures in the office of Deputy Registrar (General Administration), Kumaun University, Nainital, Room No. 133, B- Block, Sleepy Hollow, Mallital, Nainital (Uttarakhand) – 263002 via registered post/speed post is on 05/01/2022 5.00 pm only.
Please visit https://kuntl.net/recruitment-2021/home for detailed information relating to qualifications, experience, etc. and online application format for Kumaun University Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021.
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Bharat Electronics Limited, Bengaluru (BEL Bengaluru) has published a recruitment notification for recruitment of Senior Engineer and Deputy Manager. You will get here details likenumber of vacancies, important dates, application fees, eligibility, pay scale and important links.
Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), a Navratna Public Sector Company and India’s premier Professional Electronics Company require Senior Engineer and Deputy Manager personnel on a permanent basis for its Strategic Communication and Unmanned Systems SBU, Bengaluru Complex.
Senior Engineer E-III:10 vacancies (UR-05, OBC-02, SC-01, ST-02), Age: 32 years, Experience: Minimum 4 years of relevant post-qualification experience for B.E/B.Tech & 2 years of relevant post qualification for M.E/M.Tech., Pay Scale: E-III ₹50000-3%-160000/-, Qualification: Full time B.E/B.Tech/M.E/M.Tech in Electronics/Electronics & Communication/Electronics & Telecommunication/ Telecommunication/ Communication/ Aerospace/ Aeronautical Engineering/Mechatronics/Computer Sc/Mechanical/Mechatronics
Deputy Manager E-IV:02 vacancies (UR-01, SC-01), Age: 36 years, Experience: Minimum 8 years of relevant post-qualification experience for B.E/B.Tech & 6 years of relevant post qualification for M.E/M.Tech., Pay Scale: E-IV ₹60000-3%-180000/-, Qualification: Full time B.E/B.Tech/M.E/M.Tech in Electronics/ Electronics & Communication/ Electronics & Telecommunication/ Telecommunication/ Communication/ Aerospace/ Aeronautical Engg.
Application Fee
The application fee is ₹7500/- to be paid online through SBI Collect. SC/ST/PWD candidates are exempted from payment of application fees.
The selection for the posts will be through a Written Test for shortlisted candidates, followed by an Interview, The details of the Written Test/Interview will be intimated in due course. The written test Centre will be in Bangalore
How to Apply for Engineer Manager Vacancy BEL Bengaluru 2021?
Suitable and desirable candidates should send applications complete in all respects by post to Manager (HR/SC&US/HLS&SCB), Bharat Electronics Ltd, Jalahalli post, Bengaluru – 560013, latest by 08/12/2021 for BEL Bengaluru Engineer Manager Recruitment 2021.
Please visit the Careers page at the BEL website at https://www.bel-india.in for details and online application format for Engineer/Manager Recruitment in BEL Bengaluru 2021.
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