AIIMS Gorakhpur Group-A Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021-22 —> Apply Now

RECRUITMENT OF FACULTY POSTS (GROUP-A) IN VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS AT AIIMS GORAKHPUR. You will get here complete detail about AIIMS Gorakhpur Faculty (Group A) application procedure, important dates, application fees, age limit, qualification, number of vacancies, pay scale and important links

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Gorakhpur an Autonomous Institute of National Importance is one of the new AIIMS, invites application in the prescribed format from Indian Citizens for the following various 105 Group-A Faculty Govt Job Vacancy posts on direct recruitment basis in  AIIMS Gorakhpur (UP). (Advertisement No. AIIMS/GKP/RECT/2021/265).

AIIMS Gorakhpur Faculty Recruitment 2021-22 Vacancies

  • Professor:  28 vacancies  in various medical disciplines/ subjects, Pay Scale: Pay Level-14A with Basic starting pay is ₹168900/-, Age: 58 years
  • Additional Professor: 22 vacancies in medical various disciplines/ subjects, Pay Scale: Pay Level-13A2 with Basic starting pay is ₹148200/-, Age: 58 years
  • Associate Professor:  23 vacancies in medical various disciplines/ subjects, Pay Scale: Pay Level-13A1 with Basic starting pay is ₹1,38,300/-, Age: 50 years
  • Assistant Professor: 32 vacancies in various medical disciplines/ subjects, Pay Scale: Pay Level-12 with Basic starting pay is ₹101500/-, After three years, Assistant Professors will move to pay level-13 with Basic starting ₹123100) of the Pay Matrix, Age: 50 years

Application Fee  

The application fee is ₹3000/- for UR/OBC and EWS candidates (₹200/- for SC/ST/ Women’s/Persons with Benchmark Disabilities) to be paid through Demand Draft in favour of AIIMS, Gorakhpur Payable at Gorakhpur.

Educational Qualification:

✔️ A medical Qualification included in the I or II schedule or part II of the third schedule to the Indian Medical Council Act of 1956 (Persons possessing qualifications included in part II of third schedule should also fulfil the conditions specified in section 13(3) of the Act.)
✔️ A postgraduate qualification e.g., MD/MS or a recognized qualification equivalent thereto in the respective discipline/ subject. (AND/ OR)

✔️ M.Ch. for surgical Super specialty and D.M. for Medical Super specialty (2 years or 3 years or 5 years recognized course) or qualification recognized equivalent there to.

Teaching and / or Research Experience:

✔️ 14 years for Professor.
✔️ 10 years for Additional Professor
✔️ 03 years for Assistant Professor.

Selection Process:

✔️ The prescribed qualification is minimum and mere possessing the same does not entitle any candidate to be called for interview or for selection. Based on details of the candidate, the Screening Committee may short- list candidates for interview.

How to Apply AIIMS Gorakhpur Group-A Faculty Vacancy 2021-22?

The aspiring applicants satisfying the eligibility criteria in all respect can submit their application in the prescribed format available on AIIMS, Gorakhpur official website along with self-attested copies of certificates/ documents in support of fulfilling the essential criteria of age, educational qualification, teaching/research experiences etc. to the Recruitment Cell (Academic Block), All India Institute of Medical Sciences Gorakhpur, Kunraghat, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh – 273008 on or before 31/01/2022. The envelope containing the application should be super-scribed with “Application for the post….”

Details and  Online Application

Please visit the AIIMS Gorakhpur career page at for details and online application format for AIIMS Gorakhpur Group-A Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021-22.

View Government Job Vacancies in all AIIMS wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

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BEL Bengaluru Trainee Engineer Recruitment 2021-22 –> Apply Offline

BEL Bengaluru Trainee Engineer Recruitment 2021-22 – Recruitment of Trainee Engineer in BEL Bengaluru 2021-22. Eligible candidates read all the information below and read the official notification

Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), a Navratna Public Sector Company and India’s premier Professional Electronics Company require Trainee Engineers in various Engineering disciplines on a short term contract basis for its Advanced Defence Systems -Navy SBU, Bengaluru Complex and at some other project locations across India.

Application through offline mode in the prescribed format for these government job vacancies of Trainee Engineers Vacancy Recruitment in BEL Bengaluru 2021-22 are invited by 15th January 2021-22.

BEL Bengaluru Trainee Engineer Recruitment 2021 Vacancies  

  • For Advanced Defence Systems -Navy SBU, Bengaluru Complex
    • Trainee Engineer-I: 08 vacancies (UR-02, EWS-01, OBC-03, SC-02), Age: 28 years, Experience: 01 years, Remuneration: Candidates will be paid a consolidated remuneration of ₹30000/-, ₹35000/-and ₹40000/- for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year of contract respectively plus ₹12000/- per year towards insurance premium, attire allowance, stitching charges, footwear allowance, etc., Qualification: B.E./B.Tech. in Electronics/ Electronics & Communication/ E&T/ Telecommunication discipline with 55% aggregate marks (Pass Class for SC and PWD candidates), Place of posting: Mumbai
  • For various Project locations across India
    • Trainee Engineer-I: 09 vacancies (UR-03, OBC-03, SC-02, ST-01) (Civil-05, Electrical-04), Age: 28 years, Experience: 6 months, Remuneration: Candidates will be paid a consolidated remuneration of ₹30000/-, ₹35000/-and ₹40000/- for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year of contract respectively plus ₹12000/- per year towards insurance premium, attire allowance, stitching charges, footwear allowance, etc., Qualification: B.E./B.Tech. in Civil & Electrical Disciplines with 55% aggregate marks (Pass Class for SC and PWD candidates), Place of posting: Arkonam, Vizag, Kochi, Portblair, Goa and Mumbai.
BEL Bengaluru Trainee Engineer Recruitment 2021-22 --> Apply Offline

Application Fee for BEL Bengaluru Engineer Recruitment 2021

The application fee for the post of Project Engineer/Officer is ₹200/- for Trainee Engineers to be paid online through SBI Collect. SC/ST/PWD candidates are exempted from payment of application fees.

How to Apply for Project and Trainee Engineer Vacancy BEL Bengaluru 2021?

Application in the prescribed format should be sent to the DGM(HR/MR,MS&ADSN) Bharat Electronics Limited, Jalahalli P.O., Bengaluru 560013 on or before 15/01/2022 for the Trainee Engineers (Electronics) posts.

And for Trainee Engineers (Civil/Electrical) vacancies, the applications complete in all respects may be sent to Deputy Manager (HR/Military Communications SBU), Bharat Electronics Limited, Jalahalli Post, Bengaluru – 560013 on or before 11/01/2022 through ordinary or speed post.

View – Government Jobs for Engineers in various organizations/departments

Details and Application Format for BEL Bengaluru Recruitment 2021-22

Please visit the Careers page at the BEL website at for details and online application format for Trainee Engineer Recruitment by BEL Bengaluru 2021-22. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…

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Coast-Guard Navik / Yantrik Recruitment 2/2022 batch – Apply Online Now !!!

 Indian Coast Guard Recruitment 2022 Notification for the recruitment to the post of Navik (General Duty), Navik (Domestic Branch), and Yantrik in the Indian Coast Guard, an Armed Force. All the details like Notification, Eligibility, Qualification, Age Limit, Salary, Important Dates, Application Fees, How to Apply, etc. are given below.

Online applications in the prescribed format are invited from Indian Nationals possessing educational qualifications and age as prescribed below, for recruitment to the Government Job vacancy post of Navik (Domestic Branch), Navik (General Duty) and Yantrik (Diploma Engineers) in the Indian Coast Guard (ICG) (an Armed Force of the Union) under Ministry of Defence, Government of India for 02/2022 batch entry.

Coast Guard 2/2022 batch Navik Yantrik Recruitment Vacancies 

  • Navik (General Duty – GD): 260 vacancies (UR-112, EWS-28, OBC-72, SC-37, ST-11) in the Pay Scale: Pay Level-3 starting ₹21700 in 7th Pay Commission pay matrix, Age: 18-22 years, Qualification: 10+2 passed with Maths and Physics 
  • Navik (Domestic Branch – DB): 35 vacancies (UR-12, EWS-02, OBC-09, SC-05, ST-07) in the Pay Scale: Pay Level-3 starting ₹21700 in 7th Pay Commission pay matrix, Age: 18-22 years, Qualification: 10th Class with 50% marks  (45% marks for SC/ST and outstanding sportsperson of National level who have obtained 1st, 2nd or 3rd position in any field sports events) in an aggregate 
  • Yantrik: 29 vacancies in the Pay Scale: Pay Level-3 starting ₹21700 in 7th Pay Commission pay matrix, Age: 18-22 years, Qualification: 10th pass and Diploma in Electrical/Mechanical/Electronics/Telecommunication (Radio/Power) Engineering.
    • Yantrik (Mechanical) : 13 vacancies (UR-04, EWS-01, OBC-02, ST-06)
    • Yantrik (Electrical) : 09 vacancies (UR-06, OBC-02, SC-01)
    • Yantrik (Electronics) : 07 vacancies (UR-03, OBC-01, ST-01)
Coast Guard GD DB Yantrik Vacancy Details 02_2022

Important Dates:

  • Apply Start4.1.2022
  • Apply Last Date14.1.2022
  • Exam DateJan 2022

Age Limit for Coast Guard GD, DB, Navik and Yanitrik Recruitment:

  • 18-22 Years
  • [Age Relaxation as per Rules]
  • Navik (GD) and Yantrik : Born between 01 Aug 2000 to 31 Jul 2004 (both dates inclusive)
  • Navik (DB) : Born between 01 Oct 2000 to 30 Sep 2004 (both dates inclusive)

Educational Qualification:

Navik (General Duty): 10+2 passed with Maths and Physics from an education board recognized by the Council of Boards for School Education (COBSE).

Yantrik: 10th class passed from an education board recognized by Council of Boards for School Education (COBSE) and Diploma in Electrical/ Mechanical / Electronics/ Telecommunication (Radio/Power) Engineering of duration 03 or 04 years approved by All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE)OR
10th& 12th class passed from an education board recognized by Council of Boards for School Education (COBSE) AND “Diploma in Electrical/ Mechanical / Electronics/ Telecommunication (Radio/Power) Engineering of duration 02 or 03 years approved by All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE).

Selection Process of Coast Guard GD, DB and Yantrik

The Selection Process of ICG Navik GD, DB, and Yantrik include the following Stages:

View – All Government Jobs for 10th Pass Job Seekers and Government Jobs for 12th Pass candidates.

How to Apply for Coast Guard 2/2022 Navik Yantrik Vacancy?

Submit the application through online mode in the prescribed format at the Indian Coast Guard recruitment website from 04/01/2022 to 14/01/2022 only for Coast Guard 2/2022 Navik Yantrik Vacancy Recruitment.

Steps To Follow

View- All open Government jobs in Indian Armed Forces

Details and Online Application Format

Please visit  for details and apply online for Coast Guard 2/2022 Navik Yantrik Vacancy Recruitment. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…

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BTKIT Almora Faculty Recruitment 2021- Apply Now

BTKIT Almora Faculty Recruitment 2021 – B.T. Kumaon Institute Of Technology, Dwarahat, Almora Uttarakhand has advertised for the recruitment of Teaching Faculty  Jobs vacancies. Interested and eligible job aspirants are requested to apply before 15th January 2022. Check out further more details below.

Bipin Tripathi Kumaon Institute of Technology (BTKIT), Almora (Uttarakhand) invites applications in the prescribed format from suitable and desirable candidates for Faculty Govt Job Vacancy of Associate Professors, and Professors in the various subjects/disciplines of Engineering in its faculty vacancy recruitment 2021-22.  (Advertisement No. BTKIT/FACULTY/01/2021-22).

BTKIT Almora Faculty Recruitment 2021 Subjects Area

  1. Chemical Engineering  
  2. Civil Engineering  
  3. Computer Science & Engineering
  4. Electronics & Comm. Engineering
  5. Electrical Engineering 
  6. Mechanical Engineering
  7. MCA
BTKIT Almora Faculty Recruitment 2021- Apply Now

BTKIT Almora Faculty Recruitment 2021-22 Vacancies

  1. Professor: 07 vacancies (UR-04, OBC-01, SC-02)
  2. Associate Professor: 09 vacancies (UR-04, OBC-01, SC-04)

Qualification: As per Institution Norms

Application Fee 

Application fee in the form of Demand draft of ₹1500/- (₹1000/- for SC/ ST) in favor of Director BTKIT, Dwarahat, Almora payable at SBI KEC Dwarahat must be enclosed with each application.

How to Apply for BTKIT Almora Faculty Vacancy 2021-22? 

Suitable and desirable candidates should apply in the prescribed format for BTKIT Almora faculty vacancy recruitment 2021-22. The complete application form in all aspects must reach the Director B.T. Kumaon Institute of Technology Dwarahat-263653, District Almora (Uttarakhand) by Registered/Speed post on or before 15/01/2022 (up to 05:00 pm).

Details and Online submission of application for BTKIT Almora Faculty Vacancy 2021-22

Please visit for details and application format for BTKIT Almora Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021-22. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…

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ESIC Recruitment 2022- Apply Online Now

ESIC Recruitment 2022- Apply Online Now

ESIC Recruitment 2022 notification has been released for the recruitment of UDC, MTS, and Steno for the 3847 Posts region-wise. Check the below article for more details regarding ESIC recruitment 2022.

Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) has released an official notification inviting online applications for the posts of Upper Division Clerk or Clerk-Cashier, Multi Tasking Staff & Stenographer. A total of 3847 vacancies have been announced under ESIC Recruitment 2022. The interested candidates must go through the region-wise detailed notification for the Govt Job vacancies before applying. The Start Date of online applications will be from 15th January 2022. The last date to apply online for ESIC Recruitment 2022 is 15th February 2022.

ESIC Recruitment 2022 Vacancy Details

The candidates applying for different regions can download the region-wise Notifications from the website or click here

As the official notification is out, we have updated the category-wise breakdown of the vacancy for ESIC Recruitment 2022 here..

ESIC RegionUpper Division Clerk (UDC)StenographerMulti-tasking Staff (MTS)Total
Assam/ Guwahati011718
Andhra Pradesh07022635
Jammu Kashmir080109
Himachal Pradesh291544
Madhya Pradesh440256102
Tamil Nadu15016219385
Uttar Pradesh3605119160
West Bengal & Sikkim11304203320
Total Vacancies173516519473847

ESIC Salary Structure

The candidates selected for the posts of UDC, Steno and MTS posts under ESIC Recruitment 2022 will also be eligible for DA, HRA and Transport Allowance and other allowances as per rules in force from time to time, other than ESIC Salary mentioned below.

Upper Division Clerk and StenographerLevel – 4 (Rs. 25,500-81,100)
MTSLevel – 1 (Rs. 18,000-56,900)

Important Dates

ESIC Notification Release Date28th December 2021
ESIC Apply Online begins15th January 2022
Last Date to Apply Online15th February 2022

ESIC Application Fee

CategoryApplication Fee
SC/ST/PWD/Departmental Candidates/ Female/ Ex-servicemanRs.250/-
All other categoriesRs. 500/-

ESIC Eligibility Criteria 2022

Education Qualification :

For Upper Division Clerk/ Clerk-Cashier

  • The candidate should hold a degree from a recognised University or equivalent.
  • He/she should have a working knowledge of computers including the use of Office suites and databases.

For Multi-Tasking Posts

The candidates must Matriculation or equivalent pass from a recognized university & board.

For Stenographer Posts

The candidates should be 12th pass or equivalent from a recognized Board or University

Skill Test Norms For Steno posts only:

  • Dictation : 10 minutes @ 80 words per minute.
  • Transcription: 50 minutes (English), 65 minutes (Hindi) (Only on the computer).

Age Limit (as on 15.02.2022)

Category Age Limit (in years)
UCD & Steno18 – 27
MTS18 – 25

ESIC Selection Process

The Selection Process of ESIC UDC, MTS, and Stenographer Recruitment 2022 includes the following Stages:

For Upper Division Clerk/ Clerk-Cashier Posts :

The UDC are to be selected on the basis of the Prelims exam, Mains exam, and the Skill Test under ESIC Recruitment 2021-2022.

For Multi-Tasking Staff :

The candidates have to appear for the written test (prelims) and the mains exam for the MTS posts under ESIC recruitment 2022.

For Stenographer Posts :

The candidates for the stenographer posts under ESIC Recruitment 2022 are to be selected through the Mains exam and skill tests.

How to Apply for ESIC Recruitment 2022?

Apply online for ESIC Recruitment 2022 before the last date i.e. 15th February 2022 to avoid the last-minute rush.

Steps To Follow

  1. Visit the official website of Employees State Insurance Corporation
  2. Search for the “Recruitment” tab on the home page.
  3. Under the Recruitment Tab, you will see the notifications for the posts released by ESIC.
  4. Select the notification for your desired post.
  5. You will be redirected to the registration page, now you have to fill in the required details there such as Name, Contact details, etc.
  6. To validate your registration process an OTP will be sent to your registered mobile no., you just have to fill that OTP on the ESIC portal.
  7. After confirming the registration process, you will be able to fill the application form. Here you have to fill in the required details and have to upload the required documents as well.
  8. To complete your application process, candidates have to pay their application fees.
  9. After completing the application process, candidates have to download the application form and take a printout of the application form for the further examination process.

Detailed Information for ESIC Recruitment 2022

Complete details and other information are available on official website for ESIC Recruitment 2022. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…

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ICAR IARI Recruitment 2021-Apply Online

ICAR IARI Recruitment 2021-Apply Online

ICAR IARI Recruitment 2021 notification has been released for 641 posts of technicians in IARI. Read the article below for detailed information regarding ICAR Recruitment 2021.

The Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi commonly known as the Pusa Institute, is India’s National Institute for Agricultural Research, Education and Extension. Each year ICAR publishes IARI recruitment 2021 notifications for different positions and on December 18, 2021 ICAR IARI has released an official notification inviting online applications from interested and eligible candidates for 641 technician posts under ICAR IARI Recruitment 2021. The ICAR notice has been released against Advt. No. 1-1/2021Rectt Cell/Technician (CBT). The Starting Date of Online Registration has been started on 18th December 2021. The last date to apply online for ICAR Recruitment 2021 is 10th January 2022.

ICAR IARI Recruitment 2021

ICAR IARI Recruitment 2021 Vacancy Details

Category No. of vacancies


The candidates who will be selected for technician posts as per the ICAR IARI selection process will be receiving a basic salary of Rs. 21,700/- plus allowances under (Level-3, 7th CPC)

ICAR IARI Recruitment 2021- Important Dates 

EventsIARI Dates
ICAR IARI Notification Release18th December 2021
IARI Online Registration Starts18th December 2021
Last Date to Apply Online10th January 2022
Last Date to Pay IARI Application Fee10th January 2022
ICAR IARI Admit CardJanuary 2022
ICAR IARI Online TestBetween 25th January to 05th February 2022 (tentative)

ICAR IARI Application Fee

There is a nominal application fee for all the candidates willing to apply online for ICAR IARI Recruitment 2021. There is no examination fee but only a Registration fee for Women/ Schedule Caste /Schedule Tribe /ExServicemen / Person with Benchmark Disability under ICAR IARI Recruitment 2021.

CategoryExamination FeeRegistration feeTotal
UR/OBC-NCL(NCL)/EWSRs. 700/-Rs. 300/-Rs. 1000/-
Women/ Schedule Caste /Schedule Tribe /ExServicemen / Person with Benchmark DisabilityNilRs. 300/-Rs. 300/-

Educational Qualification

The candidates applying for ICAR Recruitment 2021 must have passed High School/10th pass or have any other equivalent qualification.

Age Limit

The candidates must be between 18 years and 30 years to apply online for ICAR Recruitment 2021.

How to apply online for ICAR IARI Recruitment 2021?

The candidates can follow the steps below to apply online for ICAR IARI Recruitment 2021.

Detailed Information for ICAR IARI Recruitment 2021

Complete details and other information are available on official website at for ICAR IARI Recruitment 2021. Click Here to view Advertisement. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


Jute Corporation of India Recruitment 2021-22 –> Apply Online

A total of 63 vacancies are released under Jute Corporation of India Recruitment 2021-22 For 63 Jr. Inspector & Other Posts. Check other details for JCI Recruitment 2021 below.

Jute Corporation of India Ltd. has invited online applications from interested and eligible candidates for 63 posts of Accountant (S5), Junior Assistant (S3) and Junior Inspector (S3) in the non-executive cadre against advt. no. 01/2021. Pay salary for JCI Accountant, Junior Assistant, Junior Inspector Posts are 21500 -115000/-. The submission of online applications has already been started. Job Location is West Bengal. The candidates can apply online for Jute Corporation of India Recruitment 2022 till 13th January 2022 (till 23.59 hrs.)

Jute Corporation of India Vacancy 2022

The Jute Corporation of India vacancy distribution is provided below.

CategoryAccountant (S5)Junior Assistant (S3)Junior Inspector (S3)
OBC (NCL)030211
Jute Corporation of India Recruitment 2021-22

Form/ Application Fees

  • The application submission fees for Aspirants: GEN/ OBC/ EWS – Rs. 200/- Non-Refundable
  • Form submission fees for Candidate: SC/ ST/ PWD – NIL

Educational Qualification & Experience

PostsEducational QualificationExperience
Accountant (S5)M. Com with Advanced Accountancy and auditing as a
special subject OR B. Com.
5 Years’ experience in maintaining commercial accounts including reconciliation and final accounts/experience in handling cash and records. OR 7 Years’ experience in the above
Junior Assistant (S3)Graduate or equivalent from a recognized universityusing computers (MS Word & Excel) and minimum typing speed is 40 wpm in English
Junior Inspector (S3)Pass in Class 12 or equivalent3 Years’ experience in purchase / sale of raw jute; its grading and assorting / bailing/storage / transportation

Age Limit

  • Age limitation as on 01 December 2021
  • Maximum age limit for Candidates to apply JCI Jobs 2021 application: 30 Years

Selection Process

Admission to the Computer based On-line Examination (CBT) will be purely provisional. Candidature will be subject
to verification of antecedents/documents/declarations, as applicable.

How to apply online for JCI Recruitment 2021?

The candidates can follow the steps below to apply online for Jute Corp. of India Recruitment 2021-22.

  1. Visit the official website
  2. On the home page, click on “Recruitment” at the bottom of the page
  3. Now click on the “Click here to apply” link against Notification No. 01/2021.
  4. Go through the instructions and the important dates
  5. Then register and login
  6. Fill in the JCI online application form
  7. Upload necessary documents
  8. Pay the required fee if applicable
  9. Press the submit button
  10. Get a printout of the JCI application form duly filled

Detailed Information for Jute Corporation of India Recruitment 2021-22

Complete details and other information are available on official website at  for Jute Corporation of India Recruitment 2021-22. check here for JCI Advertisement wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


UPSC Defence Services Examination-I 2022

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has announced applications for students appearing in Combined Defence Services Exam-I, 2022 (CDS 1 2022). Last date for submitting the UPSC CDS 1 2022 application is January 11, 2022

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will hold the Combined Defence Services Examination (CDS) (I), 2022 on 10th  April 2022 for admission to Indian Military Academy, Dehradun, Naval Academy, Ezihimala, Air force Academy, Hyderabad, and Officers Training Academy, Chennai for the courses (Men and Women) for recruitment of following 341 Govt Job Vacancy of Officers in NavyArmy, and Indian Air Force. (UPSC Advt. No.4/2022.CDS-I ).

Online application in the prescribed format is invited by UPSC for Recruitment of Trainee Officers in Indian Armed Forces through Combined Defence Services Examination (CDS) (I), 2022. This is the detailed information about UPSC Defence Services Examination-I 2022.

UPSC CDS(I) 2022 Examination – 341 Vacancies 

  1. Indian Military Academy, Dehradun: 100 vacancies for 154th (DE) Courses commencing in January 2023 (including 13 vacancies reserved for NCC `C’ Certificate (Army Wing) holders)
  2. Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala: 22 vacancies for Executive (General Service)/Hydro (including 03 vacancies for NCC ‘C’ Certificate (Naval Wing through NCC Special entry)) holders Course commencing in January 2023
  3. Air Force Academy, Hyderabad: 32 vacancies for (Pre-Flying) 213 F(P) Training Course commencing in January 2023. (including 03 vacancies are reserved for NCC `C’ Certificate (Air Wing) holders through NCC Spl. Entry)
  4. Officers Training Academy, Chennai: 170 vacancies for 117th SSC (Men) (NT) (UPSC) Course commencing in April 2023
  5. Officers Training Academy, Chennai (Women): 17 vacancies for 31st SSC Women (NT) (UPSC) Course commencing in April 2023.

Conditions of Eligibility for CDS-(I) Exam 2022

(A) Age Limits, Sex and Marital Status

  1. For Indian Military Academy: Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd January 1999 and not later than 1st January 2004 only are eligible.
  2. For Naval Academy: Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd January 1999 and not later than 1st January 2004 only are eligible.
  3. For Air Force Academy: 20-24 years i.e. Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd January 1999 and not later than 1st January 2003 only are eligible.
  4. For Officers’ Training Academy – (SSC Course for Men): Male candidates (Unmarried or Married) born not earlier than 2nd January 1998 and not later than 1st January 2004 only are eligible.
  5. For Officers Training Academy – SSC (Women Non- Technical) Course :  (a) Unmarried Women, issueless widows who have not remarried, and issueless divorcees (in possession of divorce documents) who have not remarried are eligible. They should have been not earlier than 2nd January 1998 and not later than 1st January 2004.

(B) Educational Qualifications

  1. For Indian Military Academy and Officers’ Training Academy: Degree of a recognised university or equivalent.
  2. For Naval Academy: Degree in Engineering from a recognised University/Institution.
  3. For Air Force Academy: Degree of a recognised university (with Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level) or Degree in Engineering from a recognised University/Institution.
  4. Candidates who are studying in the final year Degree Course and yet to pass final year degree examination or equivalent examination can also apply for the Examination, but they will be required to submit proof of passing the Degree Examination or equivalent examination by the specified dates.

(C) Physical Standards 

candidates must be physically fit according to the physical standards for admission to the combined Defence Services Examination (CDS) (I), 2022 as prescribed in the detailed advertisement on the UPSC website

Application Fee

Candidates (excepting Female/SC/ST candidates who are exempted from payment of fee) are required to pay a fee of Rs. 200/- either by depositing the money in any Branch of SBI by cash or by using the Net Banking facility of SBI  or by using Visa/ Master Credit/ Debit Card.

How to Apply for UPSC CDS Exam-I 2022?  

Candidate must apply online in the prescribed format at from 22/12/2021 to 11/01/2022 6.00 pm for UPSC Combined Defence Service Exam (I) 2022.  The online Applications can be withdrawn from 18/01/2022 to 24/01/2022 till 6.00 PM.

Detailed Information for UPSC CDS Exam (I) 2022

Complete details and other information are available at the commission website at for UPSC Defence Services Examination-I 2022. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…

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UPSC Government Jobs Vacancy Recruitment No.19/2021- Apply Now


Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), Dholpur House, New Delhi invites Online application on prescribed recruitment form by 13/01/2022 for recruitment of following various Government Jobs vacancy posts of Engineers, Ayurveda Faculty, Officers etc. (Group-A and Group-B) in various departments/organizations of Government of India in the prescribed online format against (UPSC Advt. No. 19/2021).

UPSC Government Jobs Recruitment 19/2021 Vacancies

  1. Assistant Commissioner (Crops): 02 vacancies (UR) in the Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare ( UR-02)
  2. Assistant Engineer Quality Assurance (Armament-Ammunition): 29 vacancies (SC-04, ST-02, OBC-08, EWS01, UR-14) (PwBD-02) in the Directorate General Quality Assurance, Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence 
  3. Assistant Engineer Quality Assurance (Electronics): 74 vacancies (SC-11, ST-06, OBC-20, EWS-01, UR-36) (PwBD-03) in the Directorate General Quality Assurance, Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence 
  4. Assistant Engineer Quality Assurance (Gentex): 54 vacancies (SC-08, ST-04, OBC-15, EWS-02, UR-25) (PwBD-02) in the Directorate General Quality Assurance, Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence 
  5. Junior Time Scale (JTS) Grade: 17 vacancies (SC-02, ST-01, OBC-05, EWS-01, UR-08) (PwBD-01) of Central Labour Service (Group ‘A’ Organized Service) consisting of the posts of Assistant Labour Commissioner (Central)/ Assistant Welfare Commissioner (Central)/ Assistant Labour Welfare Commissioner (Central)/ Assistant Director, Ministry of Labour & Employment 
  6. Administrative Officer: 09 vacancies (SC-01, ST-01, OBC-01, EWS-01, UR-05) in Geological Survey of India, Ministry of Mines
  7. Assistant Professor (Ayurveda, Rachna Sharir): 01 vacancies (UR) in the Directorate of AYUSH, Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of NCT of Delhi 
  8. Assistant Professor (Ayurveda, Maulik Siddhanta evum Samhita): 01 vacancies (UR) in the Directorate of AYUSH, Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of NCT of Delhi
UPSC Government Jobs Vacancy Recruitment  No.19/2021

Educational Qualification

Graduate/ Master’s Degree. See detailed notification (link given below).

For more details regarding candidates’ selection norms and eligibility norms, please go through the officially released advertisement (See Link/PDF given below).

Application Fee

₹25/- to be paid cash/online at SBI.  No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women candidates.

How to Apply UPSC Government Jobs Advt. 19/2021 Vacancies?

Apply Online on prescribed application format at UPSC Online website at from 25/12/2021 to 13/01/2022 for UPSC Govt Job Vacancy Advt. 19/2021.

Details and online submission of application

For Details of posts, qualifications, instructions, and online application format relating to UPSC Government Jobs Vacancy Recruitment Advt. No. 19/2021  please view wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***

CIMAP Administrative &Technical Vacancy Recruitment 2021-22 -->Apply Now

CIMAP Administrative &Technical Vacancy Recruitment 2021-22 –>Apply Now

CSIR- Central Institute of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants has recently released advertisement for various Administrative and Technical Posts. Interested and eligible candidates can apply for the post by submitting the application online with the required documents before the last date. For more details, please read the given below post-

CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants (CIMAP), Lucknow is a constituent laboratory of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi. CSIR-CIMAP undertakes basic and applied research in important areas of plant sciences.

CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CSIR-CIMAP), invites online applications in the prescribed format from Indian citizens for the recruitment of various Group-A, Group-B and Group-C Administrative &  Technical Government Job vacancy posts from enthusiastic young and dynamic Indian Nationals in CSIR CIMAP. (Employment Advertisement No.1/2021).

CIMAP Administrative/Technical Recruitment 2021-22 Vacancies

  • Administrative Jobs
    1. Junior Secretariat Assistant (Gen): 07 vacancies (UR-05,OBC-01, SC-01), Age: 28 years, Pay Scale: Pay Level-2 ₹19900-63200/-
    2. Junior Secretariat Assistant (F&A): 01 vacancies (SC-01), Age: 28 years, Pay Scale: Pay Level-2 ₹19900-63200/-
    3. Junior Secretariat Assistant (S&P): 07 vacancies (UR), Age: 28 years, Pay Scale: Pay Level-2 ₹19900-63200/-
    4. Junior Stenographer: 04 vacancies (UR-03,OBC-01), Age: 27 years, Pay Scale: Pay Level-4 ₹25500-81100/-
    5. Security Assistant: 01 vacancies (UR), Age: 28 years, Pay Scale: Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400/-
    6. Receptionist: 01 vacancies (UR), Age: 28 years, Pay Scale: Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400/-
  • Technical Jobs
    1. Senior Technical Officer (2): 01 vacancies (UR), Age: 40 years, Pay Scale: Pay Level-11 ₹67700-208700/-
    2. Senior Technical Officer (1): 04 vacancies (OBC-02, SC-01, EWS-01), Age: 35 years, Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 ₹56100-175500/-
    3. Medical Officer/Senior Technical Officer (1): 01 vacancies (UR), Age: 35 years, Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 ₹56100-175500/-
    4. Technical Assistant: 02 vacancies (UR-01, OBC-01), Age: 28 years, Pay Scale: Pay Level-06 ₹35400-112400/-
CIMAP Administrative &Technical Vacancy Recruitment 2021-22

Important Dates

Starting Date of Online Application- 29.12.2021

Closing Date of Online Application- 10.02.2022

Last Date for Receiving the Hard Copy of the Application with all the required documents at CSIR-CIMAP- 25.02.2022

Application Fee

The application fee is ₹100/- to be made online using Debit/ Credit Card/ Net Banking. The candidates belonging to SC/ST/Women/PWD/Abroad candidate and regular employees of CSIR are exempted from payment of application fee.


Graduation/ Medical or Technical Degree in concerned field with other skills and qualifications as per the requirement of the post.

Selection Process

Candidates will be selected on the basis of written exam/skill test or interview.

How to Apply for CIMAP Administrative Technical Vacancy 2021-22?

Desirous and suitable candidates should apply online in the prescribed format from 29/12/2021 to 21/02/2022 only on the CIMAP recruitment website only for the Administrative and Technical vacancy recruitment 2021-22 in CSIR CIMAP.

The Printout of the application, generated after online submission, duly accompanied by self-attested copies of the requisite certificates/mark sheets, if any, addressed to the ″Controller of Administration, CSIR Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Post Office-CIMAP, Lucknow-226015 (UP)″ should reach CIMAP office by speed post/registered post on or before 07/03/2022.

Details and online application format  

Please visit for details and online application format for CIMAP Administrative and Technical Officer vacancy Recruitment 2021-22. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***