The Delhi High Court has started accepting online applications for the Delhi Higher Judicial Service Examination (HJSE) 2022. For more information Please take a look at this page.
The High Court of Delhi invites online applications from eligible candidates for filling up the following 45 vacancies in Delhi Higher Judicial Service by holding the Delhi Higher Judicial Service (DJS) Examination 2022. The candidates can submit their application in online mode only through the website of the High Court of Delhi.
The Delhi Higher Judicial Service Preliminary Examination (Objective type) will be held on Sunday, March 20 (11.00 AM to 1.00 PM). The recruitment drive is being conducted to fill up a total of 45 posts under the Delhi Higher Judicial Service.
Delhi Higher Judicial Service (DJS) Examination 2022 Vacancies
Delhi Higher Judicial Service Examination (DJS) – 2022 : 45 vacancies (Existing Vacancy-43, Anticipated Vacancies-02) (UR-32, SC-07, ST-06) (PH-03), Pay Scale : Pay Level-13A of 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹131100-216600. Qualification : A candidate shall be eligible to appear in the examination if he/she is (a) a Citizen of India, (b) a Law Graduate from a recognized university, (c) a person practicing as an Advocate not less than years (d) a person, must have attained the age of 35 years and have not attained the age of 45 years as on 1st January 2022. Relaxation in age as per rules.
Application Fee
₹1000/- each for General Category candidates and ₹200/- for SC/ST/PH candidates to be paid through Debit Card/Internet Banking Online mode only.
Eligibility Criteria
Age Limit: Candidates applying for HJSE must have attained the age of 35 years and have not attained the age of 45 years as on January 1, 2022.
Qualification: Must have been continuously practicing as an Advocate for not less than seven years as on the last date of receipt of applications, i.e., 12.03.2022 is eligible to apply.
Selection procedure
Delhi Higher Judiciary Exam 2022 will consist of Preliminary Examination (Objective type with 25% negative marking), Mains Examination (Written) and Viva-Voce.
How to Apply for Delhi Higher Judicial Service (DHJS) Examination 2022?
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Delhi Judiciary Exam 2022: Delhi High Court has released the latest notification for the recruitment of Delhi Judicial Service Examination 2022, and Delhi Judicial Service Main Examination 2022. For more information Please take a look at this page
The High Court of Delhi will hold written examination for direct recruitment to Delhi Judicial Service (DJS) Examination 2022 in two stage selection process comprising Preliminary Written Examination of Objective type on 27/03/2022 and Delhi Judicial Service Main Exam (Written) for selection of candidates for calling for Viva Voce.
The High Court of Delhi invites online applications from eligible candidates for filling up the following 123 vacancies in Delhi Judicial Service by holding the Delhi Judicial Service (DJS) Examination 2022. The candidates can submit their application in online mode only through the website of the High Court of Delhi.
Delhi Judicial Service (DJS) Examination 2022 Vacancies
Delhi Judicial Service Examination (DJS) – 2022 : 123 vacancies (Existing Vacancy-55, Anticipated Vacancies-68) (UR-86, SC-08, ST-29) (PH-10), Pay Scale : Pay Level-10 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹56100-177500. Qualification : A candidate shall be eligible to appear in the examination if he/she is (a) a Citizen of India, (b) a Law Graduate from a recognized university, (c) a person practicing as an Advocate (d) a person, not more than 32 years as on 1st January 2022. Relaxation in age as per rules.
Application Fee
₹1000/- each for General Category candidates and ₹200/- for SC/ST/PH candidates to be paid through Debit Card/Internet Banking Online mode only.
Delhi High Court Judiciary Exam 2022 Selection Process
The Selection Process of Delhi Judicial Service Examination 2022 includes the following Stages:
Prelims Written Exam
Mains Written Exam
Interview/ Viva-Voce
Document Verification
Medical Examination
How to Apply Delhi Judicial Service (DJS) Examination 2022?
For more information about the Delhi Judicial Service Examination 2022 and online submission of applications, kindly visit
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Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited Rajasthan Refinery Ltd (HRRL) recruitment 2022 is underway for engineering graduates, human resource personnel and law officers.Salary Up To Rs. 240000.
HPCL Rajasthan Refinery Ltd. (HRRL) is a Joint Venture between Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) and the Government of Rajasthan (GOR). Online applications in the prescribed format from the eligible Professionals candidates are invited for the following 46 Government Jobs Vacancy posts in various disciplines in E5/E6 grade as Managers/Sr. Managers.
HRRL Professional Job Recruitment 2022 Vacancies
Manager in E5 Grade ₹80000-220000: 32 vacancies, Age: 42 years, Experience required: Minimum 12 years
Mechanical – Petrochemical – Fire and Safety: 01 vacancies
Support Functions – HR: 01 vacancies
Support Functions – CA: 01 vacancies
Support Functions – IS: 01 vacancies
Application Fee
No Application Fees will be charged for any of the vacancy positions.
Important dates:
Commencement of online application form: 24 February 2022 Last date of filling out the submitting application form: 15 March 2022
Full-time engineering graduates with a minimum of 60% marks under mechanical, civil, electrical, fire and safety and instrumentation engineering can apply.
Full-time post-graduates with a degree in specialization in HR/Personnel Management/Industrial Relations/Psychology or MBA with specialization in HR/Personnel Management with a minimum of 60% marks can apply.
Qualified Chartered Accountants from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) with 50% marks can apply.
Candidates with 3 years full-time course in law after graduation or 5 years course in law after Class 12 can apply.
Work experience for Grade E5: Candidates with a minimum of 12 years of post-qualification relevant work experience in a supervisory role or executive category in Project Execution/ Project Management in Petroleum/Refining/ Petrochemical/ Chemical/ Fertilizer sectors.
Work Experience For Grade E6: Candidates with a minimum of 15 years of post-qualification relevant work experience in Supervisory role//Executive category in Project Execution/ Project Management in Petroleum/Refining/ Petrochemical/ Chemical/ Fertilizer sectors.
Selected candidates will be eligible for a salary of up to Rs 2,40,000 based on the grade for which they are selected.
For further information like educational qualification, pay scale, age, experience etc. for Professional Job vacancy in HPCL Rajasthan Refinery 2022, please visit
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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UPSC Administrative Officer, Assistant Professor Recruitment 2022 for the position Administrative Officer, Assistant Professor etc. Read details, eligibility criteria mentioned below for the vacancy.
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), Dholpur House, New Delhi invites Online application by 17/03/2022 in the prescribed recruitment form for the recruitment of following various Government Jobs vacancy posts of Unani Faculty, Officers etc. (Group-A and Group-B) in various departments/organizations of Government of India in the prescribed online format (UPSC Advt. No. 04/2022).
UPSC Government Jobs Recruitment 04/2022 Vacancies
Administrative Officer: 04 vacancies (ST-01, UR-03) in Bureau of Outreach & Communication, Field Publicity Division, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting
Assistant Professor (Unani), Kulliyat: 02 vacancies (SC-01, UR-01) in Directorate of AYUSH, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
Assistant Professor (Unani), Ilmul Advia: 01 vacancy (UR-01) in Directorate of AYUSH, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
Assistant Professor (Unani), Jarahat: 01 vacancies (SC-01) in Directorate of AYUSH, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
Assistant Professor (Unani), Ilaj bit Tadabeer: 02 vacancies (ST-01, UR-01) in the Directorate of AYUSH, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
Assistant Professor (Unani), Qabalat wa Amraze Niswan: 02 vacancies (SC-01, UR-01) in Directorate of AYUSH, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
Assistant Professor (Unani), Moalajat: 02 vacancies (SC-01, UR-01) in Directorate of AYUSH, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
Assistant Professor (Unani), Ilmul Amraz: 01 vacancies (SC-01) in Directorate of AYUSH, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
Assistant Professor (Unani), Tashreehul Badan: 02 vacancies (OBC-01, EWS-01) in Directorate of AYUSH, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
Assistant Professor (Unani), Munafeul Aza: 03 vacancies (ST-01, OBC-01, UR-01) in Directorate of AYUSH, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
Assistant Professor (Unani), Ilmul Saidla: 02 vacancies (SC-01, OBC-01) in Directorate of AYUSH, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
Assistant Professor (Unani), Amraze Jild wa Tazeeniyat: 02 vacancies (OBC-01, UR-01) in Directorate of AYUSH, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
Assistant Professor (Unani), Amraze Ain, Uzn, Anf, Halaq wa Asnan: 02 vacancies (ST-01, OBC-01) in Directorate of AYUSH, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
Assistant Professor (Unani), Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib: 01 vacancies (OBC-01) in Directorate of AYUSH, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
Assistant Professor (Unani), Ilmul Atfal: 02 vacancies (SC-01, OBC-01) in Directorate of AYUSH, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi.
Application Fee
₹25/- to be paid cash/online at SBI. No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women candidates.
Qualification in Details:
Post Name: Administrative Officer.
Experience: Five years’ experience in a responsible capacity in a Government or Semi-Government organization or a commercial concern of repute out of which three years’ experience should be in establishment/financial matter including budget/accounts work.
Educational: Degree in Arts/Commerce/Science of a recognized University or equivalent.
Duties: To oversee all Establishment/Audit/Budget/Accounts matters
Post Name: Assistant Professor.
Educational: Degree in Unani Medicine from a University established by law or Statutory Board/Faculty/Examining body of Indian Medicine or equivalent as recognized under Indian Medicine Central Council Act 1970. (ii) A post Graduate Degree in the subject/specialty concerned included in the schedule of Indian Medicine Central Council Act 1970.
Duties: Academic and Clinical work assigned to them, such as Teaching & Training to students, Research, Demonstrations, Presentations, Practical, Laboratory work etc. and any other work assigned by the authority.
Age Limit:
35 years – 50 years
Selection Procedure
Candidates shortlisted for interview on the basis of the information provided in the online applications submitted by them will be required to send self attested copies of documents/relevant certificates in support of the claims made in the application as and when demanded by the Commission.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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NTPC EET 2021: latest notification for the recruitment of Engineering Executive Trainees 2021 in the disciplines of Computer Science/ Information Technology and Mining. Eligible candidates can apply online from February 24, 2022, to March 10, 2022.
Maharatna NTPC Limited, India’s largest power Public Sector Undertaking (PSU), is looking for promising, energetic young Graduate Engineers in the disciplines of Computer Science (CS)/Information Technology (IT) and Mining Engineering with brilliant academic records to join the NTPC organization as Executive Engineering Trainees (EET) through GATE 2021. (Advertisement No. 05/2021).
NTPC CS-IT Mining Engineer Executive Trainee Recruitment through GATE-2021 21st May 2021 Recruitment of Engineering Executive Trainees-2021 through GATE 2021 (Advt. No. 05/21). Last date for online application- 10.06.2021.
Engineering Executive Trainees (EET): 40 vacancies (Computer Science/Information Technology – 15, Mining – 25), Recruitment through GATE-2021, Age: 27 years, Qualification: Engineering degree in the relevant engineer branch with minimum 65% marks. Final year/Semester students are also eligible to apply, Pay Scale: E-1 ₹40000 -3% -140000.
Candidates interested in joining NTP as Executive Engineer Trainee (EET) Engineers must appear for the GATE-2021 examination. Interested candidates who have passed the eligibility qualification can apply online at the NTPC website after obtaining the registration number for GATE-2021.
Desirous candidates need to pay an application fee of ₹300/- to apply for the vacancies in NTPC through offline/online modes. SC/ST/PWD/Ex.SM candidates are exempted from the fee.
NTPC EET 2021 Selection Process
The Selection Process of NTPC EET 2021 includes the following Stages:
Scrutiny of Applications
Preparation of merit list on the basis of score of GATE 2021
Please visit the NTPC recruitment website for more details and online submission of the application for CS/IT and Mining Engineering Executive Trainee Recruitment 2022 through GATE 2021 in NTPC.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Oil India Recruitment 2022 -Grade B and Grade C Various Posts in Assam. Read the Official Notification for Eligibility Criteria, Selection Process, Exam Pattern, etc. here..
Oil India Limited invites online applications in the prescribed format from eligible Indian Nationals for Recruitment and filling up the following various 50 Grade-B, and Grade-COfficersGovt Job vacancy job posts in various disciplines. (Advertisement No. EX RECT/2022/01).
Oil India Grade – B & C Officer Recruitment 2022 Oil India Limited Recruitment 2022: Applications Invited For 55 Posts; Check Eligibility, Last Date Here
Age Relaxation Extra as per Rules. More Details Read the Notification.
Educational Qualification
Grade B and Grade C Various Posts in Assam OIL Field, should have a MBBS, B.Tech , Graduate from any recognized Board / Institute as required qualification.
Further details and online application format will be published on for Group-B and Group-C Officer Recruitment in Oil India Limited 2022.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***
Bank of Baroda recruitment 2022: 42 vacancies in Fraud Risk & Risk Management Dept. on Regular/Contract Basis. Interested Job Aspirants can apply Online on its Official website From 23rd February 2022 to 15th March 2022.
Bank of Baroda (BoB), India’s International Bank, is looking for qualified and experienced professionals for recruitment of various job vacancy positions in Fraud Risk Management (FRM) And Risk Management Department (RMD) of Bank of Baroda (BoB) and hence invites online application in the prescribed format for the following various Fraud Risk And Risk Management Government Job Vacancy for the year 2022 in Bank of Baroda.
BoB Fraud Risk And Risk Management Recruitment 2022 Vacancies
Head/ Dy. Head – Large Corporate Credit Risk Management: 01 vacancies on a contractual basis, Age: 32-55 years, Experience: 10 years of experience in BFSI Sector with at least 8 years in Corporate Banking
Head/ Dy. Head – Project Finance – Infrastructure & ESG: 01 vacancies on a contractual basis, Age: 32-55 years, Experience: 10 years of experience in BFSI Sector with at least 8 years in Project Finance
Head/ Dy. Head – MSME Credit Risk Management: 01 vacancies on a contractual basis, Age: 32-55 years, Experience: 10 years of experience in BFSI Sector with at least 8 years in MSME products
Head/ Dy. Head – Retail Credit Risk Management: 01 vacancies on a contractual basis, Age: 32-55 years, Experience: 10 years of experience in BFSI Sector with at least 8 years in Retail Loans
Head/ Dy. Head – Enterprise and Operational Risk Management: 01 vacancies on a contractual basis, Age: 32-55 years, Experience: 10 years of experience in BFSI Sector in Operational Risk domain
Head/ Dy. Head – Fraud Incidence and Root Cause Analysis: 01 vacancies on a contractual basis, Age: 32-55 years, Experience: 10 years of experience in BFSI Sector
Head/ Dy. Head – Portfolio Monitoring & Quality Control: 01 vacancies on a contractual basis, Age: 32-55 years, Experience: 10 years of experience in BFSI Sector with at least 8 years in Corporate Banking/Monitoring functions
Head/ Dy. Head – Bank, NBFC and FI Sector Credit Risk Management: 01 vacancies on a contractual basis, Age: 32-55 years, Experience: 10 years of experience in BFSI Sector with at least 8 years in Corporate & Institutional Banking
Head/ Dy. Head – Rural & Agriculture Loans Credit Risk Management: 01 vacancies on a contractual basis, Age: 32-55 years, Experience: 10 years of experience in BFSI Sector with at least 8 years in Agriculture Loans
Head/ Dy. Head – Model Development and Analytics: 01 vacancies on a contractual basis, Age: 32-55 years, Experience: 10 years of experience in Model Risk Management in modelling and validation in the financial services industry
Head/ Dy. Head – Credit Rating Analysis: 01 vacancies on a contractual basis, Age: 32-55 years, Experience: 10 years of work experience in credit rating
Sr. Manager – Large Corporate Credit Risk Management: 03 vacancies on regular basis, Age: 27-40 years, Experience: 5 years of experience in BFSI Sector with at least 3 years in Corporate Banking/ Risk Management Department dealing with Credit Risk, Pay Scale: MMG/S-III ₹63840-78230
Sr. Manager – Bank, NBFC and FI Sector Credit Risk Management: 03 vacancies on regular basis, Age: 27-40 years, Experience: 5 years of experience in BFSI Sector with at least 3 years in Corporate & Institutional Banking/Risk Management Department dealing with Credit Risk, Pay Scale: MMG/S-III ₹63840-78230
Sr. Manager – Project Finance – Infrastructure & ESG: 02 vacancies on regular basis, Age: 27-40 years, Experience: 5 years of experience in BFSI Sector with at least 3 years in Project Finance especially in the field of infrastructure, Pay Scale: MMG/S-III ₹63840-78230
Sr. Manager – MSME Credit Risk Management: 02 vacancies on regular basis, Age: 27-40 years, Experience: 5 years of experience in BFSI Sector with at least 3 years in MSME Credit /Risk Management Department dealing with Credit Risk, Pay Scale: MMG/S-III ₹63840-78230
Sr. Manager – Retail Credit Risk Management: 01 vacancies on regular basis, Age: 27-40 years, Experience: 5 years of experience in BFSI Sector with at least 3 years in MSME Credit /Risk Management Department dealing with Credit Risk, Pay Scale: MMG/S-III ₹63840-78230
Sr. Manager – Rural & Agriculture Loans Credit Risk Management: 01 vacancies on regular basis, Age: 27-40 years, Experience: 5 years of experience in BFSI Sector with at least 3 years in Agriculture loans /Risk Management Department dealing with Credit Risk, Pay Scale: MMG/S-III ₹63840-78230
Sr. Manager – Enterprise and Operational Risk Management: 07 vacancies on regular basis, Age: 27-40 years, Experience: Minimum of 5 years experience in BFSI Sector in Operational Risk domain, out of which minimum 3 years of experience at an operational unit., Pay Scale: MMG/S-III ₹63840-78230
Sr. Manager – Model Development and Analytics: 04 vacancies on regular basis, Age: 27-40 years, Experience: Minimum 5 years in Model Risk Management in modeling and validation in the financial services industry, Pay Scale: MMG/S-III ₹63840-78230
Sr. Manager – Portfolio Monitoring & Quality Control: 02 vacancies on regular basis, Age: 27-40 years, Experience: Minimum 5 years of overall experience in BFSI Sector with at least 3 years in Corporate Banking/Monitoring function, Pay Scale: MMG/S-III ₹63840-78230
Sr. Manager – Fraud Incidence and Root Cause Analysis: 02 vacancies on regular basis, Age: 27-40 years, Experience: Minimum 5 years’ experience in BFSI Sector out of which 3 years’ experience is in the field of – Audit / Compliance / Risk & Governance/ Operational Risk/Fraud Risk, Pay Scale: MMG/S-III ₹63840-78230
Manager – Risk Analyst: 03 vacancies on regular basis, Age: 24-37 years, Experience: Min. 3 years’ post qualification experience in Predictive Modelling/ Statistical Analysis/ Data Science in BFSI sector out of which min. 1 years’ experience as a Model Developer, Pay Scale: MMG/S-II ₹48170-69810
Manager – Fraud Risk Analyst: 01 vacancies on regular basis, Age: 24-37 years, Experience: Min. 3 years’ post qualification experience of working in Fraud Risk Management Department with min. 1 year experience of writing the rules, Pay Scale: MMG/S-II ₹48170-69810
Application Fee
₹600/- (₹100/- for SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates) plus + Payment Gateway Charges to be paid online by using Debit Card / Credit Card / Internet Banking etc.
Bank of Baroda Fraud Risk & Risk Management Department Jobs: Eligibility Criteria
Educational Qualifications
1. Head/ Dy. Head – Large Corporate Credit Risk Management (Risk Management Department) – Chartered Accountant (CA), or Full time MBA/PGDM or its equivalent as full-time course from recognized institute, Preferred: CFA (CFA institute-USA) FRM (GARP) PRM (PRMIA) ESG (CFA institute-USA) SCR(GARP)
Work Experience: Minimum 10 years of overall experience in BFSI Sector with at least 8 years in Corporate Banking. Needs to demonstrate credit assessment and underwriting skills of Large Corporates in the country / Experience as a credit approving authority. The candidate should also possess 2 Years of experience at Senior / Head level position in corporate credit vertical.
2. Head/ Dy. Head – Project Finance – Infrastructure & ESG (Risk Management Department) – Chartered Accountant (CA), or Full time MBA/PGDM or its equivalent as full-time course from recognized institute, Preferred: CFA (CFA institute-USA) FRM (GARP) PRM (PRMIA) ESG (CFA institute-USA) SCR(GARP)
Work Experience: Minimum 10 years of overall experience in BFSI Sector with at least 8 years in Project Finance especially in the field of infrastructure like- Roads, Ports, Power etc. Strong knowledge of global standards related to ESG, social responsibility and its impact on credit assessment and financial materiality
3. Head/ Dy. Head – MSME Credit Risk Management (Risk Management Department) – Chartered Accountant (CA), or Full time MBA/PGDM or its equivalent as full-time course from recognized institute, Preferred: CFA (CFA institute-USA) FRM (GARP) PRM (PRMIA) ESG (CFA institute-USA) SCR(GARP)
Work Experience: Minimum of 10 years’ experience in BFSI Sector with 8 years’ experience dealing with MSME products. Needs to demonstrate credit assessment and underwriting skills of MSME segment / Experience as a credit approving authority. The candidate should also possess 2 Years of experience at Senior / Head level position in MSME credit vertical.
4. Head/ Dy. Head – Retail Credit Risk Management (Risk Management Department) – Chartered Accountant (CA), or Full time MBA/PGDM or its equivalent as full-time course from recognized institute, Preferred: CFA (CFA institute-USA) FRM (GARP) PRM (PRMIA) ESG (CFA institute-USA) SCR(GARP)
Work Experience: Minimum of 10 years’ experience in BFSI Sector with 8 years’ experience in Retail Loans. Needs to demonstrate credit assessment and underwriting skills of Retail Loans / Experience as a credit approving authority. The candidate should also possess 2 Years of experience at Senior / Head level position in Retail Credit vertical.
5. Head/ Dy. Head – Enterprise and Operational Risk Management (Risk Management Department) – Chartered Accountant (CA), or Full time MBA/PGDM or its equivalent as full-time course from recognized institute, Preferred: CFA (CFA institute-USA) FRM (GARP) PRM (PRMIA) ESG (CFA institute-USA) SCR(GARP)
Work Experience: Minimum of 10 years’ experience in BFSI Sector in Operational Risk domain, out of which minimum 5 years’ of experience at Head Level of an operational unit. Experience of working on management of Internal Controls, Process & IT controls can also considered.
6. Head/ Dy. Head – Fraud Incidence and Root Cause Analysis (Risk Management Department) – Chartered Accountant (CA), or Company Secretary (CS) or ICWA
Work Experience: Minimum 10 years’ experience in BFSI Sector out of which 5 years’ experience is in the field of – -Audit / Compliance / Risk & Governance/ Operational Risk/Fraud Risk.
7. Head/ Dy. Head – Portfolio Monitoring & Quality Control (Risk Management Department) – Chartered Accountant (CA), or Full time MBA/PGDM or its equivalent as full-time course from recognized institute, Preferred: CFA (CFA institute-USA) FRM (GARP) PRM (PRMIA)
Work Experience: Minimum 10 years of overall experience in BFSI Sector with at least 8 years in Corporate Banking/Monitoring functions. The candidate should also possess 2 Years of experience at Senior / Head level position in corporate credit vertical/monitoring vertical.
8. Head/ Dy. Head – Bank, NBFC and FI Sector Credit Risk Management (Risk Management Department) – Chartered Accountant (CA), or Full time MBA/PGDM or its equivalent as full-time course from recognized institute, Preferred: CFA (CFA institute-USA) FRM (GARP) PRM (PRMIA) ESG (CFA institute-USA) SCR(GARP)
Work Experience:
9. Head/ Dy. Head – Rural & Agriculture Loans Credit Risk Management (Risk Management Department) – Chartered Accountant (CA), or Full time MBA/PGDM or its equivalent as full-time course from recognized institute, Preferred: CFA (CFA institute-USA) FRM (GARP) PRM (PRMIA) ESG (CFA institute-USA) SCR(GARP)
Work Experience: Minimum 10 years of overall experience in BFSI Sector with at least 8 years in Corporate & Institutional Banking. Needs to demonstrate credit assessment and underwriting skills of Banks/NBFCs/FIs in the country / Experience as a credit approving authority. The candidate should also possess 2 Years of experience at Senior / Head level position in corporate credit vertical pertaining to Bank/NBFC sector.
10. Head/ Dy. Head – Model Development and Analytics (Risk Management Department) – Full time Masters in Computer Science, Data Science, Mathematics, Statistics and Finance or related quantitative field from recognized and reputed Institute. Preferred: CFA/FRM/PRM
Work Experience: Minimum 10 years in Model Risk Management in modeling and validation in the financial services industry including both analytic/modeling/quantitative experience and governance or other credit/financial discipline.
11. Head/ Dy. Head – Credit Rating Analysis (Risk Management Department) – Chartered Accountant (CA), or Full time MBA/PGDM or its equivalent as full-time course from recognized institute, or Preferred: CFA (CFA institute-USA) FRM (GARP) PRM (PRMIA)
Work Experience: Minimum 10 years of work experience in credit rating, the credit division of BFSI. Strong domain knowledge in Medium and Large corporate credit assessment.
12. Sr. Manager- Large Corporate Credit Risk Management (Risk Management Department) – Chartered Accountant (CA), or Full time MBA/PGDM or its equivalent as full-time course from recognized institute Preferred: CFA (CFA institute-USA) FRM (GARP) PRM (PRMIA) ESG (CFA institute-USA) SCR(GARP)
Work Experience: Minimum 5 years of overall experience in BFSI Sector with at least 3 years in Corporate Banking/ Risk Management Department dealing with Credit Risk. Needs to demonstrate credit assessment and underwriting skills of Large Corporates in the country
13. Sr. Manager- Bank, NBFC and FI Sector Credit Risk Management (Risk Management Department) – Chartered Accountant (CA), or Full time MBA/PGDM or its equivalent as full-time course from recognized institute Preferred: CFA (CFA institute-USA) FRM (GARP) PRM (PRMIA) ESG (CFA institute-USA) SCR(GARP)
Work Experience: Minimum 5 years of overall experience in BFSI Sector with at least 3 years in Corporate & Institutional Banking/Risk Management Department dealing with Credit Risk. Needs to demonstrate credit assessment and underwriting skills of Banks/NBFCs/FIs in the country
14. Sr. Manager -Project Finance – Infrastructure & ESG (Risk Management Department) – Chartered Accountant (CA), or Full time MBA/PGDM or its equivalent as full-time course from recognized institute Preferred: CFA (CFA institute-USA) FRM (GARP) PRM (PRMIA) ESG (CFA institute-USA) SCR(GARP)
Work Experience: Minimum 5 years of overall experience in BFSI Sector with at least 3 years in Project Finance especially in the field of infrastructure like- Roads, Ports, Power etc
15. Sr. Manager- MSME Credit Risk Management (Risk Management Department) – Chartered Accountant (CA), or Full time MBA/PGDM or its equivalent as full-time course from recognized institute Preferred: CFA (CFA institute-USA) FRM (GARP) PRM (PRMIA) ESG (CFA institute-USA) SCR(GARP)
Work Experience: Minimum 5 years of overall experience in BFSI Sector with at least 3 years in MSME Credit /Risk Management Department dealing with Credit Risk Needs to demonstrate credit assessment and underwriting skills of MSME segment
16. Sr. Manager- Retail Credit Risk Management (Risk Management Department) – Chartered Accountant (CA), or Full time MBA/PGDM or its equivalent as full-time course from recognized institute Preferred: CFA (CFA institute-USA) FRM (GARP) PRM (PRMIA) ESG (CFA institute-USA) SCR(GARP)
Work Experience: Minimum 5 years of overall experience in BFSI Sector with at least 3 years in Retail banking /Risk Management Department dealing with Credit Risk. Needs to demonstrate credit assessment and underwriting skills of Retail Loans
17. Sr. Manager- Rural & Agriculture Loans Credit Risk Management (Risk Management Department) – Chartered Accountant (CA), or Full time MBA/PGDM or its equivalent as full-time course from recognized institute Preferred: CFA (CFA institute-USA) FRM (GARP) PRM (PRMIA) ESG (CFA institute-USA) SCR(GARP)
Work Experience: Minimum 5 years of overall experience in BFSI Sector with at least 3 years in Agriculture loans /Risk Management Department dealing with Credit Risk
18. Sr. Manager Enterprise and Operational Risk Management (Risk Management Department) – Chartered Accountant (CA), or Full time MBA/PGDM or its equivalent as full-time course from recognized institute Preferred: CFA (CFA institute-USA) FRM (GARP) PRM (PRMIA) ESG (CFA institute-USA) SCR(GARP)
Work Experience: Minimum of 5 years’ experience in BFSI Sector in Operational Risk domain, out of which minimum 3 years’ of experience at an operational unit. Experience of working on management of Internal Controls, Process & IT controls can also considered
19. Sr. Manager- Model Development and Analytics (Risk Management Department) – Full time Masters in Computer Science, Data Science, Mathematics, Statistics and Finance or related quantitative field from recognized and reputed Institute. Preferred: CFA/FRM/PRM
Work Experience: Minimum 5 years in Model Risk Management in modeling and validation in the financial services industry including both analytic/modeling/quantitative experience and governance or other credit/financial discipline.
20. Sr. Manager Portfolio Monitoring & Quality Control (Risk Management Department) – Chartered Accountant (CA), or Full time MBA/PGDM or its equivalent as full-time course from recognized institute, or Preferred: CFA (CFA institute-USA) FRM (GARP) PRM (PRMIA)
Work Experience: Minimum 5 years of overall experience in BFSI Sector with at least 3 years in Corporate Banking/Monitoring function
21. Sr. Manager- Fraud Incidence and Root Cause Analysis (Risk Management Department) – Chartered Accountant (CA), or Company Secretary (CS) or ICWA
Work Experience: Minimum 5 years’ experience in BFSI Sector out of which 3 years’ experience is in the field of – Audit / Compliance / Risk & Governance/ Operational Risk/Fraud Risk
22. Manager – Risk Analyst (Fraud Risk Management Department) – B.E./ B. Tech in Computer Science / Data Science or Graduation in Mathematics / Statistics.
Work Experience: Min. 3 years’ post qualification experience in Predictive Modelling/ Statistical Analysis/ Data Science in BFSI sector out of which min. 1 years’ experience as a Model Developer. Experience in fraud risk management and it’s related field will be preferred.
23. Manager – Fraud Risk Analyst (Fraud Risk Management Department) – B. Tech/ B.E./ M. Tech/ M.E. in Computer Science/ IT/ Data Science/ Machine Learning & AI. or Graduate in Computer Science/ IT i.e. B.Sc/ BCA/ MCA. and Mandatory Certification from SAS.
Work Experience: Min. 3 years’ post qualification experience of working in Fraud Risk Management Department with min. 1 year experience of writing the rules.
Age Limit
Head/ Dy. Head – 32 to 55 years
Sr Manager – 27 to 40 years
Manager – 24 to 24 years
For the Details of age relaxation, Check Official Notification.
Bank of Baroda Jobs 2022: Selection Process
Selection will be done as per performance in Personal Interview and/or any other selection method
Please visit the Career page at the Bank of Baroda website for detailed information and a link to Apply Online for Bank of Baroda Fraud Risk And Risk Management Specialist Officer Recruitment 2022.
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HMT Limited Recruitment 2022 – 10 Vacancy of Professionals & Workmen, Deputy/ Assistant General Manager, Accounts Officer, Deputy Engineer, Officers. For more information Please take a look at this page.
HMT Limited, a Govt. of India Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) is looking for qualified and experienced Professionals for various requirements on fixed tenure (contract) basis and on regular basis in HMT Limited for the year 2022.
Interested and eligible candidates can apply for the following various Government Jobs vacancies in the prescribed format for the recruitment of Professionals in various disciplines in HMT Group of Companies 2022 on a contract and regular basis.
HMT Professionals Recruitment 2022 Vacancies
Regular Vacancies of Professionals
Deputy General Manager/ Assistant General Manager (Finance): 01 vacancies, Age: 47/44 years, Qualification: CA/CMA/ICWA and Proficiency in computer skills is essential, Experience: 17/14 years of experience in relevant field
Deputy Engineer (Civil/Estate): 01 vacancies, Age: 30 years, Qualification: Engineering Degree in Civil discipline and Proficiency in computer skills is essential, Experience: 2 years of experience in relevant field
Accounts Officer (Finance): 02 vacancies, Age: 30 years, Qualification: CA/CMA/ICWA and Proficiency in computer skills is essential, Experience: 2 years of experience in relevant field
Professionals Recruitment on Contract basis
Deputy General Manager/ Assistant General Manager (Legal): 01 vacancies, Age: 47/44 years, Qualification: Law Graduate (LLB.) and Proficiency in computer skills is essential, Experience: 17/14 years of experience in relevant field
Deputy General Manager/ Assistant General Manager (Mechanical): 01 vacancy, Age: 47/44 years, Qualification: Engineering Degree in Mechanical discipline and Proficiency in computer skills is essential, Experience: 17/14 years of experience in relevant field
Assistant General Manager/Manager (Civil): 01 vacancy, Age: 44/40 years, Qualification: Engineering Degree in Civil discipline and Proficiency in computer skills is essential, Experience: 14/11 years of experience in relevant field
Officer (Legal): 01 vacancy, Age: 30 years, Qualification: Law Graduate (LLB.) and Proficiency in computer skills is essential, Experience: 2 years of experience in relevant field
Deputy Engineer (Production): 01 vacancy, Age: 30 years, Qualification: Engineering Degree in Mechanical discipline and Proficiency in computer skills is essential, Experience: 2 years of experience in relevant field
Officer (Sales): 01 vacancies, Age: 30 years, Qualification: 2 years full-time Postgraduate Degree/Master of Business Administration (MBA) with specialization in Marketing and Proficiency in computer skills is essential, Experience: 2 years of experience in relevant field
Application Fee
A non-refundable account payee Demand Draft for ₹750/- for General, EWS & OBC (which includes ₹500/- as Application Fee and Rs. 250/- as processing fee), drawn in favour of HMT Limited, on any Scheduled Bank payable at Bengaluru, is to be enclosed along with the prescribed application. For SC/ST category, a non-refundable account payee Demand Draft for ₹250/- only as the processing fee is to be enclosed along with the prescribed application. No fee is to be paid by Persons with Disability (PWD).
How to Apply for Professionals Recruitment in HMT 2022?
Application in the prescribed format duly filled for Recruitment of Professionals in HMT Limited 2022 enclosing Demand Draft of application fee and a set of self-attested photocopies of the relevant certificates should be sent in a sealed cover superscribed “Application for the post of …. “ so as to reach the following address on or before 15/03/2022 to the Manager (HR), HMT Limited, 59, HMT Bhavan, Bellary Road, Bangalore -560032.
For further details and the application form for HMT Limited Recruitment of Professionals 2022, please visit
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Delhi University Faculty Recruitment 2022: appointment to the post of Professor and Associate Professor in various departments of the University. The last date for receipt of applications is 31st March 2022.
Online applications in the prescribed recruitment form are invited by Delhi University (DU) from eligible candidates for recruitment and appointment to the following Government Job vacancy recruitment of Associate Professors, in the Academic Pay Level-13A of 7th Central Pay Commission Pay Matrix, in various Departments/Disciplines of Delhi University (DU) (Advertisement No: Estab. IV/292/2022).
About Delhi University Associate Professor Vacancy 2022
The University of Delhi (DU) is a premier university of the country with a strong commitment to excellence in teaching, research, and social outreach that has made the DelhiUniversity a role model and trendsetter for other universities. DU has come with the recruitment advertisement for the post of Faculty as Professor for the year 2022.
Rs.2000/- to be paid online. No fee for SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates.
✅ Age Limit: As per UGC Regulations.
✅ Pay Scale: As per UGC pay scales plus admissible allowance.
✅ Educational Qualification:
✔️ A good academic record, with a Ph.D. Degree in the concerned/ allied/ relevant disciplines
✔️ A Master’s Degree with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point-scale, wherever the grading system is followed). ✔️ Teaching / Research Experience – 10 years for Professor and 08 years for Associate Professor.
✅ Selection Process: Shortlisted candidates will be called for Interview.
How to Apply for DU Associate Professor Vacancy 2022?
Details and Online Application for DU Associate Professor Recruitment 2022
Please visit for details and the online application format for Delhi University Associate Professor Vacancy 2022.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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NBCC has recently announced a career opportunity for the positions of Assistant Manager (software Developer), Sr. Project Executive (Information Technology) & Assistant Manager (Law). For more information Please take a look at this page.
National Buildings Construction Corporation Limited is a Government of India Enterprise. NBCC (India) Limited invites online applications in the prescribed format for Government Job Vacancies of various Information Technology (IT) Software and Law Managers from dynamic and result-oriented Engineers who are passionate to excel & take NBCC to new heights. (Advt. No. 01/2022).
NBCC IT and Law Manager Recruitment 2022 Vacancies
Assistant Manager (Software Developer): 04 vacancies (UR), IDA Pay Scale: E-1 ₹40000-140000, Age: 30 years, Experience: 2 years, 1 year for M.Tech. candidates
Sr. Project Executive (Information Technology): 02 vacancies (UR), IDA Pay Scale: E-1 ₹40000-140000, Age: 30 years, Experience: 2 years, 1 year for M.Tech. candidates
Assistant Manager (Law): 03 vacancies (UR-02, ST-01), IDA Pay Scale: E-1 ₹40000-140000, Age: 30 years, Experience: 2 years
Application Fee
Applicants/Candidates are required to pay a non-refundable amount of ₹1000/- through online mode. SC, ST & PWD candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.
Eligibility criteria for NBCC- Assistant Manager & Other Posts
Educational Qualification
B.E in relevant field /MCA with min 60% marks shall apply for for AM (Software Developer) & Sr. Project Executive (IT) posts.
LLB with minimum 50% marks may apply for AM (Law) positions.
Candidates can refer the NBCC career notification for experience details.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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