KIOCL Limited  Graduate Engineer Trainees Vacancy 2022, 35 Graduate Engineer Trainee Jobs in KIOCL Limited; Salary Rs.40,000/-!! – Apply Online

KIOCL Limited (Formerly Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Limited) (A Government of India Undertaking) having Hq. at Bengaluru invites Online Applications in the prescribed format for the recruitment of following Government Sarkari rojgay Naukari Job vacancy posts of Graduate Engineer Trainees (GET) for its establishment and its subsidiary units through GATE 2021/2022 score for the year 2022. (Advt. No. HR/02/662) 

KIOCL Graduate Engineer Trainee Recruitment 2022 - Apply Online

KIOCL GET Recruitment 2020 Vacancies

  • Graduate Engineer Trainees (GET): 35 vacancies (UR-14, ES-04, OBC-09, SC-05, ST-03), Scale of pay : E0 scale ₹40000-140000/- during the training period and candidates after successful completion of the training will be placed in the pay scale of ₹50000-160000/- in E1 scale, Qualification :First Class Engineering degree in relevant discipline with minimum 75% marks for General/EWS and 65% for SC/ST & OBC candidates aggregate of all semesters of engineering degree (CGPA-7.9 for General, EWS and 6.8 for SC/ST & OBC candidates) and valid GATE 2021 and 2022 score, Age : 27 years as 0f 31/07/2022.
    1. Mechanical: 11
    2. Metallurgy: 03
    3. Electrical/Electrical & Electronics: 11
    4. Instrumentation & Control/Electronics & Communication: 04
    5. Civil: 02
    6. Mining: 02
    7. Computer Science: 02

Application Fee

Rs.1,000/- (No fee for SC/ST/PWD categories)

Mode of Payment: Demand Draft – Drawn in favour of “KIOCL Limited” payable at Bengaluru.

How to Apply for KIOCL GET Recruitment 2022?

Suitable and desirable GATE 2021/2022 passed Engineering candidates should Apply Online in the prescribed format and the last date of submission of application is 24/08/2022 for KIOCL GET Recruitment 2022.

Selection Process 

  • The selection process will be based on GATE Rank (GATE-2021 & 2022) & Personal Interview.
  • The candidates called for interview shall present mandatory the following documents at the time of interview for certificates verification.

Details and Application Form 

For further information and online application format for KIOCL GET Vacancies Recruitment 2022,  kindly visit wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

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