Non-Teaching Faculty Recruitment 2022 Job vacancy notification announced by Jagat Guru Nanak Dev Punjab State Open University, Patiala, Punjab – Controller of Examinations, System Administrator, Programmer,…etc. Jobs for the 2021-2022 academic year. Eligible candidates may apply through Online/ Postal as soon as possible

Jagat Guru Nanak Dev University (JGNDU), Punjab State Open University (PSOU) at Patiala is a State University established by the Government of Punjab that invites online applications in the prescribed format for the recruitment of the following Non-Teaching Government Jobs in various disciplines of JGNDU PSOU Patiala (Punjab). (Advertisement No. 06/2021).

JGNDU PSOU Non-Teaching Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  1. Controller of Examinations:  01 vacancies
  2. System Administrator: 01 vacancies
  3. Programmer: 01 vacancies
  4. Assistant Programmer: 03 vacancies
  5. Personal Assistant: 01 vacancies
  6. Data Entry Operator: 02 vacancies

Application fee  

Non-refundable application fee of ₹590/- for General and OBC candidates (₹295/- fee for SC/ST/PWD candidates) for Non-Teaching vacancy posts to be paid online.


Controller of Examinations

  • Master’s Degree with at least 55% of the marks or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading of ‘B’ in UGC 7 point scale.
  • 2) At least 15 years of experience as Assistant Professor in the AGP of Rs. 7000 and above or with 8 years of service in the AGP of Rs. 8000 and above including as Associate Professor along with experience in educational
  • administration. OR
  • 3) Comparable experience in research establishment and/or other institutions of higher education OR
  • 4) 15 years of administrative experience, of which 8 years shall be as Deputy Registrar or an equivalent post.

System Administrator

  • MCA/MSc(IT)/BE/B. Tech (CS/IT) or Equivalent from a recognized university.
  • Minimum 5 years of experience in programming/System administrator/Network Administrator/relevant field in
    University/Govt./Corporate sector.
  • Punjabi up to Matric standard or its equivalent standard is essential.
  • Eligible candidates as per above shall be shortlisted through competitive test. Only shortlisted candidates shall be
    called for Interview.


  • M.Sc. (IT)/MCA/B.Tech(CSE/IT) or Equivalent from a recognized university.
  • Minimum 3 years of experience in Programming/relevant field in a University/Public Sector/Government/ Corporate
  • Punjabi up to Matric Standard or its equivalent Standard is essential
  • Eligible candidates as per above shall be shortlisted through competitive test. Only shortlisted candidates shall be
    called for Interview.

Assistant Programmer

  • MCA/MSc(IT)/B.Tech. (CSE/IT) or Equivalent from a recognized university.
  • Minimum 01 years of experience in Programming/relevant field
  • Punjabi up to Matric Standard or its equivalent Standard is essential
  • Eligible candidates as per above shall be shortlisted through competitive test. Only shortlisted candidates shall be called for Interview.

Personal Assistant

  • Graduate in any discipline from a recognized University.
  • Experience of five years (after Graduation) or two years (after Masters Degree) as Stenographer in any
    Central/State organization/ University/ Institute funded by the Govt. /PSU/Education Organization recognized by the
    State/ Central Govt.
  • English/Punjabi Typing speed of at least 40 wpm.
  • Stenography speed of at least 100 wpm. 5. Good working knowledge of computer applications.
  • Good communication skills in English, Hindi and Punjabi along with good drafting skills.
  • Punjabi up to Matric Standard Punjabi up to Matric Standard or its equivalent Standard is essential. Post shall be
    filled through competitive test based on domain knowledge.

Data Entry Operator

  • Should have Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or Institution; and
  • Possesses at least one hundred and twenty hours course with hands on experience in the use of Personal Computer
    or Information Technology in Office Productivity applications or Desktop Publishing applications from a Government
    recognized institution or a reputed institution, which is ISO 9001 certified. OR
  • Possesses a Computer Information Technology course equivalent to ‘O’ Level certificate of Department of
    Electronics Accreditation of Computer Course (DOEACC) of Government of India. and
  • Qualifies a test in Punjabi (In Unicode Font Raavi ) and English typing to be held by the Board or the appointing
    authority or the Department of Information Technology as the case may be, at a speed of 30 Wpm (300 words in 10
  • Punjabi up to Matric Standard. vi. Preference will be given to candidate with post graduate & PGDCA diploma
  • Eligible candidates as per above shall be shortlisted through Typing Test (both Punjabi & English). Only shortlisted
    candidates shall be called for Interview.

How to Apply for PSOU Patiala Non-Teaching Vacancy 2021?

Apply Online on prescribed form format at JGNDU PSOU Patiala website from 24/12/2021 to 14/01/2022 only for Jagat Guru Nanak Dev University Non-Teaching vacancy recruitment 2021-22. The application submitted through online mode ONLY shall be accepted and submission of its Hard-Copy is also a must.

The last date for submitting the hard copy/printout of the online application and supporting documents is 21/01/2022 and should be sent to the Registrar, Jagat Guru Nanak Dev Punjab State Open University, Patiala (Punjab).

Applicants are required to take FIVE printouts of the Online Application Form. Affix the same passport size photograph
(which was uploaded with the online form) on it and send to ‘THE REGISTRAR, JAGAT GURU NANAK DEV PUNJAB
‘ along with self-attested copies of all
the certificates of Educational/ Professional Qualifications (Degrees and DMC’S and with conversion formula of
CGPA/OGPA), experience certificate, and reserve category certificate (Reservation certificate issued by the competent
authority as a proof of claiming the reserve category as made in the online application form) etc. The applicants are
advised to keep a copy of the same with them.

Details and Online submission of application

For more detailed information about JGNDU PSOU Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2021-22 in an online application format, please visit wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs….

****All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***

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