Faculty and Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment in Central University of Andhra Pradesh 2022-23


The Central University of Andhra Pradesh (CUAP), Ananthapuramu invites applications through the online method in the prescribed format from eligible candidates for recruitment of the Latest Government Teaching Faculty Sarkari Naukri Vacancies in various subjects/disciplines and other following various Group-A, Group-B, Group-C and Group-D categories Non-Teaching Sarkari Naukri vacancy posts for the year 2022-23. (Advertisement No. 01/2022). 

CUAP Faculty Non-Teaching Vacancy 2022-23 - Apply Online

CUP Teaching/Non-Teaching Recruitment 2022-23 Vacancies

  1. Faculty Vacancies
    1. Professor: 02 vacancies, Pay Scale: Academic Pay Level-14 starting ₹144200/- 
    2. Associate Professor: 05 vacancies, Pay Scale: Academic Pay Level-13A starting ₹131400/- 
    3. Assistant Professor: 09 vacancies, Pay Scale: Academic Pay Level-10 starting ₹57700/- 
  2. Non-Teaching Vacancies
    1. Assistant Librarian: 01 vacancies, Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 starting ₹56100/- 
    2. Assistant Registrar: 01 vacancies, Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 starting ₹56100/- 
    3. Section Officer: 01 vacancies, Pay Scale: Pay Level-7 starting ₹44900/- 
    4. Junior Engineer (Civil): 01 vacancies, Pay Scale: Pay Level-6 starting ₹35400/- 
    5. Technical Assistant: 01 vacancies, Pay Scale: Pay Level-5 starting ₹29200/- 
    6. Upper Division Clerk (UDC): 02 vacancies, Pay Scale: Pay Level-4 starting ₹25500/- 
    7. Security Assistant: 02 vacancies, Pay Scale: Pay Level-2 starting ₹19900/-  

Application Fee

₹2000/- for the posts of pay level-10 and above and ₹1000/- for below pay level-10 (SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates are exempted from application fee) to be deposited through online modes only.

How to Apply for Faculty/Non-Teaching Vacancy in CUAP 2022-23?

Suitable and desirable candidates should Apply Online at the CUAP Ananthapuramu recruitment website from 12/11/2022 to 14/12/2022 only for Central University of Andhra Pradesh Faculty and Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2022-23.

  1. The candidates should submit a CV consisting of the following details:
  2. Scanned copy of the photograph.
  3. Personal Information (Name, Aadhar number, mobile number, email, date of birth, reservation category (GENERAL/SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PwBD), religion, gender, marital status, permanent address and postal address)
  4. Educational Qualifications (Highest qualification up to 10th class)
  5. Research publications and paper presentations at conferences.
  6. Teaching and Research Experience
  7. Supporting evidence for all the claims should be scanned and mailed along with the CV.
  8. Any other relevant information
  9. The Candidates should send their CV and other details to the following e-mail id: consultant.cuap@gmail.com with copy to consultant.cuapg@gmail.com

The printout of the application in triplicate in a closed cover, complete in all respects along with supporting documents duly self-attested, should be sent to the “I/c Selection Committee Section, Central University of Andhra Pradesh, JNTU Incubation Centre, JNTU Road, Chinmaya Nagar, Anantapuramu – 515002, Andhra Pradesh on or before 26/12/2022 by superscribing “Application for the post of ……. (Post Code….)” by Speed Post only.

See Also – Faculty Sarkari Naukri Vacancy 

Details and Online Submission of Application 

Please visit https://cuap.ac.in/recruitment.html for details and the online application form for Central University of Andhra Pradesh Faculty and Non-Teaching Recruitment 2022-23.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

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