Category Archives: Allahabad

Apply online for Allahabad University Recruitment 2023-24 Faculty Vacancy

Allahabad University Recruitment 2023-24 for Faculty Vacancy: Apply Online

Allahabad University Recruitment 2023-24 – The University of Allahabad has published a comprehensive notification for multiple faculty positions on its official website. For details such as notification PDF, eligibility criteria, age limit, and more, you can refer to the provided information.

The University of Allahabad (UoA), a Central University located in Prayagraj (Uttar Pradesh), is accepting online applications for Academic Faculty positions. Vacancies are available for the posts of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, and others through Direct Recruitment for the year 2023-24. These positions are on a regular basis at the University of Allahabad, Prayagraj. Interested candidates can apply online using the prescribed format. Check the official advertisement for details (Advertisement No. UoA/Asst Prof/01/2023, UoA/Asso Prof/01/2023, UoA/Prof/01/2023).

Allahabad University Recruitment 2023-24 for Faculty Vacancy: Apply Online

Allahabad University Recruitment 2023-24 Vacancies 

Advt. No.PositionVacanciesSubjects/Disciplines
UoA/Asso Prof/01/2023Associate Professor131Various
UoA/Asst Prof/01/2023Assistant Professor147Various

View – Government Jobs in Uttar Pradesh

Educational Qualification for Faculty Recruitment 2023

Educational Qualification: As per the official announcement from Allahabad University, candidates are required to hold a master’s or doctoral degree from a recognized and accredited college or university.

Post Name Qualification
Associate ProfessorMasters Degree, Ph.D
Assistant ProfessorMasters Degree

Selection Process for University of Allahabad Vacancy 2023

The selection process for the University of Allahabad Vacancy 2023 opening includes the following stages:

  1. Written Test
  2. Interview
  3. Documents Verification
  4. Medical Examination

Pay Scale for AU Recruitment 2023

The salary structure for AU Recruitment 2023 positions is as follows:

  1. Professor: Rs. 37,400/- to Rs. 67,000 with AGP of Rs. 10,000/- PM
  2. Associate Professor: Rs. 37,400/- to Rs. 67,000/- with AGP of Rs. 9,000/-
  3. Assistant Professor: Rs. 15,000/- to Rs. 39,100/- with AGP of Rs. 6,000/-

Application Fee for University of Allahabad Faculty Recruitment 2023-24

CategoryApplication Fee

Note: The application fee for Faculty vacancies can be paid online through Net Banking/UPI or Debit/Credit Cards.

How to Apply for UoA Faculty Recruitment 2023-24?

Prospective candidates are encouraged to apply online using the prescribed format on the University of Allahabad recruitment website. The application window is open from 12/12/2023 to 02/01/2024 for the University of Allahabad Recruitment 2023-24, specifically for Faculty Vacancies.

  • Visit the official website.
  • Explore the careers or recruitment section specific to Allahabad University for the desired position.
  • Review the Teaching Jobs notification to ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria.
  • Thoroughly check the application deadline before initiating the application process.
  • If you qualify, diligently complete the application form.
  • Prior to the deadline on January 2, 2024, make the necessary payment (if applicable), submit the form, and secure the application number and acknowledgment number.

Details and Online submission of application

For detailed information and the application format for University of Allahabad Recruitment 2023-24 regarding Faculty Vacancies, please visit

MNNIT Faculty Recruitment 2022

Assistant Professor Faculty Recruitment in MNNIT Allahabad Prayagraj 2022 – Apply

Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad [MNNIT Allahabad], India advertised for Assistant Professor Recruitment (Regular) from eligible and interested candidates. Check here

Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT) Allahabad at Prayagraj invites online applications for the recruitment of the following Faculty Govt Vacancy Positions of Assistant Professor (Grade-I/II) in various disciplines/departments of Institute of the MN NIT Allahabad at Prayagraj (Uttar Pradesh) for the year 2022.  (Advertisement No. 01/2022).

Assistant Professor Faculty Recruitment in MNNIT Allahabad Prayagraj 2022

About MNNIT Allahabad Assistant Professor Recruitment 2022

“Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT), Allahabad at Prayagraj (Uttar Pradesh) [MNNIT Allahabad], an institution of National Importance declared by an Act of Parliament and a premier technical Institution of the Country, offers several undergraduates, postgraduate and doctoral programs in technology, science, management & allied areas and also provides excellent ambiance for academic research and co-curricular activities”. MNNIT is recruiting Faculty at the level of Assistant Professor for the year 2022 after a gap of many years. This is a big opportunity for suitable job aspirants to become faculty in this prestigious institution.

MN NIT Prayagraj Assistant Professor Faculty 2022 Vacancies 

  • Assistant Professors : 145 vacancies in various subjects/disciplines
    1. Assistant Professor (Grade-II) : 30 vacancies (UR-13, EWS-03, OBC-08, SC-04, ST-02, PWD-02)[On contract] in Academic Level-10 ₹57700-182400/-
    2. Assistant Professor (Grade-II): 47 vacancies (UR-19, EWS-05, OBC-12, SC-07, ST-04, PWD-02)[On contract] Academic Level-11 ₹67700-208700/-
    3. Assistant Professor (Grade-I):68 vacancies (UR-22, EWS-11, OBC-18, SC-11, ST-06, PWD-04) in Academic Level-12 ₹78800-209200/-

Subjects/Disciplines/Departments where Faculty Vacancy Exists

Research/Job Area- 

Applied MechanicsMaterials Science and Engineering, Biomedical Engineering,
BiotechnologyStem cell and tissue regeneration, Biomaterials.
Chemical EngineeringBiochemical / Bioprocess Engineering.
ChemistryCarbon nanomaterials & Fluorescence microscopy, Solid-State Chemist
Civil EngineeringPavement Design, Structural Rehabilitation and Retrofitting, Water and Wastewater Treatment, Foundation Engg.
Computer Sciences & EngineeringAl and Data Analytics, Systems Engineering.
Electrical EngineeringPower Electronics, Instrumentation & Control.
Electronics and Communication EngineeringVLSI, Signal Processing.
GIS [Geographic Information SystemlDigital Photogrammetry.
Humanities and Social SciencesEnglish Language Teaching / Linguistics., Business Economics.
MathematicsNumerical Analysis, Data Science.
Mechanical EngineeringAdditive Manufacturing, Mechatronics, Green Energy.
PhysicsCondensed Matter Physics.
Management StudiesFinancial Management, Human Resource Management.


Minimum qualifications and experience will be as prescribed in Schedule ‘E’ [ANNEXURE-A] of NIT Statutes (Amended 2017) (Ref. Gazette of India No. 651, dated July, 24, 2017), available on the website. All applicants must have Ph.D. in the relevant or equivalent discipline and shall have first class in the preceding degree. Preceding degrees means Bachelors degree and Masters degree as follows:-

For All Engineering Departments: [B. Tech. or any equivalent degree/M.C.A.] AND [M. Tech. or any equivalent degree], in relevant discipline.

Further, applicants who have completed Ph.D. degree directly after B. Tech or equivalent degree may also be considered, provided that such applicants have 75% or 8.0 CPI at B. Tech. level.

For Humanities/ Management/ Applied Sciences: [B.A./ B.Sc./B. Com. or any equivalent undergraduate degree] and [M.A./ M. Sc./ M. Com./ M.B.A. or any equivalent P.G. degree], in relevant discipline.

Applicants are required to go through the details of posts/specializations and instructions available on the website carefully before applying to ensure their eligibility for the post.

  • Age Limit– Fresh appointment beyond the age of 60 years is discouraged except in the case of faculty with an exceptionally brilliant research career and with ongoing or approved externally funded research projects.

Application Fee

Applicants belonging to UR, EWS, and OBC (Non-creamy layer) category shall be required to online pay a non-refundable processing fee of ₹1000/-. SC/ST, PwD and Women applicants are exempted from payment of processing fees.

How to Apply for MNNIT Allahabad Assistant Professor Faculty 2022 Vacancies?

Suitable and desirable candidates should Apply Online in the prescribed format at MNNIT Allahabad Prayagraj website from 24/05/2022 to 30/06/2022 only for MNNIT Allahabad Prayagraj Assistant Professor Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2022.

After submission of the online application, the hard copy of the system generated application along with self-attested copies of documents, should be sent to The Registrar, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj – 211004, Uttar Pradesh, India on or before 07/07/2022.

Details and Online Application Format

Please visit for details and online application format for MNNIT Allahabad Prayagraj Assistant Professor Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2022. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***

MNNIT Allahabad Recruitment 2022

MN NIT Allahabad Prayagraj Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2022 – Apply Online Now

Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad has issued a notification to fill the various Non-Faculty Officer’s Posts in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. Get all details, How to apply etc. on this job page.

Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT) Allahabad at Prayagraj (Uttar Pradesh) invites online applications for the following 13 Non-Teaching Govt Job vacancy positions on direct recruitment/ deputation/ on a contract basis, in various departments/ sections of the MN NIT Allahabad at Prayagraj.  (Advertisement No. 02/ 2022).

MNNIT Allahabad Prayagraj Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2022

About MNNIT Allahabad Non-Teaching Vacancies Recruitment 2022

Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT), Allahabad at Prayagraj (Uttar Pradesh) is an Institute of national importance fully funded by the Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India with a total commitment to quality and excellence in academic pursuits.

MN NIT Allahabad has come with some the Non-Teaching vacancies for recruitment for the year 2022 after a gap of around 3 years. Job seekers should apply for the vacancies and try their chance.

MN NIT Prayagraj Non-Teaching 2022 Vacancies

  1. Deputy Registrar: 02 vacancies in Pay Level-12 of 7th CPC
  2. Librarian: 01 vacancies in Pay Level-14 of 7th CPC
  3. Dy. Librarian: 01 vacancies in Pay Level-12 of 7th CPC
  4. Principal Scientific/Technical Officer: 01 vacancies in Pay Level-14 of 7th CPC
  5. Senior Scientific/Technical Officer: 01 vacancies in Pay Level-12 of 7th CPC
  6. Scientific/Technical Officer: 02 vacancies in Pay Level-10 of 7th CPC
  7. Superintending Engineer: 01 vacancies in Pay Level-13 of 7th CPC
  8. Senior Executive Engineer: 01 vacancies in Pay Level-12 of 7th CPC
  9. Medical Officer: 02 vacancies in Pay Level-10 of 7th CPC
  10. Assistant Director (Official Language): 01 vacancies in Pay Level-14 of 7th CPC

Application Fee

Applicants belonging to UR, EWS, and OBC (Non-creamy layer) category shall be required to online pay a non-refundable processing fee of ₹500/-

SC/ST, PwD and Women applicants are exempted from payment of processing fees.

How to Apply for MNNIT Allahabad Non-Teaching 2022 Vacancies?

Suitable and desirable aspirants should  Apply Online in the prescribed format at the MNNIT Allahabad Prayagraj website from 19/05/2022 to 13/06/2022 up to 1730 hrs. for MN NIT Allahabad Prayagraj Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2022.

See Also – Government Job Vacancy in other NITs

Details and Online Application Format

Please visit for details and the online application format for MNNIT Allahabad Prayagraj Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2022

View all the latest Government Jobs wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***

UP PSC Prosecution Officer Examination 2022

UP PSC Prosecution Officer Examination 2022 – Apply Now

UPPSC APO Recruitment 2022 Notification Released on official website. Interested and eligible candidates will be able to submit applications online from 21 April 2022.

Public Service Commission, Uttar Pradesh (UPPSC), Allahabad (UP) shall hold a preliminary examination for Assistant Prosecution Officer (APO) 44 Posts (Tentative) Government Jobs vacancy posts through the Assistant Prosecution Officer Recruitment Examination 2022 at various test centres of UP for selecting suitable candidates for admission to the Assistant Prosecution Officer (Main) Examination 2022. (Advertisement No. A-3/E-1/2022).

Online applications in the prescribed format are invited by Uttar Pradesh (UP)  Public Service Commission (PSC), Prayagraj for Government Job Vacancy posts of Assistant Prosecution Officer (APO) for Home Department of Government of Uttar Pradesh by UPPSC Assistant Prosecution Officer Recruitment Examination 2022.

UP PSC Prosecution Officer Examination 2022

UP PSC Prosecution Officer Examination 2022 Vacancies

  • Assistant Prosecution Officer (APO): 44 vacancies, Age: 21-40 years as of 01/07/2022. Relaxation for reserved categories as per Govt. orders., Pay Scale: Pay Level-8 of 7th CPC ₹47600-151100/-, Educational Qualification: The candidates must possess Law Degree from any recognized University up to the last date for receipt of application.

Application Fee 

₹100/- (₹40/- for SC/ST) (No fee for PH candidates) plus ₹25/- as the Online processing fee to be paid online.

Selection Procedure

The selection will be made on the basis of total marks obtained by the candidates in the Main (written) examination and interview.

How to Apply for UPPSC Prosecution Officer Exam 2022?

Apply Online in the prescribed format at the UP PSC recruitment website from 21/04/2022 to 21/05/2022 only for UP PSC Assistant Prosecution Officer Examination 2022.

Steps To Apply

  1. Visit the official website of UPPSC .i.e.
  2. Click on the notification link that reads ‘CLICK HERE TO APPLY FOR ADVT.NO. A-3/E-1/2022, ASSISTANT PROSECUTION OFFICER EXAMINATION-2022‘ flashing on the homepage. 
  3. It will redirect you to the application window. 
  4. Now, click on apply online
  5. An application form will be displayed on the screen.
  6. Fill up your personal details
  7. The application form will be displayed on the screen.
  8. Download UPPSC APO Recruitment 2022  Application Form and save it for future reference. 

Details and online  application

Please visit the Notification Section on the UP PSC website for all the details, instructions, syllabus and a link to apply online for UP PSC Assistant Prosecution Officer Examination 2022. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***

Army Technical SSC Officer Men-59th Women-30th October 2022 course entry 

Army Technical SSC Officer Men-59th Women-30th October 2022 course entry – Apply Online

Indian Army has released the latest notification for the recruitment of SSC (Tech) Men & Women OCT 2022 Course. All the details like Eligibility, Salary, Important Dates, How to Apply, etc. are given below.

Online applications are invited from eligible unmarried Male/Female Engineering Graduates and also from Widows of Defence Personnel who died in harness for grant of 59th entry for Men and 30th entry for Women for Technical Short Service Commission (SSC) entry in the Indian Army.

The course will commence in October 2022 at Officers Training Academy (OTA), Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

Army Technical SSC Officer Men-59th Women-30th October 2022 course entry 
For SSC(Tech)- 59 Men and SSCW(Tech)- 30 Women. 20 to 27 years as on 01 Oct 2022 (Candidates born between 02 Oct 1995 and 01 Oct.

Army 59th/30th Men/Women Technical SSC Officer Entry Details

  • Army  SSC (Tech)-59 Men and SSCW (Tech.)-30: 189 vacancies (175 vacancies for male and 14 vacancies for Women) in various Engineering disciplines, Qualification: SSCW (Non-Tech) (Non-UPSC). Graduation in any Discipline. (ii) SSCW(Tech). BE/B Tech in any Engineering stream.
    • For SSC(Tech)-57 Men: 175 vacancies
      1. Civil/ Building Construction Technology : 40 vacancies
      2. Architecture: 02 vacancies
      3. Mechanical: 21 vacancies
      4. Electrical/ Electrical & Electronics: 14 vacancies
      5. Computer Science & Engineering/Computer Technology/M. Sc. Computer Science: 33 vacancies
      6. Information Technology: 09 vacancies
      7. Electronics & Telecommunication: 06 vacancies
      8. Telecommunication: 03 vacancies
      9. Electronics & Communication: 10 vacancies
      10. Satellite Communication: 01 vacancies
      11. Electronics: 02 vacancies 
      12. Micro Electronics & Microwave: 01 vacancies
      13. Aeronautical/Aerospace/Avionics: 05 vacancies
      14. Remote Sensing: 01 vacancies
      15. Electronics & Instrumentation/ Instrumentation: 04 vacancies
      16. Production: 01 vacancies
      17. Automobile Engineering: 03 vacancies
      18. Industrial /Manufacturing/ Industrial Engineering & Management: 02 vacancies
      19. Ballistics: 01 vacancies
      20. Bio Medical Engineering: 01 vacancies
      21. Food Technology: 01 vacancies
      22. Agriculture: 01 vacancies
      23. Metallurgical/Metallurgy and Explosive: 02 vacancies
      24. Opto Electronics: 01 vacancies
      25. Fibre Optics: 01 vacancies
      26. Workshop Technology: 02 vacancies
      27. Laser Technology: 02 vacancies
      28. Bio-technology: 01 vacancies
      29. Rubber Technology: 01 vacancies
      30. Chemical Engineering: 01 vacancies
      31. Transportation Engineering: 01 vacancies
      32. Mining: 01 vacancies
    • For SSCW(Tech)-30: 14 vacancies
      1. Civil/ Building Construction Technology: 02 vacancies
      2. Agriculture: 01 vacancies
      3. Mechanical: 02 vacancies
      4. Electrical/ Electrical & Electronics: 01 vacancies
      5. Computer Science & Engineering/ Computer Technology/ M. Sc. Computer Science: 03 vacancies
      6. Information Technology: 02 vacancies
      7. Aeronautical/ Aerospace/ Avionics: 01 vacancies
      8. Telecommunication/Electronics & Communication/Electronics & Telecommunication: 01 vacancies
      9. Electronics: 01 vacancies
  • For Widows of Defence Personnel Only: 02 vacancies (Women-2)
    1. SSC(W) Tech : 01 vacancies
    2. SSC(W)(Non Tech)(Non UPSC): 01 vacancies

Important Dates

  • Apply Start8.3.2022 at 03:00 pm
  • Apply Last Date6.4.2022 up to 03:00 pm
  • SSB DateNotify Later


  • For SSC (Tech)-59 Men and SSCW (Tech.)-30 Women.: 20 to 27 years as of 01 October 2022 (Candidates born between 02 October 1995 and 01 October 2002, both days inclusive). (ii) For widows of Defence Personnel who Died in Harness Only. SSCW (Non-Tech) [Non-UPSC] and SSCW (Tech) – A maximum of 35 years of age as of 01 October 2022.

Pay Scale & Stipend

A stipend of training is ₹56100/- during the training at OTA, Chennai for selected candidates. On completion, selected candidates will be commissioned as Lt in the pay scale of 7th CPC Pay Level-10 ₹56100-177500.

Method of Selection

Only shortlisted eligible candidates depending on the cutoff percentage will be interviewed at one of the Selection Centres viz. Allahabad (UP), Bhopal (MP), Bengaluru (Karnataka) and Kapurthala (Punjab) by Psychologist, Group Testing Officer and Interviewing Officer. Call Up letter for SSB interview will be issued by respective Selection Centres through candidate’s registered e-mail id and SMS only.

Allotment of Selection  Centre is at the discretion of DG Rtg, IHQ of MoD (Army) and NO request for changes are entertained in this regard. Candidates will be put through a two-stage selection procedure at the SSB. Those who clear Stage-I will go to Stage-II. Those who fail in Stage-I will be returned on the same day. The duration of SSB interviews is five days.

Medical Examination

Candidates recommended by the SSB will go under Medical Examination by a Board of Service Medical Officers. 

How to Apply for Army 59th/30th Technical SSC Officer Entry 2022?

Suitable and desirable candidates should Apply Online in the prescribed recruitment proforma at Indian Army website only from 08/03/2022 to 06/04/2022 for Army 59th/30th Technical Entry SSC Officer Entry October-2022.

Details and Online Submission of Application

Furthermore, detail regarding 59th/30th Men/Women Technical Entry SSC Officer Vacancy entry scheme October 2022 in the Indian Army and online application form can be seen at wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


Indian Army 47th 10plus2 Technical Entry Scheme —> Apply Online Now

TES 2022 is a recruitment notification for 90 posts of the technical entry scheme released by the Indian Army. Candidates can apply online between January 24, 2022 and February 23, 2022. Also, the details of the application process are listed below.

Online Application in the prescribed format are invited from unmarried male candidates who have passed their 10+2 examination with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics subjects and appeared in JEE (Mains) 2021 examination and fulfils the eligibility conditions for the grant of Permanent Commission in the Indian Army under 47th 10+2 Technical Entry Scheme (TES) commencing from July 2022. The application form for Indian Army TES 47 recruitment 2022 can be accessed on the official website of this notification.

Indian Army 47th 10plus2 Technical Entry Scheme

Indian Army 47th 10+2 TES Details

  • Posts: 90 vacancies
  • Qualification : Only those candidates who have passed 10+2 Examination or its equivalent with a minimum aggregate of 60% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics from recognized education boards are eligible to apply for this entry.
  • Age: 16 and a half to 19 and half years i.e. born between 02 January 2003 and 01 January 2006 (both days inclusive)
  • Physical Standard: min. height 152 cm and weight 42 kg., better eye 6/6 and worst eye 6/18
  • Type of Commission: On successful completion of 4 years of the course cadets will be granted Permanent Commission in the Army in the rank of Lt. in Arms/Services as per discretion of Army Hq.
  • Stipend: The gentlemen cadets will be given a stipend of  ₹56100/- p.m. as is admissible to NDA cadets on completion of 3 years training. On completion of  4 Years training, they will be commissioned in the rank of Lt and entitled to pay as admissible to the rank.
  • Pay Scale: Candidates on completion of the 4-year course will be entitled to get pay in the level-10 of 7th CPC ₹56100-177500   plus MSP ₹15500/- and other allowances.

Age Limit

For instance, at the start of the course, the candidate cannot be younger than 16 years old or older than 19 years old.

Educational Qualification

To be considered for this program, candidates must have passed the 10+2 Examination or its equivalent. Additionally, the aspirants must have taken the JEE (Main) 2022 exam as part of their preparation. In the application form, candidates must fill their Rank only by reference to the Common Rank List (CRL). Also, you can find information on other eligibility criteria on the notification, such as the eligible streams of study and others.


To be eligible, a candidate must be an unmarried male and either: (i) a citizen of India; or (ii) a citizen of India who immigrated from Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Burma, or East African countries including Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, and Vietnam with Indian roots. A candidate belonging to either category or (iii) A Nepalese citizen and (iii) above shall be a person whose name appears on the certificate of eligibility issued by the Government of India.

Method of Selection for Army 47th 10Plus2 TES

For selection in 4th 10+2 Technical Entry, candidate must have appeared in JEE (Mains) 2021.  Only shortlisted eligible candidates depending on the cut off will undergo SSB at one of the Selection Centres i.e, Allahabad (UP), Bhopal (MP), Bengaluru (Karnataka) or Kapurthala (Punjab) by Psychologist, Group Testing Officer and Interviewing Officer in the month of April 2022 onwards.

How to Apply for Indian Army 47th 10+2 TES?

Suitable and desirable candidates should apply online in the prescribed format at Indian Army website from 24/01/2022 to 23/02/2022 for Indian Army 47th 10+2 Technical Entry Scheme.

Steps To Follow

Details and Online Application Submission

Further detail regarding this entry scheme and online application in prescribed format can be had at for Indian Army 47th 10+2 Technical Entry Scheme. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

Indian Army 29th JAG Law Vacancy entry October 2022 Entry - Apply Online

Indian Army 29th JAG Law Vacancy entry October 2022 Entry – Apply Online

In this article you get to know about Indian Army JAG Entry SSC Officer Law 29th Course Recruitment 2022. For more info regarding Indian Army JAG Entry read the full article.

Online applications in the  prescribed proforma are invited from Indian Nationals Law Graduates Men and Women for grant of Short Service Commission (SSC) in the Indian Army for Judge Advocate General (JAG) Department for 29th Entry course commencing October 2022. The online application will open on 19th January 2022 at 1500 hrs and will close on 17th February 2022 at 1500 hrs.

Army SSC Officer 29h JAG Law Graduate Vacancies

  • Army 29th JAG Law Entry: 09 vacancies (Male-06, Female-03), Qualification: 55% marks in LLB Degree (3 years after Graduation or 5 years after 10+2), Age: 21-27 years as of 01/07/2022, Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 ₹56100-177500/-

JAG 29th Entry Indian Army Eligibility

(a) Nationality – A candidate must either be:

(i) A citizen of India, or

(ii) A subject of Nepal,

(iii) A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka and East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia, and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India, provided that a candidate belonging to categories (ii) and (iii) above shall be a person in whose favor a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India. Certificate of eligibility will, however, not be necessary for the case of candidates who are Gorkha subjects of Nepal.

(b) Age Limit – 21 to 27 years as on 01 July 2022 (Born not earlier than 02 July 1995 and not later than 01 July 2001; both dates inclusive).

Note – Candidates should note that the date of birth as recorded in the Matriculation/Secondary School Examination Certificate or an equivalent certificate on the date of submission of applications will only be accepted and no subsequent request for its change will be considered or granted.

(c) Educational Qualification – Minimum 55% aggregate marks in LLB Degree (three years professional after graduation or five years after 10+2 examination). The candidates should be eligible for registration as an advocate with the Bar Council of India/State. The candidate should be from a College/University recognized by Bar Council of India.

Selection Procedure for JAG Entry

The selection procedure is as follows:-

  • Shortlisting of Applications – Integrated HQ of MoD (Army) reserves the right for shortlisting of applications, without assigning any reason. After shortlisting of applications, the Centre allotment will be intimated to candidates via their email. After allotment of Selection Centre, candidates will have to log in to the website and select their SSB dates which are available on a first-come-first-serve basis initially. Thereafter, it will be allotted by the Selection Centers. The option to select the dates for SSB by candidates may be forfeited due to the occurrence of any exceptional circumstance/events. 
  • Only shortlisted eligible candidates will undergo SSB at Selection Centers, Allahabad(UP), Bhopal(MP), Bangalore (Karnataka) and Kapurthala (PB). Call up letter for SSB interview will be issued by respective Selection Centre on candidate’s registered e-mail id and SMS only. Allotment of Selection Centre is at the discretion of Directorate General of Recruiting, IHQ of MoD (Army) and NO request for changes will be entertained in this regard.
  • Candidates will be put through the two-stage selection procedure. Those who clear Stage I will go to Stage II. Those who fail in stage I will be returned on the same day. The duration of the SSB interview is five days and details of the same are available on the official website of the Directorate General of Recruiting i.e. This will be followed by a medical examination for the candidates who get recommended after Stage II.
  • Candidates recommended by the SSB and declared medically fit will be issued a joining letter for training in the order of merit, depending on the number of vacancies available, subject to meeting all eligibility criteria.

Medical Examination 

Please visit for Medical Standards and Procedures of Medical Examination for Officers Entry into Army as applicable. Note – The proceedings of the Medical Board are confidential and will not be divulged to anyone. Directorate General of Recruiting has no role to play in any Medical Boards and procedure advised by the medical authorities will be strictly adhered to.

How to Apply for Indian Army SSC Officer 29th JAG Law Entry?

Apply Online in the prescribed proforma at the Indian Army recruitment website from 19/01/2022 to 17/02/2022 only for Indian Army SSC Officer 29th JAG Law Entry.

Steps To Follow

  • Step-1: Eligible candidates can apply through the Indian Army official website by Clicking on Officer Entry Apply/Login and then clicking ‘Registration (Registrations not required if already registered on
  • Step-2: Fill out the online registration form after reading the instructions carefully. After getting registered, click on ‘Apply Online’ under Dashboard.
  • Step-3: A page ‘Officers Selection – ‘Eligibility’ will open. Then click ‘Apply’ shown against Short Service Commission JAG Entry Course.
  • Step-4: A page ‘Application Form’ will open. Read the instructions carefully and click ‘Continue’ to fill in details as required under various segments. Personal information, Communication details, Education details, and details of previous SSB.
  • Step-5: ‘Save & Continue’ each time before you go to the next segment. After filling in details on the last segment, you will move to a page ‘Summary of your information’ wherein you can check and edit the entries already made. Only after ascertaining the correctness of all your details, click on ‘Submit’.
  • Step-6: Candidates must click on ‘Submit’ each time they open the application for editing any details. The candidates are required to take out two copies of their application having Roll Number, 30 minutes after final closure of online application on last day.

Details and Application Submission

For this recruitment of Indian Army SSC Officer 28th JAG Law Entry, details can be viewed at  and also apply online at the same site. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***

RRC NCR Apprentice Recruitment 2021, Apply Online for 1664 Vacancies

RRC NCR Apprentice Recruitment 2021, Apply Online for 1664 Vacancies

RRC NCR Apprentice Recruitment 2021 North Central Railway (NCR), Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh is hiring 1664 Apprentice. Check qualification, age limit, vacancy details, and other details.

Railway Recruitment Cell (RRC), North Central Railway (NCR), Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh is inviting online applications from aspiring and talented persons for the post of Apprentice in various trades for 1664 vacancies. Interested candidates who are going to apply online for RRC NCR Apprentice Recruitment 2021 must first register themselves at as Registration No. is compulsory. Must Check Notification against Engagement of ACT APPRENTICES Zonal Notification No. RRC/NCR/02/2021 for the slot of 2021-22 Dated 12.10.2021.

RRC NCR Apprentice Vacancies Details

RRC NCR has released a total of 1664vacancies for the recruitment of apprentices under the Apprentice Act, 1961. The vacancy distribution table for various trades is shown below:

Mechanical Department (PRYJ)364
Electrical Department (PRYJ)339
Jhansi Division (JHS)480
Workshop (Jhansi)185
Agra (AGC) Division296
Trade NameTotal PostTrade NameTotal Post
Mech. Department – 364 Posts
Tech Fitter335Tech. Carpenter11
Tech Welder13Tech. Painter05
Electronic Department – 339 Posts
Tech Fitter246Tech. Carpenter05
Tech Welder09Tech. Crane08
Tech. Armature Winder47Tech. Machinist15
Tech. Painter07Tech. Electrician02
 Jhansi (JHS) Division – 480 Posts
Fitter286Mechanic (DLS)84
Welder (G&E)11Carpenter11
Work Shop Jhansi – 185 Posts
Stenographer (Hindi)03Total185
Agra (AGC) Division – 296 Posts
Fitter80Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance08
Welder15Draughtsman (Civil)05
Machinist05Stenographer (English)04
Painter05Mechanic Cum Operator Electronics Communication15
Health Sanitary Inspector06Multimedia & Web Page Designer05
RRC NCR Apprentice Recruitment 2021

RRC NCR Apprentice Salary

The candidates who are shortlisted in the Merit List will be sent for training for 1 year. The monthly remuneration of Apprentice after appointment will be Rs. 18,000 – Rs. 56,900.

Important Dates

Mode of ApplicationOnline
Notification Release Date12th October 2021
Starting Date of Online Applications2nd November 2021
Last Date of Online Applications1st December 2021

RRC NCR Apprentice Eligibility Criteria

Educational Qualification

Age Limit (as on 01/12/2021)

The candidate should have completed 15 years but not completed 24 years as of the closing date of application.

  • The upper age limit for SC/ST candidates is relaxable by 5 years.
  • The upper age limit is relaxable for OBC candidates relaxable by 3 years.
  • The upper age limit for PwD candidates is relaxed by 10 years.
  • The upper age limit for Ex-servicemen is relaxed by 13 years.

Application Fees

CategoryApplication Fees
SC/ST/PwD/Women candidatesNIL

RRC NCR Apprentice Recruitment 2021 – Selection Process

The candidates applying online for the post of Apprentice will be called for Document Verification. The selection will be done on the basis of scrutinization of application forms and marks scored in Matriculation and ITI. Candidates should also produce proof of Physical Fitness.

In case of a tie:

  1. The candidate who is older in age will be given preference.
  2. If the tie still persists, the candidate who passed the matriculation earlier will be placed in high order.

How To Apply For RRC NCR Apprentice Recruitment 2021 ?

Eligible and interested candidates can apply online in the prescribed format from 02 November to 01 December 2021.

Steps to Apply


  1. Visit the official website or click on the link provided above. The candidates must read important instructions before filling the registration and application form.
  2. Click on New Registration.
  3. Enter all the required details including the Registration No. (under Apprentice Act,1961), mobile number and Email ID.
  4. Click on Send OTP. The candidates will receive an OTP and Registration No. & Password on their registered mobile number and Email ID.
  5. Enter the OTP within the given boxes and then click on Submit.


  1. Enter your Registration No. and Password.
  2. Click on Login.
  3. The application form will appear on the screen. Complete your Personal Profile by filling up all the required details carefully.
  4. Upload scanned passport and signature as well as the supporting documents to complete the application process.
  5. Pay the application fees through credit/debit card, net banking or UPI.
  6. Check all the details and then click on Submit.
  7. Download the application form and take a printout for future reference.

Details and Online Submission of Application

Please visit for all the details and online submission of application for RRC NCR Apprentice Recruitment 2021 Notification No. RRC/NCR/02/2021 for the slot of 2021-22 Dated 12.10.2021 wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


University of Allahabad Recruitment 2021 – Faculty and Administrative Vacancies

Recruitment of Faculty and Non-Teaching Vacancy in University of Allahabad 2021

The University of Allahabad (UoA), a Central University at Prayagraj (Uttar Pradesh) invites online applications in the prescribed format for Academic Faculty Govt Job vacancy posts of Professor,  Associate Professor, Assistant Professor and Assistant Librarian and some other Non-Teaching Administrative Group-A, Group-B and Group-C vacancy posts, etc. on Direct Recruitment 2021 on a regular basis in University of Allahabad at Prayagraj (Advertisement No. UoA/Asst Prof/01/2021, UoA/Asso Prof/01/2021, UoA/Prof/01/2021 & AUNT/02-03-04/2021).

University of Allahabad Faculty and Administrative Staff Recruitment 2021 Vacancies 

  • Faculty Vacancies (Advt. No. UoA/Prof/01/2021
    1. Professor: 70 vacancies in various subjects/disciplines
  • Faculty Vacancies (UoA/Asso Prof/01/2021
    1. Associate Professor: 160 vacancies in various subjects/disciplines
  •  Faculty Vacancies (UoA/Asst Prof/01/2021)
    1. Assistant Professor: 357 vacancies in various subjects/disciplines
  • Librarian Vacancies (Advt. No. AUNT/Asst. Lib./01/2021)
    1. Assistant Librarian: 04 vacancies
  • Non-Faculty Group-A Vacancies (Advt. No. AUNT/02/2021)
    1. Assistant Registrar: 01 vacancies (Against leave Vacancy)
    2. Director-College Development Council: 01 vacancies on Deputation
    3. Electronic Shop Engineer: 01 vacancies
    4. Executive Engineer: 01 vacancies on deputation
    5. Hindi Officer: 01 vacancies
    6. Internal Audit Officer: 01 vacancies on deputation
    7. Medical Officer: 01 vacancies
    8. Public Relation Officer: 01 vacancies
    9. Scientist-B: 01 vacancies
    10. Scientific Officer: 01 vacancies
    11. System Analyst/System Programmer: 02 vacancies
    12. System Manager/ Senior System Analyst/ Senior System Programmer: 03 vacancies
  • Non-Faculty Group-B Vacancies (Advt. No. AUNT/03/2021)
    1. Assistant Engineer (Civil/Electrical): 01 vacancies
    2. Computer Operator: 08 vacancies
    3. Curator: 03 vacancies
    4. Exploration Asssitant: 01 vacancies
    5. Junior Engineer: 02 vacancies
    6. Senior Nursing Officer (Female): 01 vacancies
    7. Professional Assistant: 05 vacancies
    8. Section Officer: 04 vacancies
    9. Security Officer: 01 vacancies
    10. Senior Technical Assistant: 09 vacancies
    11. Sports Assistant/Coach: 01 vacancies
  • Non-Faculty Group-C Vacancies (Advt. No. AUNT/04/2021)
    1. Animal Attendant: 05 vacancies
    2. Assistant Draftsman: 03 vacancies
    3. Boatman/Groundsman/Waterman: 09 vacancies
    4. Data Entry Operator: 23 vacancies
    5. Driver: 02 vacancies
    6. Hindi Typist: 01 vacancies
    7. Junior Office Assistant: 49 vacancies
    8. Laboratory Assistant: 30 vacancies
    9. Laboratory Attendant: 47 vacancies
    10. Library Attendant: 64 vacancies
    11. Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS): 90 vacancies
    12. Pharmacist: 03 vacancies
    13. Semi-Professional Assistant: 07 vacancies
    14. Sick Attendant: 02 vacancies
    15. Stenographer: 13 vacancies
    16. Technical Assistant: 08 vacancies
    17. Wire-man: 02 vacancies
    18. X-Ray Technician: 01 vacancies
University of Allahabad Recruitment 2021

Application Fee

₹1550 (₹650/- for SC/ST candidates, for Women/PWD candidates) for Faculty vacancies and ₹1050 (₹450/- for SC/ST candidates, for Women/PWD candidates) for Non-Teaching Administrative and Librarian vacancies by way of online payment i.e. Net Banking/UPI or Debit/Credit Cards.

Important Dates :

Date of uploading of detailed Advertisement and Online Registration28.09.2021
Starting Date of  fee payment28.09.2021
 Last date for Online Registration and final submission of Application form27.10.2021
Date of uploading of detailed Advertisement and Online Registration24.09.2021
 Starting Date of  fee payment  24.09.2021
Last date for Online Registration and final submission of Application form  23.10.2021

Eligibility Details :

✅ Age Limit: As per Advertisement.

✅ Pay Scale: As per Advertisement.

Job Location : Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh

✅ Educational Qualifications:

✔️ Bachelor’s Degree.
✔️ Post Graduate.
✔️ Diploma.
✔️ Matriculation / 10+2.

Selection Process : Written Examination / Interview.

How to Apply for UoA Faculty and Non-Teaching Recruitment 2021?

All suitable and desirable candidates should apply online in the prescribed format at the University of Allahabad recruitment website from 24/092021 to 23/10/2021 for Non-Teaching Staff vacancies and from 28/09/2021 to 27/10/2021 for Professor, Associate Professor, and Librarian vacancies and from 28/09/2021 to 06/11/2021 for the posts of Assistant Professors only for University of Allahabad Recruitment 2021 for Faculty and Administrative Vacancies.

Details and Online submission of application

Kindly visit for detailed information and application format for University of Allahabad Recruitment 2021 for Faculty and Administrative Vacancies. Click here to see Notification

Advertisement for various teaching positions in the University vide Advt. No. UoA/Asst Prof/01/2021, UoA/Asso Prof/01/2021 & UoA/Prof/01/2021and Assistant Librarian

Advertisement for various Non teaching positions in the University vide Advt. No. AUNT/02/2021, AUNT/03/2021 and AUNT/04/2021. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…

 ***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


Army 51 SSC Officer NCC Special Entry – Apply Online

NCC Special Entry Scheme 51st Course Commencing April 2022 Short Service Commission (SSC) Officer for Male & Women in Indian Army. Check Details Here.

The Indian Army is looking for a few good Men and Women.  Online applications on prescribed format are invited by Indian Army from unmarried male and unmarried female or widow of defence candidates for grant of Short Service Commission (SSC) in the Indian Army for 51st NCC April 2022 entry. The NCC holders will become SSC Officers in the Indian Army.

The official notification states “Applications are invited from unmarried male and unmarried female (including Wards of Battle Casualties of Army Personnel), for grant of Short Service Commission in the Indian Army.

Army 51st SSC Officer NCC Special Entry – Table of Content

Army 51st NCC Entry Vacancy Details

  • Total Vacancies : 55 vacancies 
  • NCC Men: 50 (45 for General Category and 05 for Wards of Battle Casualties of Army personnel only)
  • NCC Women: 05 (04 for General Category and 01 for Wards of Battle Casualties of Army personnel only)

Important Dates for NCC Special Entry 51 Course

  • NCC 51 Notification Date : 5 October 2021
  • NCC 51 Last Date : 3 November 2021
  • NCC 51 Cut Off : 50 % aggregate marks in graduation or till pre-final year
  • NCC 51 Training Commencing : April 2022

Eligibility Criteria for 51st NCC Entry in Army

The Criteria of NCC ‘C’ Certificate holders to appear directly for SSB for SSC (Non-Technical) at Officers Training Academy, Chennai : (i) Educational Qualification: Degree of a recognized University or equivalent with aggregate of minimum 50% marks taking into account marks of all years. (ii) Service in NCC: Should have served for a minimum of two academic years in the senior Division of NCC (iii) Grading: Should have a minimum of ‘B’ Grade in ‘C’ Certificate Exam of NCC.

NCC 51 Nationality

  • A candidate must either be: (i) A citizen of India, or (ii) A subject of Bhutan, or (iii) A subject of Nepal, or (iv) A Tibetan refugee who came over to India before the 1st of January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India or (v) A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka and East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India provided that a candidate belonging to categories (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India. A certificate of eligibility will, however, not be necessary in the case of candidates who are Gorkha subjects of Nepal.

NCC 51 Age Limit

  • For NCC candidates (including wards of Battle Casualties)19 to 25 years as on 01 Jan 2022 (born not earlier than 02 Jan 1997 and not later than 01 Jan 2003; both dates inclusive).
  • Candidates should note that the date of birth as recorded in the Matriculation/Secondary School Examination Certificate or an equivalent certificate on the date of submission of applications will only be accepted and no subsequent request for its change will be considered or granted.

Educational Qualification

Degree of a recognized University or equivalent with aggregate of minimum 50% marks taking into account marks of all the years. Those studying in final year are also allowed to apply provided they have secured minimum 50% aggregate marks in the first two/three years of three/four years degree course respectively. Such students will need to secure overall aggregate of minimum 50% marks in degree course if selected in interview, failing which their candidature will be CANCELLED.

Army 51 SSC Officer NCC Special Entry

Senior Division/Wing of NCC Qualification

Service in NCC : Should have served for minimum two/three years (as applicable) in Senior Division/Wg of NCC.

NOTE: The eligibility criteria differs for Wards of Battle Casualties of Army Personnel

Pay Scale & Stipend

A stipend of training is ₹56100/- during the training is 49 weeks at OTA, Chennai. On completion, they will be commissioned as Lt in the pay scale of 7th CPC Pay Level-10 ₹56100-177500.

***Indian Army Officer Salary scale List: (Only For Reference)

  • Lieutenant – Level 10, Rs. 56,100 – 1,77,500
  • Captain –  Level 10 B Rs. 61,300 – 1,93,900
  • Major – Level 11 Rs. 69,400 – 2,07,200
  • Lieutenant Colonel – Level 12A, Rs. 1,21,200 – 2,12,400
  • Colonel – Level 13 Rs. 1,30,600 – 2,15,900
  • Brigadier – Level 13A, Rs. 1,39,600 – 2,17,600
  • Major General – Level 14, Rs. 1,44,200 – 2,18,200
  • Lieutenant General HAG – Scale Level 15, Rs. 1,82,200 – 2,24,100
  • Lt Gen HAG+Scale –  Level 16, Rs. 2,05,400 – 2,24,400
  • VCOAS/Army Cdr/ Lieutenant General (NFSG) – Level 17, Rs. 2,25,000/-(fixed) COAS Level 18 2,50,000/-(fixed)
  • Military Service Pay (MSP) – MSP to the officers from the rank of Lt to Brig Rs. 15,500/- p.m. fixed.
  • Fixed Stipend for Cadet Training Stipend to Gentlemen or Lady Cadets during the entire duration of training in Service academies i.e. during training period at OTA.

Method of Selection 

All Applications in the prescribed format will be forwarded to Rtg. Directorate (NCC) through HQ DG NCC. The NCC Units/GP HQs will forward the applications to State Directorates who in turn will forward the same to Hq DG NCC. On arrival at the SSB, the Shortlisted candidates will be administered stage-1 of the two stage testing procedure.

Shortlisted candidates will be called by SSB for two stage selection procedure to be held at Selection Centres, Allahabad (UP), Bhopal (MP), Bangalore (Karnataka) and Kapurthala (PB).

Candidates must note that they can appear for ONLY one of the Services Selection Board (SSB) interview, either SSC (NT)-115 Course (April 2022)/SSC (NT) (Women)-29 Course (April 2022) as CDSE candidate OR NCC (Spl) Entry-51 Course (April 2022). Candidates are required to give undertaking to this effect under the declaration part of the online application.

Medical Examination 

Candidates recommended by the SSB will go under Medical Examination by a Board of Service Medical Officers.

How to Apply for Army 51st NCC Entry 2021? 

Apply Online on prescribed Recruitment proforma at Indian Army official website only from 05/10/2021 to 03/11/2021 for Army 51st SSC Officer NCC Special Entry April 2022 in Indian Army.

Steps To Apply :

  • 1.The Online applications will be available at Indian Army official page
  • 2.Click on “Apply/Login” presence under Officers Entry section. Now Click on “Registration”.
  • 3.Registrations not required, if already registered on Indian Army Website.
  • 4.You will be displayed with important instructions that need to be followed during online application submission. Read the complete instruction and fill the form accordingly.
  • 5.After you have filled the form completely, you will be provided the PDF format of your Online Application.
  • 6.Keep the PDF application for future references. You don’t need to send any hard copy to Directorate General of Recruiting separately.

Details and Online Submission of Application of Army 51st NCC Entry

More details regarding this 51st NCC entry scheme  in the Indian Army and online application form can be seen at  Official Portal . click here to see notification pdf. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***