Category Archives: Nagaland

AAI NER Recruitment 2024: Apply Online for 64 Positions

AAI NER Recruitment 2024: Apply Online for 64 post!!

AAI NER Recruitment 2024 – Junior/Senior Assistant Vacancy in AAI North Eastern Region

The North Eastern Region Office of the Airports Authority of India (AAI) is inviting online applications in the prescribed format from eligible candidates domiciled in Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, and Tripura. The recruitment is for various Group-C Employee Category Sarkari Naukri vacancies, including Junior Assistants and Senior Assistants, in various disciplines through direct recruitment for the year 2024 (Advertisement No. 01/2023/DR/NER).

Airports Authority of India (AAI), a Government of India Public Sector Enterprise (PSE), is responsible for creating, upgrading, maintaining, and managing civil aviation infrastructure on the ground and in the airspace of the country. AAI holds the status of Mini Ratna Category-I.

AAI NER Recruitment 2024: Apply Online for 64 post!!

AAI NER Recruitment 2024 Vacancies

PositionVacanciesAge LimitPay Scale
Senior Assistant (Electronics)14 (UR-9, EWS-1, OBC-1, ST-3) (Ex.SM-03)30 yearsNE-6 ₹36000-3%-110000
Senior Assistant (Operations)02 (UR-1, ST-1) (PWD-1)30 yearsNE-6 ₹36000-3%-110000
Senior Assistant (Accounts)05 (UR-3, ST-2) (PWD-1)30 yearsNE-6 ₹36000-3%-110000
Junior Assistant (Fire Service)43 (UR-31, EWS-4, OBC-2, SC-2, ST-4) (Ex.SM-6)30 yearsNE-4 ₹31000-3%-92000
Relaxation in age for reserved category candidates as per prevailing Government rules.

Note: UR – Unreserved, EWS – Economically Weaker Section, OBC – Other Backward Class, SC – Scheduled Caste, ST – Scheduled Tribe, PWD – Persons with Disabilities, Ex.SM – Ex-Servicemen

Qualification for AAI North-East Junior/Senior Assistants Recruitment 2024

Post NameEducational Qualification
Senior Assistant (Electronics)Diploma in Electronics/Telecommunication/Radio Engineering and 2 years of relevant experience.
Senior Assistant (Operations)Graduate with LMV Licence; Diploma in Management preferred. 2 years of relevant experience.
Senior Assistant (Accounts)Graduate, preferably B. Com., with Computer literacy in MS Office. 2 years of relevant experience.
Junior Assistant (Fire Services)10th Pass + 3 years approved regular Diploma in Mechanical/Automobile/Fire or 12th Pass.

Selection Process for AAI Recruitment 2024

Candidates will be selected through an Online Examination and Interviews, as applicable. The specific Date, Time, and Venue for the examination/interview will be communicated to eligible candidates in due course. This information will also be available on the official website of the Airports Authority of India (AAI).

Application Fee for AAI Vacancy 2024

The application fee is ₹1000/- and must be paid through online mode. However, SC/ST/PWD candidates, Apprentices who have completed one year of Apprenticeship Training in AAI, and female candidates are exempted from paying the fee.

See Also – Available Manager Job in Government PSUs

How to Apply for the AAI North-East Assistants Recruitment 2024?

Prospective candidates who meet the eligibility criteria are encouraged to apply online through the prescribed format on the Airport Authority (AAI) recruitment website. The application window is open from 10/01/2024 to 10/02/2024 for the recruitment of Junior/Senior Assistants Vacancy in AAI North-Eastern Region 2024.

  • Navigate to the Important Web-Links section by scrolling down.
  • Select the “Online Application Form” and follow the registration process.
  • Proceed to the next stage, click on the “Online Application Form” Link, and log in.
  • Complete the form by entering personal and educational details, and upload required documents.
  • Pay the application fee based on your category and submit the form.
  • Finally, print out a copy of the completed application form.

Details and online application format

For additional details and access to the online application form, please visit the AAI website’s Career Page at This pertains to the recruitment of Junior and Senior Assistants for Government Jobs vacancies in AAI North-Eastern Region for the year 2023-24.


IBPS 11th CRP for Clerk Vacancy Recruitment in PSU Banks 2022-23 | On-Line Apply

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS), an autonomous body, has been authorized by the IBA and has received mandates from  Public Sector Banks to conduct a common recruitment process (CRP) every year for the recruitment of  Clerks Cadre Posts in multiple banks all over the country.

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) will conduct XIth (11th) Online Common Recruitment Process (CRP), Preliminary and Main Examination for the year 2022-23 for recruitment and selection of personnel for Clerical Cadre Govt Job vacancy posts in participating Public Sector Bank or any other Financial Institution tentatively in the month of December 2021 through XIth (11th) CRP for Clerk Vacancy in PSU Banks by IBPS.

IBPS has released detailed notification for IBPS Clerk 2021 exam with the new dates on its portal. The online application process for IBPS  Clerk Recruitment 2021 will begin from 7th October 2021.

About IBPS 11th CRP for Clerical Cadre Posts

The XIth (11th) 11 Common Recruitment Process (CRP) Common Written Examination (CWE)  (Preliminary and Main) for Recruitment of Clerical Cadre Vacancy in 11 Public Sector Banks will be conducted in the month of August/September 2021 (Prelim) and in October 2021 (Main) through online mode by the IBPS as a per-requisites for selection of personnel for Clerk posts for the vacancies for 2022-23 in the following below listed 11 Public Sector Banks and in any other Bank/ Financial Institution.

On completion of the Main Examination, depending on the state/UT wise vacancies to be filled in during the financial year 2022-23 based on the business needs of the Participating Organizations and as reported to IBPS, candidates shortlisted will be provisionally allotted to one of the Participating Organizations, based on merit-cum-preference keeping in view the spirit of Govt. Guidelines on reservation policy, various guidelines issued by Govt. of India/Others from time to time, administrative exigency, etc.

Participating Banks / Organisations for IBPS 11th Clerical Cadre CRP

Clerical Grade Vacancy Details

  • Age: 20-28 years, relaxation in age as per rules.
  • Qualification:  A Degree (Graduation) in any discipline from a University recognized by the Govt. Of India 
  • Pay Scale: ₹11765-31540/- (to be revised to ₹17900-47920/-)
  • Number of Vacancies: 5830 approx. in various states of India

Vacancy Details State Wise :

State NameTotal Post
West Bengal366
Uttar Pradesh661
Tamil Nadu268
Madhya Pradesh324
Jammu & Kashmir25
Himachal Pradesh102
Dadra & Nagar Haveli
& Daman Diu
Arunachal Pradesh11
Andhra Pradesh263
Andaman & Nicobar03
IBPS 11th CRP for Clerk Vacancy Recruitment in PSU Banks 2022-23

Important Dates :

  1. Online Registration – 12/07/2021 to 01/08/2021 Now Re-Opened from 07/10/2021 to 27/10/2021
  2. Payment of Application Fees – Online 12/07/2021 – 01/08/2021 Now Re-Opened from 07/10/2021 to 27/10/2021
  3. Online Examination (Preliminary)  –  28/08/2021, 29/08/2021, 04/09/2021 December 2021 tentatively
  4. Online Main Examination  –  31/10/2021 January/February 2022

Application Fee :

₹850/- (₹175/- for SC/ST/PWD/Ex.SM) (inclusive of GST) to be paid online which can be made by using Debit Cards (RuPay/Visa/MasterCard/Maestro), Credit Cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets by providing information as asked on the screen.

Eligibility Criteria : please read official notification for eligibility criteria details

Qualification :

Candidates having Bachelor degree in any stream OR Equivalent Degree with not less than 60% marks with a recognized University as such by Central Government Of India can apply for this post.

And also candidates should having Computer Operating and working Knowledge in Computer System is mandatory that means candidates should be having certificate/diploma/degree in Computer Operation/Language and should be studied Computer information Technology as one of the subject in Matriculation/College/Institute.

Age Limit :

Minimum : 20 years & Maximum : 28 years

Age Relaxation- (Upper Age Limit)

SC/ST – 05 years, OBC(Non creamy Layer)- 03 years, PH – 10 years

IBPS 11th Bank Clerical Cadre CRP Examination Structure

The XIth (11th) CRP for Bank Clerical Cadre Vacancy will have an Examination Structure like this in the image below. Online Preliminary Examination will have 3 subjects having 100 questions of English Language, Numerical Ability, and Reasoning Ability with a total of 100 marks of one-hour duration only.

The Online Main Examination for IBPS 11 CRP for Clerk Recruitment Exam will be of 2:40 hours having 190 questions in 4 subjects viz. Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude, General/Financial Awareness, English Language, and Quantitative Aptitude of 200 marks.

IBPS Bank Clerical CRP Exam Structure
The above tests except the Tests of English Language will be available bilingually, i.e. English and Hindi.

Selection Procedure

How to Apply for IBPS Xth 11th CRP for Clerical Cadre Posts?  

Candidates need to apply Online on the prescribed format at the IBPS website from 12/07/2021 to 01/08/2021 Now Re-Opened from 07/10/2021 to 27/10/2021 only for the 11th CRP for Clerk Vacancy Recruitment in PSU Banks 2022-23.

Steps To Apply :

Online Submission of Application and Details

Please visit for all the details like scheme, syllabus, state-wise vacancies, etc, and online submission of application for IBPS 11th CRP for Clerk Vacancy Recruitment 2022-23. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***

NIT Nagaland Assistant Professor Vacancy Recruitment 2021 – Apply Offline

National Institute of Technology (NIT) Nagaland released notification for faculty recruitment at the level of Assistant Professor (Grade-I). Apply within 45 days from the date of advertisement in Employment News paper dated 11th September 2021 Issue.  i.e. Last date will be 25/10/2021.

Offline Applications in the prescribed format are invited for the following Faculty Govt Job vacancy posts of Assistant Professors in various subjects/ disciplines in the National Institute of Technology Nagaland (NIT Nagaland). (Advertisement No. NIT-N/RECT-T/2021/08).

NIT Nagaland Faculty Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

Educational Qualification :

✔️ B.E/ B.Tech with M.E/ M.Tech & Ph.D. in the relevant or equivalent discipline.
✔️ Ph.D in the relevant or equivalent discipline and first class in the preceding degrees Essential Requirement.
✔️ 3 years after Ph.D. or 6 years total teaching and research experience in reputed academic Institute / R&D Labs / relevant Industry.

Application Fee

₹1000/- for General/OBC category and ₹500/- in case of SC/ST in the form of Demand Draft in favour of IRG, NIT Nagaland payable at State Bank of India, Chumukedima Branch, Dimapur. However, Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) candidates are exempted from payment of the prescribed fees.

Selection Process :

✔️Personal Interview.

View – All open Government Jobs in Institutes

NIT Nagaland Assistant Professor Vacancy Recruitment 2021

How to Apply for NIT Nagaland Faculty Vacancy 2021?

Applicants are required to submit the application form along with one latest passport size photograph duly pasted in the space prescribed in the application form and signed across on it (the stapled photograph will not be accepted) and self-attested copies of the certificates of educational qualifications, date of birth, experience, caste/category certificate, credit point claimed, identity proof (Election I-Card/UID Aadhar /PAN etc.), etc.

The application must be sent in the prescribed format only through speed post/ registered post to “The Registrar, National Institute of Technology Nagaland, Chumukedima, Dimapur, Nagaland 797103” on or before 25/10/2021. On the envelope please inscribe “Application for Recruitment for the post of  ………… Advt No. (please fill in name of post category applied for)”.

Detailed information and application format

Details and application format for Teaching Faculty of Assistant Professor Vacancy Recruitment 2021 in NIT Nagaland is available at . wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

 ***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***