Category Archives: Indore

IIT Indore Recruitment 2022

Regular Faculty Recruitment in Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Indore, India – Apply Now

Faculty vacancy recruitment in IIT Indore 2022

Application on prescribed format is invited by Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Indore (Madhya Pradesh) from Indian citizens for the following Teaching Faculty Government Naukri vacancy positions of Associate Professors and Assistant Professors in Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Indore in various Departments / Schools for the recruitment of the year 2022. The Recruitment advertisement is a Rolling Advertisement for the position of Assistant Professor. (Advertisement No. . IITI/FACREC/2022/ROLLADVT/03 & IITI/FACREC/2022/JUNE/04).

Regular Faculty Recruitment in Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Indore, India - Apply Now

IIT Indore Faculty Recruitment 2022 Vacancies

  1. Associate Professor in Academic Pay Level-13A2 of 7th CPC ₹139600- 211300/
  2. Assistant Professor (Grade-I) in the Academic Pay Level-12 ₹101500-167400/-, Age: 32 years
  3. Assistant Professor (Grade-II) in the Academic Pay Level-10 of 7th CPC ₹57700-98200/-, Age: 32 years

Subject/Disciplines of IIT Indore Faculty Vacancies 2022

  1. For Associate Professor Vacancies
    1. Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Engineering
    2. Civil Engineering
    3. Computer Science and Engineering
    4. Metallurgy Engineering and Materials Science
    5. Mathematics
    6. School of Humanities and Social Sciences 
  2. For Assistant Professor Vacancies
    1. Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Engineering
    2. Biosciences and Biomedical Engineering
    3. Civil Engineering
    4. Computer Science and Engineering
    5. Electrical Engineering
    6. Mechanical Engineering
    7. Metallurgy Engineering and Materials Science
    8. Chemistry
    9. Mathematics
    10. Physics
    11. School of Humanities and Social Sciences

View – All open Government Jobs in Madhya Pradesh

How to Apply for Faculty Vacancy Recruitment in IIT Indore 2022? 

Interested candidates should apply online in the prescribed application format at the IIT Indore website on or before 18/07/2022 for Associate Professor Vacancies and there is no last date for the posts of Assistant Professors as the recruitment is under a rolling advertisement for IIT Indore Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2022.

  • The candidate must apply online by visiting the website:  Click here to apply ONLINE. Instructions for completing the application are available on the application website. Please refer to those instructions while filling out the application.
    • All certificates are to be uploaded in a pdf file along with the online application form.
  • It is mandatory to fill out the application online at the link provided above. Only online filled applications received before the last date and time will be considered for screening. No hard copy submission or soft copy submission through email will be accepted.

Details and Application Format

Please visit for details and the online application format for Faculty Vacancy Recruitment in IIT Indore 2022. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**


MP Metro Rail Job Vacancy Recruitment 2021 – Apply Online Now

MP Metro Recruitment 2021 : (MPMRCL) has issued the new job notification for the recruitment of General Manager, DGM, Manager & AM posts. Applicant who are interested in this MPMRCL job vacancy can check details here.

Madhya Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation Limited (MPMRCL), a joint venture of the Government of India and the Government of Madhya Pradesh is implementing Bhopal and Indore Metro Rail Projects in the state of Madhya Pradesh (MP).
MPMRCL invites online applications in the prescribed format for the recruitment of the following Govt Job Vacancies on a Deputation/Contract/Re-employment basis for 5 years. (Advertisement No. 689/HRD/MPMRCL-010/2021 & 695/HRD/MPMRCL-011/2021 ).

MPMRCL Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  1. Advertisement No. 689/HRD/MPMRCL-010/2021 
    1. General Manager (HR & Admin): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
    2. Deputy General Manager (Finance): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
    3. Deputy General Manager (Procurement): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
    4. Manager (Security): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract/Re-employment
    5. Manager (Legal): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
    6. Manager (Finance & Accounts): 02 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
    7. Assistant Manager (Finance): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
    8. Assistant Manager (PRO): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
    9. Assistant Manager (HR): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
  2. Advertisement No. 695/HRD/MPMRCL-011/2021
    1. General Manager (Design): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
    2. General Manager (Civil Underground): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
    3. General Manager (Design): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
    4. Joint General Manager (Design): 02 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
    5. Senior Deputy General Manager (Contract Management): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
    6. Senior Deputy General Manager (Civil Track): 02 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
    7. Senior Deputy General Manager (Contract Elevated): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
    8. Manager (Design): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
    9. Manager (Civil Track): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
    10. Manager (Civil Elevated): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
    11. Assistant Manager (Design): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
    12. Assistant Manager (Liaising): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
    13. Assistant Manager (Civil Depot): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
    14. Assistant Manager (Civil Elevated): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
    15. Assistant Manager (Civil Track): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
MP Metro Rail Job Vacancy Recruitment 2021

Important Dates

Notification Released Date25.10.2021
Starting Date of the Online Application10.11.2021
Last Date to Submit the Application05.12.2021

Eligibility Criteria for MP Metro DGM & Other Vacancies

Educational Qualification

  • Applicant should hold Graduate/ Postgraduate degree in a relevant field from a recognized University.
  • Check the notification for more details.

Age Limit

Name of the PostAge Limit
General Manager60 Years
DGM50 Years
Manager50 Years
AM40 Years

Selection Process

  • Based on personal Interview.

View – All open Government Jobs in Madhya Pradesh

How to Apply for Job Vacancy Recruitment in MPMRCL 2021?

Suitable and desirable candidates should Apply Online in the prescribed format at the MPMRCL recruitment website from 10/11/2021 to 05/12/2021 only for MP Metro Rail Job Vacancy Recruitment 2021.

Steps To Apply

Detailed information and application format

For details and application format, visit the MPMRCL website at for MP Metro Rail Job Vacancy Recruitment 2021. Click Here to view Official Notification. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***