WBHRB Staff Nurse Recruitment 2021: Notification Out For 6114 Staff Nurse Grade II Posts. Read the article below for further details regarding WBHRB Recruitment 2021
West Bengal Health Recruitment Board (WBHRB) has invited online applications for the post of Staff Nurses on its official website. A total of 6114 vacancies have been released under WB Health Recruitment 2021, for Staff Nurse posts [Staff Nurse (GNM), Grade-II/12/2021 & Staff Nurse (Basic B.Sc. & Post Basic B.Sc.),Grade-II/08/2021] in Health & Family Welfare Department. The online application process has already been started and the last date to apply online for WBHRB Staff nurse recruitment 2021 is 13th November 2021. Job Location : West Bengal
Staff Nurse (GNM) & Staff Nurse : Selected candidates will get Pay Level 9 with higher initial at Rs. 29,800/- , Uniform, Washing and amenity allowances as admissible total minimum emoluments- Rs. 34,136/-
Important Dates
Application Mode : Online
Starting Date of Application – 03 November 2021
Last Date of Application – 18 November 2021 up to 1 PM
General Nursing and Midwifery/ Basic B.Sc. (Nursing)/ Post Basic B.Sc. (Nursing) course passed from any Nursing Training School/College of Nursing recognized by both Indian Nursing Council and Respective State Nursing Council. Registration Certificate from West Bengal Nursing Council. Knowledge of Bengali/Nepali- Spoken and written
The age limit must be 18 to 39 years for GNM Staff Nurse and 20 to 39 years for Basic BSc Nurses.
Application Fees
WBHRB Staff Nurse Application Fee – Rs. 210/-
No application fee for SC/ST category of West Bengal and PwD specified under Disabilities Rule, 1999 (certificates obtained before the Advertisement date) who do not require to pay any fee.)
WBHRB Staff Nurse Recruitment 2021, Selection Process
Educational Qualification – 40 Marks (Max)
Addl. Marks-2 for marks 51 to 55 & so on. – 20 Marks (Max)
Marks obtained for Working Exp. after passing out of concerned course [6 mths-1 yr -10 ; >1 yr.-1½ yr.- 15 ; 1½ yr- 2 yrs.- 20 & > 2 yrs.- 25 Marks (Max)
Interview Max. – 15 Marks (Max)
How to Apply for WBHRB Recruitment 2021?
The eligible and interested candidates can apply for the posts through online mode on or before 18th November 2021 upto 1 PM the last date of the respective posts.
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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WBHRB has released 43 vacancies for the post of Assistant Superintendent on 2nd November 2021. The candidates must bookmark this article for information about vacancies, eligibility criteria, application & selection process and salary.
West Bengal Health Recruitment Board (WBHRB) is inviting online applications from Indian Citizen for the post of Assistant Superintendent (Non-medical) under the Health and Family Welfare Department. The candidates can apply online for WBHRB Recruitment 2021 Advertisement No.: R/AS(NM)/13/2021 from 3rd November onwards. Job Location is Kolkata
WBHRB Assistant Superintendent Vacancy Details
WBHRB Assistant Superintendent Salary
The candidates who get selected for WBHRB Recruitment 2021 will receive a Pay Band of Rs 9000 – 40,500 + Grade Pay of Rs. 4,700 (Pay Matrix Level-14).
Pay Level 9 with higher initial at Rs. 29,800/-, Uniform/Washing and amenity allowances as admissible.
Important Dates
Mode of Application : Online
Starting Date of Online Applications : 3rd November 2021
Last Date of Online Applications : 18th November 2021 [till 01:00 PM]
The candidate must have knowledge of the Bengali language – spoken and written.
Two years of managerial or administrative experience in any reputed medical care facility having at least 200 beds in the Government/Non- Government sector.
Age Limit
The candidate should be born between 1st January 1985 – 1st January 2021. Minimum Age: 18 to Maximum Age: 40.
Age Relaxation : The maximum age relaxation is 10 years.
Relaxation Year
WBHRB Assistant Superintendent Recruitment 2021 – Selection Process
The selection process of WBHRB Assistant Superintendent Recruitment 2021 is as follows:
The candidates have to appear in the written test which will be provisional.
How to apply for WBHRB Assistant Superintendent Recruitment 2021 ?
Interested candidates can apply to the posts through the online mode from 3rd to 18th November 2021 (Till 01:00 PM). Applications received after the scheduled date and time for submission of application will be rejected.
After successful payment, take 2 printouts of the application form.
Details and Online Submission of Application
Please visit official website @wbhrb.in for details and online submission of application in the prescribed recruitment form for WBHRB Assistant Superintendent Recruitment 2021. click here to see notification.
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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WBNUJS Recruitment 2021: We inform you that the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences recruiting department issued a notification for Faculty, Guest Faculty and Non Faculty vacancies in Kolkata – West Bengal.
The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (WBNUJS), Kolkatainvites Online/Offline applicationson prescribed format for Academic Faculty Govt Job vacancyposts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor and Administrative vacancy posts etc. on Direct Recruitment 2021 on a regular basis in WBNUJS Kolkata.
WBNUJS Faculty and Officer Recruitment 2021 Vacancies
Faculty Vacancies
Professor (Forensic Science): 01 vacancies in Forensic Science discipline, Pay Scale: Pay Level-14 starting ₹144200/-
Associate Professor: 04 vacancies in various subjects/disciplines, Pay Scale: Pay Level-13 starting ₹131400/-
Assistant Professor: 10 vacancies in various subjects/disciplines, Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 starting ₹57700/-
Research Fellow: 04 vacancies in various subjects/disciplines, Pay: ₹31000/- plus HRA
Adjunct Faculty: open for all in various subjects/disciplines, Honorarium: ₹3000/- per lecture
Guest Faculty: 05 vacancies and open for all in various subjects/disciplines, Pay: ₹35000/- per month consolidated
₹2000 (₹1500/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates) by way of online payment using PayUmoney gateway/by way of Demand Draft in favour of “WBNUJS” payable at Kolkata addressed to the Registrar.
Educational Background:
(शैक्षणिक योग्यता)
Post Name
Ph.D from any of the recognized boards or Universities
Associate Professor
Ph.D from any of the recognized boards or Universities
Assistant Professor
Ph.D from any of the recognized boards or Universities
Research Fellow
M.Sc from any of the recognized boards or Universities
Adjunct Faculty
As Per Norms
Guest Faculty
Masters Degree from any of the recognized boards or Universities
Controller of Examination
Masters Degree from any of the recognized boards or Universities
Search for the Assistant Professor, Guest Faculty, Research Fellow, Professor, Associate Professor, Controller of Examination, Adjunct Faculty Job Notification and click on it
Download and View the WBNUJS Assistant Professor job notification, Eligibility etc.
Kindly visit https://nujs.edu/careers.html for detailed information and application format for Faculty Vacancy Recruitment in WBNUJS Kolkata 2021.
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS), an autonomous body, has been authorized by the IBA and has received mandates from PublicSectorBanks to conduct a common recruitment process (CRP) every year for the recruitment of Clerks Cadre Posts in multiple banks all over the country.
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) will conduct XIth (11th) Online Common Recruitment Process (CRP), Preliminary and Main Examination for the year 2022-23 for recruitment and selection of personnel for Clerical Cadre Govt Job vacancy posts in participating Public Sector Bank or any other Financial Institution tentatively in the month of December 2021 through XIth (11th) CRP for Clerk Vacancy in PSU Banks by IBPS.
IBPS has released detailed notification for IBPS Clerk 2021 exam with the new dates on its portal. The online application process for IBPS Clerk Recruitment 2021 will begin from 7th October 2021.
About IBPS 11th CRP for Clerical Cadre Posts
The XIth (11th) 11 Common Recruitment Process (CRP) Common Written Examination (CWE) (Preliminary and Main) for Recruitment of Clerical Cadre Vacancy in 11 Public Sector Banks will be conducted in the month of August/September 2021 (Prelim) and in October 2021 (Main) through online mode by the IBPS as a per-requisites for selection of personnel for Clerkposts for the vacancies for 2022-23 in the following below listed 11 Public Sector Banks and in any other Bank/ Financial Institution.
On completion of the Main Examination, depending on the state/UT wise vacancies to be filled in during the financial year 2022-23 based on the business needs of the Participating Organizations and as reported to IBPS, candidates shortlisted will be provisionally allotted to one of the Participating Organizations, based on merit-cum-preference keeping in view the spirit of Govt. Guidelines on reservation policy, various guidelines issued by Govt. of India/Others from time to time, administrative exigency, etc.
Online Main Examination – 31/10/2021January/February 2022
Application Fee :
₹850/- (₹175/- for SC/ST/PWD/Ex.SM) (inclusive of GST) to be paid online which can be made by using Debit Cards (RuPay/Visa/MasterCard/Maestro), Credit Cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets by providing information as asked on the screen.
Eligibility Criteria : please read official notification for eligibility criteria details
Qualification :
Candidates having Bachelor degree in any stream OR Equivalent Degree with not less than 60% marks with a recognized University as such by Central Government Of India can apply for this post.
And also candidates should havingComputer Operating and working Knowledge in Computer System is mandatory that means candidates should be having certificate/diploma/degree in Computer Operation/Language and should be studied Computer information Technology as one of the subject in Matriculation/College/Institute.
Age Limit :
Minimum : 20 years & Maximum : 28 years
Age Relaxation- (Upper Age Limit)
SC/ST – 05 years, OBC(Non creamy Layer)- 03 years, PH – 10 years
IBPS 11th Bank Clerical Cadre CRP Examination Structure
The XIth (11th) CRP for Bank Clerical Cadre Vacancy will have an Examination Structure like this in the image below. Online Preliminary Examination will have 3 subjects having 100 questions of English Language, Numerical Ability, and Reasoning Ability with a total of 100 marks of one-hour duration only.
How to Apply for IBPS Xth 11th CRP for Clerical Cadre Posts?
Candidates need to apply Online on the prescribed format at the IBPS website from 12/07/2021 to 01/08/2021 Now Re-Opened from 07/10/2021 to 27/10/2021 only for the 11th CRP for Clerk Vacancy Recruitment in PSU Banks 2022-23.
Please visit https://www.ibps.in for all the details like scheme, syllabus, state-wise vacancies, etc, and online submission of application for IBPS 11th CRP for Clerk Vacancy Recruitment 2022-23.
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site forlatest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), Refineries Division has released an employment notification for the recruitment of 513 Non-Executive personnel Vacancy. Interested and eligible candidates may check details here.
Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) the largest commercial undertaking in India and a Fortune “Global 500” company requires result-oriented experienced personnel with initiative and enterprise for its Refineries / Petrochemical situated at various places in India.
Online Applicationson the prescribed format are invited from bright, young, and energetic persons of Indian Nationality for recruitment of the following various Govt. Job vacancy postsof Experienced Non-Executive Personnel in various refineries of IOCL Refinery Division. Total Vacancy – Non-Executives – 513 Posts (Refineries Division)
Jr. Engineering Assistant-IV – (Instrumentation) / Junior Technical Assistant – IV : 14 posts (Guwahati-02, Gujarat-04, Haldia-02, Mathura-02, Panipat-04)
Jr. Material Assistant-IV / Junior Technical Assistant – IV : 04 posts (Barauni-01, Gujarat-03)
Jr. Nursing Assistant-IV : 01 posts (Barauni-01)
Pay Scale : Rs.25,000-1,05,000/-
Important Dates for IOCL Non Executive Recruitment :
Date Of Opening Of Online Application
: 21-09-2021 (10:00 Hrs.)
Last Date Of Submission Of Online Application
: 12-10-2021 (17:00 Hrs.)
Last Date For PWBD Candidates To Submit Prescribed Proformas For Scribe Thru’ Email {Refer Clause E (7)} :
18-10-2021 (17:00 Hrs.)
Date Of Receipt Of Printout Of Online Application Form Along with Supporting Documents 1. By Ordinary Post 2. At Written Test Venue By Hand
1. By 23-10-2021 2. On 24-10-2021
Tentative Date Of Written Test
Likely Date Of Publication Of Written Test Result (Shortlist For Sppt)
By 11-11-2021
Application Fee
General and OBC candidates are required to pay ₹150/- as an application fee through SBI e-collect only.
Log onto SBI e-collect link, Choose State of Corporate as All India, Type of Corporate as PSU, PSU Name as Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), and Select Payment Category as the concerned Refinery for which candidate has applied for against the relevant post notified for the refinery.
Eligibility Criteria of IOCL Refinery Division Recruitment :-
Age Limit :Minimum 18 years and Maximum age shall be 26 years for General candidates as on 30-09-2021. Age Relaxation :The upper age limit is relaxable :
(i) By 5 years for SC/ST candidates. (ii) By 3 years for OBC/MOBC candidates. (iii) For Persons with benchmark disability (PWBD) by 10 years (upto 15 years for SC/ST and upto 13 years for OBC (NCL) candidates).
Education Qualification : Diploma in Engineering in concern subject. Check details below
Junior Engineering Assistant-IV (Production): 3-years Diploma in Chemical/ Refinery & Petrochemical OR B.Sc in Math, Physics, Chemistry or Industrial Chemistry with 50% marks in aggregate.
Junior Engineering Assistant-IV (P&U): 3-years Diploma in Mechanical or Electrical; And Boiler Competency Certificate.
Junior Engineering Assistant-IV (Electrical): 3-years Diploma in Electrical Engineering with 50% marks in aggregate.
JEA/JTA-IV (Mechanical): 3-years Diploma in Mechanical Engineering with 50% marks in aggregate.
Junior Engineering Assistant-IV (Instrumentation): 3-years Diploma in Instrumentation/ Instrumentation & Electronics/ Instrumentation & Control Engineering with 50% marks in aggregate.
Junior Quality Control Analyst-IV: B.Sc with Physics, Chemistry/ Industrial Chemistry & Mathematics with 50% marks in aggregate.
Junior Engineering Assistant-IV (Fire & Safety): Matric pass with Sub-Officers’ Regular Course from NFSC-Nagpur or equivalent. Having Heavy Vehicle Driving License.
Experience: Minimum one year of post qualification experience for each posts in relevant field/s .
Selection Process of IOCL Non-Executive
The selection methodology will comprise Written Test and a Skill/ Proficiency/ Physical Test (SPPT).
The SPPT will be of qualifying nature. Candidate have to secure at least 40% marks in the written test to qualify for further process of selection. Minimum qualifying marks in the written test may be relaxed by 5% for SC / ST / PwBD categories. Shortlisted candidates, in the ratio of 1:2 (two candidates for one post) will be called to appear in Skill/Proficiency/Physical Test (SPPT).
How to Apply IOCL Panipat Refinery non-Executive Vacancy 2020?
send the filled Application Form to the Given Address.
After successful submission of online Application, the candidates are required to send the following documents to the concerned authority at the Refinery applied for (as mentioned in the table at Clause No. N (7) below) by Ordinary Post so as to reach by 23-10-2021 :
Print out of on-line application form, duly signed
A Color photograph under self-attestation
Self attested copies of the following documents:
Matriculation/Higher Secondary certificate issued by Board of Secondary Education.
Marksheet of Class XII by the concerned education Board / Semester-wise or year-wise mark sheets of ITI (Fitter) issued by NCVT or SCVT/Sub Officer’s Course / Graduation/Diploma in Engineering issued by University/ Institute ( as applicable)
Certificate of Class XII Pass by the concerned education Board /Final ITI (Fitter) issued by NCVT or SCVT/ Sub Officer’s Course/ Graduation/Diploma in Engineering Final/ Provisional Pass Certificate issued by respective University/Institute ( as applicable)
Conversion certificate from CGPA/OGPA/Letter Grade to percentage of marks from concerned University/Institute (if applicable)
SC/ST/ Disability Certificate / OBC (NCL) Certificate along with “Declaration” / EWS-Income & Asset Certificate/ “DECLARATION for ECONOMICALLY WEAKER SECTIONS Candidates”. Certificate must be in the prescribed format (available on website www.iocl.com and www.iocrefrecruit.in ) and issued by the Competent Authority.
Experience Certificate or Copy of Offer Letter, Joining Letter, Pay slips, Increment Letter, relieving letter etc. proving the continuance of experience for the period being claimed. The documents submitted in support of Experience must clearly establish the period of experience as well as the nature of relevant prescribed experience being claimed against the post applied for.
For experiences being claimed under Large Industrial Establishment, wherever prescribed, copy of the relevant page of the last published Balance sheet of the establishment and copy of the work order issued to the agency/contractor along with the page of the balance sheet to be furnished where the candidate is employed, directly or by or through any agency (including a contractor) by a Large Industrial Establishment.
Proof of Qualification (equivalence) / Self Declaration of same area of work experience / Service Certificate/ Discharge Certificate in case of Ex-Servicemen.
Duly completed Proforma of Certificate for employed Officials – to be submitted by candidates belonging to Ex-Servicemen, as applicable {Please refer to Clause No. E (8)}
Duly completed Form of Undertaking to be given by Candidates Applying for Civil Posts under Ex Servicemen Category– to be submitted by candidates belonging to Ex-Servicemen, as applicable {Please refer to Clause No. E (9)}
While sending the printout of the online applications along with specified documents by Ordinary Post, candidates shall ensure that the same are sent to the concerned authority at the Refinery applied for. Postal addresses of the Units are furnished below:
Dy. General Manager (HR), Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Paradip Refinery, At/Po- Jhimani Via – Kujanga, Dist. –Jagatsinghpur – 754141 (Odisha)
The soft copy in scanned PDF format of system generated application in the prescribed format duly completed and signed should be sent on the email id of the concerned Refinery so as to reach by 18/10/2021.
Details and Online Application :
Please visit https://www.iocl.com/latest-job-opening for details and Online submission of the application for IOCL Refinery Division Non-Executive Vacancy Recruitment 2021.
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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SSC Has Start the Recruitment of Phase IX (9th) Selection Vacancy of Technical Operator, Canteen Attendant, and Other Posts by 9 SSC Regions…Get the full info regarding SSC Selection Posts IX 2021 Notification like Name of the Posts, Post wise vacancy, Age Criteria, Qualification, Method of Selection, Salary, etc.
Online applications in the prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates for the following various 3261 Group-B and Group-C Selection Govt Job Vacancy Posts by 9 Regional Offices of Staff Selection Selection (SSC) situated at Kolkata (Eastern Region), Guwahati (North Eastern Region), Raipur (Madhya Pradesh Region), New Delhi (Northern Region), Mumbai (Western Region), Allahabad (Central Region), Bangalore (Karnataka Kerala Region), Chandigarh (North Western Region,), Chennai (Southern Region) for IXth (9th) edition of combined selection posts vacancy recruitment 2021 (Advt. No. Phase-IX/2021/Selection Posts).
*The 9th Selection posts are listed herein alphabetically ordered. Some posts are shown here combined vacancies. The recruitment for these 9th selection posts is to be done by various regional offices of SSC only.
**Please view the detailed advertisement for better information.
***The vacancies have been advertised in the 9th Selection posts by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) as per the Indents submitted by the respective Indenting Departments/ Offices. There may be withdrawal/ alteration of the vacancies by the Indenting Departments/ Offices. Candidates who wish to apply for more than one post should apply separately for each post irrespective of the education level of the post.
Junior Grade of Indian Information Service, Group-B : 40 vacancies in Ministry of Information & Broadcasting (English-17, Hindi-03, Urdu-06, Punjabi-03, Kashmiri-01, Bengali-04, Assamese-01, Oriya-01, Marathi-01, Sindhi-01, Kannada-01, Telugu-01 )
MP Region MPR
Technical Officer (S&R): 01 vacancies
Research Associate (Cultural Anthropology): 02 vacancies
Research Associate (Physical Anthropology Division): 01 vacancies
The application fee for the SSC 9th Selection Posts is ₹100/- to be paid online up to 28/10/2021 through BHIM UPI, Net Banking, by using Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, RuPay Credit or Debit cards or in SBI Branches by generating SBI Challan. No fee for SC/ ST/ PH/ Ex-Servicemen and Women candidates.
Important Dates for SSC Phase 9 Recruitment Post :-
Dates for submission of online applications
24/09/2021 to 25/10/2021
Last date for receipt of application
25-10-2021 Upto 05:00 PM Only
Last date for making online fee payment
28-10-2021 (23.30 PM)
Last date for generation of offline Challan
28-10-2021 (23.30 PM)
Last date for payment through Challan (during working hours of Bank)
Date of Computer Based Examination
January/February 2022
SSC Posts Phase IX Recruitment 2021 – Eligibility Criteria
Age Limit (Minimum Age)-(Maximum Age) :- 18-30 Years Post Wise as on 01/01/2021
Educational Qualification :-
The Educational qualification depends upon the Post you are willing to apply.
Candidates who have passed Graduation/ Higher Secondary (10+2), Matriculation (10th) from a recognized board/ university are eligible to apply for SSC Phase 9 Recruitment 2021.
SSC Selection Posts 2021 Examination Pattern :-
There will be a Computer Based Mode of Examinations consisting of Objective/Multiple Choice Questions for SSC 9th Selection Vacancy posts in January/February 2022 tentatively, separately for each post with minimum Educational Qualification of Matriculation, Higher Secondary, and Graduation.
The computer-based SSC 9th Selection Posts 2021 Vacancy Exam will be held in the month of January/February 2022 tentatively at various test centers across India. The total duration of the exam is 60 minutes (1 hour) and the total marks of the exam are 200. There will be negative marking of 0.50 marks for each wrong answer.
General Intelligence – 25 questions / 50 marks
English Language (Basic Knowledge) – – 25 questions / 50 marks
Candidates will be selected on the basis of merit in the CBT.
The final selection of candidates will be based on the online test followed by a document verification round.
For some posts, a skill test/ computer proficiency test/ typing test will be conducted, which is qualifying nature.
Document Verification :-
If qualified in CBT, and subsequent stages of skill test if any, candidates will be shortlisted for document verification round and issued admit card by the concerned regional office.
Candidates will have to submit a print out of the online application form along with original and self-attested copies of all the documents/certificates such as :
Admit Card
2 Passport-sized photographs
Matriculation/ Secondary Certificate
Proof of minimum educational qualification certificate
Experience certificates
Proof of category [only for candidates of SC / ST / OBC / PH(PwD) / Ex-S categories]
NOC if already employed
How to Apply for SSC IXth 9th Selection Post Recruitment 2021?
Suitable and desirable candidates should apply online in the prescribed format at the SSC Recruitment website at https://ssc.nic.in from 24/09/2029 to 25/10/2021 only for SSC IXth 9th Selection Posts Vacancy Recruitment 2021.
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur (West Bengal) requires (Regular)&(Contractual) Basis Faculty of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor for its various academic units under Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021.
IIT Kharagpur invitesOnline applications in the prescribed format from Indian Nationals belonging to SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PwD category, NRI and OCI possessing excellent academic backgrounds, commitment to top quality teaching and proven credentials for carrying out outstanding research and development for various teaching Departments/ Centres/ Schools at the level of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor under Govt Job Faculty vacancy (Advertisement No.: R/12-13/2021).
IIT Kharagpur Faculty Recruitment 2021 Vacancies
Special Faculty Recruitment Drive for SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PWD candidates (Advt. No. R/12/2021)
Professor in Pay Level-14A ₹159100-220200
Associate Professor in Pay Level-13A2 ₹139600-211300
Assistant Professor Grade-I in Pay Level-12 ₹101500-167400
Special Faculty Recruitment (Advt. No. R/13/2021)
Professor in Pay Level-14A ₹159100-220200
Associate Professor in Pay Level-13A2 ₹139600-211300
Assistant Professor Grade-I in Pay Level-12 ₹101500-167400
Assistant Professor Grade-II in Pay Level-10 ₹57700-177700 with basic pay of ₹70900 or ₹84800 in Pay Level-11 and upon experience will mode to Pay Level-12 with minimum basic pay of ₹101500
The IITkgp faculty recruitment is for the following sections:
Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
Department of Mining Engineering
Department of Ocean Engineering & Naval Architecture
Electrical & Computer Sciences Division:
Department of Electrical Engineering
Department of Electronics & Electrical Communication Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Centre of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence
Chemical Sciences Division:
Department of Chemical Engineering
Rubber Technology Centre
Architecture, Design & Planning Division:
1) Department of Architecture & Regional Planning
Department of Physics
Department of Chemistry
Department of Mathematics
Department of Geology & Geophysics
Department of Humanities & Social Sciences
Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering
Materials Science Centre
Cryogenic Engineering Centre
Centre of Excellence on Safety Engineering & Analytics {COE-SEA)
Centre of Excellence for Indian Knowledge Systems
1) Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law
1) Vinod Gupta School of Management
Age Details : Candidates age limit should be less then 35 years.
Ph.D with First Class or Equivalent in relevant discipline with good academic record.
Experience required for the post
A minimum of 10 years teaching/research / industrial experience of which at least 4 years should be at the level of Associate Professor in 11Ts, IISc Bangalore, 11Ms, NITIE Mumbai, and IISERs or at an equivalent level in any such other Indian or foreign Institution(s) of com arable standards.
Associate Professor
A minimum of 6 years teaching / research / industrial experience, of which at least 3 years should be at the level of Assistant Professor or equivalent positions in 11Ts, IISc Bangalore, 11Ms, NITIE Mumbai and IISERs or in any such other Indian or foreign Institution(s) of comparable standards.
Assistant Professor Grade I
At least 3 years teaching/research / industrial experience, excluding, however, the experience gained while pursuing Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Grade 11
Candidates with less than 3 years’ experience may be appointed on a contractual basis as Assistant Professor Grade Il. At the entry-level, they may be placed in Level 10 of Pay Matrix with basic pay of Rs. 70,900 or Rs. 84,800 in Level 11 of Pay Matrix depending upon the experience and shall move to level 12 of Pay Matrix with minimum basic pay of Rs. 1,01,500 on completion of 3 years of requisite experience and on assessment of satisfactory performance.
[ * ] Foreign Nationals (other than OCIs and PIOs) are encouraged to apply for faculty positions for fixed tenure not exceeding five years on a contract basis subject to clearance from the Government of India (Gol).
Selection Procedure : Interview
1. The applications are considered by the respective Departments/Centres/Schools.
2. Based upon the short-listing criteria, Professional experience, publications, in high impact factor journals, Sponsored research activities, area of research, recommendations of the Departments/Centres/Schools and feedback from reviewers etc, the applications are short-listed.
3. The short-listed candidates are then called for Seminar presentation in the respective Department/Centre/School and appearing before a Selection Committee for interview.
4. Short-listed candidates residing outside India may give the seminar as well interview through video-conferencing.
5. If selected, an offer is sent to the candidate from the Director/Registrar of the Institute.
How to Apply for IIT Kharagpur Faculty Recruitment 2021?
Desired Candidates having requisite qualifications & experience are required to apply online in the prescribed format at the IIT Kharagpur Recruitment website on or before 04/10/2021 only. (The last date to apply online for a special recruitment drive for SC/ST/OBC is 30/09/2021 only).
For all communications/enquiry regarding the candidate’s suitability, availability of research facilities, teaching expected, laboratory space, etc. the concerned Head of the Department/Centre/School may be directly contacted by the candidate. Their address, phone numbers and email are available on Institute webpage.
2. If a candidate is called for interview and appears for interview at IIT Kharagpur, the Institute pays for the travel from within India only, as per institute norms.
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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GRSE Apprentices/HR Trainee Recruitment 2021: 262 Posts | Last Date: 01 October 2021 | Applications via online mode only will be accepted.
GRSE Apprentice Recruitment 2021: Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Limited (GRSE), Kolkata invites Online Applications for engagement of 256 Apprentices under the Apprentices Act, 1961 as amended from time to time and 06 HR Trainees for the year 2021-22. The employment details about the posts, age limit, educational qualification, experience and other conditions are given below. Candidates are requested to go through the details and ensure that they fulfill the minimum prescribed criteria before applying.
Starting Date for Submission of Online Application :11.09.2021
Last Date For Submission Of Online Application : 01.10.2021
Age Limit : (as on 01.09.2021)
✔️ 14 to 25 years for Trade Apprentice (Ex-ITI), 14 to 20 years for Trade Apprentice (Fresher), 14 to 26 years for Graduate Apprentice / Technician Apprentice. ✔️ Age relaxation applicable for SC/ST/OBC/PH candidates).
✔️ Trade Apprentice (Ex-ITI): Passed AITT (CTS) and acquired NTC issued by NCVT in respective trades. ✔️ Trade Apprentice (Fresher): Class Xth Standard / 10th Class / Matriculation examination. ✔️ Graduate Apprentice: Degree in Engineering in respective discipline. ✔️ Technician Apprentice: Diploma in Engineering in respective discipline. ✔️ HR Trainee: Full time Graduate degree and 02 years full time First class or 60% marks (55% for SC / ST / OBC / PH candidates) in MBA / PG Degree / PG Diploma or equivalent in HR Management / HR Development/ Personnel Management / Industrial Relations / Social Work / Labour Welfare.
For apprentice, Merit List based on marks scored in the Qualifying Examination in each trade / discipline i.e. AITT under CTS for Trade Apprentice (Ex-ITI), Degree in Engineering examination for Graduate Apprentice and Diploma in Engineering examination for Technician Apprentice.
Common Merit List based on marks scored in class 10th standard / Madhyamik or equivalent examination will be prepared for selection of Trade Apprentices (Fresher). Allotment of trade will be made after joining in order of merit and availability of seats.
For HR Trainee, Shortlisting of candidates will based on overall marks scored in Essential Educational Qualification examination mentioned above. Shortlisted candidates after document verification will appear for interview. Final selection will be based on performance (marks obtained) in the interview only.
Eligible Interested candidates should apply online through GRSE Job Apply Portal . Applicants are advised to keep ready valid e-mail ID, mobile number and scan copy of his / her Passport size colour photograph (max. 100 KB size) before start filling the online application. The email ID and Mobile number provided in online application should remain valid for at least one year.
If you are new user, you have to make registration otherwise you may login to your account then start to apply.
Enter your details correctly.
Finally click submit button and take the print of the application form
Details and Online Application Format
For Online Application Form details and instructions etc. please visit Official website @grse.in for Apprentice and Trainee Posts GRSE Recruitment 2021 . The last date for submission of online application is 01/10/2021. Also check Important Direct Links Here.
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***
Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited (BHEL) has released short notification in Employment News (04-10 September 2021) for the 22 posts of Engineers and Supervisors. Check all details here.
The Power Sector Eastern Region of Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) at Kolkata invite online application in the prescribed format is looking for experienced Engineers and SupervisorsGovt Job vacancy in Civil Engineering discipline to be engaged purely on a Fixed Tenure Appointment basis for a period of 02 (Two) years at their Project Sites in India (Advertisement No. PSER-01/2021).
Engineer (FTA-Civil): 07 vacancies, Age: 34 years, Qualification: Full-Time Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering/ Technology in Civil Engineering, Experience: 02 years post qualification experience, Remuneration: ₹71040/- per month consolidated
Supervisor (FTA-Civil): 15 vacancies, Age: 34 years, Qualification: Full-Time Diploma in Engineering/ Technology in Civil Engineering, Experience: 02 years post qualification experience, Remuneration: ₹39670/- per month consolidated
Application Fee
₹200/- (No fee for SC/ST/PWD candidates of Uttarakhand) through SBI Collect or by means of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of BHEL, PSER payable at Kolkata.
Important Dates :
Beginning of online submission of applications: September 4
Date for closing of online submission of applications: September 24
Last date for receipt of filled-in and signed application forms at BHEL, PSER, Kolkata: October 1
Last date for receipt of filled in and signed application forms at BHEL, PSER, Kolkata from far flung areas: October 8
Educational Qualification Details :
Engineer (FTA-Civil): Full-Time Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering/Technology in Civil Engineering or 5 Year Integrated Master’s degree or Dual Degree Programme in Engineering / Technology in Civil Engineering from recognized Indian University/Institute with minimum 60% marks in aggregate for General / OBC/EWS and 50% marks in aggregate for SC/ST candidates.
Supervisor (FTA-Civil): Full-Time Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized Indian University / Institute with minimum 60% marks in aggregate for General / OBC/ EWS and 50% marks in aggregate for SC/ST candidates.
The printout of the system generated application along with supporting documents and application fee should be sent on or before 0110/2021 (the last date is 08/10/2021 for the candidates from far-flung areas) to Sr. Deputy General Manager (HR) BHEL, Power Sector Eastern Region, BHEL Bhawan, Plot No. DJ- 9/1, Sector-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata – 700091
Fill all the details and send the form, photograph to be pasted with Demand Draft or SB Collect payment acknowledgment printout (as the case may be) and requisite documents to the address given on notification.
Kindly visit the official website @careers.bhel.in for detailed information, syllabus, and online submission of application for Civil Engineering Professionals Recruitment in BHEL Kolkata 2021.
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
****All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website****
Jadavpur University Recruitment 2021: Apply for 28 Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor Posts
The Jadavpur University, Kolkata (West Bengal) invites applications from Indian Nationals in the prescribed form for the following Faculty Govt Job vacancy posts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professors in Chemistry and Geological Science disciplines. (Employment Notification No. :(A2/C/5/2021).
Faculty Jadavpur University Recruitment 2021 Vacancies
Professor : 04 vacancies, Pay Scale: Pay Level-14 ₹144200-218200
Please pay the application fee of ₹500/- following the payment link given (US $50.00 or equivalent Rupee for Indian citizen staying outside in D.D.) for making payment and take print out of the receipt of payment / challan obtained. For making online payments :- (a) Net banking, (b) Debit / Credit / Rupay card, (c) Challan (for making cash payment at SBI branches) options will be available. Use anyone of the options for making payment.
How to Apply for Jadavpur University Faculty Recruitment 2021?
The application in prescribed format for Chemistry and Geological Science Faculty Vacancy Recruitment in Jadavpur University 2021 is to be submitted preferably by registered post through Offline (By Postal) mode from 25/08/2021 to the “Registrar, Jadavpur University, Aurobindo Bhavan, 188, Raja S.C. Mallick Road, Jadavpur, Kolkata – 700032” on or before 10/09/2021.
Search for the Notification of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor Jobs and click on it.
Alternatively, download the official notification and application form from the link provided at the end.
Read the official notifications carefully and verify your eligibility criteria.
Take a Printout of official Application Form and other necessary documents required.
Fill the required details correctly.
Enclose (Attach) all the necessary documents required and attest by self signature.
Finally, verify the registered details are correct and accurate, and then submit.
Next, make the payment as per the notified mode, if Jadavpur University, Kolkata asks. Else, move for next step.
Take photo copy of your application and cover it.
Finally, send the application form to the notified postal address mentioned in notification by post so as to reach the notified address before 10.09.2021. Envelope must be superscribed with APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF …
Details and Application format
Please visit Recruitment Tab at the website of the Jadavpur University, Kolkata at http://www.jaduniv.edu.in for complete details and application format for Chemistry and Geological Science Faculty Vacancy Recruitment in Jadavpur University 2021. also download qualifications details here .
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs..
****All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website****