Citizencredit Co-operative Bank Ltd has invited online applications for Probationary Officer and Probationary Associate posts.
Citizencredit Co-operative Bank Ltd has released the CCBL Probationary Officer & Probationary Associate Recruitment 2022 notification on 19/07/2022. Notification is out to fill Probationary Officers & Probationary Associates Vacancies in the Citizencredit Co-operative Bank Ltd., Mumbai, Pune, Nashik, Goa. Interested and Eligible candidates can go through the eligibility criteria and apply online from 19/07/2022 to 02/08/2022. The online application link and eligibility details for the above posts are given in the below content. For more details go through the complete notification given below.
The candidates should have completed their graduates in any discipline with at least 65% marks or those having Professional Qualifications like CA, CS, ICWA, CFA, MBA, LLM, MTech, etc. from a recognized University or Institution will be preferred & they should have knowledge of computer operation is essential.
Probationary Associates
The candidates should have graduated in any discipline from a recognized university and knowledge of computer operation is essential.Proficient in reading, writing, and speaking in Marathi, Hindi, and English Language.
Age Limit
Candidates can check the age limit (As on 30th June 2022) for the post of Probationary Officer and Probationary Associates in the given table.
Check the eligibility from the official notification
Click on the Apply Online Link given below
Fill out the application form
Upload the required documents
Pay Fees
Print the application Form
Details and Application Format
For further details and the online application format for CCBL Recruitment 2022 Notification for PO & Probationary Associate, please visit Official website:
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Indian Navy has released a notification for 127 Pharmacists, Fireman & Pest Control Posts. candidates interested in the following Indian Navy job vacancies can check the education qualification, salary, age limit, application fee, last date to apply and more.
Indian Navy has released the Official Notification for the Western Naval Command which invites offline applications from interested and eligible candidates for the Pharmacist, Fireman and Pest Control Worker Group C posts. The application needs to be submitted in offline mode on or before June 26, 2022. Through this recruitment drive, a total of 127 pots will be filled by Indian Navy.
Indian Navy Vacancy 2022 Details
Post Name
No. of Vacancies
Place of Posting
Mumbai/ Goa/ Karwar/ Lonavala
Pest Control Worker (Erstwhile Begary)
Mumbai/ Goa/ Lonavala
Indian Navy Pay/Salary details for various Posts:
Post Name
Level of Pay Matrix
Level 5 Pay Matrix [29,200-92,300]
Level 2 Pay matrix [19,900-69,200]
Pest Control Worker
Level 1 Pay Matrix [18000-56,900]
Important Dates
Starting Date to Application Process
27th April 2022
Last Date to Application Process
26th June 2022
Application Fee:
No application Fees
Eligibility Criteria for Indian Navy Pharmacists & Other Posts 2022
Posts Educational Qualification:
Pharmacist posts: Candidates should have passed class 10th Passfrom a recognized board.
Pest Control Worker (Erstwhile Begary): 10th passed from a recognized Board; Ability to read, speak Hindi/Regional Language.
Fireman Posts: Candidates should have passed matric from a recognized Board.
Standard for Physical Fitness:-
Height without shoes 165 cms provided that a concession of 2.5 cms height shall be allowed for members of the IST.
Chest (Unexpanded)- 81.5 CMs
Chest (On Expanded) – 85 cms
Weight – 50 Kgs (minimum)
Age Limit:
Maximum Age Limit: 56 Years
Indian Navy Recruitment Selection Process:
Shortlisting of Candidates based on the 12th Marks
Official notice reads, ” The application should be in plain paper (A4 size) either neatly handwritten or typed as per the prescribed format, affixed with latest passport size color photograph duly self attested. The envelop must be clearly super scribed on the top as Application for the post pf (name of post) by transfer to following address. Those who are applying for more than one post should send separate applications in separate cover, otherwise applications will be rejected.”
Please have the correct email Id and mobile number for communication purposes and keep the documents ready like ID proof, age, educational qualification, recent Photograph, resume, experience, etc.
Pay the Application Fee as per your Category. (If applicable only).
After completing all the information, cross verify provided details are correct.
At last, send the application form to the below-mentioned address:-
Postal Address:
Flag Officer Commanding in Chief, (for SO CP), Headquarters Western Naval Command, Ballad Pier, Near Tiger Gate, Mumbai – 400001 (in the prescribed manner, through- Register post, Speed post, or any other service) on or before (26th June 2022).
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS), an autonomous body, has been authorized by the IBA and has received mandates from PublicSectorBanks to conduct a common recruitment process (CRP) every year for the recruitment of Clerks Cadre Posts in multiple banks all over the country.
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) will conduct XIth (11th) Online Common Recruitment Process (CRP), Preliminary and Main Examination for the year 2022-23 for recruitment and selection of personnel for Clerical Cadre Govt Job vacancy posts in participating Public Sector Bank or any other Financial Institution tentatively in the month of December 2021 through XIth (11th) CRP for Clerk Vacancy in PSU Banks by IBPS.
IBPS has released detailed notification for IBPS Clerk 2021 exam with the new dates on its portal. The online application process for IBPS Clerk Recruitment 2021 will begin from 7th October 2021.
About IBPS 11th CRP for Clerical Cadre Posts
The XIth (11th) 11 Common Recruitment Process (CRP) Common Written Examination (CWE) (Preliminary and Main) for Recruitment of Clerical Cadre Vacancy in 11 Public Sector Banks will be conducted in the month of August/September 2021 (Prelim) and in October 2021 (Main) through online mode by the IBPS as a per-requisites for selection of personnel for Clerkposts for the vacancies for 2022-23 in the following below listed 11 Public Sector Banks and in any other Bank/ Financial Institution.
On completion of the Main Examination, depending on the state/UT wise vacancies to be filled in during the financial year 2022-23 based on the business needs of the Participating Organizations and as reported to IBPS, candidates shortlisted will be provisionally allotted to one of the Participating Organizations, based on merit-cum-preference keeping in view the spirit of Govt. Guidelines on reservation policy, various guidelines issued by Govt. of India/Others from time to time, administrative exigency, etc.
Online Main Examination – 31/10/2021January/February 2022
Application Fee :
₹850/- (₹175/- for SC/ST/PWD/Ex.SM) (inclusive of GST) to be paid online which can be made by using Debit Cards (RuPay/Visa/MasterCard/Maestro), Credit Cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets by providing information as asked on the screen.
Eligibility Criteria : please read official notification for eligibility criteria details
Qualification :
Candidates having Bachelor degree in any stream OR Equivalent Degree with not less than 60% marks with a recognized University as such by Central Government Of India can apply for this post.
And also candidates should havingComputer Operating and working Knowledge in Computer System is mandatory that means candidates should be having certificate/diploma/degree in Computer Operation/Language and should be studied Computer information Technology as one of the subject in Matriculation/College/Institute.
Age Limit :
Minimum : 20 years & Maximum : 28 years
Age Relaxation- (Upper Age Limit)
SC/ST – 05 years, OBC(Non creamy Layer)- 03 years, PH – 10 years
IBPS 11th Bank Clerical Cadre CRP Examination Structure
The XIth (11th) CRP for Bank Clerical Cadre Vacancy will have an Examination Structure like this in the image below. Online Preliminary Examination will have 3 subjects having 100 questions of English Language, Numerical Ability, and Reasoning Ability with a total of 100 marks of one-hour duration only.
How to Apply for IBPS Xth 11th CRP for Clerical Cadre Posts?
Candidates need to apply Online on the prescribed format at the IBPS website from 12/07/2021 to 01/08/2021 Now Re-Opened from 07/10/2021 to 27/10/2021 only for the 11th CRP for Clerk Vacancy Recruitment in PSU Banks 2022-23.
Please visit for all the details like scheme, syllabus, state-wise vacancies, etc, and online submission of application for IBPS 11th CRP for Clerk Vacancy Recruitment 2022-23. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site forlatest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Goa Police Department has announced New 55 vacancies for the post of Police Constable Drivers (Grade III). Salary up to Rs 63000 – Check eligibility, last date. Interested candidates can refer to the table illustrated below for more information.
Office of the Director General Police, Goa has invited Offline Applications in prescribed form from eligible & interested candidates (male only) for filling up Police Constable Drivers (Grade III) posts. As per the recruitment notification released on 21st September 2021 (Advertisement No. 02 Year 2021). Job Location is in Goa.
Goa Police Recruitment 2021 – Vacancy Details
The vacancy details for the post of constable police driver (category-wise) are as follows:-
S No.
Out of 55 vacancies, 03 vacancies are reserved for Ex-servicemen and 5 vacancies are reserved for sportsperson.
Goa Police Recruitment 2021 – Salary Details
Candidates who have been selected on the basis of merit list will undergo prescribed training for a specific period and the salary will be 19900 Rs – 63200 Rs. [Pay Matrix Level 2].
Goa Police Recruitment 2021 – Important Dates
Starting Date For Submission Of Application : 21 September 2021
Last Date For Submission Of Application : 21 October 2021
Goa Police Recruitment 2021 – Application Fee
The application fee is ₹200 for the General category. For SC/ST/OBC/Ex-Serviceman and EWS category, the application fee is ₹100.
Persons who have represented their university in the Inter-University Tournaments conducted by the Inter-University Sports Board.
Persons who have represented the State School Teams in the National Sports/Games for School conducted by the All India Schools Games Federation in any of Games/Sports prescribed in the advertisement.
The minimum passing marks for the written exam is 35%.
How to Apply for the Goa Police Recruitment 2021?
Eligible candidates Applying Offline for Goa Police Recruitment must read all the details before filling the application form through the Goa Police Official Website from 21st September 2021 to 21stOctober 2021.
Application Forms, completed in all respects along with the Application fee, can be submitted at the counter opened to accept the application forms at the postal Address “Office of the Director General of Police, Police Headquarters, Panaji, Goa – 403001. India between 10 am and 5 pm on all days except Sunday on or before October 21, 2021.
Fill all the basic details (Education, contact details) for requirement of 2021 Goa Police Constable Driver vacancy, mentioned in the application form (Page 5) before the last date.
Pay the fee online / Offline & Upload documents Photo, Signature, and Finalize & Confirm Government of Goa Police Constable Driver Application process.
Prescribed applicable forms are also available at Administrative Block, GRP Camp, Altinho, Panaji-Goa, Porvorim Police Station, Mapusa Police Station, Pernem Police Station, Bicholim Police Station, Valpoi Police Station, Collem Police Station, Ponda Police Station, Sanguem Police Station, Curchorem Police Station, Quepem Police Station, Canacona Police Station, Margao Town Police Station and Vasco Police Station. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***
Junior Secretariat Assistant Vacancy Recruitment in National Institute of Oceanography (NIO) under the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)
The National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), CSIR NIO is looking for young and dynamic personnel for the following Govt Job Vacancy technical positions of Junior Secretariat Assistant in different disciplines. Online application in the prescribed format is invited for these Junior Secretariat Assistant vacancies in NIO Goa. (Advertisement No. REC-01/2021).
The National Institute of Oceanography (NIO) with its headquarters at Dona Paula, Goa, and regional centers at Kochi, Mumbai and Visakhapatnam, is one of the 37 constituent laboratories of the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi. CSIR-NIO was established on 1 January 1966 following the International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE) in the 1960s. The institute has since grown into a multi-disciplinary oceanographic research institute of international repute. The principal focus of research has been on observing and understanding special oceanographic characteristics of the Indian Ocean. The institute has a sanctioned strength of 200 scientists and 100 technical support staff. The major research areas include the four traditional branches of oceanography – biological, chemical, geological/geophysical, and physical – as well as ocean engineering, marine instrumentation and marine archaeology.
Junior Secretariat Assistant (General): 07 vacancies (UR-04, OBC-02, ST-01), Pay Scale: Pay Level-2 of 7th CPC ₹19900-63200, Age: 28 years as on 13/09/2021 (relaxation in age as per rules)
Junior Secretariat Assistant (Finance & Accounts): 03 vacancies (UR-02, OBC-01), Pay Scale: Pay Level-2 of 7th CPC ₹19900-63200, Age: 28 years as on 13/09/2021 (relaxation in age as per rules)
Junior Secretariat Assistant (Stores & Purchase): 05 vacancies (UR-03, OBC-02), Pay Scale: Pay Level-2 of 7th CPC ₹19900-63200, Age: 28 years as on 13/09/2021 (relaxation in age as per rules)
Application Fee :
₹100 to be paid online. SC/ST/PWD/Women/CSIR Employees/Abroad Candidates category are exempted from submission of application fee.
Age Limit :
Maximum 28 years as on last date of receipt of application.
Selection Process :
Written Test. Typing Test on Computer.
Job Summary :
Name Of The Posts
Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA) posts at NIO
National Institute of Oceanography (NIO)
Educational Qualification
Passed 10+2/XII Standard/PUC or equivalent with Accountancy as a subject, and proficiency in Type Writing Test at the speed of 35 w.p.m in English (or) 30 Hindi wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs..
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