Category Archives: State Govt Job

NPCIL Recruitment 2021-Apply Online

NPCIL Recruitment 2021-Apply Online

NPCIL Recruitment 2021 : For 72 Stipendiary Trainee, Assistant & Other Posts. All the details related like Notification, Eligibility, Qualification, Age Limit, Salary, Important Dates, Application Fees, How to Apply etc. are given below

Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) has released an official notification against (NAPS/ HRM/ 01/2021) inviting online applications from interested and eligible candidates for the various posts of Nurse, Stipendiary Trainee, Scientific Assistant, Pharmacist B, Operation Theatre Assistant, Operator, Maintainer, Assistant Grade 1 and Steno Grade 1 for Narora Atomic Power Station Unit, Narora (Uttar Pradesh). The submission of online applications has been started and the last date to apply online for NPCIL Recruitment 2021 is 27th December 2021.

Post Details & Qualification

Post NameVacancyQualificationAge
Nurse-A5GNM/ B.Sc Nursing18-30
Stipendary Trainee/ Scientific Assistant9Engg. Diploma in related field18-25
Pharmacist B1Diploma in Pharmacy18-25
OT Assistant1OT Assistant Course18-25
Stipendiary Trainee Operator1812th (Science)18-24
Stipendiary Trainee Maintainer2412th (Science)/ ITI18-24
Assistant Grade-I (HR)4Graduate + Typing + Computer21-28
Assistant Grade-I (F&A)3Graduate + Typing + Computer21-28
Assistant Grade-I (C&MM)5Graduate + Typing + Computer21-28
Steno Grade-I2Graduate + Steno + Typing + Computer21-28

NPCIL Salary

  • Nurse – Rs. 44,900/-
  • Stipendiary Trainee/ Scientific Assistant – During 1st year of training, a stipend of Rs. 16000/-Per Month and Rs. 18000/- Per Month for 2nd year.
  • Pharmacist – Rs. 29,200/-
  • Operation Theatre Assistant – Rs. 21,700/-
  • Stipendiary Trainee- During 1st year of training, a stipend of Rs. 10500/-Per Month and Rs. 12500/- Per Month for 2nd year.
  • Assistant Gr 1 – Rs. 25,500/-
  • Steno Gr 1 – Rs. 25,500/-

Important Dates

  • Apply Start3.12.2021
  • Apply Last Date27.12.2021
  • Exam DateNotify Later

Selection Process

The Selection Process of NPCIL Vacancy 2021 includes the following Stages:

How to apply for NPCIL Recruitment 2021?

  1. Visit the official website of NPCIL
  2. Click on the highlight ‘Recruitment for trade apprentice posts at site’ on the right side of the home page.
  3. Then click on the tab ‘Apply’ on the new page which appears
  4. Go to the heading ‘Login’ in the Apply section.
  5. Register Yourself and Enter your Details then submit
  6. Take a printout of your application form for NPCIL Recruitment 2021 for future reference.

Detailed information and submission of application

Apply online from the website for Various Posts in NPCIL Recruitment 2021. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***

OPaL Executive Vacancy Recruitment 2021- Apply Now

OPaL Executive Vacancy Recruitment 2021- Apply Now

OPaL Recruitment 2021– OPAL latest vacancy notification, they are announced 13 vacancies in following functions such as Marketing, Material Management, Information Technology & Company Secretary. For More Details aspirants need to read this article.

ONGC Petro additions Limited (OPaL) is a multi-billion joint venture company promoted by Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) and co-promoted by GAIL and GSPC at Vadodara (Gujarat). OPaL is looking for competent personnel at Executive cadre, having a proven track record in Petrochemicals or related industry for various roles in the ONGC Petro additions vacancy in various Technical/Support functions for the year 2021. Applications through Online mode will be accepted.

OPaL Executive Function Vacancies

  • Marketing: 09 vacancies
  • Material Management: 01 vacancies
  • Information Technology: 02 vacancies
  • Company Secretary: 01 vacancies

Selected candidates will be offered an attractive remuneration on a CTC basis. In addition to CTC, the company (OPaL) also offers Mediclaim and Group Insurance benefits.

OPaL Executive Vacancy Recruitment 2021

Important Dates

Online Application Available from : 20.11.2021

Last Date to Submit the online Application : 12.12.2021

Educational Qualification & Age Limit

  • Check advertisement for educational qualification & age details.

Selection Process

  • Mode of selection may be based on test/ interview.

How to Apply for OPaL Executive Vacancy 2021? 

Apply Online in the prescribed format at the OPaL website from 22/11/2021 to 12/12/2021 only for OPaL Executive Vacancies Recruitment 2021.

Steps To Apply

Details and Application Format

Please visit the Career section at for more information and apply online for OPaL Executive Vacancies Recruitment 2021. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

 ***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


BVFCL Executive Job Vacancy Recruitment 2021- Apply Now

Executive category Job Vacancy Recruitment in BVFCL Brahmaputra Valley Fertilizer Corporation Limited, Dibrugarh. The last date for submitting the Application Form for Deputy General Manager, Accounts Officer it is 06-Dec-2021

The Namrup Fertilizer Complex was renamed as Brahmaputra Valley Fertilizer Corporation Limited after bi-furcation from Hindustan Fertilizer Corporation Limited from 01/04/02. It is located on the bank of dilli river in the south-western border of Dibrugarh District in Assam.

Applications are invited in the prescribed format by the Brahmaputra Valley Fertilizer Corporation Limited (BVFCL) for recruitment of the following various Government Job vacancies in the Executive category. (Advertisement no. HR/11/2021/1).

BVFCL Executive Cadre Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  1. Dy. General Manager (HR): 01 posts, Age: 53 years, Pay Scale: E-7 ₹43200-66000/-
  2. Dy. General Manager (Finance): 01 posts, Age: 53 years, Pay Scale: E-7 ₹43200-66000/-
  3. Company Secretary: 01 posts, Age: 45 years, Pay Scale: E-2 ₹20600-46500/-
  4. Finance Manager: 01 posts, Age: 51 years, Pay Scale: E-5 ₹32900-58000/-
  5. Dy. Finance Manager: 01 posts, Age: 51 years, Pay Scale: E-4 ₹29100-54500/-
  6. Accounts Officer Grade-I: 02 posts, Age: 45 years, Pay Scale: E-2 ₹20600-46500/-
  7. Accounts Officer Grade-II: 04 posts, Age: 40 years, Pay Scale: E-1 ₹16400-40500/-

Application Fee 

The application fees of ₹800/- shall be charged from the General/OBC category and ₹400/- from SC/ST/PWD/Women category through online mode only

BVFCL Executive Job Vacancy Recruitment 2021

Qualification for BVFCL Vacancies 2021

The details of education background or qualification and required Experienced for the post of Deputy General Manager, Accounts Officer in Brahmaputra Valley Fertilizer Corporation Limited given in the below.

Name of the PostsQualification
Deputy General Manager (HR)Diploma/ Degree/ MBA,
Deputy General Manager (Finance)Graduation with CA/ I.C.W.A
Company SecretaryGraduation
Finance Manager Graduation with CA/ I.C.W.A
Deputy Finance Manager Graduation with CA/ I.C.W.A
Accounts Officer Gr-I Graduation with CA/ I.C.W.A
Accounts Officer Gr-II Graduation with CA/ I.C.W.A

Experience Details:

  • Candidate Should have Minimum l6 Years post professional qualification Executive Experience  in Personnel & Administration Department of a PSU and Private sector organization
  • Candidate Should have 5 Years Experience in a Senior Managerial position

Age Limit :

Candidate age for BVFCL Deputy General Manager, Accounts Officer Recruitment 2021 should between 40 -53 year old.

Age limit relaxation should be applicable as per government rules for reserve categories.

View – Government Jobs in Public Sector Undertaking (PSU)

How to Apply for BVFCL Scientist Vacancy Recruitment 2021? 

Application duly complete in all respects super scribing on the envelope “Application for the post _____” (name of the post) should be sent so as to reach The Manager (HR), BVFCL, Namrup, P.O. Parbatpur, District Dibrugarh, Assam, Pin-786263 within on or before 06/12/2021 for BVFCL Executive Job Vacancy Recruitment 2021.

Steps To Apply

Details and online submission of application 

Please visit for all the details and application format for BVFCL Executive Job Vacancy Recruitment 2021. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

 ***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment boxIf candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


NFL RFCL Management Trainees Vacancy Recruitment 2021 – Apply Now

RFCL NFL Recruitment 2021 Out – Salary up to Rs. 1, 40,000 | Arts/ Science/ Commerce/Law/ Engineer can Apply. Before applying, candidates are advised to go through the requirements of essential qualification, age etc. Last date of submission of online application, unless change in date is notified is 23.11.2021.

National Fertilizers Limited (NFL) is a Mini-Ratna, premier profit-making Central Public Sector Undertaking engaged in manufacturing and marketing of fertilizers. Ramagundam Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited (RFCL) is a Joint Venture Company formed by National Fertilizers Limited (NFL), Engineers India Limited (EIL), and Fertilizer Corporation of India Limited (FCIL). NFL and RFCL provide excellent career growth opportunities for Engineering Professionals.

Online application in the prescribed format invited from energetic young qualified Indian Nationals for Ramagundam Plant, Telangana of National Fertilizers Limited (NFL) and Ramagundam Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited (RFCL) for Recruitment of Executive level Government Job vacancies of Management Trainees (MT) executive levels in various disciplines to be posted at their Hq. and offices Pan India.  (Advertisement No.: 082021)

NFL Management Trainee Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  1. Management Trainee (Marketing): 12 vacancies (UR-05, EWS-01, OBC-03, SC-02, ST-01)
  2. Management Trainee (HR): 12 vacancies (UR-05, EWS-01, OBC-04, SC-02)
  3. Pay Scale: E-1 Grade ₹40000-140000

RFCL Management Trainee Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  1. Management Trainee (Chemical): 02 vacancies (UR-01, OBC-01)
  2. Management Trainee (Chemical Lab): 02 vacancies (UR-02)
  3. Management Trainee (HR): 01 vacancies (UR-01)
  4. Management Trainee (Welfare): 01 vacancies (UR-01)
  5. Pay Scale: E-1 Grade ₹40000-140000

Application Fee

candidates are required to pay Non – refundable ₹700/- to be paid through internet banking/ credit/ debit card.

No fee for SC/ST/PWD/ category candidates for Recruitment of Manager (Finance) Vacancy in RCFL 2021.

NFL RFCL Management Trainees Vacancy Recruitment 2021

RFCL NFL Recruitment 2021 Eligibility Criteria:

Management Trainee (Chemical) Full time regular Engineering Degree (B.Tech./B.E./B.Sc. Engg.) in Chemical Engineering or Chemical Technology from recognized Institute with minimum 60% marks with AMIE in Chemical Engineering.

Management Trainee (Chemical Lab) – Full time regular M.Sc (Chemistry) with minimum 60% marks.

Management Trainee (HR) – Minimum 60% marks in 02 years full time MBA/PG Degree or Diploma, from Universities/ Institutes recognized by UGC/AICTE, with specialization in Personnel Management & Industrial Relations / Human Resource Management/ HR.

Management Trainee (Welfare) – Full time regular Degree in Arts/ Science/ Commerce or in Law of any University with a Full time regular Post Graduate Degree or Diploma with minimum 60% marks.

RFCL NFL Recruitment 2021 Age Limit:

Candidates do not exceeding Minimum Age Limit of 18 years to Maximum Age Limit of 27/29 years of age as on Cut Off Date.

Note: the cut-off date for determining eligibility criteria in respect of age, minimum educational qualification, Experience etc. shall be 30.09.2021 and will remain unchanged irrespective of any reason whatsoever.

RFCL NFL Recruitment 2021 Selection Process:

  • It should be noted that candidature of all the applicants would be provisional based on information furnished by candidate in his/her online application and applicant would be allowed to be appear in online examination on the presumption that they meet the eligibility criteria for the post which they have applied for.
  • Their candidature would, however, be subject to meeting of advertised eligibility criteria and verification of certificates & testimonials etc. at the time of document verification, as & when called for.
  • Candidates will be required to appear for computer based online objective type test, on the day, date, time & venue as mentioned in the Admit card, which shall tentatively be issued well in time before the date of Online Exam.

How to Apply for NFL and RFCL Management Trainees Vacancy 2021? 

Apply Online in the prescribed proforma at the NFL and RFCL recruitment website from 03/11/2021 to 23/11/2021 only for NFL RFCL Management Trainees Vacancy Recruitment 2021.

  • Step 1: Eligible and interested candidates are required to apply online from 03.11.2021 up to 23.11.2021 à Recruitment in RFCL à Careers à up to 5:30 PM on NFL‟s website: Recruitment of Management Trainees in Chemical, Chemical Lab, HR and Welfare Disciplines in RFCL -2021.
  • Step 2: Before applying, candidates are advised to peruse the advertisement carefully and should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility criteria. Their eligibility will be provisional and will be verified only in case they are shortlisted for selection.
  • Step 3: Candidates shall be required to upload following documents at the time applying online and are advised to keep the same handy
  • Step 4: Click on the link “Apply Online” and Fill up all the required fields, ensure the information provided is correct and then submit.
  • Step 5: Once the payment is made, candidates should download and retain a photocopy of their e-receipt and Online Application Form finally submitted as they would be asked to produce them for reference to produce it at the document verification or at any stage of selection process.
  • Step 6: Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Failed Transaction amount will be automatically refunded to same A/c from which payment was originally made, within 15 working days.
  • Step 7: Making Payment- Click on “Make payment” which will take you to Payment Gateway, which has been authorized to collect the application fee /processing charges on behalf of NFL.
  • Step 8: Take print out of the Online Application Form finally submitted and retain for future reference.

Details and Application Format

Please visit forall the details and Online Application format for NFL RFCL Management Trainees Vacancy Recruitment 2021. Download Notification PDF wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

 ***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


Public Sector Jobs in India – How to Get a Job in PSU?

A government-owned enterprise, government-owned corporation, statutory corporation and a nationalized company in India is called a public sector undertaking (PSU) or a public sector enterprise

Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) are the most desired career option in India and each year millions of candidates dream to get a job in Indian PSUs but many of them couldn’t dare to achieve the same. Have you ever wonder, why?  Yes, there may be various reasons behind it such as lack of preparation, fewer vacancies, untimely situations etc. but there is one thing that comes ahead of all these reasons – the different routes to this journey. Yes, it is quite true that many candidates don’t even know that what are the pathways or what is the roadmap to get a job in PSUs. Firstly let’s get to know..

PUBLIC SECTOR JOBS IN INDIA – HOW TO GET A JOB IN PSU? government jobs in india sarkari naukari in india

What are PSUs ?

Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) are the organizations that are completely or partially owned (51% or more share) by the Government of India or by any State Government or Governments, or partly by the Central Government and partly by one or more State Governments, and includes a company which is a subsidiary company of such a Government company. (defined under Section 2 (45) of the Companies Act, 2013)

Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) can be classified as Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs), Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) and Public Sector Banks (PSBs). These companies are administered by the Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises.

Public Sector undertakings refer to commercial ventures of the Government where user fees are charged for services rendered. The tariff/fees may be market based or subsidized. They are usually fully owned and managed by the Government such as Railways, Posts, Defence Undertakings, Banks etc.

Public sector enterprises on the other hand refer to those companies registered under the Companies Act, 1951,which are predominantly owned by Government and which are managed by a Government appointed Chairman and Managing Director. Government nominees represent the interests of the Government on the board of Public sector enterprises.

Public sector companies usually compete with private sector enterprises in the domestic as well as international market.

There are around 300 PSUs in India that are categorized as MaharatnaNavratnaMiniratna-I, and Miniratna-II based on their financial autonomy. (Financial autonomy of local government is the “freedom to impose local taxation, generate revenue within its assigned sources, allocate its financial and material resources, determine and authorize its annual budget without external interference) Financial autonomy was initially awarded to nine PSUs as Navratna status in 1997.

Originally, the term Navratna meant a talisman composed of nine precious gems. Later, this term was adopted in the courts of Gupta emperor Vikramaditya and Mughal emperor Akbar, as the collective name for nine extraordinary courtiers at their respective courts.

The government grants the status of Navratna, Miniratna and Maharatna to Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) based upon the profit or competitive advantage made by these CPSEs.

List of Maharatna, Navratna and Miniratna CPSEs by Ministry of Finance Department of Public Enterprises

The criteria for giving Maharatna Status:

  • The company already holds Navratna status.
  • It is listed on the Indian stock exchange fulfilling the minimum prescribed public shareholding according to the SEBI regulations.
  • The Average annual turnover of company during the last 3 years is more than Rs. 25,000 crore.
  • The Average annual net worth during the last 3 years is more than Rs. 15,000 crore.
  • The Average annual net profit after tax during the last 3 years is more than Rs. 5,000 crore. The company should have a significant global presence or international operations.

List of Maharatna CPSEs

  1. Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
  2. Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited
  3. Coal India Limited
  4. GAIL (India) Limited
  5. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited
  6. Indian Oil Corporation Limited
  7. NTPC Limited
  8. Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited
  9. Power Grid Corporation of India Limited
  10. Steel Authority of India Limited

The criteria for giving Navratna Status:

  • The company must have ‘Miniratna Category – I‘ status along with a Schedule ‘A’ listing (with 4 independent directors on its board)
  • It should have at least 3 ‘Excellent’ or ‘Very Good’ Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) during the last five years.
  • Along with the above, it should also have a composite score of 60 or above out of possible 100 marks in the 6 selected performance parameters:-
  • Net Profit to Net Worth (Maximum: 25)
  • Manpower cost to cost of production or services (Maximum: 15)
  • Gross margin as capital employed (Maximum: 15)
  • Gross profit as Turnover (Maximum: 15)
  • Earnings per Share (Maximum: 10)
  • Inter-Sectoral comparison based on Net profit to net worth (Maximum: 20)

List of Navratna CPSEs

  1. Bharat Electronics Limited
  2. Container Corporation of India Limited
  3. Engineers India Limited
  4. Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
  5. Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited
  6. National Aluminium Company Limited
  7. NBCC (India) Limited
  8. NMDC Limited
  9. NLC India Limited
  10. Oil India Limited
  11. Power Finance Corporation Limited
  12. Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited
  13. Rural Electrification Corporation Limited
  14. Shipping Corporation of India Limited

The Criteria for giving Miniratna Status:

Those CPSEs that have shown profits in the last continuous three years and have positive net worth, can be considered eligible for grant of Miniratna status. Presently, there are 75 Miniratnas in total. Generally, questions are not asked of these companies owing to their sheer number. But noteworthy is their categorisation. The Miniratnas are divided in two categories – I and II.

  • Category I: These have made profits for the last three years continuously or earned a net profit of Rs. 30 crores or more in one of these three years. There are 60 such companies.
  • Category II : These companies have made profits continuously for the last three years and must have a positive net worth. There are 15 such companies in this category.

List of Miniratna Category – I CPSEs

  1. Airports Authority of India
  2. Antrix Corporation Limited
  3. Balmer Lawrie & Co. Limited
  4. Bharat Coking Coal Limited
  5. Bharat Dynamics Limited
  6. BEML Limited
  7. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
  8. Bridge & Roof Company (India) Limited
  9. Central Warehousing Corporation
  10. Central Coalfields Limited
  11. Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited
  12. Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited
  13. Cochin Shipyard Limited
  14. Cotton Corporation of India Limited
  15. EdCIL (India) Limited
  16. Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Limited
  17. Goa Shipyard Limited
  18. Hindustan Copper Limited
  19. HLL Lifecare Limited
  20. Hindustan Newsprint Limited
  21. Hindustan Paper Corporation Limited
  22. Housing & Urban Development Corporation Limited
  23. HSCC (India) Limited
  24. India Tourism Development Corporation Limited
  25. Indian Rare Earths Limited
  26. Indian Railway Catering & Tourism Corporation Limited
  27. Indian Railway Finance Corporation Limited
  28. Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Limited
  29. India Trade Promotion Organization
  30. IRCON International Limited
  31. KIOCL Limited
  32. Mazagaon Dock Shipbuilders Limited
  33. Mahanadi Coalfields Limited
  34. MOIL Limited
  35. Mangalore Refinery & Petrochemical Limited
  36. Mineral Exploration Corporation Limited
  37. Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited
  38. MMTC Limited
  39. MSTC Limited
  40. National Fertilizers Limited
  41. National Projects Construction Corporation Limited
  42. National Small Industries Corporation Limited
  43. National Seeds Corporation
  44. NHPC Limited
  45. Northern Coalfields Limited
  46. North Eastern Electric Power Corporation Limited
  47. Numaligarh Refinery Limited
  48. ONGC Videsh Limited
  49. Pawan Hans Helicopters Limited
  50. Projects & Development India Limited
  51. Railtel Corporation of India Limited
  52. Rail Vikas Nigam Limited
  53. Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited
  54. RITES Limited
  55. SJVN Limited
  56. Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Limited
  57. South Eastern Coalfields Limited
  58. Telecommunications Consultants India Limited
  59. THDC India Limited
  60. Western Coalfields Limited
  61. WAPCOS Limited

List of Miniratna Category-II CPSEs

  1. Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India
  2. Bharat Pumps & Compressors Limited
  3. Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited
  4. Central Railside Warehouse Company Limited
  5. Engineering Projects (India) Limited
  6. FCI Aravali Gypsum & Minerals India Limited
  7. Ferro Scrap Nigam Limited
  8. HMT (International) Limited
  9. Indian Medicines & Pharmaceuticals Corporation Limited
  10. MECON Limited
  11. National Film Development Corporation Limited
  12. Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited

Some of the benefits of working in an Indian PSU are listed below:

  • Working in a prestigious Government organization brings you a lot of respect and recognition from society. Also, you feel honored that you are serving the nation and its people anyhow.
  • Apart from the decent salary, PSUs also provide various additional benefits to its employees such as residence, retirement benefits, travel expenses, and many more.
  • Working in an Indian PSUs (or any other Government organization) provides you the job security with fixed working hours and job flexibility.

if you’re looking for getting a job in any of Indian PSU and have all the information like job profilespay scale, etc. but you are unaware of the selection process of the organization then all your information is of no purpose. Here, in this blog, we will let you know about how can you get a job in Public Sector Undertakings of India. Public Sector Government companies offers various level of vacancies on Regular and contractual basis.

How can I get a job in PSU?

1. Through GATE Scores

The Recruitment based on GATE qualification, but some posts are not need for GATE Exam eligibility.
Apart from offering the Master’s Program from the top institutes, the GATE scorecard can also land up you a prestigious job in Indian PSUs. There are various PSUs such as IOCLONGC, and many others that hire the candidates based on GATE scores. What you have to do is appear for the GATE exam and get the minimum qualifying marks required by the PSUs (minimum qualifying marks are variable as per different PSUs). However, after getting shortlisted through the GATE scores, you may need to appear for several additional rounds such as – Group DiscussionsPersonal InterviewMedical Round, etc.

Moreover, you have to prepare very well for the GATE examination as GATE is considered as one of the most competitive exams in India and every year, nearly 15-16% among all appearing candidates qualify the exam. Also, you have to keep in mind that the GATE scorecard is valid only for 3 years, so do all your planning accordingly.

PSU job through GATE is permanent as you will be an government employee.

2. Through Entrance Examination

PSUs also prefer to conduct an entrance examination to select the candidates. The candidates who score above the minimum qualifying marks required by the organization in the examination get shortlisted and they have to appear for the further rounds of the recruitment process such as Group Discussion / Group TaskPersonal Interview, etc. And, the candidates are finally recruited based on their performance in further rounds. However, before conducting an exam, the PSUs release the eligibility criteria for the screening of the candidates, so you must ensure that you satisfy all the requirements such as age limit, qualifications, etc. before applying for the examination. Although the eligibility criteria can vary from organization to organization.

You can get to know about these entrance or competitive exams from the official site of the particular PSU where a circular is released by the organization regarding all the examination details such as scheduleexam patternsyllabus, etc. Some of the PSUs that recruit the candidates through the entrance exam are SAILRINLBARC, etc.

3. Direct Recruitment from Premier Institutes

Probably many of you don’t know but yes, PSUs also select the candidates from the top institutes such as IITsIIScIIMs, etc. as a part of Campus Interview Selection Process. The organization visits the institutes and shortlist the candidates based on their academic records and performance. The shortlisted candidates have to undergo further rounds such as Group Discussion / Group TaskInterviewMedical Round, etc. passing which they finally get recruited by the organization. However, getting a job in PSU through campus placement is not that easy as it seems. You have to maintain an excellent academic record along with extensive knowledge of your discipline to get shortlisted. Also, there are certain legal issues regarding the same hence many people are not aware that PSUs recruit through campus placement.

4. Other Ways –> Through NET Exams ( UGC NET/ CSIR NET) and  Direct Selection Process : Some PSUs have their own competitive exam for Recruitment. So, candidates who are not able to perform well in gate Exam, they can also get a Job in PSUs by preparing for the PSUs competitive exam.

As of now, you must be aware of the various ways by which PSUs recruit the candidates. It depends on you which pathway you choose, it all depends on your hard work and dedication.

What are PSU jobs?

Public Sector companies offers more than 50,000+ vacancies every year. PSU Jobs in Group A, Group B and Group C levels –  Managers, Executives, Company Secretary, Head, Officers, Clerk, Assistants, Apprentices, Engineers, Trainees, Technician etc. PSUs Jobs provides a wide range of career opportunities & growth but the work responsibility is also very hard. There is no chance of mistakes in these jobs.

Is PSU a Govt Job?

PSU jobs Yes, but not pure government jobs. Because, PSU / Public Sector companies partially owned by Central Government or State Governments based on Stake holding percentage. The PSU Jobs is Public Private mixed Company jobs.  The Job security is stable permanent basis based on your performance, some PSU jobs are temporary and few years contractual basis.

✅ What are jobs available in Government Undertaking Companies?

  • Top Public Sector Company Jobs are :- Engineering posts: Junior Engineer, Assistant Engineers, Executive Trainees, Diploma Apprentices, Diploma Engineers.
  • Degree posts: Assistants, Officers, Consultants, Scientist, Scientific, Technical and Non Technical Posts.
  • ITI Posts: Apprentices, Technician, ITI trade positions.
  • Medical Posts: Doctors, Medical Officers, Pharmacist, Nurses etc.
  • Management Posts: Manager Level posts, Finance, Human Resources, Accounts etc.

What are common eligibility criteria’s for any PSU Job ?

General requirements:

  • B.E. /B.Tech. /B.Sc.(Engg.) – Degree required or applicant should at least be a Graduate.
  • For final-year students, the final result of 8th semester and mark-sheets must be presented at the time of interview.
  • Minimum cut-off % of B.Tech varies for different PSUs Gen. Category:-60%-70%; Reserved Category:-50%-60%.
  • Some PSUs allow only present final year students and last two year pass-outs. e.g. NTPC
  • Age limit is age 21 to 30 years with some relaxation to SC/ST/OBC Candidates.

What are the Benefits of Getting a PSU Job?

  • Fixed working hours: you have to work 9–5 job. There are no extra timing & shifts.
  • Government Job Perks: As we all are aware of the perk & benefits of a government job & its employees like Pension, Less work pressure, Reputation in society,
  • Promotions & Opportunities: The promotion process is easy. You can get promoted in less time as compared to other jobs. & the salary increments are also good.

ONGC Recruitment by GATE-2021 Engineer and Geo-Sciences Vacancies

Engineer & Geo-Sciences Trainee Recruitment in ONGC by GATE 2021

ONGC is Navratna Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) in India which offers a remuneration package that compares with the best in the Indian Industry in Cost-to-Company terms. As ONGC grows at a fast pace, it invites you to join hands for the best PSU and Oil rig jobs in India and undertake a journey to even greater success and build a rewarding career.

Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. (ONGC) is embarking upon a major recruitment exercise of recruiting Graduate Engineer Trainees in E1 grade in various Engineering and Geo-Science disciplines. Candidates interested in joining as Graduate Engineer Trainees through GATE-2021 test score should apply via Online Application Form in the prescribed format at the ONGC website only (Advt. No. 3/2021 (R&P)).

ONGC is looking for young, promising and energetic aspirants with bright academic records to join the organization as Class-I Executives (at E1 level) in Engineering and Geo-Sciences disciplines through GATE 2021 score.

ONGC Engineer Geo-Science Executive Recruitment GATE-2021 Vacancies  

Engineer and Geo-Sciences Executives: 309 vacancies (UR-145, OBC-62, EWS-30, SC-40, ST-32) (PWD-91) in various Engineering, Geo-Sciences and other disciplines, Age: 30 years as of 31/07/2021, Pay Scale: E-1 Scale ₹60000-180000

Vacancy Details :

  1. Assistant Engineer Executive – AEE (Cementing) – Mechanical : 06 vacancies
  2. AEE (Cementing) – Petroleum : 01 vacancy
  3. AEE (Civil) : 18 vacancies
  4. AEE (Drilling) – Mechanical : 28 vacancies
  5. AEE (Electrical) : 40 vacancies
  6. AEE (Electronics) : 05 vacancies
  7. AEE (Instrumentation) : 32 vacancies
  8. AEE (Mechanical) : 33 vacancies
  9. AEE (Production) – Mechanical : 15 vacancies
  10. AEE (Production – Chemical) : 16 vacancies
  11. AEE (Production)- Petroleum : 12 vacancies
  12. AEE (Environment): 05 vacancies
  13. AEE (Reservoir) : 09 vacancies
  14. Chemist: 14 vacancies
  15. Geologist: 19 vacancies
  16. Geophysicist (Surface): 24 vacancies
  17. Geophysicist (Wells): 11 vacancies
  18. Materials Management Officer : 13 vacancies
  19. Transport Officer : 08 vacancies
ONGC Recruitment by GATE-2021 Engineer and Geo-Sciences Vacancies

GATE 2021 

The desirous and eligible candidates having the essential qualification for the advertised posts should have appeared in the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2021.

The GATE-2021 Score in the subject mentioned against the posts of ONGC will be considered by ONGC for shortlisting the candidates for the further selection process of Personal Interview as per the criteria decided by the ONGC Management.

Application Fee

The application fee is ₹300/- to be paid online along with the application form. No fee for SC/ST/PWD candidates.

View – Government Jobs for Engineers

How to Apply for ONGC Geo-Scientists and Engineers Vacancies by GATE-2021? 

Suitable and desirable candidates should apply online in the prescribed format at the ONGC Recruitment web page from 11/10/2021 to 01/11/2021 only for ONGC Engineer and Geo-Sciences Trainee Vacancy Recruitment through GATE-2021.

View – Getting Engineer Jobs through GATE

Detailed Information and Online submission of application 

Candidates are requested to visit the Careers/Recruitment page on the ONGC website  for information and online submission of application for ONGC Recruitment by GATE 2021 for Engineer and Geo-Sciences Vacancies. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***

IOCL Refinery Division Non-Executive Vacancy Recruitment 2021- Online Apply

IOCL Refinery Division Non-Executive Vacancy Recruitment 2021- Online Apply

Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), Refineries Division has released an employment notification for the recruitment of 513 Non-Executive personnel Vacancy.  Interested and eligible candidates may check details here.

Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) the largest commercial undertaking in India and a Fortune “Global 500” company requires result-oriented experienced personnel with initiative and enterprise for its Refineries / Petrochemical situated at various places in India.

Online Applications on the prescribed format are invited from bright, young, and energetic persons of Indian Nationality for recruitment of the following various Govt. Job vacancy posts of Experienced Non-Executive Personnel in various refineries of IOCL Refinery Division. Total Vacancy – Non-Executives – 513 Posts (Refineries Division)

(Advertisement Nos.: Guwahati- GR/P/Rectt./21; Barauni- BR/HR/RECTT/OR/2021-22; Gujarat- JR/Rect/01/2021; Haldia- PH/R/01/2021; Mathura- MR/HR/RECT/JEA(AI)/2021-22; Panipat Refinery & Petrochemical Complex (PRPC)- PR/P/46 (2021-22); Digboi- DR/R2/2021; Bongaigaon- BGR/01/2021; Paradip- PDR/HR/01/Rectt-21)

IOCL Refinery Non-Executive Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  1. Jr. Engineering Assistant-IV – (Production): 305 posts (Guwahati-28,  Barauni-23,  Gujarat-46, Mathura-33, Panipat-50, Digboi-45, Bongaigaon-13, Paradip-58)
  2. Jr. Engineering Assistant-IV – (P&U): 35 posts (Guwahati-03,  Barauni-02,  Gujarat-05, Mathura-06, Digboi-13, Bongaigaon-06)
  3. Jr. Engineering Assistant-IV – (Electrical)/ Junior Technical Assistant – IV/ Junior Engineering Assistant -IV (P&U – O&M ): 64 posts (Guwahati-04,  Barauni-02,  Gujarat-03, Mathura-11, Panipat-16, Digboi-03, Bongaigaon-02, Paradip-23)
  4. Jr. Engineering Assistant-IV – (Mechanical) / Junior Technical Assistant – IV : 32 posts (Guwahati-05,  Barauni-02,  Gujarat-01, Panipat-06, Digboi-04, Bongaigaon-05, Paradip-09)
  5. Jr. Engineering Assistant-IV – (Instrumentation) / Junior Technical Assistant – IV : 37 posts (Guwahati-01,  Barauni-05,  Gujarat-01, Haldia-03, Mathura-04, Panipat-06, Digboi-05, Bongaigaon-03, Paradip-09)
  6. Junior Quality Control Analyst-IV: 30 posts (Guwahati-01, Barauni-05, Gujarat-04, Haldia-02, Panipat-05, Digboi-07, Bongaigaon-06)
  7. Jr. Engineering Assistant-IV – (Instrumentation) / Junior Technical Assistant – IV : 14 posts (Guwahati-02, Gujarat-04, Haldia-02, Mathura-02, Panipat-04)
  8. Jr. Material Assistant-IV / Junior Technical Assistant – IV : 04 posts (Barauni-01, Gujarat-03)
  9. Jr. Nursing Assistant-IV : 01 posts (Barauni-01)

Pay Scale : Rs.25,000-1,05,000/-

Important Dates for IOCL Non Executive Recruitment :

Date Of Opening Of Online Application: 21-09-2021 (10:00 Hrs.)
Last Date Of Submission Of Online Application: 12-10-2021 (17:00 Hrs.)
Last Date For PWBD Candidates To Submit Prescribed Proformas For Scribe Thru’ Email {Refer Clause E (7)} :18-10-2021 (17:00 Hrs.) 
Date Of Receipt Of Printout Of Online Application Form Along with Supporting Documents
1. By Ordinary Post
2. At Written Test Venue By Hand

1. By 23-10-2021
2. On 24-10-2021
Tentative Date Of Written Test24-10-2021
Likely Date Of Publication Of Written Test Result (Shortlist For Sppt)By 11-11-2021
IOCL Refinery Division Non-Executive Vacancy Recruitment 2021

Application Fee

General and OBC candidates are required to pay ₹150/-  as an application fee through SBI e-collect only.

Log onto SBI e-collect link, Choose State of Corporate as All India, Type of Corporate as PSU, PSU Name as Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), and Select Payment Category as the concerned Refinery for which candidate has applied for against the relevant post notified for the refinery.

Eligibility Criteria of IOCL Refinery Division Recruitment :-

Age Limit : Minimum 18 years and Maximum age shall be 26 years for General candidates as on 30-09-2021.
Age Relaxation : The upper age limit is relaxable :

(i) By 5 years for SC/ST candidates.
(ii) By 3 years for OBC/MOBC candidates.
(iii) For Persons with benchmark disability (PWBD) by 10 years (upto 15 years for SC/ST and upto 13 years for OBC (NCL) candidates).

Education Qualification : Diploma in Engineering in concern subject. Check details below

  • Junior Engineering Assistant-IV (Production): 3-years Diploma in Chemical/ Refinery & Petrochemical OR B.Sc in Math, Physics, Chemistry or Industrial Chemistry with 50% marks in aggregate.
  • Junior Engineering Assistant-IV (P&U): 3-years Diploma in Mechanical or Electrical; And Boiler Competency Certificate.
  • Junior Engineering Assistant-IV (Electrical): 3-years Diploma in Electrical Engineering with 50% marks in aggregate.
  • JEA/JTA-IV (Mechanical): 3-years Diploma in Mechanical Engineering with 50% marks in aggregate.
  • Junior Engineering Assistant-IV (Instrumentation): 3-years Diploma in Instrumentation/ Instrumentation & Electronics/ Instrumentation & Control Engineering with 50% marks in aggregate.
  • Junior Quality Control Analyst-IV: B.Sc with Physics, Chemistry/ Industrial Chemistry & Mathematics with 50% marks in aggregate.
  • Junior Engineering Assistant-IV (Fire & Safety): Matric pass with Sub-Officers’ Regular Course from NFSC-Nagpur or equivalent. Having Heavy Vehicle Driving License.

ExperienceMinimum one year of post qualification experience for each posts in relevant field/s .

Selection Process of IOCL Non-Executive

The selection methodology will comprise Written Test and a Skill/ Proficiency/ Physical Test (SPPT).

The SPPT will be of qualifying nature. Candidate have to secure at least 40% marks in the written test to qualify for further process of selection. Minimum qualifying marks in the written test may be relaxed by 5% for SC / ST / PwBD categories. Shortlisted candidates, in the ratio of 1:2 (two candidates for one post) will be called to appear in Skill/Proficiency/Physical Test (SPPT).

How to Apply IOCL Panipat Refinery non-Executive Vacancy 2020?

Apply Online in the prescribed format at the IOCL website from 25/09/2021 to 12/10/2021 only for IOCL Refinery Division Non-Executive Vacancy Recruitment 2021

Steps To Apply :

After successful submission of online Application, the candidates are required to send the following documents to the concerned authority at the Refinery applied for (as mentioned in the table at Clause No. N (7) below) by Ordinary Post so as to reach by 23-10-2021 :

  1. Print out of on-line application form, duly signed
  2. A Color photograph under self-attestation
  3. Self attested copies of the following documents:
    1. Matriculation/Higher Secondary certificate issued by Board of Secondary Education.
    2. Marksheet of Class XII by the concerned education Board / Semester-wise or year-wise mark sheets of ITI (Fitter) issued by NCVT or SCVT/Sub Officer’s Course / Graduation/Diploma in Engineering issued by University/ Institute ( as applicable)
    3. Certificate of Class XII Pass by the concerned education Board /Final ITI (Fitter) issued by NCVT or SCVT/ Sub Officer’s Course/ Graduation/Diploma in Engineering Final/ Provisional Pass Certificate issued by respective University/Institute ( as applicable)
    4. Conversion certificate from CGPA/OGPA/Letter Grade to percentage of marks from concerned University/Institute (if applicable)
    5. SC/ST/ Disability Certificate / OBC (NCL) Certificate along with “Declaration” / EWS-Income & Asset Certificate/ “DECLARATION for ECONOMICALLY WEAKER SECTIONS Candidates”. Certificate must be in the prescribed format (available on website and ) and issued by the Competent Authority.
    6. Experience Certificate or Copy of Offer Letter, Joining Letter, Pay slips, Increment Letter, relieving letter etc. proving the continuance of experience for the period being claimed. The documents submitted in support of Experience must clearly establish the period of experience as well as the nature of relevant prescribed experience being claimed against the post applied for.
    7. For experiences being claimed under Large Industrial Establishment, wherever prescribed, copy of the relevant page of the last published Balance sheet of the establishment and copy of the work order issued to the agency/contractor along with the page of the balance sheet to be furnished where the candidate is employed, directly or by or through any agency (including a contractor) by a Large Industrial Establishment.
    8. Proof of Qualification (equivalence) / Self Declaration of same area of work experience / Service Certificate/ Discharge Certificate in case of Ex-Servicemen.
    9. Duly completed Proforma of Certificate for employed Officials – to be submitted by candidates belonging to Ex-Servicemen, as applicable {Please refer to Clause No. E (8)}
    10. Duly completed Form of Undertaking to be given by Candidates Applying for Civil Posts under Ex Servicemen Category– to be submitted by candidates belonging to Ex-Servicemen, as applicable {Please refer to Clause No. E (9)}
    11. Photo Identity Proof ( Aadhar Card/Driving License/ Voter Id/ PAN Card/ Passport)

While sending the printout of the online applications along with specified documents by Ordinary Post, candidates shall ensure that the same are sent to the concerned authority at the Refinery applied for. Postal addresses of the Units are furnished below:

Guwahati RefineryThe Advertiser, Guwahati GPO, Post Box No -21, Meghdoot Bhawan, Panbazar, Guwahati – 781001 ( Assam)
Barauni RefineryDy. General Manager (HR), Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Barauni Refinery, P.O. Barauni Oil Refinery, Dist. Begusarai – 851114 (Bihar)
Gujarat RefineryDy. General Manager (HR), Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Gujarat Refinery, P.O. Jawahar Nagar, Dist. Vadodara – 391320(Gujarat)
Haldia RefineryDeputy General Manager(HR), Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Haldia Refinery, PO: Haldia Oil Refinery, Dist: Purba Medinipur- 721606 (West Bengal)
Mathura RefineryThe Advertiser – IOCL Mathura Refinery, Post Box No : 02, Mathura HPO, Mathura – 281001 (Uttar Pradesh)
Panipat Refinery & Petrochemical Complex  Post Box No. 128, Panipat Head Post Office, Panipat – 132103 (Haryana)
Digboi RefinerySr. Employee Relations Manager, Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Assam Oil Division, Digboi Refinery, PO: Digboi, Dist. –Tinsukia – 786171(Assam)
Bongaigaon RefinerySr. Employee Relations Manager, HR Department, Bongaigaon Refinery, Indian Oil Corporation Limited, P.O. Dhaligaon, Dist. Chirang – 783385 (Assam)
Paradip RefineryDy. General Manager (HR), Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Paradip Refinery, At/Po- Jhimani Via – Kujanga, Dist. –Jagatsinghpur – 754141 (Odisha)

The soft copy in scanned PDF format of system generated application in the prescribed format duly completed and signed should be sent on the email id of the concerned Refinery so as to reach by 18/10/2021.

Details and Online Application :

Please visit for details and Online submission of the application for IOCL Refinery Division Non-Executive Vacancy Recruitment 2021. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

 ***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


BHEL Kolkata Civil Engineer Recruitment 2021- apply soon

Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited (BHEL) has released short notification in Employment News (04-10 September 2021) for the 22 posts of Engineers and Supervisors. Check all details here.

The Power Sector Eastern Region of Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) at Kolkata  invite online application in the prescribed format is looking for experienced Engineers and Supervisors Govt Job vacancy in Civil Engineering discipline to be engaged purely on a Fixed Tenure Appointment basis for a period of 02 (Two) years at their Project Sites in India (Advertisement No. PSER-01/2021).

BHEL Kolkata Civil Engineering Professionals Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  • Engineer (FTA-Civil): 07 vacancies, Age: 34 years, Qualification: Full-Time Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering/ Technology in Civil Engineering, Experience: 02 years post qualification experience, Remuneration: ₹71040/- per month consolidated
  • Supervisor (FTA-Civil): 15 vacancies, Age: 34 years, Qualification: Full-Time Diploma in Engineering/ Technology in Civil Engineering, Experience: 02 years post qualification experience, Remuneration: ₹39670/- per month consolidated

Application Fee

₹200/- (No fee for SC/ST/PWD candidates of Uttarakhand) through SBI Collect or by means of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of BHEL, PSER payable at Kolkata.

BHEL Kolkata Civil Engineer Recruitment 2021

Important Dates :

  • Beginning of online submission of applications: September 4
  • Date for closing of online submission of applications: September 24
  • Last date for receipt of filled-in and signed application forms at BHEL, PSER, Kolkata: October 1
  • Last date for receipt of filled in and signed application forms at BHEL, PSER, Kolkata from far flung areas: October 8

Educational Qualification Details :

  • Engineer (FTA-Civil): Full-Time Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering/Technology in Civil Engineering or 5 Year Integrated Master’s degree or Dual Degree Programme in Engineering / Technology in Civil Engineering from recognized Indian University/Institute with minimum 60% marks in aggregate for General / OBC/EWS and 50% marks in aggregate for SC/ST candidates.
  • Supervisor (FTA-Civil): Full-Time Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized Indian University / Institute with minimum 60% marks in aggregate for General / OBC/ EWS and 50% marks in aggregate for SC/ST candidates.

Age Limit : 34 years (As on 01/09/2021)

Upper Age limit is relax able by:

  • 3 Years for OBC (Non Creamy Layer).
  • 5 Years for SC/ST candidates.
  • Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) Candidates:
  • By 10 years for General.
  • By 13 years for OBC (Non-Creamy Layer).
  • By 15 years for SC/ST.
  • Relaxation for Ex-Servicemen will be as per extant Government Guidelines.
  • 5 years for the candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the state of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from 01/01/1980 to 31/12/1989.
  • Up to 2 years for each additional year of experience over a minimum experience of two (02) years

How to Apply for BHEL Supervisor Trainee Finance Recruitment 2021?

Apply Online in the prescribed format available at the BHEL Recruitment website from 04/09/2021 to 24/09/2021 only for BHEL Kolkata Civil Engineer Recruitment 2021.

The printout of the system generated application along with supporting documents and application fee should be sent on or before 0110/2021 (the last date is 08/10/2021 for the candidates from far-flung areas) to Sr. Deputy General Manager (HR) BHEL, Power Sector Eastern Region, BHEL Bhawan, Plot No. DJ- 9/1, Sector-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata – 700091

Steps to Apply

Details and Online Application Form

Kindly visit the official website for detailed information, syllabus, and online submission of application for Civil Engineering Professionals Recruitment in BHEL Kolkata 2021. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

Click here for the BHEL Recruitment 2021 notification.

Click here to view other BHEL Job Vacancies.

Click here to apply for BHEL Recruitment 2021.

****All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website****


Graduate Engineers Recruitment in PSU by GATE 2022- Apply Now

Application for PSU Recruitment through GATE 2022 Govt. Jobs, Eligibility & Dates

The recruitment of graduate engineers through GATE to PSU started in the year 2012 by some of them and gradually spread through some of the most prominent PSU at present like BHEL, GAIL, SAIL, BSNL, DMRC, ONGC, BPCL, HPCL, DRDO, NHAI, IOCL, RITES and NHPC. Actually, the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) tests your technical skills as well as your analytical and logical skills. You got to be very strong in fundamentals if you want to score high in the GATE examination. A high GATE score ensures you a highly coveted job at PSU. As mandated by Government, now Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) recruit engineers through the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) only.

As every year, the Central/State Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) companies are in the process of recruiting suitable candidates for their Engineering Departments through the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2022 which is being conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur in the year 2022..

GATE scores are valid for three years for admission to M.Tech courses but not for recruitment purposes to PSU.. It has become a benchmark for PSU to screen and recruit highly educated, quality graduates Engineers as Graduate Engineers Trainees (GET), Officers, Management Trainees at various levels and in various disciplines/subjects, etc. Several State PSU and Government Departments.

All eligible engineering graduate job seekers desirable to pursue their careers in the PSUs should apply for the GATE and get a good score in the exam. This valid GATE scorecard will make engineers eligible for the selection in their desired PSU. The GATE has become a de facto recruitment examination for Engineers. The GATE is also one of the top recruitment examinations in India.

GATE 2022 :

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an examination conducted jointly by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore and the seven Indian Institutes of Technology (at Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras and Roorkee) on behalf of the National Coordination Board (NCB)-GATE, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India.

The Organizing Institute for GATE 2022 is the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IITKGP) a national-level engineering entrance exam. The authority have released the latest brochure PDF on IIT Kharagpur’s official website

A candidate who is currently studying in 3rd or higher year of any undergraduate degree program OR has already completed any government approved degree program in Engineering / Technology / Architecture / Science / Commerce / Arts.

Examination Pattern :

GATE 2022 will be conducted on 29 subjects and as an Online Computer Based Test (CBT) of 3 hours duration. The online examination paper will contain (a) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) (b) Multiple Select Questions (MSQ) and/or Numerical Answer Type (NAT) Questions. The candidates must complete the entrance test within the scheduled 3.0 hours during which they have to answer 65 questions which carry a total of 100 marks General Aptitude (GA) is common for all papers (15 marks) and the rest of the paper covers the respective syllabus (85 marks).

What is New in GATE 2022 Exam?

GATE 2022 Exam Date has been released (as per the Source – PTI). The exam will take place on February 5, 6, 12, and 13, 2022. For GATE 2022 exam, two major changes have been introduced as given below. 

As per a meeting organized by National Coordination Board (NCB)-GATE on May 22nd, Saturday, regarding discussions on GATE 2022 Exam major changes have been made for GATE 2022 Exam. There will be an introduction of two new papers for GATE 2022 Exam. Further, there will be an increase in the number of exam centers for GATE 2022 exam as well.

Graduate Engineers Recruitment in PSU by GATE 2022

Two New Papers for GATE 2022 :

  • After meeting the demands from the Shipping Ministry, two new papers, Marine Engineering & Naval Architecture (NM) as one of the papers, and Geomatics Engineering (GE) will be introduced in GATE 2022 Exam. 
  • Hence, there will be a total of 29 papers instead of 27 papers in GATE 2022 Exam. 
  • In 2021, IIT Bombay, the exam conducting institute had added Environmental Science and Engineering and Humanities and Social Sciences subjects that made a total of 27 Papers. These two papers saw over 14000 applications. 

New Exam Centres Added for GATE 2022

Many new exam centres for GATE 2022 have been included in the list. Places like Shirdi, Latur, Akola, and Dhule will be available for the students to select as exam centres. Many new exam centres were also added last year for GATE 2021 Exam. 

The other important details will remain usual as in GATE 2022 Exam.

  • ONE or TWO subject papers allowed: TWO Paper combinations have to be chosen from the given list of combinations of papers. The final allotment of TWO papers will still be subject to the availability of infrastructure and dates.
  • Changes in exam pattern: The detailed changes in the exam pattern are mentioned below. A new pattern of questions has been added. A fully Computer Based Test (CBT) will be held for GATE.
  • Changes in the subject syllabus: Students must note all the changes in the GATE syllabus mentioned below.
  • Exam centers in International cities may be removed depending on the travel restrictions.
  • Eligibility criteria are relaxed: Applicants who are currently in the 3rd or higher years of any undergraduate degree program are now eligible to appear for the GATE 2022 examination.
  • Reservation Quota for EWS Candidates: Previous year the Government has announced a 10% reservation quota for Economically Weaker Section (EWS or GEN-EWS) candidates who want to participate in the GATE exams.
  • Thumb ImpressionCandidates are no more required to upload their thumb impression while submitting the GATE online application form.
  • Virtual CalculatorCandidates will be given the virtual calculator at the time of the GATE exam. Candidates with Scientific Calculators are not allowed to enter the exam hall.

GATE Exam 2022 – Highlights :

Organization Name Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur
Exam nameGraduate Aptitude Test in Engineering 2022
Level of ExamAll India Level
Application ModeOnline
Job CategoryCentral Government Jobs
GATE 2021 Registration Starting date02nd September 2021
Last date to fill the Application form24th September 2021
Closing Date of EXTENDED online registration/ application process01st October 2021
Exam ModeComputer-Based Mode

Recruitment in Government Organizations through GATE 2022

Apart from PSU, some other Central Government and State Government organizations and Departments will also use valid GATE 2022 scores to select engineers for their requirements. For Example, Direct recruitment to Group-A level posts in Central government, i.e., Senior Field Officer (Tele), Senior Research Officer (Crypto) and Senior Research Officer (S&T) in Cabinet Secretariat, Government of India, will be carried out on the basis of GATE score only.

The details of the scheme of recruitment of Engineers through GATE 2022 will normally be published in National Newspapers/Employment News by the concerned authority. State Government PSU like Power companies, PWD, Irrigation Department will also recruit engineers through GATE score 2022 only. The valid GATE score has become a de facto recruitment examination for Engineers.

Online Application Form for GATE 2022

Application for the GATE 2022 Examination has to be submitted online only from 02/09/2021 to 24/09/2021 and up to 01/10/2021 with a late fee. The application fee for GATE 2022 is ₹1500/- (₹750/- for Female/SC/ST/PWD candidates) and for an extended period fee is ₹2000/-  (₹1250/- for Female/SC/ST/PWD candidates) to be paid online.

Details and Online Submission of GATE 2022 Application

Please visit for details and online submission of the application for GATE 2022.

If you have not filled the application for GATE 2022, please hurry up. Remember, Now Government Sector recruit Engineers through a valid GATE Score only. Several PSU and Government Departments have already advertised their requirements and intentions to recruit engineers through GATE 2022 only.

Please appear for GATE 2022 and use its score for getting employed in PSU/Govt. Department. Don’t Miss. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

PSU Recruitment through GATE 2022 : Schedule Summary

Name of PSUNotification Date Discipline
DRDOMarch to AprilElectronics Engg & Comm. Engg, CS & Engg, Mechanical Engg, Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Aerospace Engg, Mathematics, Chemical Engg
THDCJanuaryMechanical & Automation Engineering/ Electrical (Power)/ Electrical & Electronics/ Power Systems & High Voltage/Power Civil Engineering
BPCLFebruaryMechanical Engineering
Power GridJanuaryElectrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electronics & Communication
NLC India LtdJanuaryMechanical, Electrical & Electronics & Communication, Civil & Structural, Electronics, Instrumentation & Control, CS, IT, Mining
NTPCJanuaryMechanical, Industrial, Production, Thermal, Mechanical & Automation, Power, Electrical, Electrical, Instrumentation & Control, Power System & High Voltage, Power Electronics, Mining, Electronics, Electronics and Telecommunication, Electronics and Power and Instrumentation
Vizag SteelJanuaryMechanical, Electrical & Metallurgy Engineering
CELJanuaryElectronics & Communication, Electrical, Material Science, Mechanical
MDLFebruaryMechanical & Industrial & Production, Production & Management & Industrial, Electrical, Electrical & Electronics, Electrical & Instrumentation
IOCLFebruaryChemical, Petrochemical, Civil, CS & IT, Electrical, Electronics & Mechanical Communication, Electronics, Electronics & Telecommunications, Instrumentation, Electronics & Instrumentation
SAILMay to JuneMechanical, Metallurgy, Electrical, Chemical, Instrumentation & Mining Engg.
BHELFebruaryIndustrial & Production, Manufacturing (NIFFT Ranchi), Mechanical Production & Tool, Production Technology, Mechatronics, Manufacturing Process and Automation, Power Plant Production, Production and Industrial, Thermal, Manufacturing Technology, Power, Electrical & Electronics, Electrical, Instrumentation & Control, High Voltage Power Systems & High Voltage, Electrical Machine & Power, Power Plant, Energy, Power
GAILJanuaryChemical, Petrochemical, Technology, Mechanical, Production & Industrial, Manufacturing, Mechanical & Automobile, Electrical & Electronics, Instrumentation & Control, Electronics & Instrumentation, Electrical & Electronics, CS, IT, Electronics & Communication & Telecommunication, Electrical & Telecommunication
HPCLJanuaryMechanical, Mechanical & Production, Civil Electrical & Electronics , Electronics, Electronics & Communication, Electronics & Telecommunication, Applied Electronics, Instrumentation, Instrumentation & Control, Electronics & Instrumentation, Instrumentation & Process Control, Chemical, Petrochemical, Petroleum Refining &  Petroleum Refining
HALJanuaryMechanical & Industrial, Mechanical & Production, Civil, Electrical & Electronics, Electrical & Instrumentation, Electronics & Communication, Instrumentation & Control, Instrumentation & Electronics, Applied Electronics & Instrumentation, Electronics & Instrumentation and Telecommunication
BEMLJanuaryMechanical, Electrical & Electronics, Metallurgy
OIL IndiaJanuaryMechanical, Geophysics, Geology
BBNLJanuaryElectrical and Electronics, Electrical, Information Technology, Computer Science, Electronics and Communication
BAARC: OCES, DGFSFebruaryMechanical Engineering. Civil Engineering, Electrical Engg. Electronics & Communication Engg, CS, Metallurgical Engg, Chemical Engg, Instrumentation Engg
WBSEDCLLast week of FebruaryElectrical Engg, Electrical & Electronics (Combined), Power Engg, Civil Engg, Construction Engg, IT, CS, Electronics, Electronics & Telecommunication, Electronics & Communication
Tata PowerMarchElectrical, Mechanical, Electronics, Controls and Instrumentation, Power Engineering
BSNLMarchTelecom, Electronics, Radio, Computer, Electrical, Information Technology, Instrumentation, M.Sc (Electronics) Or (Computer Science)
DRDODecemberTo be notified
RCFLMarchMechanical, Chemical or Electrical & Instrumentation Engineering
RITESMarchCivil, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics & Telecommunications
Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of IndiaAprilComputer Science, Electronics and Communications, Electronics, Physics, Chemistry, Telecommunication, Electronics
ONGC Ltd.AprilMechanical, Petroleum, Civil, Electrical, Electronics, Telecom, E&T, PG in Physics with Electronics, Instrumentation, Chemical, Applied Petroleum, PG in Geo-Physics, PG in Mathematics, PG in Petroleum Technology, PG in Chemistry, Auto, Computer, Information Technology, PG in Geology, PG in Petroleum, Geo-Science, PG in Geological Technology, MCA, “B’Level Diploma as per Dept of Electronics, GO
Haryana Power UtilitiesAprilElectronics & Communication, Electronics & Telecommunication, Electronics & Electrical, Communication, Civil, Computer Science, Information Technology, Mechanical, Electrical & Electronics
MidhaniAprilMechanical, Electrical, Metallurgy
NFLTo be notifiedMechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Materials, CS, IT or Civil Engineering
MECLJanuaryGeophysics, Geology
NHAIJuneCivil Engineering
NPCIL through GATEMarchMechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Chemical, Electronics & Communication, Civil Engineering
DMRCTo be notifiedElectrical, Electronics
IRCONTo be notifiedCivil, Electrical
BSPCLTo be notifiedElectrical & Electronics, Mechanical, Production, Industrial Engg, Production & Industrial Engg, Thermal, Mechanical & Automation, Power Engg, Civil Engg, Electronics & Instrumentation & Control Electronics, Electronics & Tele-communication, Electronics & Power, Power Electronics , Electronics & Communication, CSE, IT
IPRTo be notifiedPhysics, Applied Physics, Engineering Physics, Mechanical Engg, Electrical Engg, Electrical & Electronics Engg.
PSTCLTo be notifiedElectrical & Electronics, Mechanical, Electronics & Communication, Instrumentation & Control, Civil, Computer Science, IT
NBCC Ltd.To be notifiedCivil Engineering
NHPCTo be notifiedElectrical & Electronics, Power Systems & High Voltage, Power Engg, Civil Engg, Mechanical, Production, thermal, Mechanical & Automation Engg, Geology, Applied Geology
KRIBHCOTo be notifiedChemical, Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Computer, Electronics & Communication and Instrumentation Engineering
Mumbai Railway Vikas Corporation Ltd (MRVC Ltd)To be notifiedCivil Engineering
GSECLTo be notifiedElectrical, Mechanical, C & I, Metallurgy and Environment Engineering
Coal India LtdTo be notifiedMechanical, Electrical, Mining and Geology
BNPMTo be notifiedMechanical, Electrical, Electronics & Communication and Chemical Engineering
National Textile CorporationTo be notifiedTextile Engineering
Rail Vikas Nigam LtdTo be notifiedCivil, EE, ECE
EdCIL IndiaTo be notifiedCivil, Electronics & Communication Engineering
KRCLTo be notifiedCivil Engineering, Mechanical Engg, Electrical Engg, Electrical & Electronics Engg, Electronics Engg, Electronics & Telecommunication Engg
NALCOTo be notifiedMechanical, Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation, Metallurgy, Mining, Chemical, Civil Engg
OPGC LtdTo be notifiedMechanical, Electrical, Civil, C & I
DDAApril to MayCivil, Mechanical Engineering & ElectricalHPCL
***Kindly refer to original Date, Notifications, Detail info for Job Advertisements on Respective Official websites only

****All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website****

GSECL Recruitment 2021 - Apply for vidyut Sahayak (Junior Engineer) For 300+ Various Vacancies

GSECL Recruitment 2021 – Apply for vidyut Sahayak (Junior Engineer) For 300+ Various Vacancies

Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited announced Notification for Apply Online for vidyut sahayak (Junior Engineer), Exam date , Application Form , Advertisement pdf , Syllabus , Vacancy and more..


Online Applications invited for the Recruitment of  Government Job vacancies post of vidyut sahayak (Junior Engineer & Plant Attendant Gr.-I ), Instrument Mechanic and Junior Programmer under Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited (GSECL) which was incorporated in August 1993 and is registered under the Companies Act, 1956 with the objectives to initiate a process of restructuring of Power Sector and to mobilize resources from the market for adding to the generating capacity of the State and improving the quality and cost of existing generation.

Recently Gujarat GSECL has released the Advertisement on its official website for the total number of vacancies 316 posts of (Company Secretary, Junior Programmer, Vidyut Sahayak (Junior Engineer – Electrical, Mechanical, Instrumentation & Control, Electronics & Communication, Metallurgy and Civil), Vidyut Sahayak (Plant Attendant – Mechanical, Electrical) and Instrument Mechanic).

The online application portal will be available from 25.08.2021. Interested candidates are advised to refer the Official site and download the notification pdf , Eligibility and Other details related to the post like Registration Process , Essential Education Qualification , Upper Age Criteria , Application Fees etc. are given below .

Total Posts : 316

GSECL Vacancies 2021 Details

Company Secretary: 01 Post

Junior Programmer: 09 Posts

Vidyut Sahayak (Junior Engineer – Electrical): 45 Posts

Vidyut Sahayak (Junior Engineer – Mechanical): 55 Posts

Vidyut Sahayak (Junior Engineer – Instrumentation & Control): 19 Posts

Vidyut Sahayak (Junior Engineer – Electronics & Communication): 10 Posts

Vidyut Sahayak (Junior Engineer – Metallurgy): 01 Post

Vidyut Sahayak (Junior Engineer – Civil): 25 Posts

Vidyut Sahayak (Plant Attendant – Mechanical): 69 Posts

Vidyut Sahayak (Plant Attendant – Electrical): 50 Posts

Instrument Mechanic: 32 Posts

Important Dates :
• Date of commencement of Online Application: 25-08-2021
• Last date for Online Application Submission: 14-09-2021

Age Limit :

Candidate age limit for the Company Secretary post is 40 years and for other posts age limit should be between 35 years and 40 years as on the last date of receipt of application..

GSECL Recruitment 2021

Education Qualification and Required Experience :

For Company Secretary: Candidate should have any degree with minimum of 55% in last year /two semesters and Membership of ICSI and should have minimum of 03 years experience having worked as a company secretary.

For Junior Programmer: Candidate should have Full Time B.E./B.Tech. (Computer Science /Electronic & Communication /Information Technology) or equivalent or full time MCA degree of 03 years’ course with 55% without ATKT and Minimum 02 years relevant industrial experience of design and development of Commercial application using PHP /MySQL /ORACLE /MS-SQL.

For Junior Engineer: Candidate should have Full time B.E./B.Tech.(relevant field) in regular mode from recognized university duly approved by UGC/AICTE with minimum 55% in 7th & 8th semester without ATKT.

For Plant Attendant Post: Candidate should have Full time Diploma (relevant field) in regular mode from recognized university duly approved by UGC/AICTE with minimum 55% in last year / 5th & 6th semester.

For Instrument Mechanic post: Candidate should have Full Time Diploma (Instrumentation & Control) in regular mode from recognized university duly approved by UGC/AICTE with minimum 55% in Last Year / 5th & 6th semester.

GSECL Recruitment 2021 Salary Details

Salary for Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited Recruitment 2021 will be given as per GSECL board norms.

Shortlisted candidates are eligible to get a salary for Company Secretary is Rs. 55,600 to Rs. 1,10,100/- per month, for Junior Programmer and Vidyut Sahayak (Junior Engineer) post salary is Rs. 45,400/- to Rs. 1,01,200/- per month, for Vidyut Sahayak (Plant Attendant) post salary for 1st Year Rs.17,500/-, 2nd year 19,000/- and from 3 rd year to 5th year shall be Rs.20,500/- and for Instrument Mechanic post salary is Rs. 26000/ to Rs. 56600/- per month from the respective board.

GSECL Recruitment 2021 Application Fee

Application fee for UR, SEBC & EWS candidates is Rs. 500/- and for ST&SC candidates application fee is Rs. 250/-. The application fee is considered as Non-refundable. Candidate has to pay application fees On-line through Credit Card / Debit Card / Net Banking.

GSECL Recruitment 2021 Selection process

Candidates are shortlisted based on Online Test, Personal Interview.

Online Test : The question paper for the On-line Test shall be consisting of 100 questions and the paper shall be of 100 marks. There shall be negative marking system and 1/4th mark for each wrong answer shall be deducted to arrive at total marks scored. The question paper would be related to Company Law and its amendments.

How to Apply : Interested and Eligible Candidates may Apply Online to the Official site of GSECL website.

Select “Career” section on the Home page.

Find and select the required notification on that page.

  • Notification will open read it and check Eligibility.
  • Back to the page, find apply link.
  • Click “Apply Online” button on the notification page.
  • If you are new user, you have to make registration otherwise you may login to your account then start to apply.
  • Enter your details correctly and make the payment.
  • Fill the application form and click “Submit” button.
  • Print the registration form for future purposes.

Official Notification for GSECL Recruitment 2021 –  Download Official Notification

GSECL Vidyut Junior Programmer Notification

GSECL Vidyut Instrument Mechanic Notification

GSECL Vidyut CS Notification

===>> see also All Gujarat Jobs

Details and Application Format

Please see Advertisement : Click Here and visit GSECL Website for all the details and Online Application format for GSECL Recruitment 2021-22. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs..