Category Archives: ITI Trade Jobs

UPSC Geo Scientist Recruitment 2024 - Apply Online Today!

UPSC Geo Scientist Recruitment 2024 – Apply Online Today!!

UPSC Geo Scientist Recruitment 2024 – UPSC application process for the combined Geo-Scientist Preliminary Exam 2024 is ongoing. Apply by Oct 10. Exam on Feb 18, 2024.

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), located at Shahjahan Road, Dholpur House, New Delhi – 110069, is scheduled to conduct the Combined Geo-Scientist (Preliminary) Examination in 2024. This examination will be in a computer-based format and is set to take place on 18/02/2024. The purpose of this examination is to shortlist candidates for the Combined Geo-Scientist (Main) Examination in 2024, which serves as a gateway to various prestigious government job vacancies.

These coveted positions include 56 Sarkari Naukri Vacancy posts in the fields of Geology, Geophysics, Chemistry, and Hydrogeology, all designated as Scientist B (Group-A) roles. These vacancies are within esteemed government bodies such as the Geological Survey of India (GSI) and the Central Ground Water Board (CGWB), among others, operating under the Government of India’s jurisdiction.

The recruitment examination is scheduled to take place at multiple centers nationwide. The Main examination is slated for June 22, 2024, as per Examination Notice No. 02/2024-GEOL.

Name of ExamCombined Geo-Scientist Exam 2024
Examination Notice No.02/2024 GEOL
Level of ExamNational Level
Post NameVarious Post
Exam Conducted ByUnion Public Service Commission (UPSC)
Exam FrequencyOnce a year
Mode of Application FormOnline
Number of Posts56
Last Date to Apply11.10.2022
Helpline Number011-23098543 / 23381125 / 23385271 / 23098591
UPSC Geo Scientist Recruitment 2024 - Apply Online Today!!

UPSC Geo Scientist Recruitment 2024 Vacancies

Geologist34Geological Survey of India
Geophysicist01Geological Survey of India
Chemist13Geological Survey of India
Scientist-B (Geophysics)02Central Ground Water Board
Scientist-B (Chemical)02Central Ground Water Board
Scientist-B (Hydrogeology)04Central Ground Water Board

Age: 21-32 years as on 01/01/2024

Selection Process for UPSC Geo Scientist Exam

The Combined Geo-Scientist Examination will encompass three sequential stages:

  • Stage-I: Combined Geo-Scientist (Preliminary) Examination (Objective type) comprising two papers. This stage aims to shortlist candidates for the Combined Geo-Scientist (Main) Examination. The marks obtained in the Preliminary Examination will be considered when determining the final merit.
  • Stage-II: Combined Geo-Scientist (Main) Examination (Descriptive Type), which includes three papers. The primary objective here is to select candidates for the Personality Test (Stage-III). The marks obtained in the Main Examination will be taken into account in determining the final merit.
  • Stage-III: Personality Test/Interview

Application Fee for Geo-Scientist  Examination 2024

Fee DetailsPayment Options
Application Fee₹200/-
Payment Methods1. Deposit cash at any SBI branch 2. State Bank of India Net Banking 3. Visa/Master/RuPay Credit/Debit Card
ExemptionNo fee for SC/ST/PH/Female candidates

How to Apply for UPSC Geo-Scientist Recruitment Examination 2024?

Prospective candidates who meet the eligibility criteria are encouraged to complete the online application process through the official UPSC Online website at The application window for one-time registration and submission of applications for the UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist Recruitment Examination 2024 will be open from September 20, 2023, to October 10, 2023.

  • Go to the official website.
  • On the homepage, locate and select “Exam Notification: Combined Geo-Scientist (Preliminary) Examination, 2024.”
  • Click on the “Apply” link.
  • Register by providing your details and then proceed to fill out the application form.
  • Complete the application form with the required information.
  • Upload the necessary documents and make the payment for the application fee.
  • After successful submission, download a copy of your application and take a printout for your records.

View – Government Jobs Recruitment by all Public Service Commissions in India

Details and submission of application for UPSC 2024 Jobs

To access comprehensive information regarding the posts, qualifications, instructions, syllabus, and more for the Combined Geo-Scientist Recruitment Examination 2024, you can visit either of the following links:

  1. Visit
  2. Alternatively, you can also view the details at wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

BSSC Inter Level Recruitment 2023 - Apply Online for 11098 Post

BSSC Inter Level Recruitment 2023 – Apply Online for 11098 Post

BSSC Inter Level Recruitment 2023- Bihar SSC 12th/Inter Level Combined Competitive Exam 2023

Bihar Staff Selection Commission (BSSC) is extending an invitation to eligible Indian citizens to apply online for the recruitment of 11,098 Government Jobs in the Group-C Employee category. These vacancies will be filled through the 2nd Intermediate/12th/10+2 Level Combined Competitive Exam 2023, and they are available across various departments of the Bihar Government at different administrative levels. This recruitment drive is advertised under Advertisement No. 02/23.

Exam NameBSSC Inter Level Exam 2023-24
No of Vacancy11,098
Job PostsLower Division Clerk, Assistant Instructor (Typing), Filariasis Inspector, Typist cum Clerk, etc.
Apply ModeOnline
Selection ProcessExamination
Job LocationBihar
Important Dates27/09/2023 to 11/11/2023
Job OrganizationBihar State Selection Commission (BSSC)
BSSC Inter Level Recruitment 2023 - Apply Online for 11098 Post

BSSC Inter Level Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

PostVacanciesDepartment/OrganizationPay Scale
Lower Division Clerk (निम्नवर्गीय लिपिक)3,927Various Departments/OrganizationsPay Level-2 ₹19,900-63,200
Filaria Inspector (फाइलेरिया निरीक्षक)69Health DepartmentPay Level-4 ₹25,500-81,100
Assistant Instructor (Typing) (सहायक अनुदेशक (टंकण)7Cabinet Secretariat (Rajbhasha)Pay Level-4 ₹25,500-81,100
Revenue Worker (राजस्व कर्मचारी)3.559Revenue and Land Reform DepartmentPay Level-2 ₹19,900-63,200
Panchayat Secretary (पंचायत सचिव)3,532Panchayati Raj DepartmentPay Level-3 ₹21,700-69,100
Typist-cum-Clerk (टंकक-सह-लिपिक)4Revenue and Land Reform DepartmentPay Level-4 ₹25,500-81,100

BSSC Inter Level Vacancy 2023 Category Wise

  • General Category – 5064 Posts.
  • Backward Class (BC) – 1249 Posts.
  • Economically Weaker Section (EWS) – 1090 Posts.
  • Extremely Backward Class – 1884 Posts.
  • Scheduled Caste (SC) – 1376 Posts.
  • Scheduled Tribe (ST) – 76 Posts.
  • BC (Female) – 368 Posts.

Age: 18-37 years as of 01/08/2023. relaxation in age as per rules.

Selection Process for BSSC Recruitment 2023

The selection process for the BSSC Inter Level 2023, aiming to fill 11,098 vacant positions, will commence with the submission of online application forms. Subsequently, all applicants will receive invitations to partake in the preliminary examination upon successful application submission.

Upon the conclusion of the Prelims Exam, candidates who meet the qualification criteria will receive invitations to participate in the Main Examination. The ultimate phase of the Bihar Second Inter Level selection process encompasses either document verification or a skill test, depending on the specific post for which candidates have applied.

Application Fee for BSSC Inter-Level Notification 2023

Application FeeGeneral/OBC CategorySC/ST/PWD/Women Category
Application Fee (Including GST @18%)₹540/-₹135/-
Payment MethodsCredit Card, Debit Card, UPI, Net BankingCredit Card, Debit Card, UPI, Net Banking

How to Apply for Bihar SSC Inter Level Combined Competitive Exam 2023?

Eligible candidates who have passed their 12th/Inter/10+2 exams and meet the necessary criteria are encouraged to apply online via the prescribed format on the Bihar SSC recruitment website. The application window for the Bihar SSC 2nd Inter/12th Level Combined Competitive Exam 2023 will be open from 27/09/2023 to 11/11/2023.

  • Step 1: Start by confirming your eligibility by consulting the BSSC Inter Level Notification 2023.
  • Step 2: Next, access the Bihar Inter Level Apply Online Link 2023 available on this page or visit the official website at
  • Step 3: Complete the Bihar Inter Level application form for 2023 by providing accurate details.
  • Step 4: Follow the application guidelines to upload the specified necessary documents.
  • Step 5: Proceed to make the required fee payment.
  • Step 6: Lastly, submit the application form and don’t forget to download a copy for your records.

View – All available Government Jobs in Bihar

Details and online submission for BSSC Inter Level Vacancy 2023

To access detailed information and to submit your application online for the Bihar SSC 2nd Inter Level Combined Competitive Exam 2023 Vacancies, kindly visit the Bihar SSC Recruitment website at wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

Coal India MT Recruitment 2023 - Apply Online Now!

Coal India Recruitment 2023 for Management Trainee (MT) – Apply Online Now!

The Coal India Recruitment 2023, offering 560 vacancies, is now available on the official website. To apply for CIL Recruitment, interested candidates can use the direct link provided below.

Coal India Limited (CIL), a prestigious Government of India enterprise, is actively seeking vibrant and proficient individuals to join their team as Management Trainees across various domains, based on their GATE-2023 scores (Advertisement No. 03/2023).

CIL warmly welcomes online applications in the prescribed format for the recruitment of 560 coveted Government job positions for Engineers, designated as Management Trainees (MT). These Management Trainees will undergo comprehensive training within Coal India and upon completion, they will assume roles as accomplished Officers/Managers in the organization for the year 2023.

Recruitment OrganizationCoal India Limited (CIL)
Post NameManagement Trainee (MT)
Advt No.03/2023
Salary/ Pay ScaleRs. 5000- 160000/- (E-2 Grade)
Job LocationAll India
Last Date to Apply12 October 2023
Mode of ApplyOnline
CategoryCoal India MT Recruitment 2023
Coal India Recruitment 2023 for Management Trainee (MT) - Apply Online Now!

Coal India Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

Job DetailsManagement Trainees
Total Vacancies560
Pay ScaleE2 grade ₹50,000-₹1,60,000
Post-Training PayE3 grade ₹60,000-₹1,80,000
Age Limit30 years (as of 31/08/2023)
Age RelaxationAs per rules
QualificationB.E./B.Tech./B.Sc. (Engg.) in relevant branch from a recognized University/Institute with a minimum of 60% marks.
DisciplineGeneralEWSSCSTOBCFresh VacanciesTotal Vacancy

Selection Process for Coal India MT Recruitment 2023

  • To be considered eligible, candidates must have participated in the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE – 2023).
  • Candidates will be shortlisted discipline-wise and category-wise, in a ratio of 1:3 based on their GATE-2023 Scores/Marks and the specific job requirements. The shortlisting will be done in order of merit for the subsequent selection process.
  • In case of a tie in GATE Score, the following criteria will be used to determine the final merit: a. Applicants with a higher percentage mark/CGPA in their minimum eligible qualification will be given preference in the merit list. b. If a tie persists even after considering the first criterion, the applicant who is senior in age will be placed higher.
  • The final merit list for each discipline will be compiled solely based on the GATE-2023 Scores/Marks.
  • Please note that GATE Scores/Marks from the year 2023 are the only ones considered valid for this recruitment. Scores before or after GATE-2023 will not be taken into account.
  • The final list of selected candidates for the available vacancies will be published exclusively on the CIL website.
  • Selected candidates will receive notifications about document verification (DV) and the initial Medical Examination (IME) through the CIL website and their registered email IDs.

View – Getting Engineering Jobs through GATE

Application Fee for CIL MT Recruitment 2023

Application FeeAmount
General/OBC Candidates₹1000/- plus ₹180/- (GST @18%)
Payment ModeOnline Only
Fee ExemptionsSC/ST/PwD/ESM candidates, Employees of Coal India Limited, and its Subsidiaries

How to Apply for Coal India Management Trainee Recruitment 2023? 

Engineer candidates who meet the required qualifications are encouraged to submit their applications online, using the prescribed format available on the Coal India website. The application window for the Recruitment of Management Trainees through GATE-2023 will be open from 13/09/2023 to 12/10/2023.

  • Review the eligibility criteria outlined in the Coal India MT Notification 2023.
  • Access the online application portal by clicking on the provided Apply Online link or visiting the official website at
  • Complete the application form with the necessary details.
  • Upload the required documents as specified.
  • Make the payment of applicable fees.
  • After successful submission, don’t forget to print a copy of the completed Application Form for your records.

View – All open Government Jobs in Public Sector Companies

Details and Application Format

For comprehensive information and the online application process, as well as the fee payment challan format, for the Coal India Management Trainees Recruitment 2023, kindly visit the official Coal India Recruitment website at wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

BPCL Recruitment 2023 for Entry Level Executives

BPCL Recruitment 2023 for Entry Level Executives – Apply Now!!

BPCL Recruitment 2023 – Entry Level Executives Job Vacancy Recruitment in BPCL 2023

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL), a distinguished Fortune Global 500 Company, is extending an invitation for online applications in the prescribed format. We are actively seeking capable and passionate candidates who are eager to embark on an exciting career journey with us. Explore the opportunities to join our growth story in 2023 as we offer government job vacancies for Entry Level Executives in the fields of Engineering, Finance/Accounts, Human Resources, and Quality Assurance at BPCL. If you’re interested and meet the eligibility criteria, don’t miss this chance to be part of our thriving organization.”

In the year 2023, BPCL has announced exciting opportunities for government job aspirants. Online applications are invited for Entry Level Job Vacancies, specifically for Junior Executives/Associate Executives, across various disciplines.

BPCL Recruitment 2023 for Entry Level Executives - Apply Now!!

About Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited  (BPCL) 

BPCL, a Fortune Global 500 Company established in 1976, is a key player in the energy sector, trusted for its energy solutions. We focus on innovation, sustainability, and customer satisfaction, with a diverse portfolio spanning petroleum, petrochemicals, refining, and distribution. Our commitment to economic growth, innovation, and energy security aligns with environmental responsibility and community development. Join our journey of excellence as we fuel the future and contribute to India’s prosperity.

BPCL Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

PositionAgeExperienceEducational QualificationPay Scale
Junior Executive (Engineering)29 years5 yearsDiploma in Engineering (3-year course)E0 ₹30,000-₹1,20,000
Associate Executive (Engineering)29 years3 yearsB.Tech./B.E./B.Sc.(Engg) (4-year Course)E1 ₹40,000-₹1,04,000
Junior Executive (Accounts)30-35 years5 yearsInter CA/Inter CMA + GraduationE0 ₹30,000-₹1,20,000
Junior Executive (Quality Assurance)29 years5 yearsB.Sc. (Chemistry) (3-year Course) OR Diploma in Chemical Engineering (3-year course)E0 ₹30,000-₹1,20,000
Associate Executive (Human Resources)30 years3 yearsMBA (HR) / MA (PM&IR) / Post Graduate Diploma in HR / PM&IR / MMS (HR/ Personnel)/ Masters in Labour Studies courses (2-year Course)E1 ₹40,000-₹1,40,000

Application Fee for BPCL Junior Executive Recruitment 2023

CategoryApplication FeePayment Method
UR₹590/-Online payment modes like Debit/Credit card/UPI/Net Banking
OBC-NCL₹590/-Online payment modes like Debit/Credit card/UPI/Net Banking
EWS₹590/-Online payment modes like Debit/Credit card/UPI/Net Banking
(Application fee of ₹500/- + GST@18% i.e., ₹90/- + payment gateway charges if applicable) to be paid through online payment modes like Debit/Credit card/UPI/Net Banking.On paying application fee online.

View – Officer Government Jobs

How to Apply for BPCL Entry Level Executives Job Vacancy Recruitment 2023 

Prospective candidates who meet the qualifications and are interested in these positions are encouraged to submit their applications online via the official BPCL recruitment website. The application window for BPCL Entry Level Executives Job Vacancy Recruitment 2023 across various disciplines will be open from 06/09/2023 to 30/09/2023.

  1. To apply, eligible candidates must use the BPCL IBPS Online Application Portal.
  2. Applicants are expected to provide essential information, including personal and educational details, during the application process.
  3. Along with their application, candidates should upload the necessary documents and certificates as required.
  4. It is recommended that candidates submit only a single application.
  5. The deadline for online application registration is 30/09/2023.
  6. For comprehensive information, please refer to the BPCL Official Notification for the year 2023.

Details and Online submission of application

For additional details regarding the BPCL Entry Level Executives Job Vacancy Recruitment 2023 and to submit your application online, please visit wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

SBI Apprentice Recruitment 2023 Banner Image

SBI Apprentice Recruitment 2023: Apply for 6160 Vacancies Now!

SBI Apprentice Recruitment 2023: 6160 golden opportunities to kickstart your career in banking.

State Bank of India (SBI) has released a notification for recruiting Apprentices Trainees under the Apprentice Act 1961 (as per the latest amendments) for the year 2023. The advertisement reference is CRPD/APPR/2023-24/17.

The Central Recruitment & Promotion Department (CRPD) of the State Bank of India (SBI) is now accepting online applications from eligible Indian citizens for the Apprenticeship program. Candidates are allowed to apply for apprenticeship opportunities in only one state, and each candidate can participate in the examination process just once within this particular engagement project.

OrganizationState Bank of India (SBI)
Advertisement No.CRPD/APPR/2023-24/17
CategoryGovt Jobs
Mode of ApplicationOnline
Online Registration Dates1st to 21st September 2023
Selection ProcessComputer-based online exam and local language test
SalaryRs. 15,000/-
Duration of Apprenticeship1 year
SBI Apprentice Recruitment 2023: Apply for 6160 Vacancies Now!

SBI Apprentice Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

CategoryVacanciesAge (as of 01/08/2023)QualificationStipend
Apprentices Trainees6160 20-28 yearsGraduation from a recognized University/ Institute₹15,000/- per month
SBI Apprentice Vacancy 2023: Category-Wise
Total Vacancies6160 Posts

Application Fee for SBI Apprentice 2023

Application FeePayment MethodFee Exemption
₹750/-Online Payment (Debit Card/ Credit Card/ Internet Banking)No fee for SC/ST/PWD candidates

Candidates are required to pay a fee of ₹750/- for their application, and this fee can be paid online using various methods, including Debit Card, Credit Card, and Internet Banking. However, please note that there is no application fee for candidates belonging to the SC/ST/PWD categories.

Selection Process for SBI Apprentice Vacancies 2023

The selection process will rely on an Online Test, which is expected to take place exclusively in the month of October/November 2023.

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How to Apply for SBI Apprentices Vacancies 2023? 

Prospective candidates who meet the required qualifications and attributes are encouraged to submit their applications online in the prescribed format for the SBI Apprentices Vacancy Recruitment 2023 on the SBI website. The online application window will be open from 01/09/2023 to 21/09/2023 exclusively.

  • Step 1: Visit the official SBI Careers website.
  • Step 2: Scroll down the page and click on “Current Openings,” then select “ENGAGEMENT OF APPRENTICES UNDER THE APPRENTICES ACT, 1961.” Finally, click on “Apply Online.”
  • Step 3: To begin your registration process for the SBI Apprentice Exam, click on “New Registration” at the top-right corner of the provided link’s homepage.
  • Step 4: Start your SBI Apprentice application by entering your basic information, including your name, contact number, email address, and address. After filling in the details, click on the “Save and Next” button.
  • Step 5: Upload the required documents, including the handwritten declaration, photograph, and signature, in the specified format provided by the State Bank of India.
  • Step 6: Enter your academic details in this section of the online application process. Once completed, click on the “Save and Next” button.
  • Step 7: Preview your application form and make the payment of your application fee through the online payment options, which include Credit Card, Debit Card, or Net Banking.
  • Step 8: Finally, click on the “Submit” button to complete your application process.

See Also – All open Government Jobs in the Banking sector

Details and Application Format

For detailed information and access to the online application format, kindly visit the SBI website’s Recruitment page at or specifically for the SBI Apprentices Vacancy Recruitment 2023. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

HSCC Recruitment 2023 - Apply Now

HSCC Recruitment 2023 for Manager and Executive Posts – Apply Online Now!

HSCC (INDIA) LIMITED, a subsidiary of NBCC (India) Ltd has invited online applications for the recruitment of the following posts (HSCC Recruitment 2023) on a regular basis.

HSCC (India) Limited is currently accepting online applications, following the designated format, from corporations that are in need of adept and outcome-driven experts for consistent and ongoing placements in Government Job Vacancies. The primary focus of this (HSCC Recruitment 2023) recruitment endeavor is to identify and bring on board qualified individuals to assume roles as Managers and Executives across diverse fields. These positions are integral not only to the current projects at hand but also to prospective assignments that HSCC (India) Limited will undertake throughout the entirety of 2023. Interested candidates who are seeking opportunities within the government sector can gather pertinent information from the official advertisement, specifically labeled as Advertisement No. HSCC/RECT/2023/2.

Organization NameHospital Services Consultancy Corporation Limited (HSCC)
Job CategoryCentral Govt Jobs
Employment typeRegular Basis
Post DetailsManager, Executive
Total Vacancy26 Posts
SalaryRs.30000-200000/- Per Month
Start Date29-08-2023
Last Date15-Sep-2023
Job LocationAll India
Apply ModeOnline
Advertisement No. HSCC/RECT/2023/2
HSCC Recruitment 2023 for Manager and Executive Posts - Apply Now!

About HSCC Limited

HSCC Limited, known as Hospital Services Consultancy Corporation Limited, is a premier Indian government enterprise operating in the field of healthcare infrastructure development and project consultancy. Established under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, HSCC has a commendable track record of providing consultancy services for healthcare infrastructure projects, encompassing hospitals, medical colleges, and related facilities. With its expertise and commitment to delivering high-quality solutions, HSCC plays a vital role in contributing to the healthcare landscape of the country.

HSCC Recruitment 2023 Vacancies 

PositionVacanciesPay ScaleAge Limit
Senior Manager (Civil/HRM/Company Secretary)03 (OBC-2, SC-1)IDA E-4 ₹70000-200000/-41 years
Manager (Civil/HRM/System/Mechanical/Finance)06 (UR-3, OBC-2, ST-1)IDA E-3 ₹60000-180000/-37 years
Deputy Manager (Electrical/Legal/Finance/Bio-Medical)04 (OBC-1, SC-2, ST-1) (PWD-1)IDA E-2 ₹50000-160000/-33 years
Executive (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical/System/Finance/HRM/Bio-Medical)13 (UR-5, EWS-1, OBC-3, SC-3)IDA E-0 ₹30000-120000/-28 years

Application Fee for HSCC Recruitment 2023

CategoryApplication Fee
General/OBC₹1000/- through Online gateway (Debit Card/Credit Card/Net-Banking)
SC/ST/PWD and Internal candidatesExempted from Application Fee

View – All Government Jobs in Universities of India

Selection Procedure for HSCC Recruitment 2023

The assessment process for the mentioned positions will involve Group Discussion and Personal Interview. The selection criteria are subject to potential changes based on the received response for each position. HSCC’s decision in this matter will be conclusive and final.

How to Apply for HSCC Limited Manager/Executive Recruitment 2023?

Prospective candidates who meet the necessary qualifications are encouraged to submit their applications online in the prescribed format. The application form should be accessible on the HSCC Limited website until 15/09/2023, specifically for the HSCC Limited Manager/Executive Vacancy Recruitment 2023.

  • Begin by reviewing the HSCC recruitment notification through the official website link.
  • For those with prior registration, log in using your username and password. New users without a user ID should proceed to register.
  • Update all the necessary details in the provided fields and attach required documents, including a recent photograph and signature.
  • If applicable, make the payment for the application fee based on your category.
  • Before final submission, carefully review all entered information.
  • Don’t forget to save or capture the provided reference ID for future reference.

View – All open Government Jobs in PSU Companies

Details and Application format 

Please visit Career tab at HSSC Limited website at for details and application format for HSCC Limited Managers and Executives Vacancy Recruitment 2023. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

NSC Recruitment 2023 - Apply Online

NSC Recruitment 2023 – Apply Online Now for Various Posts!

The NSCL Recruitment 2023 has announced 89 vacancies across multiple posts. Online registration started on August 28, 2023. This post provides essential details about the recruitment process.

National Seeds Corporation Ltd, a Government of India Undertaking overseen by the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Department of Agriculture Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, has initiated an online application process in the specified format (NSC Recruitment 2023). This call is directed towards accomplished Indian Nationals aiming for government employment. The opportunity encompasses the appointment to 89 esteemed Government Job vacancies, attainable through direct recruitment. These openings are distributed across the Corporate Office (New Delhi), various Regional / Area Offices, and Farms spanning the entirety of India, making it a nationwide prospect for the year 2023. (Refer to Advertisement no. RECTT/1NSC/2023).

Job NameJunior Officer, Management Trainees (MT), Trainees
No of Vacancy89
Job TypeManagement, Trainee, Public Sector Jobs, Agriculture Jobs, Engineering, Steno, Marketing
Apply ModeOnline
Selection ProcessExamination, Interview
Job LocationAll Over India
Closing Date25/09/2023
Job OrganizationNational Seeds Corporation Limited (NSC)
NSC Recruitment 2023 - Apply Online for Various Posts!

About National Seeds Corporation Ltd

The National Seeds Corporation Ltd (NSC) stands as a prominent Government of India Undertaking under the purview of the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Department of Agriculture Cooperation & Farmers Welfare. With a dedicated focus on agricultural advancement, NSC plays a pivotal role in ensuring the availability of quality seeds to Indian farmers. By maintaining a robust network of Corporate, Regional, and Area Offices, as well as Farms spread across the nation, NSC contributes significantly to enhancing agricultural productivity and sustaining food security.

NSC Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

PositionVacanciesAge LimitPay Scale
Junior Officer-I (Legal)0430 yearsIDA ₹22000-77000/-
Junior Officer-I (Vigilance)0230 yearsIDA ₹22000-77000/-
Management Trainee (Marketing)1527 yearsIDA ₹22000-77000/-
Management Trainee (Electrical Engineering)0127 yearsStipend: ₹55680/- during training; After training: Assistant Manager in IDA E-1 ₹40000-140000/-
Management Trainee (Civil Engg.)0127 yearsStipend: ₹55680/- during training; After training: Assistant Manager in IDA E-1 ₹40000-140000/-
Trainee (Agriculture)4027 yearsStipend: ₹23664/- during training; After training: Junior Executive in ₹17000-60000/-
Trainee (Marketing)0627 yearsStipend: ₹23664/- during training; After training: Junior Executive in ₹17000-60000/-
Trainee (Quality Control)0327 yearsStipend: ₹23664/- during training; After training: Junior Executive in ₹17000-60000/-
Trainee (Stenographer)0527 yearsStipend: ₹23664/- during training; After training: Junior Executive in ₹17000-60000/-
Trainee (Agriculture Stores)1227 yearsStipend: ₹23664/- during training; After training: Junior Executive in ₹17000-60000/-

Selection Process for NSC Recruitment 2023

The selection process for NSC Recruitment 2023 will encompass written tests, interviews, and document verification. Candidates eligible for the NSCL position will undergo a written test before the interview stage, followed by document verification. Successful progression through each phase is imperative for final selection:

  1. Written Examination
  2. Interview
  3. Document Verification

View – List of all available Officer Government Jobs

Application Fee for NSCL Recruitment 2023

CategoryApplication Fee
General/OBC₹500/- + GST
SC/ST/PWDExempted from fee

How to Apply for National Seeds Corporation Job Recruitment 2023? 

Prospective candidates who meet the requisites and possess the desired qualifications are encouraged to submit their applications through the designated online portal on the National Seeds Corporation website. The application window will be open from 28/08/2023 to 25/09/2023 exclusively for the purpose of the Job Vacancy Recruitment 2023 at National Seeds Corporation Limited.

  1. Open the official website of National Seeds Corporation Limited (NSCL).
  2. Navigate to the latest section on the left side of the homepage.
  3. Click on the “Apply Online for Recruitment 2023” link.
  4. Select the “New Registration” link and input your personal details, along with a valid Mobile Number and Email Address.
  5. You’ll receive a registration ID and password on your provided email address and mobile number.
  6. Log in using the registration ID and password. Complete the application form by filling in essential personal and educational information.
  7. Follow the provided instructions to upload all necessary documents in the prescribed format.
  8. If applicable, make the application fee payment using the available online payment methods.
  9. Finally, download and save a copy of the submitted application for future reference.

View – All open Trainee Government Jobs

Details and Application Format

Please visit for more details and online application form for National Seeds Corporation Job Vacancy Recruitment 2023. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

Central Warehousing Corporation Recruitment 2023 Apply Now

Central Warehousing Corporation Recruitment 2023: Apply Now!

The Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC) has unveiled the (Central Warehousing Corporation Recruitment 2023) notification for a total of 153 positions. The online registration for CWC Recruitment 2023 commenced on August 26, 2023.

Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC), classified as a Schedule-A Mini Ratna Category-I entity, stands as a prominent Central Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) under the supervisory umbrella of the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution. In its latest stride, CWC is extending a cordial invitation for online submissions in the designated layout, from eligible candidates aspiring for direct recruitment. The opportunity encompasses a spectrum of coveted Government Job vacancies, tailored for the year 2023. This recruitment drive operates under the distinguished Advertisement Number CWC/1-Manpower/DR/Rectt/2023/01.

OrganizationCentral Warehousing Corporation
PostAssistant Manager, Accountant, Superintendent, and Junior Technical Assistant
Online Application Starts On26 August 2023
Online Application Ends On24 September 2023
CWC Recruitment 2023 Exam DateNovember 2023 (Tentative)
Age LimitAs per the posts

About Central Warehousing Corporation

The Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC) is a significant entity in India’s storage and logistics sector. It operates under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution. CWC manages warehouses across the country, storing commodities like food grains and industrial goods. It supports food security policies by maintaining buffer stocks and facilitating distribution. CWC is known for modern practices and technology-driven solutions. Its recruitment drives, like CWC Recruitment 2023, offer career opportunities in various roles. Overall, CWC plays a crucial role in ensuring efficient storage and distribution of goods.

Central Warehousing Corporation Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

PostVacanciesAge LimitPay Scale
Assistant Engineer (Civil)18Up to 30IDA E-1 Scale ₹40000-140000/-
Assistant Engineer (Electrical)05Up to 30IDA E-1 Scale ₹40000-140000/-
Accountant24Up to 30IDA E-1 Scale ₹40000-140000/-
Superintendent (General)11Up to 30IDA E-1 Scale ₹40000-140000/-
Junior Technical Assistant81Up to 28IDA S-V Scale ₹29000-93000/-
Superintendent (General) – SRD (NE)02Up to 30IDA E-1 Scale ₹40000-140000/-
Junior Technical Assistant – SRD (NE)10Up to 28IDA S-V Scale ₹29000-93000/-
Junior Technical Assistant – SRD (UT of Ladakh)02Up to 28IDA S-V Scale ₹29000-93000/-

Educational Qualifications for CWC Recruitment 2023

Post NameEducational Qualifications
Assistant Engineer (Civil)B.Tech/B.E. in Civil Engineering
Assistant Engineer (Electrical)B.Tech/B.E. in Electrical Engineering
AccountantB.Com/BA (Commerce) or Chartered Accountant with about three years’ experience
Superintendent (General)Post Graduate Degree in any discipline from a recognized University or Institution
Junior Technical AssistantDegree in Agriculture/Zoology/Chemistry/Bio-Chemistry

Selection Process for CWC Job Vacancies

For engineer vacancies, the selection process involves an Online Test followed by Document Verification and an Interview. For other posts, the selection process includes an Online Test and Document Verification.

Application Fee

During the application submission process, there is an applicable fee of ₹1250/-, except for SC/ST/PWD/Ex-Servicemen and Women candidates, who are required to pay ₹400/-. Payment for the application fee should be made using online methods.

How to Apply for CWC Job Vacancy Recruitment 2023?

Prospective and eligible candidates who wish to apply should complete the online application using the designated format accessible on the CWCL website. The application window for the diverse job vacancies within Central Warehousing Corporation Limited for the year 2023 is open from 26/08/2023 to 24/09/2023.

  1. Go to the official website of the Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC).
  2. Click on the “Career @CWC (Direct Recruitment)” link.
  3. Select the advertisement number CWC/1-Manpower/DR/Rectt/2023/01.
  4. Carefully complete the registration details and note your registration number and password for future reference.
  5. Fill out the Central Warehousing Corporation application form.
  6. After cross-checking all the details, deposit the application fee.
  7. Submit the CWC Recruitment 2023 application form and save it for future reference.

Details and Application Format

Suitable and desirable job seeker candidates please visit for details and online application format for Central Warehousing Job Vacancy Recruitment 2023. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

SSC Hindi and Junior Translator Recruitment 2023

SSC Hindi and Junior Translator Recruitment 2023: Apply Now!

The SSC JHT 2023 Notification is out for 307 vacancies. Find the active SSC JHT 2023 Application Form link below in the article.

The upcoming month of October 2023 will witness the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducting an extensive Combined All India Open Competitive Recruitment Examination (Paper-I) through the Computer Based mode. This significant examination aims to fill approximately 307 Group ‘B’ Category Non-Gazetted Government Job vacancies (SSC Hindi and Junior Translator Recruitment 2023). These vacancies pertain to the roles of Junior Hindi Translator, Junior Translator, and Senior Hindi Translator across diverse Ministries, Departments, and Organizations under the Government of India. It’s important to note that the exact number of vacancies will be confirmed in due course, underscoring the substantial opportunities this recruitment drive offers.

SSC is extending invitations for online applications in the specified format from eligible candidates interested in pursuing Sarkari Naukri positions as Junior Hindi Translator, Junior Translator, and Senior Hindi Translator. These coveted vacancies are being offered as part of the SSC Junior Hindi Translator, Junior Translator, and Senior Hindi Translator Recruitment Examination for the year 2023.

Commission Staff Selection Commission 
Post Translator Officer, Junior Hindi Translator, Junior Translator 
Total Vacancies 307
Job Level National 
Job Location India 
SSC JHT Application Form 202322 August 2023 to 12 September 2023
Application mode Online 
Selection process Paper 1, Paper 2, Document Verification and Medical Examination 
Age limit 18 to 30 years 
Educational qualification Masters Degree 
Application fee Rs 100
Pay scale Rs 35400
Examination date 16 October 2023
Post type Recruitment
SSC Hindi and Junior Translator Recruitment 2023: Apply Now!

About SSC Hindi and Junior Translator  Recruitment Examination 2023

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) is set to conduct a Computer Based Online Combined All India Open Recruitment Examination. This examination serves as a gateway to secure coveted positions including Junior Hindi Translator, Junior Translator, and Senior Hindi Translator within various central government offices/organizations spanning across India. This opportunity comes after a hiatus of one year, making it an auspicious chance for candidates aspiring to secure government jobs rooted in the Hindi Language.

SSC Hindi and Junior Translator Recruitment 2023 vacancies

PositionVacanciesOrganisations/DepartmentsPay Level
Junior Translator263Various organisations/departmentsPay Level-6 ₹35400-112400
Junior Translation Officer (JTO)13Subordinate offices adopting Model RRs of DoP&T for JT/JHTPay Level-6 ₹35400-112400
Junior Hindi Translator (JHT)21Subordinate offices adopting Model RRs of DoP&T for JT/JHTPay Level-6 ₹35400-112400
Senior Translator01IHQ MOD (Navy)/DCMPRPay Level-7 ₹44900-142400
Senior Hindi Translator09Office of Development Commissioner (MSME)Pay Level-7 ₹44900-142400

All the above posts have been classified as Group ‘B’ Employee category Non-Gazetted posts.

Age Limit: 18-30 years as on 01/08/2023, Relaxation in age as per rules.

SSC Hindi and Junior Translator Exam 2023 Fee

Application Fee PaymentFee AmountPayment MethodsExempted Categories
General Category₹100/-Online: BHIM UPI, Net Banking, Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, RuPay Credit/Debit card, or cash payment at SBI Branches via SBI ChallanSC/ST/PH/Women/Ex-servicemen

Exam Pattern

Paper 1 and paper 2 are the two stages of the SSC JHT exam. The first paper is an online CBT i.e a computer-based exam and is entirely based on objective-based questions. The questions are divided into two categories General Hindi and General English. The second exam carries 200 marks. Each incorrect response will receive a negative marking of 0.25 marks. The SSC JHT exam pattern is provided below:

SubjectPaper 1Paper 2
Type of questionsObjective-basedDescriptive paper
Total marks200200
SyllabusGeneral English and General HindiGeneral English, General Hindi and and passage
Negative markingDeduction of -0.25 for each wrong answersDeduction of -0.25 for each wrong answer
Number of questions200Vary
Type of examOnline cbtOffline

Selection Process

The candidates have to appear for the following SSC JHT Selection Process 2023.

  • Paper 1 (Written Exam)
  • Paper 2 (Written Exam)
  • Interview
  • Document Verification.
  • Medical Examination

How to Apply for SSC Hindi and Junior Translator Recruitment Examination 2023? 

Prospective candidates who meet the criteria are encouraged to submit their applications online, following the prescribed format, on the official SSC website The application window for the SSC Hindi and Junior Translator Recruitment Examination 2023 will be open from 22/08/2023 to 12/09/2023.

  1. Access the official website.
  2. On the homepage, locate and click on the “Apply” Tab.
  3. Within this section, navigate to the JHT tab and select the active link.
  4. If you’re a registered user, enter your login credentials as prompted and click on the “Submit” tab.
  5. Open the application form and complete the necessary details.
  6. Upload the required documents and review the JHT Application Form 2023.
  7. Proceed to make the application fee payment and save the acknowledgment receipt on your device.
  8. Finally, submit the application form and store a copy on your device for future reference.

Details and application format of SSC Hindi Translator Exam 2023

For further details about SSC Hindi and Junior Translator Recruitment Examination 2023, please view  and the Online application form is available at wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**