OPaL Recruitment 2022-2023 – is in process of looking competent personnel for the 24 positions of General Manager, Senior Level & Executive Grades under various functions/ plants. | End Date: 18.03.2022
ONGC Petro additions Limited (OPaL) is a multi-billion joint venture company promoted by Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) and co-promoted by GAIL and GSPC at Vadodara (Gujarat). OPaL is looking for competent personnel at Executive cadre, having a proven track record in Petrochemicals or related industry for various roles in the various roles in various Technical/Support functions for the year 2022.
OPaL Executive Recruitment 2022 Vacancies
General Manager (HSE&F): 01 vacancies
General Manager (Information Technology – IT): 01 vacancies
Operations (Cracker): 01 vacancies
Operations (Polymer): 01 vacancies
Operations (Offsites): 02 vacancies
Maintenance (Mechanical): 01 vacancies
Maintenance (Instrumentation): 02 vacancies
Maintenance (Electrical): 03 vacancies
Other Support Functions (Fire): 01 vacancies
Other Support Functions (SAP – PP PM): 01 vacancies
Other Support Functions (Materials Management): 06 vacancies
Other Support Functions (Finance): 02 vacancies
Other Support Functions (Human Resources): 02 vacancies
Selected candidates will be offered an attractive remuneration on a CTC basis. In addition to CTC, the company (OPaL) also offers Mediclaim and Group Insurance benefits.
Apply through online mode, application link is given below.
Enter the details properly and then click submit button.
Details and Application Format
Please visit the Career section at https://www.opalindia.in/career.php for more information and apply online for OPaL Executive Vacancies Recruitment 2022.
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NTPC Executive Trainee Recruitment 2022: latest notification for the recruitment of Executive Trainees in the field of Finance (CA/ CMA), Finance (MBA Fin.), and Human Resource HR). For more information Please take a look at this page.
MaharatnaNTPC Limited, India’s largest power conglomerate, is looking for promising, energetic and dedicated candidates as Executive Trainees (Finance and HR) for its various offices/units throughout the country.
Therefore, NTPC invites online applications in the prescribed format for the recruitment of Executive Trainees – Human Resources (HR) and Finance (CA/CMA/MBA-Finance). (Advertisement No. 07/2022).
Executive Trainee – Human Resource (HR): 30 vacancies (UR-14, EWS-02, OBC-08, SC-04, ST-02), Age: 29 years, Pay Scale: E-1 ₹40000-140000, Qualification: MBA/ PG in HR
Application Fee
Desirous candidates need to pay an application fee of ₹300/- to apply for the vacancies in NTPC through online modes only. SC/ST/PWD/Ex.SM /Female candidates are exempted from the fee.
NTPC Executive Trainee Selection Process
The Selection Process of NTPC Executive Trainee Recruitment 2022 includes the following Stages:
Please visit the NTPC career recruitment website https://careers.ntpc.co.in for more details and online submission of application for Executive Trainee Vacancy Recruitment in NTPC for HR and Finance Professionals 2022.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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NMDC released an Official Notification for the posts of 22 Executive Trainee (Personnel) Vacancy through UGC-NET December, 2020 & June 2021 Cycles . Please go through this article for full Details
National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) Limited, a Navaratna Public Sector Enterprise invites online applications in the prescribed format from eligible & willing, suitable, promising, dedicated energetic young candidates to fill up the following Government Jobs Vacancy posts of Executive Trainees (Personnel) through UGC-NET December-2020 and June-2021 cycles for various project sites off NMDC. (Advertisement No. 01/2021).
Executive Trainee (Personnel): 22 vacancies (UR-9, EWS-2, OBC-6, SC-3, ST-2), Age: 27 years, Remuneration: The Trainee in the training period will get a stipend of ₹50000/-. On successful completion of training of one year, the trainees will be given the scale pay of ₹60000-180000/- as Assistant Manager (Personnel), Qualification: Graduation and PG Degree/PG Diploma in Sociology/Social Work/ Labour Welfare/Personnel Management/ IR/IRPM/HR/HRM or MBA (Personnel Management/HR/HRM) of minimum two years duration with 60% marks (50% for ST/ST/PWD categories)
UGC NET Discipline
The candidates should have appeared in the exam for UGC-NET Decemebr-2020 & June-2021 cycles in Personnel discipline with subject code 55 of Labour Welfare/Personnel Management/Industrial Relations/Labour and Social Welfare/Human Resource Management papers in the exam.
Important Dates
Starting Date for Submission of Online Application
25 February 2022
Last Date For Submission of Online Application
17 March 2022
Last Date for Payment of Fee
17 March 2022
Application Fee
₹500/- is to be paid by using debit card/credit card/online net banking through SBI-Collect using Internet Banking integrated with the on-line application. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PwD/Ex-servicemen categories and Departmental Candidates of NMDC Ltd. applying for the post will be exempted from paying Application Fee.
NMDC Executive Trainee Eligibility Criteria
Educational Qualification
Age Limit as on 17.03.2022
Graduate and PG Degree/PG Diploma in Sociology/Social Work/Labour Welfare/ Personnel Management/IR/IRPM/HR/HRM OR MBA Personnel Management /HR/HRM) minimum two years duration.
27 years
NMDC Executive Trainee Selection Process : Selection will be based on UGC-NET December, 2020 & June 2021 Cycles Score in concerned discipline – 70 Marks
Group Discussion (GD) – 15 Marks Interview – 15 Marks.
How to Apply for Executive Trainee Personnel in NMDC 2022?
Please visit https://jobapply.in/NMDC2022ugcnet/ for more information and the online application format for Executive Trainee (Personnel) Vacancy Recruitment 2022 in NMDC by UGC-NET Exam.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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GAIL India is hiring for several vacancies of executive trainees posts through GATE. Interested candidates can apply online through the official website. Check vacancy details below.
GAIL (India) Limited, a Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) is looking for committed, vibrant, and passionate Graduate Engineers desirous of joining GAIL as Executive Trainee (ET) 2022 in the various engineering disciplines by using the GATE-2022 score. (Advt. No.: GAIL/OPEN/ET/4A/2021).
GAIL will utilize the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)–2022 score for recruitment of Executive Engineer Trainees in the disciplines of Instrumentation, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering during the year 2022. Online application in the prescribed format is invited by GAIL India Limited to recruit 48 Graduate Engineers through GATE-22 score for its various requirements for its operations.
Eligibility Criteria for GAIL GATE 2022 Executive Trainee Posts
Educational Qualification:
Executive Trainee (Instrumentation) – Bachelor Degree in Engineering in Instrumentation/ Instrumentation & Control/ Electronics & Instrumentation / Electrical & Instrumentation / Electronics / Electrical & Electronics with minimum 65% marks.
Executive Trainee (Mechanical) – Bachelor Degree in Engineering/Technology in Mechanical/ Production/ Production & Industrial/ Manufacturing/ Mechanical & Automobile with minimum 65% marks.
Executive Trainee (Electrical) – Bachelor Degree in Engineering in Electrical/ Electrical & Electronics with minimum 65% marks.
Age : 26 years as of 16/03/2022.
Stipend and Remuneration
Selected candidates will be placed on the pay scale of ₹60000-180000/- at the Basic Pay of ₹60000/- during one-year training cum probation as Executive Trainee in E-2 grade. On successful completion of their Training cum Probation Period, they will be absorbed in the same Pay Scale of ₹60000-180000/- in E-2 grade.
Click on the online application link. You have to apply online using your GATE 2022 Registration
After successful submission of the online application, a unique registration number shall be generated by the system and a message shall be displayed in the system that the online application has been submitted successfully and auto-generated email mentioning the unique registration number.
Take a printout of the Application Form generated by the system with a unique registration number. Affix a recent passport size color photograph in the space provided in the application and put your signature as per instructions provided and keep it with yourself safely.
For more details, please visit http://gailonline.com/CR-ApplyingGail.html for details and online submission of application for the Recruitment of Executive Trainee 2022 in GAIL India.
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NTPC EET 2021: latest notification for the recruitment of Engineering Executive Trainees 2021 in the disciplines of Computer Science/ Information Technology and Mining. Eligible candidates can apply online from February 24, 2022, to March 10, 2022.
Maharatna NTPC Limited, India’s largest power Public Sector Undertaking (PSU), is looking for promising, energetic young Graduate Engineers in the disciplines of Computer Science (CS)/Information Technology (IT) and Mining Engineering with brilliant academic records to join the NTPC organization as Executive Engineering Trainees (EET) through GATE 2021. (Advertisement No. 05/2021).
NTPC CS-IT Mining Engineer Executive Trainee Recruitment through GATE-2021 21st May 2021 Recruitment of Engineering Executive Trainees-2021 through GATE 2021 (Advt. No. 05/21). Last date for online application- 10.06.2021.
Engineering Executive Trainees (EET): 40 vacancies (Computer Science/Information Technology – 15, Mining – 25), Recruitment through GATE-2021, Age: 27 years, Qualification: Engineering degree in the relevant engineer branch with minimum 65% marks. Final year/Semester students are also eligible to apply, Pay Scale: E-1 ₹40000 -3% -140000.
Candidates interested in joining NTP as Executive Engineer Trainee (EET) Engineers must appear for the GATE-2021 examination. Interested candidates who have passed the eligibility qualification can apply online at the NTPC website after obtaining the registration number for GATE-2021.
Desirous candidates need to pay an application fee of ₹300/- to apply for the vacancies in NTPC through offline/online modes. SC/ST/PWD/Ex.SM candidates are exempted from the fee.
NTPC EET 2021 Selection Process
The Selection Process of NTPC EET 2021 includes the following Stages:
Scrutiny of Applications
Preparation of merit list on the basis of score of GATE 2021
Please visit the NTPC recruitment website https://careers.ntpc.co.in/openings.php for more details and online submission of the application for CS/IT and Mining Engineering Executive Trainee Recruitment 2022 through GATE 2021 in NTPC.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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NBCC has recently announced a career opportunity for the positions of Assistant Manager (software Developer), Sr. Project Executive (Information Technology) & Assistant Manager (Law). For more information Please take a look at this page.
National Buildings Construction Corporation Limited is a Government of India Enterprise. NBCC (India) Limited invites online applications in the prescribed format for Government Job Vacancies of various Information Technology (IT) Software and Law Managers from dynamic and result-oriented Engineers who are passionate to excel & take NBCC to new heights. (Advt. No. 01/2022).
NBCC IT and Law Manager Recruitment 2022 Vacancies
Assistant Manager (Software Developer): 04 vacancies (UR), IDA Pay Scale: E-1 ₹40000-140000, Age: 30 years, Experience: 2 years, 1 year for M.Tech. candidates
Sr. Project Executive (Information Technology): 02 vacancies (UR), IDA Pay Scale: E-1 ₹40000-140000, Age: 30 years, Experience: 2 years, 1 year for M.Tech. candidates
Assistant Manager (Law): 03 vacancies (UR-02, ST-01), IDA Pay Scale: E-1 ₹40000-140000, Age: 30 years, Experience: 2 years
Application Fee
Applicants/Candidates are required to pay a non-refundable amount of ₹1000/- through online mode. SC, ST & PWD candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.
Eligibility criteria for NBCC- Assistant Manager & Other Posts
Educational Qualification
B.E in relevant field /MCA with min 60% marks shall apply for for AM (Software Developer) & Sr. Project Executive (IT) posts.
LLB with minimum 50% marks may apply for AM (Law) positions.
Candidates can refer the NBCC career notification for experience details.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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IDPL careers notification, candidates are needed to fill the vacant positions of Safety Supervisor, Executive & Other Posts Interested candidates shall apply before the last date 17.03.2022.
Indian Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Limited (IDPL) invites offline applications in the prescribed format for recruitment to fill up various job vacancy positions of Company Secretary, Manager/ Dy. Manager, Finance Manager, Executive (Finance), General Manger & Safety Supervisor ETP operator on contractual basis for initially 1 year & it may be extendable as per the requirement & performance of the candidate at Corporate Office-Gurugram, ODCL-Bhubaneshwar and IDPL Gurugram plant.
IDPL Contract Job Recruitment 2022 Vacancies
Company Secretary: 01 vacancies, Age: 55 years, Monthly Emoluments: ₹45000-50000/-
Manager/Dy. Manager (Legal): 01 vacancies, Age: 55 years, Monthly Emoluments: ₹45000-50000/- and ₹38000-42000/-
Finance Manager: 01 vacancies, Age: 62 years, Monthly Emoluments: ₹45000-50000/-
Executive (Finance): 01 vacancies, Age: 35 years, Monthly Emoluments: ₹20000-22000/-
General Manager (GM -I/C): 01 vacancies, Age: 62 years, Monthly Emoluments: ₹60000-65000/-
How to Apply for Contract Job Vacancy Recruitment in IDPL ?
Eligible candidates may apply in the prescribed application format to be sent through Speed post/Courier addressed to Personnel Manager, IDPL Corporate Office, IDPL Complex, Dundahera, Old Delhi-Gurgaon Road, Gurugram (Haryana) – 122016 on or before 17/03/2022 only for Contract Job Vacancy Recruitment in IDPL 2022.
Detailed information and application format
Please visit the Career page at the IDPL website at http://www.idplindia.in/career.php for details of Contract Job Vacancy Recruitment in IDPL 2022 and application format.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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SBI announce notification for the posts of 53 Specialist Cadre Officers in Various Discipline on Regular & Contract Basis for Wealth Management, Marketing & Executive Unit. Important information related SBI Specialist Cadre Officers here.
State Bank of India (SBI), India’s number One bank invites Online applications in the prescribed format from Indian citizens for selection and recruitment for engagement of various Specialist Officers on a regular/contract basis in the State Bank of India (SBI) and its offices through India for the year 2021-22. (Advertisement No. : CRPD/SCO/2021-22/25-26-27).
Marketing Executive: 01 vacancies (UR-01) on a contract basis, Age: 30-40 years as of 01/01/2022, Pay: ₹15 lakhs to ₹20 lakhs p.a. (60% fixed, 40% variable components) CTC. In addition to CTC, other perks, travelling expenses for travelling by taxi, air (economy class) in case of travelling on official duties and DA as applicable., Qualification: MBA or 2 years’ Post Graduation Diploma in the discipline of marketing with minimum percentage of 55% marks, Experience: Minimum 3 years post basic qualification experience in marketing of Executive Education Programme in Online and Physical mode.
Advertisement No. CRPD/SCO/2021-22/26
Assistant Manager (Network Security Specialist): 15 vacancies (UR-08, EWS-01, OBC-03, SC-02, ST-01) (PWD-01) on regular basis, Age: 40 years as of 31/08/2021, Pay Scale: JMGS-I ₹36000-63840, Qualification: First Division in Bachelor’s Degree (Full Time) in any stream with 60% marks and certification in Networking as prescribed in detailed advt., Experience: 3 years
Assistant Manager ((Routing & Switching)): 33 vacancies (UR-15, EWS-03, OBC-08, SC-05, ST-02) (PWD-02) on regular basis, Age: 40 years as of 31/08/2021, Pay Scale: JMGS-I ₹36000-63840, Qualification: First Division in Bachelor’s Degree (Full Time) in any stream with 60% marks and certification in Networking as prescribed in detailed advt., Experience: 3 years
Advertisement No. CRPD/SCO-IO/2021-22/27
Assistant Vice President (Marcomm): 02 vacancies (UR-02) (PWD-01) at the level of Senior Management Grade Scale-IV (SMGS-IV), Age: 35 years as of 01/01/2022, Remuneration: CTC of ₹14-19 Lakhs per annum
Senior Executive (Digital Marketing): 01 vacancies (UR-01) at the level of Middle Management Grade Scale-II (MMGS-II), Age: 30 years as of 01/01/2022, Remuneration: CTC of ₹10-12 Lakhs per annum
Senior Executive (Public Relation): 01 vacancies (UR-01) at the level of Middle Management Grade Scale-II (MMGS-II), Age: 30 years as of 01/01/2022, Remuneration: CTC of ₹10-12 Lakhs per annum
Important Dates :
Starting Date For Submission of Online Application
05 February 2022
Last Date For Submission of Online Application
25 February 2022
Application Fee
₹750/- (No fee for SC/ST/PWD candidates) to be paid online by General, OBC, and EWS candidates.
How to Apply for SBI Specialist Officer Recruitment 2021-22/25-26-27?
Apply Online in the prescribed format for SBI Specialist Officer Manager Vacancy Recruitment 2021-22/25-26-27 at the career SBI website from 05/05/2022 to 25/02/2022 only for SBI Specialist Officer Vacancy Recruitment 2021-22/25-26/27.
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THDC Recruitment 2022: Interested and eligible can apply online at official website on or before 25 February 2022. The detailed eligibility and application process are given below.
THDC India Limited (THDCIL) invites online applications in the prescribed format from bright experienced result oriented, energetic and dynamic professional candidates in the area of Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Information Technology (IT)Engineering and Law on fixed term basis for a period of 05 years (01 year extendable up to further 04 years based on performance) to join THDC India Limited for its projects. (Advertisement No. 01/2022).
THDC India Limited is a leading power sector and profit-making Schedule ‘A’ Mini Ratna PSU under the Ministry of Power, Government of India.
THDC Engineering and Law Professionals Recruitment 2022 Vacancies
Executive – Information Technology: 05 vacancies (UR-04, EWS-01)
Law Officer: 02 vacancies (UR-02)
Age: 32 years as on 01/02/2022
Monthly Remuneration: Fixed consolidated honorarium of ₹60000/-per month (CTC).
Educational Qualification:
Executive – Civil :
Full Time B.E/B.Tech/B.Sc- Engineering in Civil discipline from recognized University or institute recognized by appropriate statutory authority in India with not less than 60% marks and also not less than 65% marks in X & XII Board examination (taking average of all subjects).
Candidates with 59.99% / 64.99% marks are not eligible and the same shall not be rounded off to 60% / 65%.
Only pass marks is required by SC/PwBD/Ex-Serviceman candidates in order to apply.
Executive-Electrical :
Full Time B.E/B.Tech/B.Sc- Engineering in Electrical/ Electrical (Power)/ Electrical and Electronics/Power Systems & High Voltage/Power discipline from recognized University or institute recognized by appropriate statutory authority in India with not less than 60% marks and also not less than 65% marks in X & XII Board examination (taking average of all subjects).
Candidates with 59.99% / 64.99% marks are not eligible and the same shall not be rounded off to 60% / 65%.
Only pass marks is required by PwBD/Ex-Serviceman candidates in order to apply.
Executive-Mechanical :
Full Time B.E/B.Tech/B.Sc- Engineering in Mechanical/Mechanical & Automation discipline from recognized University or institute recognized by appropriate statutory authority in India with not less than 60% marks and also not less than 65% marks in X & XII Board examination (taking average of all subjects).
Candidates with 59.99% / 64.99% marks are not eligible and the same shall not be rounded off to 60% / 65%.
Only pass marks is required by PwBD/Ex-Serviceman candidates in order to apply.
Executive-Information Technology (IT) :
Full Time B.E/B.Tech/B.Sc- Engineering in Information Technology /Computer Science/ Computer Engineering discipline/ MCA/Level “B” examination in Computer Science from recognized University or institute recognized by appropriate statutory authority in India with not less than 60% marks and also not less than 65% marks in X & XII Board examination (taking average of all subjects).
Candidates with 59.99% / 64.99% marks are not eligible and the same shall not be rounded off to 60% / 65%.
Only pass marks is required by PwBD/Ex-Serviceman candidates in order to apply
Executive-Law :
Graduate with degree in Law with 60% marks from recognized Indian university or 05 year integrated course in Law with 60% marks from Institute recognized by appropriate statutory authority in India and also not less than 65 % marks in X& XII Board examination (taking average of all subjects).
Candidates with 59.99%/ 64.00 marks are not eligible and the same shall not be rounded off to 60% / 65%.
Only pass marks is required by PwBD/Ex-Serviceman candidates in order to apply.
Experienced Required
For the post of Engineers: Post qualification experience of 1 year in Executive /Officer Cadre in relevant field of Hydro, Thermal, Solar and Wind.
For the post Law Officers: a) Should have Post qualification experience of 1 year at Bar or in a Legal department of Central Govt./State Govt./Public sector or a Reputed Private sector organization. b) Should be conversant with practice and procedure in all Civil Matters before Court including Arbitration, Labour Laws, Company Law and experience in drafting of Petitions, Applications, Affidavits, Memorandum of Appeal Contract/Services Agreement & other related matters etc.
Application Fee
Candidate belonging to General/EWS/OBC Category are required to pay a non-refundable registration fee of ₹600/-. The SC/ST/PwBD/Ex-Serviceman candidates need not pay the application fee.
For further details and online application form for THDC Engineering and Law Professionals Vacancy and Hydrologist Recruitment 2022, please visit https://thdc.co.in/new-opening-job
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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REC Power Development and Consultancy Limited (REC PDCL) Recruitment 2022 of Experienced Professionals in Project Management, Construction, Design, Engineering & HR. Detailed Information given below. Last Date to apply is February 21, 2022
Executive (Technical)- (Electrical & Material Inspection): 07 vacancies (UR-02, OBC-03, SC-01, ST-01), Age: 45 years, Monthly Consolidated pay: ₹112000/-, Experienced: 10 years
Executive (Technical)- (Civil): 02 vacancies, Age: 45 years, Monthly consolidated pay: ₹112000/-, Experienced: 10 years
Dy. Executive (HR): 01 vacancies (UR), Age: 40 years, Monthly consolidated pay: ₹85000/-, Experienced: 6 years
Dy. Executive (Technical)- (Electrical): 04 vacancies (OBC-03, ST-01), Age: 40 years, Monthly consolidated pay: ₹85000/-, Experienced: 6 years
Dy. Executive (Technical)- (Civil): 03 vacancies, Age: 40 years, Monthly consolidated pay: ₹85000/-, Experienced: 6 years
REC PDCL is rendering expert consultancy services in all the area of power sector across the country. REC PDCL IS SEEKING DYNAMIC & EXEPRIENCED Engineering, graduates, professionals on Fixed Tenure Basis who are competent, smart, having excellent communication skills and have experience in Power Transmission and Distribution Sector in various disciplines such as project management, construction, design, Engineering & HR etc.
For further information and online submission of application for Experienced Professionals Vacancy Recruitment 2022 in REC Limited, please visit Career page at REC website at https://www.recindia.nic.in/careers
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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