Category Archives: Professor/Assistant Professor/ Associate Professor


AIIMS Raipur Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021- Apply Now

All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS Raipur) has published an advertisement for the 169 vacancies of Professor, Additional Professor, Associate Professor Recruitment 2021. Check other details for AIIMS Raipur Recruitment 2021 below.

All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Raipur (Chhattisgarh), is one of the new AIIMS,  invites online applications in the prescribed format for the year 2021 from eligible candidates for engagement of following 169 Faculty Govt Job vacancy posts on a Contract/Direct/Deputation recruitment basis in various departments in All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Raipur. (Advertisement No. Rec. Cell/F-R/2021/406).

AIIMS Raipur Faculty Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  1. Professor: 37 vacancies, Age: 58 years, Pay Scale: Pay Level-14A of the 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹168900-220400/-
  2. Additional Professor: 31 vacancies, Age: 58 years, Pay Scale: Pay Level-13A2+ of the 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹148200-211400/-
  3. Associate Professor: 52 vacancies, Age: 50 years, Pay Scale: Pay Level-13A1+ of the 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹138300-209200/-
  4. Assistant Professor: 49 vacancies, Age: 50 years, Pay Scale: Pay Level-12 of the 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹101500-167400/-

Application Fee  

₹1000/- (No fee for SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates) to be paid Online by Net Banking.

AIIMS Raipur Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021

Posts & Qualification

Post NameEligibility Criteria
Professor, Additional Professor, Associate ProfessorAspirants must have a certificate/ degree of GraduateM.ChMDMedicalPost Graduate or must have an equivalent qualification from a recognized institute/ Board.
Age limitation as on 25 December 2021Maximum age limit for Candidates to apply AIIMS Raipur Jobs 2021 application: 58 Years

How to Apply AIIMS Raipur Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021?

Suitable candidates should apply online in the prescribed format at the AIIMS Raipur website from 11/11/2021 to 25/12/2021 for AIIMS Raipur Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021.

Steps To Apply

Send a duly signed print-out of application form through Speed/Registered Post/Courier along with supporting documents to the Recruitment Cell, 2nd floor, Medical College Building, Gate No-5, AIIMS Raipur, G.E. Road, Tatibandh, Raipur (Chhattisgarh) Pin – 492099 within 15 days from the last date of submission of the online application.

Details and Application Format

Kindly visit for initial information and application format for AIIMS Raipur Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021.

Note==>Please view all Government Jobs in Chhattisgarh wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

 ***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***

NIT Sikkim Faculty Teaching & Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2021-Apply Now..

NIT Sikkim Faculty Teaching & Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2021-Apply Now..

National Institute of Technology, Sikkim, has released notification for recruitment of Teaching & Non Teaching Faculty jobs vacancies. Interested and eligible job aspirants are requested to apply on or before 06.12.2021 .Check out further more details below.

National Institute of Technology (NIT), Sikkim is an Institute of National Importance invites applications from Indian Nationals working in India / Abroad for the following various Govt Job faculty vacancy positions of Associate Professor and Assistant Professor Grade I and II in various subjects/disciplines and various Group-A, Group-B and Group-C Non-Teaching Govt Job Vacancies in NIT Sikkim. (Advertisement No. NITS/Rect/Faculty/2021/01 and NITS/Rect/NT/2021/01). Apply Mode: Email and Postal , Employment Type: Contract/ Regular

NIT Sikkim Faculty & Non-Teaching Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  1. Faculty Vacancy Recruitment
    1. Assistant Professor Grade-II (Regular/Contract)/Assistant Professor Grade-I: 12 vacancies ((UR-04, OBC-06, EWS-02)on Contract basis in Academic Pay Level-10/11/12 ₹57700-175500/₹67700-208700/₹78800-209200
    2. Associate Professor: 07 vacancies(UR-05, OBC-01, SC-01) in Academic Pay Level-13A2 ₹139600- 211300/-
  2. Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment
    1. Registrar: 01 vacancies
    2. Assistant Registrar (Finance & Accounts): 01 vacancies
    3. Scientific Officer/Technical Officer: 01 vacancies
    4. Executive Engineer: 01 vacancies
    5. Technical Assistant (TA): 03 vacancies
    6. Superintendent: 01 vacancies
    7. Technician: 02 vacancies
    8. Junior Assistant: 02 vacancies
    9. Office Attendant/Lab Attendant: 02 vacancies

Subject/Disciplines of Faculty Vacancies

Department having vacancy:

NIT Sikkim Faculty Teaching & Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2021

Educational Qualification :

BE, B.Tech, ME, M.Tech, Ph.D –Check Advertisement for educational qualification

  •  First Class or equivalent Grade in B.Tech. in Relevant Field. First Class or equivalent Grade in M.Tech. with relevant subject from recognized University/ Institute and As Per Norms

Candidate Profile:

Job LocationSikkim

Age Limit : 

 18 TO 45 Years –Check notification for age limit and relaxation.

Selection Process

Written Test, Interview and document verification will be conducted for selection of suitable candidates for NIT Sikkim Vacancy.

How to Apply for Recruitment in NIT Sikkim 2021?

 Interested candidates may fill the application form and send the hard copy along with all relevant documents. The duly completed application in the prescribed form The Registrar, NIT Sikkim, Barfung Block, Ravangla, South Sikkim – 737139, Sikkim (India)” by 06/12/2021 (5:00 PM).

Candidates must also email the scanned copies of the completely filled application form along with credit point sheet and all enclosures in support of educational qualification, experience, category, documents for credit points claimed, etc. (a single zip file) to before the closing date.

Details and Application Format

Please visit for details and application format for NIT Sikkim Faculty and Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2021. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

 ***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


Faculty Vacancy Recruitment in VNIT Nagpur 2021- Apply Now

Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT), Nagpur has released notification for filling up the assistant professor positions. The institution offers several UG, PG, and PhD programs to the students. Interested Candidates can read full details here.

Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT), Nagpur is an Institute of National Importance invites applications from Indian Nationals working in India / Abroad for the following various Govt Job faculty vacancy positions of Assistant Professor in various subjects/disciplines. (Advertisement No. VNIT/Faculty-Recruitment/01/2021). Few posts are on a contractual basis and few are permanent.

There is a total of 103 positions in different departments. Out of these positions 42 are for general candidates, 10 for EWS, 27 for OBC, 16 for SC, and 8 for ST.

VNIT Nagpur Faculty Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  1. Assistant Professor Grade-II on Contract basis in Academic Pay Level-10 ₹57700-175500/- (Entry Pay ₹70900/-)
  2. Assistant Professor Grade-II on Contract basis in Academic Pay Level-11 ₹67700-208700 (Entry Pay ₹73100/-)
  3. Assistant Professor Grade-I in Pay Level-12 in Academic Pay Level-12 ₹78800-209200 (Entry pay ₹101500/-)
Faculty Vacancy Recruitment in VNIT Nagpur 2021

VNIT Nagpur Faculty Recruitment : List of Departments

  • Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mining Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Chemical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Electrical Engineering,  Computer Science and Engineering, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, Architecture & Planning, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Humanities, Centre for VLSI and Nanotechnology
VNIT Vacancy

Important Dates

Starting Date For Application : 29th October 2021

Last Date For Application : 25th November 2021

Application fee

  • General Candidate need to submit Demand draft of 1000 INR in favor of DIRECTOR, VNIT NAGPUR
  • SC/ST/PWD/EWS- Exempted from fee
  • Indian nationals filling the application from abroad can submit US $25 for each post-application. 

Eligibility Criteria

Assistant professor—Contractual- Level-10

  • Ph D is an essential qualification 

Assistant Professor Grade-II: Contract basis- Level 11

  • PhD is an essential qualification 
  • 1 year post Ph. D experience

Assistant Professor Grade-I – Level-12

  • Ph. D is an essential qualification 
  • 3 years post Ph. D OR 6 years Total experience 

Associate Professor: Pay level-13A2

  • Ph. D is an essential qualification 
  • 6 years post Ph. D at least 3 years at assistant professor level OR 9 years total work experience 3 years must be post PhD.

Associate Professor: Pay level-14A

  • Ph. D is an essential qualification 
  • 10 years post Ph. D experience, 7 years must be after Ph. D and 3 years at the position of associate professor 

VNIT Nagpur Recruitment 2021 Age

Direct appointment beyond the age of 60 years is discouraged.

Selection procedure

Selection will be done based on the credit points scored by each candidate based on their qualification, experience, academic performance, and interview. Candidature will be canceled if false information is provided by the candidate. 

How to Apply for Faculty Recruitment in VNIT Nagpur 2021?

The duly completed application in the prescribed form along with the self-attested enclosures to be sent by Speed/Registered posts to “The Registrar, Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, South Ambazari Road, Nagpur – 440011 (Maharashtra)” on or before 25/11/2021.

Note – There are many Faculty Vacancies posted recently, view all

Details and Application Format

Please visit for details and application format. View Notification wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


VBSPU Jaunpur Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021- Apply Online/Offline

Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University, Jaunpur has announced Teaching Faculty jobs 2021 for the post of Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor.

Purvanchal University, Jaunpur (Uttar Pradesh) renamed as Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University (VBSPU), was established as an affiliating university under the U.P. state university act 1973.

Applications through online mode in the prescribed form format are invited from the eligible candidates for recruitment and filling up the following Teaching Faculty Govt Job vacancy posts on regular basis in Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University (VBSPU), Jaunpur (UP) (Advertisement No. 01/2021).

VBSPU Teaching Faculty Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  • Professor: 13 vacancies in various subjects/disciplines in Academic Pay Level-14 with rationalized entry pay of ₹144200/-
  • Associate Professor: 19 vacancies in various subjects/disciplines in Academic Pay Level-13A with rationalized entry pay of ₹131400/-
  • Assistant Professor: 08 vacancies in various subjects/disciplines in Academic Pay Level-10 with rationalized entry pay of ₹ 57700/-
VBSPU Jaunpur Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021

Application Fee

₹1000/- for General and OBC candidates to be paid online. ₹500/- for SC/ST/DA/EWS candidates to be paid through RTGS/NEFT/IMPS of Punjab National Bank Account no 4539000100038627 IFS code-PUNB0453900, Vishwavidyalaya Branch, Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh.

Education Qualifications

Candidates should have Ph.D, BE / B.Tech / M.Tech / ME / MBA Degree/ Master Degree with 55% Marks and NET / SLET Exam Passed, or equivalent from a recognized Board/University/Institution.

for more details please go to the official notification

Age Limit

Candidates age limit should be minimum 18 years and Maximum 42 years

Age Relaxation :- SC/ST/OBC/PWD/PH Candidates Relaxation as per Govt Rules & Regulation

Selection Process

Candidates will be selected based on Interview

How to Apply for VBSPU Faculty Vacancies 2021? 

Suitable and desirable candidates should apply online in the prescribed recruitment form on or before 15/11/2021.

Steps To Apply

  • Through Login (Please keep all the documents while filling the detailed form after registration.)
  • Step 1:- New Registration / Login
  • Step 2:- Academic Qualifications Details
  • Step 3:- Teaching Experience Details
  • Step 4:- Publications Details
  • Step 5:- Score/Uploaded Documents Summary Printout
  • Step 6:- Final Printout
  • Step 7:- Send printout of system generated hard copy application along with enclosures by registered / speed post to the Registrar, VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur-222003, U.P (On or before 22-11-2021)

See Also – Faculty Vacancy Recruitment in Universities

Details and Online Application Format 

Kindly visit for detailed information, instructions and the Date Extention Notice. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


AIIMS Jammu Faculty Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2021

Recruitment of Faculty Teaching and Non-Teaching Job Vacancy in AIIMS Jammu 2021

Online Applications in the prescribed format are invited from eligible Indian citizen candidates for filling up the following Faculty Teaching Govt Job Vacancies on a contract basis as well as various Group-B and Group-C Non-Teaching Govt Job vacancy posts at All India Institutes of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Jammu by AIIMS Delhi.

AIIMS Jammu Faculty & Non-Teaching Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  1. Teaching Faculty Vacancies – Last date to apply – 07/11/2021
    1. Professor: 15 vacancies, Remuneration: ₹220000/- consolidated per month
    2. Additional Professor: 02 vacancies, Remuneration: ₹200000/- consolidated per month
    3. Associate Professor: 12 vacancies, Remuneration: ₹188000/- consolidated per month
    4. Assistant Professor: 25 vacancies, Remuneration: ₹1442506/- consolidated per month
  2. Non-Teaching Vacancies – Last date to apply – 16/11/2021
    1. Librarian Grade-III: 01 vacancies, Pay Scale: Pay Level-06 ₹35400-112400/-
    2. Medical Laboratory Technologist: 01 vacancies, Pay Scale: Pay Level-06 ₹35400-112400/-
    3. Stenographer: 01 vacancies, Pay Scale: Pay Level-04 ₹25500-81100/-
    4. Junior Administrative Assistant: 01 vacancies, Pay Scale: Pay Level-02 ₹19900-63200/-
AIIMS Jammu Faculty Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2021

How to Apply for AIIMS Jammu Faculty Non-Teaching Recruitment 2021?

Suitable and desirable candidates should apply online in the prescribed format at AIIMS Delhi website from on or before the last date as mentioned above for AIIMS Jammu Faculty and Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2021.

Details and application format

Kindly visit for details and application format for AIIMS Jammu Faculty Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2021. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***

MMMUT Gorakhpur Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021- APPLY NOW

MMMUT Gorakhpur Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021- APPLY NOW

Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology (MMMUT) Gorakhpur Recruitment 2021: Teaching Faculty 96 Posts Vacancies. Interested candidates can apply online and offline mode before 31st October 2021

Online applications in the prescribed format are invited for the various Teaching Faculty Govt Job Vacancy posts of  Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor (Pay scale as per UGC/U.P. State Govt. norms) in various academic departments of Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology (MMMUT), Gorakhpur (Uttar Pradesh) (Advertisement No. T/1/2021).

MMUT Gorakhpur Faculty Recruitment 2021 Positions :

  1. Faculty Vacancies on a Regular Basis
    1. Professor: 21 vacancies in various departments, Pay Scale: Academic Pay Level-14 Rs.144200-218200/-
    2. Associate Professor:  27 vacancies in various departments, Pay Scale: Academic Pay Level-13A Rs.131400-217100/-
    3. Assistant Professor:  48 vacancies in various departments, Pay Scale: Academic Pay Level-10 Rs.57700-182400/-
  2. Faculty Vacancies on a Contract Basis
    1. Associate Professor: 01 vacancies in Pharmacy discipline
    2. Assistant Professor:  05 vacancies in Department of Humanities & Management Sciences and Pharmacy
MMMUT Gorakhpur Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021

Disciplines / Areas (Regular posts) :

  • Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Humanities and Management Science (Management), Information Technology and Computer Application, Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Mechanical Engineering

Qualification Required for MMMUT Gorakhpur Vacancy 2021

  • Professor → Ph.D. degree in relevant field and 10 yrs experience
  • Associate Professor→ Ph.D. degree in relevant field and 8 yrs experience
  • Assistant Professor→ Master’s degree with 55% marks in a concerned/relevant/allied subject and NET/ SLET/SET

How to Apply for MMMUT Gorakhpur Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021?  

Apply Online at the MMMUT Gorakhpur website on or before 11/10/2021 Now extended up to 31/10/2021 only for Faculty Vacancy Recruitment in MMMUT Gorakhpur 2021.

The printout of the application submitted along with proof of prescribed fee deposition and all necessary enclosures/ documents should be sent to the Registrar, Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology, Gorakhpur – 273010 (Uttar Pradesh) through Registered/ Speed Post only so that it reaches latest by 05.00 p.m. on 21/10/2021 now extended up to 11/11/2021.

Details and application format :

Please visit for details and online application format for Faculty Vacancy Recruitment in MMMUT Gorakhpur 2021. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

****All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website****


Punjab Higher Education Department Assistant Professor Recruitment 2021 – Apply Online for 1150+ Vacancies!!

Punjab Higher Education Recruitment 2021 Released- Assistant Professor Jobs Vacancy in Colleges of Punjab Higher Education Department . Check Librarian Eligibility, Salary, Vacancy and Application Process.

Department of Higher Education and Languages (DHEL), Punjab Government invites applications in prescribed format through the online method from eligible candidates for the following Faculty Govt Job vacancy posts of  Assistant Professors (College Cadre) >> 1091 and Librarian >>67 for Government Colleges in the state of Punjab in various subjects/disciplines (Advertisement No. 1-33/2021).

===> latest government job vacancies in the state of Punjab.

Punjab Higher Education Department Assistant Professor Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  • Assistant Professors: 1109 vacancies, Pay Scale: Academic Pay Level-10 ₹56100-175500 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix, Age: 18-37 years as of 01/01/2022
    1. Assistant Professor Agronomy: 01 vacancies
    2. Assistant Professor Bio-Chemistry: 01 vacancies
    3. Assistant Professor Botany: 39 vacancies
    4. Assistant Professor Chemistry: 71 vacancies
    5. Assistant Professor Commerce: 70 vacancies
    6. Assistant Professor Computer Science: 56 vacancies
    7. Assistant Professor Economics: 53 vacancies
    8. 8 Assistant Professor History: 73 vacancies
    9. Assistant Professor History of Arts: 01 vacancies
    10. Assistant Professor Home Science: 09 vacancies
    11. Assistant Professor Horticulture: 01 vacancies
    12. Assistant Professor Mathematics: 73 vacancies
    13. Assistant Professor Physical Education: 54 vacancies
    14. l4 Assistant Professor Physics: 47 vacancies
    15. Assistant Professor Sociology: 14 vacancies
    16. Assistant Professor Zoology: 40 vacancies
    17. Assistant Professor Dance: 02 vacancies
    18. Assistant Professor Defence Studies: 02 vacancies 
    19. Assistant Professor Education: 03 vacancies
    20. Assistant Professor Environment Science: 03 vacancies 
    21. Assistant Professor English: 154 vacancies
    22. Assistant Professor Fine Arts: 10 vacancies
    23. Assistant Professor Geography: 43 vacancies
    24. Assistant Professor Hindi: 30 vacancies 
    25. Assistant Professor Music Instrument: 07 vacancies  
    26. Assistant Professor Music Vocal: 10 vacancies
    27. Assistant Professor Philosophy: 06 vacancies
    28. Assistant Professor Political Science: 53 vacancies
    29. Assistant Professor Psychology: 12 vacancies
    30. Assistant Professor Punjabi: 142 vacancies
    31. Assistant Professor Urdu: 01 vacancies
    32. Librarian: 67 vacancies
Punjab Higher Education Department Assistant Professor Recruitment 2021

Important Dates :

  • Notification Out Date : 19 October 2021
  • Starting Date to Apply Online: 25-10-2021
  • Last Date to Apply Online: 08-11-2021 at 05:00 PM

Application Fee :

Women candidates are exempted from application fee to be paid.

All Others Categories i.e. General, Sports Persons of Punjab and Wards of Freedom Fighters, Punjab : 1500/-

Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes of all States and Backward Classes of Punjab State only : 750/-

Ex – Serviceman of Punjab state only : 500/-

Economically Weaker Sections (EWS), Persons with Disabilities (PWD) and Lineal of Descendants of Ex – Serviceman (LDESM) Punjab : 500/-

Punjab Assistant Professor Job Age Limit  (as on 01-01-2022):

  • Minimum Age: 18 Years
  • Maximum Age: 37 Years
  • Age relaxation for SC/BC of Punjab (applicable as per rules)- 5yrs
  • Pwd – 10 yrs
  • Employee of Punjab Government and Central Government – 45 yrs
  • Widow and Divorcee Women of Punjab – 42 yrs

Punjab Assistant Professor Educational Qualification:

The aspirants who are willing to apply for the post of Assistant Professor, should have the educational qualification of Master Degree/ Ph.D in concerned subject along with NET or equivalent to apply for this recruitment. For the post of Librarian, the eligibility criteria can be referred by using the link provided below.

Candidate should possess Matriculation with Punjab as subject, Master Degree (Relevant Subject) with NET/ SLET/ SET.

Punjab Assistant Professor Salary:

The candidates who will be selected for this recruitment are eligible to the salary of Rs.56,100/- per month for the period of three years, according to the notification.

Punjab Assistant Professor Recruitment 2021: Selection process

  • Written Exam
  • Merit List
  • Counselling
  • Document Verification

How to Apply for Assistant Professor Vacancy by Punjab Higher Education Deptt. 2021?

Apply Online at the Punjab Higher Education Department recruitment website from 19/10/2021 to 08/11/2021 only for Punjab Higher Education Department Assistant Professor Recruitment 2021

Steps To Apply :

See Also – Faculty Govt Job Vacancy in Universities 

Online Submission of Application and Details

Please visit for details and the online application form for Punjab Higher Education Department Assistant Professor Recruitment 2021. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…

 ***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**


IIT Roorkee Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021- Apply On-line Now

Faculty Recruitment 2021 notification announced by Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, Uttarakhand – Assistant Professor Jobs, Associate Professor Jobs, and Professor Jobs. Eligible candidates may apply Online without fail

Indian Institute of Technology – Roorkee is among the foremost of institutes of national importance in higher technological education and in engineering, basic and applied research. Since its establishment, the Institute has played a vital role in providing the technical manpower and know-how to the country and in pursuit of research. The Institute ranks amongst the best technological institutions in the world and has contributed to all sectors of technological development. It has also been considered a trend-setter in the area of education and research in the field of science, technology, and engineering.

On-line Application on prescribed format is invited by Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee (Uttarakhand) from Indian citizens for the following Teaching Faculty Govt Job vacancy positions of Professor, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors in Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee in various Departments / Schools for the recruitment of the year 2021 in regular recruitment (Advertisement No. IITR/Establishment/2021/04) and in the special recruitment drive for SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PWD candidates (Advertisement No. IITR/Establishment/2021/03).

IIT Roorkee Faculty Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  1. Special Recruitment Drive for SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PWD candidates. (Advertisement No. IITR/Establishment/2021/03) – Last date to apply – 30/11/2021
    1. Professor in Academic Pay Level-14A of 7th CPC ₹159100- Rs.220200
    2. Associate Professor in Academic Pay Level-13A2 of 7th CPC ₹139600- 211300/
    3. Assistant Professor (Grade-I) in the Academic Pay Level-12 ₹101500-167400/-
    4. Assistant Professor (Grade-II) in the Academic Pay Level-10 of 7th CPC ₹57700-98200/-
  2. Regular Recruitment (Advertisement No. IITR/Establishment/2021/04) – Last date to apply – 23/11/2021
    1. Professor in Academic Pay Level-14A of 7th CPC ₹159100- Rs.220200
    2. Associate Professor in Academic Pay Level-13A2 of 7th CPC ₹139600- 211300/
    3. Assistant Professor (Grade-I) in the Academic Pay Level-12 ₹101500-167400/-
    4. Assistant Professor (Grade-II) in the Academic Pay Level-10 of 7th CPC ₹57700-98200/-

Subject/Disciplines of IIT Roorkee Faculty Vacancies 2021

  1. Special Recruitment Drive for SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PWD candidates. (Advertisement No. IITR/Establishment/2021/03)
    1. Architecture and Planning
    2. Applied Science and Engineering
    3. Biosciences and Bioengineering
    4. Chemical Engineering
    5. Chemistry
    6. Civil Engineering
    7. Computer Science and Engineering
    8. Design
    9. Earthquake Engineering
    10. Earth Sciences
    11. Electrical Engineering
    12. Electronics and Communication Engineering
    13. Humanities and Social Sciences
    14. Hydrology
    15. Hydro and Renewable Energy
    16. Management Studies
    17. Mathematics
    18. Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
    19. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
    20. Paper Technology
    21. Polymer and Process Engineering
    22. Physics
    23. Water Resources Development and Management
    24. Mehta Family School of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
    25. Centre of Excellence in Disaster Mitigation and Management
    26. Centre of Nanotechnology
    27. Centre for Transportation systems
  2. Regular Recruitment (Advertisement No. IITR/Establishment/2021/04)
    1. Architecture and Planning
    2. Applied Science and Engineering
    3. Biosciences and Bioengineering
    4. Chemical Engineering
    5. Chemistry
    6. Civil Engineering
    7. Computer Science and Engineering
    8. Design
    9. Earthquake Engineering
    10. Earth Sciences
    11. Electrical Engineering
    12. Electronics and Communication Engineering
    13. Humanities and Social Sciences
    14. Hydrology
    15. Hydro and Renewable Energy
    16. Management Studies
    17. Mathematics
    18. Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
    19. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
    20. Paper Technology
    21. Polymer and Process Engineering
    22. Physics
    23. Water Resources Development & Management
    24. Mehta Family School of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
    25. Centre of Excellence in Disaster Mitigation and Management
    26. Centre of Nanotechnology
    27. Centre for Transportation systems
IIT Roorkee Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021

Dates to Remember About this Recruitment

The Starting date of Application13.10.2021
The Closing Date of Application30.11.2021 and 23.11.2021

Qualification and Experience:

  • Professor: Ph.D with first class or equivalent at the preceding degree in an appropriate
    branch, with a very good academic record throughout and a minimum of 10 years
    experience of which at least 4 years should be at the level of Associate Professor in IITs,
    IISc Bangalore, IIMs, NITIE Mumbai and IISERs or at an equivalent level in any other
    Indian or foreign institution of comparable standard.
  • Associate Professor: Ph.D with first class or equivalent at the preceding degree in an
    appropriate branch, with a very good academic record throughout and a minimum of 6
    years experience, of which at least three years should be at the level of Assistant
  • Assistant Professor Grade-I: Ph.D. with first class or equivalent at the preceding
    degree in an appropriate branch with a very good academic record throughout and a
    minimum of 3 years industrial/research/teaching experience, excluding the experience
    gained while pursuing Ph.D.
  • Assistant Professor Grade-II: Ph.D. with first class or equivalent at the preceding
    degree in an appropriate branch with a very good academic record throughout.

Candidate Profile :

  • Candidate should complete their PG /Ph.D. in relevant discipline
  • Candidate should have Good Communication Skill
  • Commitment towards work
  • Candidate should have good soft skills

Eligibility : Indian National, Job Location: Roorkee, Uttarakhand

Application Fees

  • There is no application fee

Selection procedure

  • Interview

How to Apply Faculty Vacancy Recruitment in IIT Roorkee 2021?  

Interested candidates should apply online on the prescribed application format at the IIT Roorkee Recruitment website from 13/10/2021 to 23/11/2021 for regular faculty recruitment and from 13/10/2021 to 30/11/2021 for Special Faculty Recruitment Drive for SC/ST/EWS/OBC/PWD candidates for IIT Roorkee Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021
Additionally, there is a rolling faculty vacancy recruitment for Assistant Professor posts in IIT Roorkee for which there is no last date for applying for Assistant Professor positions. Thus, applications for Assistant Professor positions are welcome throughout the year.

Steps To Apply :

Details and Application Format

Please visit for details and the online application format for Faculty Vacancy Recruitment in IIT Roorkee 2021.

Alert : Dear Visitors, Employees will not call any candidates towards Job Offer or Job assistance or asking certificates. will never charge any candidates for Jobs. Please be aware of fraudulent calls or emails. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…

 ***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***

NITIE Mumbai Faculty vacancy recruitment 2021- Apply Now

NITIE Mumbai Faculty vacancy recruitment 2021- Apply Now

National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE) Mumbai Recruitment 2021 of Faculty Posts, Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors

Advt. No. 003/2021-22     Dated 13.10.2021 –>> FACULTY RECRUITMENT

Advt. No. 001 /SDR/2021 -22   Dated 13.10.2021–>> Special Recruitment Drive for SC/ST/OBC-NC EWS/PwD categories – Faculty Recruitment

Applications in the prescribed form format are invited for the following Teaching faculty Govt Job vacancy posts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor (Grade I & II) in National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai (an autonomous body under the Ministry of Education (earlier MHRD), Government of India in various areas/specialization in regular and contract basis and in a Special Recruitment Drive for SC/ST/OBC-NC/PwD/EWS candidates for the year 2021. (Advertisement No. 001/SDR/2021- 22 & 003/2021-22). Reservation will be as per Government of India norms.   

 NITIE Faculty Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  • Professor: Pay Scale:Academic Pay Level-14A (₹159100 to 220200), Age: 55 years
  • Associate Professor:  Pay Scale:Academic Pay Level-13A2(₹139600-211300), Age: 45 years
  • Assistant Professor (Grade-I):  Pay Scale:Academic Pay Level-12 (₹101500-167400), Age: 35 years
  • Assistant Professor (Grade-II):  Pay Scale:Academic Pay Level-10 (₹57700-175700), Age: 35 years

Faculty  Areas / Disciplines 

  • Operations & SCM, Analytics & Data Sciences, Finance & Economics, Management & Strategy & Sustainability Management

Education Qualification and Experience :

NITIE specifically encourages applicants from SC/ST/OBC/EWS category as well as Persons with Disability (PWD). Publications in refereed National/International peer-reviewed Journals, Conferences, etc. will be considered as evidence of research. Preference will be given to candidates who have published their research work in Peer Reviewed journals of high repute, such as POMS, FT50, IEEE, ASME, etc. and indexed in SCI, ESCI, SSCI & ABDC.

Professor : A Minimum of 10 years teaching/ research/industrial experience of which at least 4 years should be at the level of Associate Professor in IITs, IISc Bangalore, IIMs, and IISERs or at an equivalent level in such other Indian or foreign institutions of comparable standards, as may be so decided by the institute. The candidate should have strong research record in terms of significant publications in renowned peer reviewed/referred national and international journals, conferences, patents, course development and/or other recognized relevant professional activities, and experience of guiding a minimum of 2 successful Ph.D. candidates. In case of candidates from Industry, PSUs, MNCs and/or renowned Private Sector Organizations, a minimum experience of 10 years out of which 04 years at the level of Associate Professor or equivalent in terms of pay scale

Associate Professor : A minimum of 6 years Teaching/Industry/ Research experience, of which at least 3 years should be at the level of Assistant Professor, or equivalent positions in IITS, IISc Bangalore, IIMs, and IISERs or at an equivalent level in such other Indian or foreign institutions of comparable standards, as may be so decided by the institute. The candidates should have experience in carrying out research independently and guiding technology/management students at Postgraduate and Doctoral program. The candidate should have strong research record in terms of publications in renowned peer reviewed/referred national and international journals, and conferences, patents, laboratory/ course development and/or other recognized relevant professional activities.

Assistant Professor Grade I : At least 3 years Teaching/ Research/ Industrial experience, excluding however, the experience gained while pursuing Ph.D.

Assistant Professor Grade II : Candidates with less than 3 years experience may be appointed on contractual basis as Assistant Professor Grade II

NITIE Mumbai Faculty vacancy recruitment 2021

How to Apply for NITIE Faculty Vacancies 2021?  

Candidates possessing requisite qualifications and experience are required to apply online only at the NITIE Faculty Recruitment portal on or before 04/11/2021 by 5.30 P.M for NITIE Mumbai Faculty vacancy recruitment 2021. Hardcopy of the application is not required. Candidates are requested to upload self-attested PDF files of all degree certificates /testimonials /cast certificate/age proof certificate etc. as file attachments at the portal.

Last date to apply online: 04.11.2021 by 5.30 p.m.

Click here for Detailed Advertisement (Special Drive FOR SC/ST/OBC-NC/PwD/EWS)

Click here for Detailed Advertisement (Faculty)

See Also – Faculty Govt Job vacancy in Universities / Institutes

Details and application format

Please visit the career section at  for details and online application format. Click here to Apply Online wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…

 ***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


University of Allahabad Recruitment 2021 – Faculty and Administrative Vacancies

Recruitment of Faculty and Non-Teaching Vacancy in University of Allahabad 2021

The University of Allahabad (UoA), a Central University at Prayagraj (Uttar Pradesh) invites online applications in the prescribed format for Academic Faculty Govt Job vacancy posts of Professor,  Associate Professor, Assistant Professor and Assistant Librarian and some other Non-Teaching Administrative Group-A, Group-B and Group-C vacancy posts, etc. on Direct Recruitment 2021 on a regular basis in University of Allahabad at Prayagraj (Advertisement No. UoA/Asst Prof/01/2021, UoA/Asso Prof/01/2021, UoA/Prof/01/2021 & AUNT/02-03-04/2021).

University of Allahabad Faculty and Administrative Staff Recruitment 2021 Vacancies 

  • Faculty Vacancies (Advt. No. UoA/Prof/01/2021
    1. Professor: 70 vacancies in various subjects/disciplines
  • Faculty Vacancies (UoA/Asso Prof/01/2021
    1. Associate Professor: 160 vacancies in various subjects/disciplines
  •  Faculty Vacancies (UoA/Asst Prof/01/2021)
    1. Assistant Professor: 357 vacancies in various subjects/disciplines
  • Librarian Vacancies (Advt. No. AUNT/Asst. Lib./01/2021)
    1. Assistant Librarian: 04 vacancies
  • Non-Faculty Group-A Vacancies (Advt. No. AUNT/02/2021)
    1. Assistant Registrar: 01 vacancies (Against leave Vacancy)
    2. Director-College Development Council: 01 vacancies on Deputation
    3. Electronic Shop Engineer: 01 vacancies
    4. Executive Engineer: 01 vacancies on deputation
    5. Hindi Officer: 01 vacancies
    6. Internal Audit Officer: 01 vacancies on deputation
    7. Medical Officer: 01 vacancies
    8. Public Relation Officer: 01 vacancies
    9. Scientist-B: 01 vacancies
    10. Scientific Officer: 01 vacancies
    11. System Analyst/System Programmer: 02 vacancies
    12. System Manager/ Senior System Analyst/ Senior System Programmer: 03 vacancies
  • Non-Faculty Group-B Vacancies (Advt. No. AUNT/03/2021)
    1. Assistant Engineer (Civil/Electrical): 01 vacancies
    2. Computer Operator: 08 vacancies
    3. Curator: 03 vacancies
    4. Exploration Asssitant: 01 vacancies
    5. Junior Engineer: 02 vacancies
    6. Senior Nursing Officer (Female): 01 vacancies
    7. Professional Assistant: 05 vacancies
    8. Section Officer: 04 vacancies
    9. Security Officer: 01 vacancies
    10. Senior Technical Assistant: 09 vacancies
    11. Sports Assistant/Coach: 01 vacancies
  • Non-Faculty Group-C Vacancies (Advt. No. AUNT/04/2021)
    1. Animal Attendant: 05 vacancies
    2. Assistant Draftsman: 03 vacancies
    3. Boatman/Groundsman/Waterman: 09 vacancies
    4. Data Entry Operator: 23 vacancies
    5. Driver: 02 vacancies
    6. Hindi Typist: 01 vacancies
    7. Junior Office Assistant: 49 vacancies
    8. Laboratory Assistant: 30 vacancies
    9. Laboratory Attendant: 47 vacancies
    10. Library Attendant: 64 vacancies
    11. Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS): 90 vacancies
    12. Pharmacist: 03 vacancies
    13. Semi-Professional Assistant: 07 vacancies
    14. Sick Attendant: 02 vacancies
    15. Stenographer: 13 vacancies
    16. Technical Assistant: 08 vacancies
    17. Wire-man: 02 vacancies
    18. X-Ray Technician: 01 vacancies
University of Allahabad Recruitment 2021

Application Fee

₹1550 (₹650/- for SC/ST candidates, for Women/PWD candidates) for Faculty vacancies and ₹1050 (₹450/- for SC/ST candidates, for Women/PWD candidates) for Non-Teaching Administrative and Librarian vacancies by way of online payment i.e. Net Banking/UPI or Debit/Credit Cards.

Important Dates :

Date of uploading of detailed Advertisement and Online Registration28.09.2021
Starting Date of  fee payment28.09.2021
 Last date for Online Registration and final submission of Application form27.10.2021
Date of uploading of detailed Advertisement and Online Registration24.09.2021
 Starting Date of  fee payment  24.09.2021
Last date for Online Registration and final submission of Application form  23.10.2021

Eligibility Details :

✅ Age Limit: As per Advertisement.

✅ Pay Scale: As per Advertisement.

Job Location : Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh

✅ Educational Qualifications:

✔️ Bachelor’s Degree.
✔️ Post Graduate.
✔️ Diploma.
✔️ Matriculation / 10+2.

Selection Process : Written Examination / Interview.

How to Apply for UoA Faculty and Non-Teaching Recruitment 2021?

All suitable and desirable candidates should apply online in the prescribed format at the University of Allahabad recruitment website from 24/092021 to 23/10/2021 for Non-Teaching Staff vacancies and from 28/09/2021 to 27/10/2021 for Professor, Associate Professor, and Librarian vacancies and from 28/09/2021 to 06/11/2021 for the posts of Assistant Professors only for University of Allahabad Recruitment 2021 for Faculty and Administrative Vacancies.

Details and Online submission of application

Kindly visit for detailed information and application format for University of Allahabad Recruitment 2021 for Faculty and Administrative Vacancies. Click here to see Notification

Advertisement for various teaching positions in the University vide Advt. No. UoA/Asst Prof/01/2021, UoA/Asso Prof/01/2021 & UoA/Prof/01/2021and Assistant Librarian

Advertisement for various Non teaching positions in the University vide Advt. No. AUNT/02/2021, AUNT/03/2021 and AUNT/04/2021. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…

 ***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***