JKSSB Panchayat Secretary Recruitment 2022 advertisement has been released for 1395 vacancies. Candidates can check educational qualification, experience, selection criteria and other details here..
Jammu and Kashmir J&K Services Selection Board (JKSSB) has issued the notification for recruitment to the post of Panchayat Secretary (District Cadre posts) of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj Department under provisions of the Jammu & Kashmir Civil Services. Interested and eligible candidates can submit applications online for JKSSB Panchayat Secretary Recruitment 2022 from 6 June 2022 onwards. The last date for submission of online applications is 6 July 2022.
JKSSB has advertised a total of 1395 vacancies for the post of Panchayat Secretary in the Rural Development Deptt.
JKSSB Application Fee:
Gen Candidates: Rs. 500/-
SC/ ST/ PWD/ EWS Candidates: Rs. 400/-
JKSSB Pay Scale:
Minimum Salary: Rs. 19,900/-
Maximum Salary: Rs. 63,200/-
Important Dates
Starting Date to Apply : 06th June 2022
Last Date to Apply : 06th July 2022
Jammu & Kashmir Services Selection Board Jobs 2022 Eligibility Details
The candidate should be a Domicile of the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir as defined in terms of the Notifications issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India vide S.O 1229 (E) dated 31-03-2020 and S.O 1245(E) dated 03-04-2020 read with Notification issued by the General Administration Department, Government of Jammu and Kashmir vide S.O 166 dated 18-05-2020.
The candidate must possess a Domicile Certificate issued by the Competent Authority in the format prescribed for the purpose, on or before the last date of submission of the online application form.
JKSSB Educational Qualification:
Candidates should possess Any Graduation from the recognized Institution
JKSSB Age Limit:
Maximum Age Limit: 40 Years for unreserved category and 43 Years for reserved ones as of January 1, 2022.
Then, fill out and submit the online application form.
It’s time to print it out for future reference.
Details and Application Format
For more information and online application format for JKSSB Panchayat Secretary Posts Recruitment 2022, please visit the Recruitment page at official website @https://jkssb.nic.in/.
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Income Tax Recruitment 2022 to the post of Assistant Director (Official Language) on deputation basis. The level of pay matrix, eligibility condition and required qualification for the post are given as under this article
Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT), Official Language Division, Government of India has proposed to fill up the posts of Assistant Director (Official Language) on deputation basis (Including short term contract) in the Attached and Subordinate offices of Central Board of Direct Taxes. These posts belong to General Central Services Group ‘A’ Gazetted Non Ministerial Cadre. Candidates can apply offline for the vacancies from 19th May 2022 to 29th June 2022. Place of posting may be posted in any office of Income Tax department all over India.
1. Vacant Position:
Assistant Director (Official Language) : 20 (Approx.)
2. Level of pay matrix:
Level 10 in pay matrix (Pre-revised Pay Band-3, Rs.15600-39100/- with grade pay of Rs.5400/-)
3. Eligibility:
The following officers under Central Government or State Governments or Union territories or Universities or recognized research institutions or public sector undertakings or semi-Government or autonomous or statutory organizations are eligible to apply for the post:
a. Holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre or Department; or
b. With two years’ service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in posts in level 8 of pay matrix or equivalent in the parent cadre or department ; or
c. With three years’ service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in posts in the level 7 of pay matrix or equivalent in the parent cadre or department.
4. Education Qualification:
Master’s degree of a recognized University in Hindi with English as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at degree level; or Master’s degree of a recognized University in English with Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at degree level; or
Master’s degree of a recognized University in any subject other than Hindi or English, with Hindi Medium and English as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at degree level ; or
Master’s degree of a recognized University in any subject other than Hindi or English, with English medium and Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at degree level ; or
Master’s degree of a recognized University in any subject other than Hindi or English, with Hindi and English as compulsory or elective subjects or either of the two as a medium of examination and the other as a compulsory or elective subject at degree level.
5. Experience
Three years’ experience of using or applying terminology (terminological work) in Hindi and translation work from English to Hindi or vice-versa, preferably of technical or scientific literature under Central Government or State Government or autonomous bodies or statutory organizations or public sector undertakings or Universities or recognized research or educational institutions.
or Three years’ experience of teaching in Hindi and English or research in Hindi or English under Central Government or State Governments or Autonomous bodies or statutory organizations or public sector undertakings or Universities or recognized research or educational institutions
6. Desirable / Preferable:
i) Studied one of the languages other than Hindi included in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution at 10th level from a recognized Board. ii) Administrative experience. iii) Experience of organizing Hindi classes or workshops for noting and drafting. iv) Knowledge of Direct Tax Laws / procedure. v) Computer Literacy.
7. Period of deputation :
The period of deputation (including short term contract) including period of deputation (including short term contract) in another excadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization or department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not to exceed three years
8. Income Tax Department Jobs Age Limit
The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation (including short term contract) shall be not exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of applications.
The Departmental officers in the feeder category who are in the direct line of promotion shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment on deputation (including short term contract).
No advance copy of the application is required to be sent by the candidates;
The applications of only those candidates will be forwarded , who could be relieved for joining immediately.
The applications not accompanied with necessary documents vi z. the APARs, Vigilance Clearance etc. will not be entertained.
Selection Process
Selection will be based On deputation basis (Including short term contract).
Written Examination
Short Listed candidates will be called for an Interview process
The players may be required to undergo a ground/proficiency test also
How to Apply for Income Tax Assistant Director Recruitment 2022 ?
1. Eligible and suitable candidates are requested to send their applications in the prescribed Proforma along with their Annual Performance appraisal Reports of the last 5 years, duly attested , cadre clearance, integrity Certificate, Vigilance Clearance Certificate and details of status of Major / Minor Penalty, imposed during last ten years, in original, duly signed and stamped by competent Authority through proper channel to the Address “Directorate of Income Tax (Exam & Official Language), Central Board of Direct Taxes , Official Language Division, 6th Floor, Mayur Bhawan, Connaught Circus , New Delhi – 110001“
2. Last date of receipt of applications: within 42 days from the date of publication of the advertisement i.e. 29th June 2022.
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Railway Recruitment Cell (RRC), Western Railway has released a “Apprentice Notification No. RRC/WR/01/2022” for 3612 Apprentice Vacancies. Check all Details Here…
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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UPSC Advertisement Number 10/2022 Recruitment of Drug Inspector, Manager, Officer, Vice Principal and Lecturer positions. Interested Candidates can check all important details like vacancy, eligibility criteria ,application fee, selection process etc. here..
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), Dholpur House, New Delhi invites Online application by 16/06/2022 in the prescribed recruitment form for the recruitment of following various Government Jobs vacancy posts of Drug Inspector, Mineral Officer, Vice-Principal (Govt. Schools) etc. (Group-A and Group-B) in various Central Government departments/organizations of Government of India in the prescribed online format (UPSC Advt. No. 10/2022).
UPSC Government Jobs Recruitment 10/2022 Vacancies
Drug Inspector (Homoeopathy): 01 vacancy (UR) in Ministry of AYUSH
Drug Inspector (Siddha): 01 vacancy (UR) in Ministry of AYUSH
Drug Inspector (Unani): 01 vacancy (UR) in Ministry of AYUSH
Assistant Keeper: 01 vacancy (UR) in Anthropological Survey of India, Ministry of Culture
Master in Chemistry: 01 vacancy (OBC) in Rashtriya Indian Military College, Dehradun, Ministry of Defence
Mineral Officer (Intelligence): 20 vacancies (SC-03, ST-01, OBC-05, EWS01, UR-10) (PwBD-02) in Indian Bureau of Mines, Ministry of Mines
Assistant Shipping Master and Assistant Director: 02 vacancies (OBC-01, UR-01) in Government Shipping Office/Seamen’s Employment Office under the Directorate General of Shipping, Mumbai, Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Senior Lecturer (Textile Processing): 02 vacancies (SC-01, OBC-01) in Weavers’ Service Centres and Indian Institutes of Handloom Technology, Office of the Development Commissioner for Handlooms, Ministry of Textiles
Vice-Principal (Govt. Schools): 131 vacancies 45 Male & 86 Female) (SC-21, ST-07, OBC-36, EWS-11, UR- 56) (PwBD- 05) in the Directorate of Education, Education Department, Government of NCT of Delhi
Senior Lecturer (Community Medicine): 01 vacancy (SC-01) in Government Medical College & Hospital, Chandigarh, Department of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh Administration
Application Fee
₹25/- to be paid cash/online at SBI. No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women candidates.
Educational Qualifications:
Drug Inspector (Homoeopathy): Bachelors Degree in Homoeopathy recognized under the Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973 (59 of 1973).
Drug Inspector (Siddha): Bachelors Degree in Siddha from a recognized University or Institute and recognized under the Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970 (48 of 1970).
Drug Inspector (Unani): Bachelors Degree in Unani from a recognized University or Institute and recognized under the Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970 (48 of 1970).
Assistant Keeper: Master’s degree in Anthropology from a recognized University or Institute. Diploma in Museology from a recognized University or Institute.
Master in Chemistry: Master’s Degree in Chemistry from a recognized University; Degree in teaching from a recognized University or Institution. Three years’ teaching experience in Chemistry in a recognized school or educational Institution.
Mineral Officer: Master’s Degree in Geology or Applied Geology or Economics or Bachelor’s Degree in Mining Engineering. Minimum 02 years experience.
Assistant Shipping Master and Assistant Director: Any Degree + 03 years’ experience in administration & establishment matters.
Senior Lecturer: Degree in Textile Processing or Textile Chemistry or Bachelor of Engineering or Bachelor of Technology in Textile Processing or Textile Chemistry OR Post Diploma in Textile Chemistry or Textile Processing.
Vice Principal: Master’s Degree from a recognized University / Institute; Bachelor of Education from a recognized university. Two years’ experience as Post Graduate Teacher OR Three years’ experience as Trained Graduate Teacher.
Senior Lecturer (Community Medicine): A basic University or equivalent qualification included in any one of the Schedules to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956) and must be registered in a State Medical Register or Indian Medical Register. M.D.( Social & Preventive Medicine)/ M.D.( Community Medicine) from a recognized University/ Institution or equivalent. Minimum 03 years teaching experience.
Selection Process:
The UPSC recruitment is made by three methods:- (i)Direct Recruitment, (ii)Promotion and (iii)Transfer (Deputation) Basis.
The UPSC Direct Recruitment for selection of Various department posts of Central Government of India.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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IAF Group C Recruitment 2022 Notification has been released. Candidates can check application process, educational qualification, experience, selection criteria, and other details
Indian Air Force (IAF) has invited applications from eligible Indian citizens for recruitment to the post of Group ‘C’ Lower Division Clerk (LDC) Civilian post at Air Force Record Office. Interested and eligible aspirants can Apply Offline for the vacancies as per the prescribed format within 30 days from the date of publication of this advertisement in Employment News/ Rozgar Samachar. The IAF application form and notification are available on the official website.
IAF Recruitment 2022 Vacancy Details
Group ‘C’ Civilian – 05 Posts
Pay Scale for IAF Recruitment 2022:
The selected candidates will get Level-2, as per Pay Matrix 7th CPC
Minimum Salary: Rs.28,424/-
Maximum Salary: Rs.63,200/-
Indian Air Force Application Fee:
Aspirants can check the application fee from the notification.
Important Dates
Notification Date : 21st May 2022
Last Date of Submission of Application : 30 days from the date of publication i.e. 21st June 2022
IAF Group C Recruitment 2022 Eligibility Criteria
Educational Qualification:
The candidate should have passed 12th Class from a recognized Board. A typing speed of 35 wpm in English or 30 wpm in Hindi on computer (35 wpm and 30 wmp correspond to 10500 KDPH/9000 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for each word).
Age Limit
For all posts 18-25 years (The crucial date for determining age limit is 28 November 2021). Age relaxation available for SC/ST, OBC and PwBD candidates as per prevalent Govt. Instructions.
Selection Criteria
All application will be scrutinized in terms of age limits, minimum qualification, documents and certificates. Thereafter, eligible candidates will be issued call letters for written test. Shortlisted candidates are to bring original certificates, copies of annexure attached with application.
How to apply for IAF Group C Recruitment 2022 ?
The eligible Candidates qualified for these IAF jobs may send their application form in offline mode to the address “Presiding Officer, Civilian Recruitment Board, Air Force Record Office, Subroto Park, New Delhi-110010″. Application as per format given under (typed in English/Hindi), duly supported with the following documents is to reach the concerned Air Force Station through ordinary post. Address should be typed in English / Hindi. Separate application for each post should be forwarded.
Applicants to mention clearly on the envelope “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ——– AND CATEGORY——- AGAINST ADVERTISEMENT NO. 03/2022/DR”. The last date for receipt of Application Form is 30 days from the date of publication of this advertisement in ’Employment News/ Rozgar Samachar’.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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The Border Security Force has released the official notification for 90 Inspector, SI, and JE vacancies. Applicants can read all the details below
Border Security Force (BSF), a central armed police force invites applications through online mode from male and female Indian citizens for the following various Group-B Engineering Setup Non-Gazetted Non-Ministerial Govt Job vacancy posts of Inspector, Sub-Inspector, and Junior Engineers in BSF Engineering setup in 2022 for the vacancy year 2020-21 in the disciplines of Architecture, Works and Electrical Engineering.
₹200/- to be paid through online mode as examination fee. Female candidates of all categories and candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes, BSF serving personnel and Ex-Servicemen are exempted from payment of examination fee.
Qualified 3 Yr Diploma in Civil Electrical From State and Central Board.
BSF Age Limit:
Minimum Age Limit – 18 Years
Maximum Age Limit – 30 Years
Age Relaxation will be as per the Government Norms
Method of Selection
For all the vacancies selection will be based on a written tests in their respective disciplines of 2 hours duration and of 100 marks having 100 questions along with physical standards test and physical efficiency test for selected candidates + Document Verification + Medical Examination
For more detailed information and online application form for Group-B Engineering setup job vacancy recruitment 2022 in BSF Engineering setup, please visit https://rectt.bsf.gov.in
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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AEES Released Various Post For TGT, PGT, PRT And Other Post in Various Trade. If You Interested For Post Read important details in this article.
Atomic Energy Education Society (AEES), Anushakti nagar, Mumbai under the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Govt. of India invites applications through online mode for recruitment of following 205Govt Job vacancy posts of Teachers at various level (TGT/ Primary) for its 31 AEES schools in various subjects/disciplines at various places throughout India for the year 2022. (Advertisement No. AEES/01/2022).
AEES 205 School Teacher Recruitment 2022 Vacancies
Post Graduate Teacher (PGT): 15 vacancies in various disciplines, Pay Scale : Level-7 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹47600-151100, Age: 40 years
English: 02
Hindi: 01
Mathematics: 04
Physics: 01
Chemistry: 01
Computer Science: 04
Biology: 02
Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) : 108 posts, Pay Scale : Level-7 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹44900-142400, Age: 35 years
English: 11
Social Science: 14
Hindi/Sanskrit: 10
Mathematics/Physics: 21
Physics/Biology: 07
Chemistry/Biology: 07
Computer Science: 10
PET (Male): 09
PET (Female): 07
ART: 07
Marathi: 05
Librarian: 08 posts, Pay Scale : Level-8 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix, Age: 35 years
The detailed advertisement and online application form is available at http://aees.gov.infor AEES School Teacher Vacancy Recruitment 2022. View Advertisement and Apply Online Link
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SBI has released a notification for recruitment to the Post of Channel Manager Facilitator, Support Officer. To know essential info regarding this go through our page on SBI Notifications 2022.
State Bank of India (SBI) Officials has recently published a job notification to fill up 641 Posts as Channel managersFacilitator, Supervisor, Support Officer on contractual basis. Interested aspirants can Apply Online on or before 07-Jun-2022. According to the notification, retired officers of SBI, erstwhile Associates (e-Abs) and other PSBs and award staff of SBI can apply for this recruitment process. candidates can check all the job details of no of posts, age limit, salary, qualification etc. prescribed below:
Retired Personnel having work experience in the ATM operations, will be given preference Retired.
Specific Skills: Employee should possess a Smart Mobile Phone and the Skill/Aptitude/Quality for monitoring through PC/Mobile App/Laptop or as per requirement.
Age Limit:
Minimum Age Limit: 60 Years
Maximum Age Limit: 63 Years
Selection Process:
Shortlisting of candidates will be done for candidates.
The interview will carry 100 marks. The qualifying marks in the interview will be decided by the Bank. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
How to apply for SBI Channel Manager Facilitator & Other Posts Recruitment?
Interested candidates can go through eligibility criteria and apply online from 18/05/2022 on or before 07/06/2022
For more information and online application format, please visit the Recruitment page on the SBI website at https://www.sbi.co.in/careers/ongoing-recruitment.htmlfor SBI Channel Manager Facilitator & Other Posts Recruitment 2022. To Apply Online : Click here
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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UPSC NDA 2 2022 Recruitment Notification has been released by Union Public Service Commission for filling up 400 vacancies on its website. Check exam details, important dates, eligibility and updates here.
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will hold the National Defence Academy (NDA)-II and Naval Academy (NA) Examination (II), 2022 on 04/09/2022 for admission to the Army, Navy and Air Force wing of the NDA for 150th Course and Naval Academy (INAC) for 112th course.
Online applications in the prescribed format are invited for NDA & NA Exam (II) 2022 by UPSC from suitable candidates for Officer Government Jobs (Advertisement No. 10/2022-NDA-II).
About National Defence Academy (NDA) Exam (II) 2022
To join the National Defence Academy (NDC), a candidate must appear in the NDA and Naval Academy Exam (II) 2022 is being conducted by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), New Delhi.
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is solely responsible for issuing guidelines for selection and the final conduct of the NDA entrance examination (II) 2022. Qualification to Join NDA is 12th Class of 10+2 System of Education/Equivalent for Army and with Physics and Mathematics for Indian Air Force & Indian Navy for the exam NDA Exam (II) 2022.
The Selected candidates will undergo a training of 3 years duration at NDA and 1 Yr at IMA (For Army cadets)/ 3 years duration at NDA and 1 Yr at Naval Academy (For Naval cadets) and 3 years duration at NDA and 1 & 1/2 Yrs at AFA Hyderabad (For AF cadets) after getting selected through National Defence Academy (NDA) Exam (II) 2022.
UPSC NDA & NA Exam (II) 2022 Vacancies
NDA & NA Exam (II) 2022 Vacancies : 400 vacancies (370 vacancies in NDA (Army-208, Navy-42, Air Force-120 (Flying-92, Ground Duties (Tech)-18, Ground Duties (Non Tech)-10), Naval Academy 10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme – 30))
NDA & NA Exam (II) 2022 Eligibility
Age: Born between 2nd January 2004 and 1st January 2007.
Educational Qualification
for Army: 12th Class pass of the 10+2 pattern of School Education or equivalent examination conducted by a State Education Board or a University.
For Air Force, Navy and Naval Academy: 12th Class pass of the 10+2 pattern of School Education or equivalent examination conducted by a State Education Board or a University with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics subjects
Physical Standards: Candidates must be physically fit according to the Regulations given in notice.
Application Fee
₹100/- (No fee for SC/ST) to be deposited in any branch of SBI or Online by Net Banking Or by Credit/ Debit card.
An Examination will be conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) on 05/09/2022 at various test centres across India for admission to the Army, Navy and Air Force wings of the NDA for the 150th Course, and for the 112th Indian Naval Academy Course (INAC). Candidates should note that there will be a penalty (Negative Marking) for wrong answers marked by a candidate in the Objective Type Question Papers.
All complete information about NDA and Naval Examination as well as information about registration of their applications, venue of the examination and result, etc. can be found on the website of the UPSC https://upsconline.nic.in/mainmenu2.php at Guidelines to the Candidates ==> Examination Notification ==> NDAII-ENGLISH for UPSC NDA and Naval Academy Examination (II) 2022.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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UPSC released the notification for the Combined Defence Services Examination (II) on its official website with new facility of withdrawal of Application for those candidates who do not want to appear for the examination. just keep updated..
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will hold the Combined Defence Services Examination (CDS) (II), 2022 on 4th September 2022 for admission to Indian Military Academy, Dehradun, Naval Academy, Ezihimala, Air force Academy, Hyderabad, and Officers Training Academy, Chennai for the courses (Men and Women) for recruitment of following various 339 Govt Job Vacancy of Officers in Navy, Army, and Indian Air Force. (UPSC Advt. No. 11/2022.CDS-II ).
Indian Military Academy, Dehradun: 100 vacancies for 155th (DE) Courses commencing in July 2023 (including 13 vacancies reserved for NCC `C’ Certificate (Army Wing) holders)
Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala: 22 vacancies for Executive (General Service)/Hydro (including 03 vacancies for NCC ‘C’ Certificate (Naval Wing through NCC Special entry)) holders Course commencing in July 2023
Air Force Academy, Hyderabad: 32 vacancies for (Pre-Flying) 214 F(P) Training Course commencing in July 2023 Course. (including 03 vacancies are reserved for NCC `C’ Certificate (Air Wing) holders through NCC Spl. Entry)
Officers Training Academy, Chennai: 169 vacancies for 118th SSC (Men) (NT) (UPSC) Course commencing in October 2023
Officers Training Academy, Chennai (Women): 16 vacancies for 32nd SSC Women (NT) (UPSC) Course commencing in October 2023.
Conditions of Eligibility for CDS-(II) Exam 2022
(A) Age Limits, Sex and Marital Status
For Indian Military Academy: Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd July 1999 and not later than 1st July 2004 only are eligible.
For Naval Academy: Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd July 1999 and not later than 1st July 2004 only are eligible.
For Air Force Academy: 20-24 years i.e. Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd July 1999 and not later than 1st July 2003 only are eligible.
For Officers’ Training Academy – (SSC Course for Men): Male candidates (Unmarried or Married) born not earlier than 2nd July 1998 and not later than 1st July 2004 only are eligible.
For Officers Training Academy – SSC (Women Non- Technical) Course : (a) Unmarried Women, issueless widows who have not remarried, and issueless divorcees (in possession of divorce documents) who have not remarried are eligible. They should have been not earlier than 2nd July 1998 and not later than 1st July 2004.
(B) Educational Qualifications
For Indian Military Academy and Officers’ Training Academy: Degree of a recognized university or equivalent.
For Naval Academy: Degree in Engineering from a recognized University/Institution.
For Air Force Academy: Degree of a recognized university (with Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level) or Degree in Engineering from a recognized University/Institution.
Candidates who are studying in the final year Degree Course and yet to pass final year degree examination or equivalent examination can also apply for the Examination, but they will be required to submit proof of passing the Degree Examination or equivalent examination by the specified dates.
(C) Physical Standards
candidates must be physically fit according to the physical standards for admission to the combined Defence Services Examination (CDS) (II), 2022 as prescribed in the detailed advertisement on the UPSC website.
Application Fee
Candidates (excepting Female/SC/ST candidates who are exempted from payment of fee) are required to pay a fee of ₹200/- either by depositing the money in any Branch of SBI by cash or by using the Net Banking facility of SBI or by using Visa/ Master Credit/ Debit Card.
Candidate must apply online in the prescribed format at http://upsconline.nic.in/mainmenu2.php from 18/05/2022 to 07/06/2022 6.00 pm for UPSC Combined Defence Service Exam (II) 2022. The online Applications can be withdrawn from 14/06/2022 to 20/06/2022 till 6.00 PM.
Detailed Information for UPSC CDS Exam (II) 2022
Complete details and other information are available at the commission website at Guidelines to the Candidates ==> Examination Notification ==> CDSII-ENGLISH ==> https://upsconline.nic.in/mainmenu2.php for UPSC Defence Services Examination-II 2022.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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