Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant 02/2022 application begins; Apply Online for 50 posts
The Indian Coast Guard, an Armed Force of the Union, offers a challenging and inspiring career as a Group ‘A’ Gazetted Officer in the pay scale for Assistant Commandant General Duty (GD), Commercial Pilot Entry and Technical (Engineering & Electrical) in 02/2022 batch entry in Coast Guard.
Online application in the prescribed format applications is invited from young and energetic Indian male candidates only for recruitment of following Govt Job Vacancy posts of Assistant Commandant General Duty (GD), Commercial Pilot and Technical (Engineer & Electrical) in 02/2022 batch in Indian Coast Guard.
Assistant Commandant General Duty (GD): 30 vacancies, Qualification: Male candidates who have passed Bachelor’s degree in Engineering from any recognized university with a minimum of 60% marks in aggregate (ii) Mathematics and Physics as subjects up to intermediate or class XIIth of 10+2+3 scheme of education or equivalent with 60% aggregate in Mathematics and Physics., Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 ₹56100/- in 7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix, Age: Born between 1st July 1997 and 30 June 2001 (Both dates included)
Assistant Commandant Technical (Commercial Pilot Entry (CPL-SSA): 10 vacancies for , Qualification: Male and Female candidates holding current /valid Commercial Pilot License (CPL) issued/ validated by Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). Minimum educational qualification – XIIth pass (Physics and Mathematics) with 60% marks in aggregate, Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 ₹56100/- in 7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix, Age: Born between 1st July 1997 and 30 June 2003 (Both dates included)
Assistant Commandant Technical (Engineering & Electrical): 10 vacancies (Technical (Engineering)-06, Technical (Electrical)-04)), Qualification: Degree in Engineering with 60% aggregate marks or Section A and B passes with 60% marks from the Institution Of Engineers in (A) Naval architecture Or Mechanical or Marine Or Automotive Or Mechtronics Or Industrial and Production Or Metallurgy Or Design Or Aeronautical Or Aerospace Engineering (B) Electrical or Electronics Or Telecommunication Or Instrumentation Or Instrumentation & Control Or Electronics and Communication Or Power Engineering or Power Electronics., Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 ₹56100/- in 7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix, Age: Born between 1st July 1997 and 30 June 2001 (Both dates included).
The candidates who qualify Preliminary Selection will be called for Final Selection, to be conducted tentatively from early February to April 2022. The Final Selection will consist of Psychological Test, Group Task and Interview (Personality test).
A merit list will be prepared for the medically fit candidates on the basis of marks obtained at FSB and depending upon the availability of vacancies. Such candidates will be called for document verification.
How to Apply for Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant 02/2022 entry? wishes you bestof luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***
Indian Air Force AFCAT 01/2022 for Officer vacancy Recruitment : Air Force Common Admission Online Test (AFCAT) – 01/2022 For Flying Branch and Ground Duties (Technical and Non-Technical)/ NCC Special Entry
Indian Air Force (IAF) invites online applications in the prescribed format for the courses commencing in January 2023 for grant of Short Service Commission (SSC) (Men and Women) in Flying and Ground Duty(Technical and Non-Technical) branches for Recruitment of SSC/PSC Commissioned Officers through Air Force Common Admission Online Test (AFCAT) – 01/2022.
Online applications in the prescribed format are also invited for grant of PC/ SSC for NCC Special Entry Scheme (For flying branch).
“Indian Air Force (IAF) has published the advertisement for Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT) 2022 in the employment newspaper dated 27 November to 03 December 2021″
Indian Air Force AFCAT Recruitment 01/2022 Vacancies
Flying Branch Short Service Commission (SSC) Men/Women: 77 vacancies
Ground Duty Branch (Technical): 95 vacancies in Aeronautical Engineering Electronics (AE(L) Men) (Permanent Commission (PC) – 19, Short Service Commission (SSC) – 76)
At least 50% marks each in Maths and Physics at 10+2 level and Graduation with minimum three years degree course in any discipline from a recognized University with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent. OR BE/B Tech degree (Four years course) from a recognized University with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent. OR Candidates who have cleared Section A & B examination of Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers (India) or Aeronautical Society of India from a recognized University with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent.
Ground Duty (Technical) Branch:
Aeronautical Engineer (Electronics) {AE (L)}. – Candidates with a minimum of 50% marks each in Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level and a minimum of four years degree graduation/integrated post-graduation qualification in Engineering/ Technology from recognized University OR cleared Sections A and B examination of Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers (India) or Aeronautical Society of India or Graduate membership examination of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers by actual studies with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent in the following disciplines:- (aaa) Communication Engineering. (aab) Computer Engineering/Technology. (aac) Computer Engineering & Application. (aad) Computer Science and Engineering/Technology. (aae) Electrical and Computer Engineering. (aaf) Electrical and Electronics Engineering. (aag) Electrical Engineering. (aah) Electronics Engineering/ Technology. 4 (aaj) Electronics Science and Engineering. (aak) Electronics. (aal) Electronics and Communication Engineering. (aam) Electronics and Computer Science. (aan) Electronics and/or Telecommunication Engineering. (aao) Electronics and/or Telecommunication Engineering (Microwave). (aap) Electronics and Computer Engineering. (aaq) Electronics Communication and Instrumentation Engineering. (aar) Electronics Instrument & Control. (aas) Electronics Instrument & Control Engineering. (aat) Instrumentation & Control Engineering. (aau) Instrument & Control Engineering. (aav) Information Technology. (aaw) Spacecraft Technology. (aax) Engineering Physics. (aay) Electric Power and Machinery Engineering. (aaz) Infotech Engineering. (aba) Cyber Security.
Aeronautical Engineer (Mechanical) {AE (M)} – Candidates with a minimum of 50% marks each in Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level and a minimum of four years degree graduation/integrated post-graduation qualification in Engineering/Technology from recognized University OR cleared Sections A & B examination of Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers (India) or Aeronautical Society of India by actual studies with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent in the following disciplines:- (aaa) Aerospace Engineering. (aab) Aeronautical Engineering. (aac) Aircraft Maintenance Engineering. (aad) Mechanical Engineering. (aae) Mechanical Engineering and Automation. (aaf) Mechanical Engineering (Production). (aag) Mechanical Engineering (Repair and Maintenance). (aah) Mechatronics. (aaj) Industrial Engineering. (aak) Manufacturing Engineering. (aal) Production and Industrial Engineering. (aam) Materials Science and Engineering. (aan) Metallurgical and Materials Engineering. (aao) Aerospace and Applied Mechanics. (aap) Automotive Engineering. (aaq) Robotics (aar) Nanotechnology (aas) Rubber Technology and Rubber Engineering.
Ground Duty (Non-Technical) Branches
Administration – Passed 10+2 and Graduate Degree (Minimum three years degree course) in any discipline from a recognized university with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent or cleared section A & B examination of Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers (India) or Aeronautical Society of India from a recognized university with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent.
Education – Passed 10+2 and Post-Graduation with 50% in any discipline including integrated courses offering PG (Single degree without permission to exit and lateral entry) and with 60% marks in Graduation in any discipline.
Logistics – Graduate Degree (Minimum three year degree course) in any discipline from a recognized university with 60% marks or equivalent or cleared section A & B examination of Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers (India) or Aeronautical Society of India from a recognized university with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent.
NCC Special Entry (Flying Branch)
NCC Air Wing Senior Division ‘C’ certificate acquired on or after 01 Dec 17. Minimum of 60% marks each in Maths and Physics at 10+2. Graduates with minimum three years degree course in any discipline from a recognized University with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent OR BE/B Tech degree (Four years course) from a recognized University with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent OR Candidates who have cleared Section A & B examination of Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers (India) or Aeronautical Society of India from a recognized University with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent
Selection Process for AFCAT 2022
The selection will be done on the basis of:
AFCAT written examination
Officers Intelligence Rating Test & Picture Perception and Discussion test, Psychological test
Group tests / Interview.
AFCAT Exam Pattern 2022
No. of Questions
AFCAT(For both Non-Technical & Technical Candidates)
2 Hours
Engineering Knowledge Test (EKT-For Technical Candidates)
45 Minutes
AFCAT Syllabus 2022
English – Comprehension, Error Detection, Sentence Completion/ Filling in of correct word, Synonyms, Antonyms and Testing of Vocabulary, Idioms and Phrases.
General Awareness – History, Geography, Civics, Politics, Current Affairs, Environment, Basic Science, Defence, Art, Culture, Sports, etc.
Numerical Ability – Decimal Fraction, Time and Work, Average, Profit & Loss, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion and Simple Interest, Time & Distance (Trains/Boats & Streams).
Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test – Verbal Skills and Spatial Ability.
Candidates can apply online for the courses commencing in January 2023 for grant of Short Service Commission (SSC) in Flying Branch and Permanent Commission (PC) and Short Service Commission (SSC) in Ground Duty (Technical and Non-Technical) Branches from 01 December to 30 December 202. Aadhaar Card is mandatory for online registration.
Steps To Apply
Click “CANDIDATE LOGIN’’ on the Home page- leads to AFCAT Sign-in
In the next page, applicants to click “NOT YET REGISTERED? REGISTER HERE”.
Sign Up: Creation of Log-in ID and applicant will receive a password in his/her registered email id.
After successful registration, sign-in with registered email id and system generated password.
Reset Password- Log-Out (candidates must remember their login ID and password for future use during the examination process).
Click “MAKE PAYMENT”- Online (applicable only for AFCAT)
Click “PAYMENT STATUS” to view whether payment is successful. If Registration Number is displayed, it implies that the payment is successful.
Apply Online for AFCAT 01/2022 Officer Recruitment
Apply Online in the prescribed format at Air Force AFCAT 01/2022 recruitment website from 01/12/2021 to 30/12/2021 only wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Indian Army Short Service Commission (SSC) in Remount Veterinary Corps 2021. Apply for various vacancies – Check eligibility, age limit, other details.
Offline Application on the prescribed format is invited from qualified male veterinary graduatesfor Short Service Commission (SSC) in Remount Veterinary Corps of Indian Army for the year 2021.
“The Remount and Veterinary Corps is an administrative and operational branch of the Indian Army, and one of its oldest formations. It is responsible for breeding, rearing and training of all animals used in the army“
Army SSC Remount Veterinary Corps Recruitment 2021 Vacancies
Age: 21-32 years as on 18/11/2021
Nationality : Applicant should be a citizen of India.
Qualification : BVSc./BVSc. & AH degree from any recognized Indian University or equivalent.
Pay Scale: 7th CPC Pay Matrix Pay Level-10B ₹61300/- plus Military Service Pay of ₹15500/- plus 20% NPA
Method of Selection: shortlisting of applications will be done at Directorate General Remount Veterinary Corps, those found eligible will be called for SSB on a specified date. On arrival at the SSB, the Shortlisted candidates will be administered stage-1 of the two-stage testing procedure. Those who qualify will be detailed to undergo Group Test, Psychological Test, and Interview which will extend for a duration of 5 days.
Medical Examination: Candidates recommended by the SSB will go under Medical Examination by a Board of Service Medical Officers.
***Note: Candidate should have passed the Qualifying Examination with Internship at the time of submission of application. Candidates who are not in possession of Marksheets of all Years/Parts/Semesters of Qualifying Examination and Internship Completion Certificate cannot apply for this post.
Application Fee :
There is No Application Fee.
Important Dates :
Application Started : September 24, 2021
Last Date of Application Submission : 18 November 2021 (till 5 pm)
Selection Process :
Short listing of applications
Initial screening and shortlisting of applications will be done at Directorate General Remount Veterinary Services, Integrated HQ of MoD (Army) before forwarding them to Dte Gen Recruiting of IHQ of MoD (Army). Common reasons for rejection of applications during screening are given at para 7 below.
SSB Interview
Candidates whose applications are found in order shall be detailed to appear for the Service Selection Board on a specified date. Detailed instructions along with date and place of SSB will be intimated directly by Dte Gen Recruiting, IHQ of MoD(Army).
Merit list
Merit list of the candidates recommended by the SSB and declared medically fit will be prepared. It is to be noted that mere qualifying at the SSB interview does not confirm final selection. Merit list will be prepared on the basis of marks obtained by the candidate at SSBs only and as such higher educational qualifications, previous achievements have no role to play.
How to Apply for Army SSC Recruitment Remount Veterinary Corps 2020?
Apply on plain paper (21 cm x 36 cm) duly typed as per the prescribed format. The envelope containing the application should besuper-scribed in Red ink indicating clearly “Application for Short Service Commission in RVC“. The application should be posted by ordinary post to reach the following address by 18/11/2021.
Further details regarding Army SSC Remount Veterinary Corps Recruitment 2021 along with the application form can be seen at wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***
Indian Army JAG Entry Scheme 2022 (April) – Indian Army has issued a notification for the recruitment of Law Graduates for grant of Short Service Commission for JAG Entry Scheme 28th Course Apr 2022. Check age limit, qualification, experience, selection process, salary and application process.
Online applications on prescribed proforma are invited from Indian Nationals Law GraduatesMen and Women forgrant of Short Service Commission (SSC) (NT) Course in the Indian Army for Judge Advocate General (JAG) Branch/Department for 28th Entry course commencing April 2022.
Indian Army JAG 28th Entry April 2022 Jobs 2021 Apply For Short Service Commission (NT) for Law Graduate (Men and Women) Posts
Army 28th JAG Law Entry: 07 vacancies (Male-05, Female-02), Qualification: 55% marks in LLB Degree (3 years after Graduation or 5 years after 10+2), Age: 21-27 years as of 01/01/2022, Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 ₹56100-177500/-
Important Dates :
Start Date of Online Application: 29th September 2021
Last Date of Online Application Form: 28th October 2021
Eligibility Criteria for Indian Army JAG Entry Scheme 2022 (April)
A candidate must either be: (i) A citizen of India, or (ii) A subject of Nepal, (iii) A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka and East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India, provided that a candidate belonging to categories (ii) and (iii) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India. Certificate of eligibility will, however, not be necessary in the case of candidates who are Gorkha subjects of Nepal.
Age Limit
21 to 27 years as on 01 Jul 2022 (Born not earlier than 02 Jul 1994 and not later than 01 Jul 2000; both dates inclusive).
Note: Candidates should note that the date of birth as recorded in the Matriculation/Secondary School Exam Certificate or an equivalent certificate on the date of submission of applications will only be accepted and no subsequent request for its change will be considered or granted.
Educational Qualification
Minimum 55% aggregate marks in LLB Degree (three years professional after graduation or five years after 10+2 examination)
Candidates should be eligible for registration as an advocate with the Bar Council of India/State. Candidate should be from a College/University recognized by Bar Council of India
Selection Process for Indian Army JAG Entry Scheme 2022 (April)
Integrated HQ of MoD (Army) will shortlist the candidates.
Only shortlisted eligible candidates will undergo SSB at Selection Centres, Allahabad(UP), Bhopal(MP), Bangalore (Karnataka) and Kapurthala (PB)
Call up letter for SSB interview will be issued by respective Selection Centre on candidate’s registered email id and SMS only
Candidates will be put through two stage selection procedures. Those who clear Stage I will go to Stage II. Those who fail on stage I will be returned on the same day. Duration of SSB interview is five days and details of the same are available on the official website
Medical Exam
Please visit official website of Indian-army for Medical Standards and Procedures of Medical Exam for Officers Entry into Army as applicable.
Period of Probation
An officer will be on probation for a period of 6 months from the date he/she receives his/her commission
Duration of training is 49 weeks at OTA, Chennai.
Selected candidates will be detailed for Pre-Commission training at OTA, Chennai according to their position in the final order of merit, up to the number of available vacancies, subject to meeting all eligibility criteria.
Cost of Training
Cost of training Rs.12908/- per week, thereafter a yearly escalation of 8% p.a. will be calculated on the Per Capita Cost of Training for each ensuing year
Step 3: Fill the online registration form after reading the instructions carefully. After getting registered, click on ‘Apply Online’ under Dashboard..
Step 4: A page ‘Officers Selection – ‘Eligibility’ will open. Then click ‘Apply’ shown against the Short Service Commission JAG Entry Course. Continue to fill in details and click ‘Save and Continue”.
Step 5: After checking all the details click on Submit. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***
Indian Army SSC Technical Officer 2021 Recruitment- Short Service Commission (Tech) Men 58th course and Women 29th Course vacancies. Check the gender, age limit & educational qualification required to be fulfilled before applying for the Indian Army .
Online applications are invited from eligible unmarried Male/Female Engineering Graduates and also from Widows of Defence Personnel who died in harness for grant of 58th entry for Men and 29th entry for Women for Technical Short Service Commission (SSC) entry in the Indian Army.
The course will commence in April 2022 at Officers Training Academy (OTA), Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Duration of Training- 49 weeks.
Type of Commission
Grant of Commission: Selected candidates will be granted Short Service Commission on probation in the rank of Lt from the date of commencement of the course or the date of reporting at Officers Training Academy (OTA), Chennai, Tamil Nadu, whichever is later and will be entitled to full pay and allowances admissible to Lt during training period. Pay & allowances will be paid after successful completion of training.
Confirmation of Short Service Commission: On successful completion of Pre Commission training at OTA, Officer will be confirmed Short Service Commission (Technical) in the rank of Lt.
Ante Date Seniority: One year ante date seniority from the date of commission will be granted to Engineering Graduates of Short Service Commission (Technical) in the rank of Lt.
No Ante Date Seniority for widows of Defence Personnel for SSC(NT): Widows of Defence Personnel selected for SSCW (NT) entry will be granted Short Service Commission in the rank of Lieutenant but will NOT be entitled to any ante date seniority.
Army 58th/29th Men/Women Technical SSC Officer Entry Details
Army SSC (Tech)-58 Men and SSCW (Tech.)-29: 189 vacancies (175 vacancies for male and 14 vacancies for Women) in various Engineering disciplines, Qualification: SSCW (Non-Tech) (Non-UPSC). Graduation in any Discipline. (ii) SSCW(Tech). BE/B Tech in any Engineering stream.
For SSC(Tech)-58 Men: 175 vacancies
Civil; Building Construction Technology: 41 vacancies
Architecture: 02 vacancies
Mechanical: 20 vacancies
Electrical; Electrical and Electronics: 14 vacancies
For Widows of Defence Personnel Only: 02 vacancies (Women-2)
SSC(W) Tech : 01 vacancies
SSC(W)(Non Tech)(Non UPSC): 01 vacancies
Important Dates
Date of Advertisement : 18 September 2021
Start Date of Application Submission : 28 September 2021 Up to 1500 Hrs
Last Date of Application Submission : 27 October 2021 Up to 03:00 PM or 1500 Hrs
Age Limit (as on 01/04/2021)
For SSC(Tech)- 58 Men and SSCW(Tech)- 29 Women – 20 to 27 years as on 01 Oct 2021 (Candidates born between 02 Oct 94 and 01 Oct 2001, both days
For widows of Defence Personnel who Died in Harness Only. – SSCW (Non Tech) [Non UPSC] and SSCW(Tech) – A maximum of 35 years of age as on 01 Oct 2021.
Pay Scale & Stipend
A stipend of training is ₹56100/- during the training at OTA, Chennai for selected candidates. On completion, selected candidates will be commissioned as Lt in the pay scale of 7th CPC Pay Level-10 ₹56100-177500.
Education Qualification
Educational Qualification for SSC(Tech) (Men and Women): Candidates who have passed the requisite Engineering Degree course or are in the final year of Engineering Degree course are eligible to apply. Candidates studying in the final year of Engineering degree course should be able to submit proof of passing by 01 April 2021 and produce the Engineering Degree Certificate within 12 weeks from the date of commencement of training at Officers Training Academy (OTA), Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Such candidates will be inducted on Additional Bond Basis for recovery of the cost of training at Officers Training Academy (OTA) as notified from time to time as well as stipend and pay & allowances paid, in case they fail to produce the requisite degree certificate.
Educational Qualification for Widows of Defence Personnel who Died in Harness:
SSCW (Non Tech) (Non UPSC). Graduation in any Discipline.
SSCW (Tech). B.E./ B. Tech in any Engineering stream.
Note. Candidate studying in final year of Degree must ensure that she submits the proof of passing Degree exam by 01 April 2022 to Directorate General of Recruiting, failing which her candidature will be cancelled.
Selection Process :
Shortlisting of Applications
Medical Exam
Only shortlisted eligible candidates depending on the cutoff percentage will be interviewed at one of the Selection Centres viz. Allahabad (UP), Bhopal (MP), Bengaluru (Karnataka) and Kapurthala (Punjab) by Psychologist, Group Testing Officer and Interviewing Officer. Call Up letter for SSB interview will be issued by respective Selection Centres through candidate’s registered e-mail id and SMS only.
Allotment of Selection Centre is at the discretion of DG Rtg, IHQ of MoD (Army) and NO request for changes are entertained in this regard. Candidates will be put through a two-stage selection procedure at the SSB. Those who clear Stage-I will go to Stage-II. Those who fail in Stage-I will be returned on the same day. The duration of SSB interviews is five days.
Medical Examination
Candidates recommended by the SSB will go under Medical Examination by a Board of Service Medical Officers.
Fill the online registration form after reading the instructions carefully.
After getting registered, click on ‘Apply Online’ under Dashboard.
A page ‘Officers Selection – ‘Eligibility’ will open. Then click ‘Apply’ shown against Short Service Commission JAG Entry Course.
A page ‘Application Form’ will open. Read the instructions carefully and click ‘Continue’ to fill details as required under various segments.
Personal information, Communication details, Education details and details of previous SSB.
‘Save & Continue’ each time before you go to the next segment.
After filling details on the last segment, you will move to a page ‘Summary of your information’ wherein you can check and edit the entries already made.
Only after ascertaining the correctness of all your details, click on ‘Submit Now’.
Candidates must click on ‘Submit Now’ each time they open the application for editing any details.
The candidates are required to take out two copies of their application having Roll Number, 30 minutes after final closure of online application on last day. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep intouch with our website***
Indian Navy SSC Officers Recruitment 2021 -181 Vacancies Opening for Executive, Technical & Education Branch From 21 September.
The Indian Navy invites Online applications from eligible unmarried Men and Women candidates for enrolment Short Service Commission (SSC) Officers 181 vacancies June 2022 (AT-21) Course commencing Jun 2022 at Indian Naval Academy (INA) Ezhimala, Kerala. Candidates must fulfill conditions of nationality as laid down by the Government of India. The last date for submission of online applications is 5th October 2021.
Indian Navy SSC IT Officer Training :
Selected candidates will undergo training for respective branches/cadres/specializations as under:-
(a) Candidates will be inducted into the rank of Sub Lieutenant. (b) Officers of SSC (IT) will undergo 04 weeks Naval Orientation Course at the Naval Academy, Ezhimala.
Eligibility Criteria : Interested candidates must note that only unmarried men and women will be considered for the posts mentioned above.
Indian Navy SSC Officer Recruitment 2021 Age Limit :
Age limit for Pilot and Engineering Branch is candidate should be born between 02.07.1997 to 01.01.2003 and for other posts mentioned above, the candidates should be born between 02.07.1998 to 01.01.2003 is mandatory.
Educational Qualifications : (Candidate must have 60% aggregate marks in class X and XII and minimum 60% marks in English in class X or class XII).
✔️ Executive Branch: For General Service [GS(X)]/ Hydro Cadre: – B.E. / B.Tech engineering graduate in any discipline from AICTE recognized institute / university with minimum 60% marks.
For Air Traffic Controller (ATC)/ Observer/ Pilot: – Candidates Having BE/B.Tech Degree in any discipline from AICTE recognized institute / university with minimum 60% marks.
For Logistics :-
(i) BE/ B.Tech Degree in any discipline with First Class or
Shortlisting of application will be based on preference of entries and normalized marks obtained by the candidates in the qualifying degree. Marks obtained by the candidates in the qualifying degree will be normalized using formulae mentioned in Join Indian Navy website. stages of Recruitment :-
Applications Shortlisting – Criteria For
BE/B.Tech : For candidates who have completed or in final year of BE/B.Tech, marks obtained upto fifth semester will be considered for SSB shortlisting.
Non-Engineering Degree Programme : For candidates who have completed MCA, MBA, MA, M.Sc, B.Sc and B.Com, marks obtained in all semesters will be considered. For candidates who are in final year, shortlisting will be based on pre-final year performance.
SSB Examination / Interview
Medical Exam : Selected candidates in SSB will be called for medical examination.
Merit : Based on the performance in SSB, merit lists would be prepared.
How to Apply For Indian Navy SSC IT Officer Recruitment 2022 :
Eligible candidates must register and fill application on Indian Navy website from 21st September 2021. The last date for submission of online applications is 05/10/2021.
Candidates selected in the final merit list will be required to submit the proof of completing the qualifying degree with minimum 60% of marks by sending an mail at the given email id. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***
MOSB CAPF Recruitment 2021 Notification Released for 533 Vacancies, Apply Online from 13 September onwards
Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) Recruitment 2021- Notification has been released by Medical Officer Selection Board (CAPFs) for 533 Medical Officer Posts. Check Eligibility, Salary and other details here.
Super Specialist Medical Officer (Second-in-Command): 05 vacancies (UR-04, OBC-01) in various CAPF, Pay Scale: Pay Level-12 ₹7800-209200 of 7th Pay Commission, Age: 50 years.
Specialist Medical Officer (Deputy Commandant): 201 vacancies (UR-96, EWS-18, OBC-51, SC-25, ST-10) in various CAPF in various medical disciplines, Pay Scale: Pay Level-11 ₹67700-208700 of 7th Pay Commission, Age: 40 years.
BSF: 52
CRPF: 116
SSB: 118
ITBP: 11
Assam Rifles: 04
Medical Officer (Assistant Commandant) : 345 vacancies (UR-87, EWS-29, OBC-154, SC-68, ST-07) in various CAPF, Pay Scale: Pay Level -10 ₹56100-177500 of 7th Pay Commission, Age: 30 years.
BSF: 85
CRPF: 77
SSB: 51
ITBP: 101
Assam Rifles: 31
Dental Surgeon (Assistant Commandant): 02 vacancies (UR-02), Pay Scale: Pay Level -10 ₹56100-177500 of 7th Pay Commission, Age: 35 years.
CRPF: 01
Assam Rifles: 01
Application Fee
All General and OBC candidates are required to pay ₹400/- by online methods. SC, ST, and Female candidates are exempted from paying Fees.
A.Super Specialist Medical Officers (Second in Command): A graduate degree in Medicine (M.B.B.S.) or equivalent from a recognized university/Institution included in the first schedule to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956.
(2) Should be enrolled in any State Medical Register maintained under the Act, and Should have completed compulsory rotating internship, and Should also posses Post Graduate Degree or Diploma in the related Specialty mentioned in Section ‘A’ or Section ‘B’ in Schedule I to the Indian Medical Council Act,1956 (102 of 1956) or equivalent.
(3) Should posses Doctorate of Medicine (DM) or Magister Chirurguie (M.Ch.) or equivalent with three years experience in the concerned Super-Specialty after obtaining the first post-graduate degree. Senior Residency period will also be counted towards experience, physical and medical standard, and The applicant must have permanent registration from MCI/ NMC/ State Medical Council before appointment.
B.Specialist Medical Officers (Deputy Commandant): graduate degree in Medicine (M.B.B.S.) or equivalent from a recognized university/Institution and Should be enrolled in any State Medical Register maintained under the Act, and Should have completed compulsory rotating internship.
C. Medical Officers (Assistant Commandant): A recognized medical qualification of allopathic system of medicines included in the first or second schedule or Part–II of third schedule (other than licentiate qualification) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. Holders of educational qualifications included in Part–II of the third schedule should also fulfill the conditions stipulated in Sub Section (3) of Section (13) of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. The applicant must have permanent registration from any MCI/NMC/State Medical Council before appointment in any of the CAPFs, and completed rotary internship.
D.Dental Surgeon (Assistant Commandant): A Degree (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) from a recognized University/Institution; Candidate should be registered with Dental Council of India; Candidate should have Minimum 60% marks in aggregate in BDS exams. Post Degree work experience will be given preference.
MOSB CAPF Recruitment 2021 Age Limit :
Super Specialist Medical Officer (Second-in Command) – 50 years
Specialist Medical Officers (Deputy Commandant) – 40 years
Medical Officers (Assistant Commandant) – 30 years
How to Apply for CAPF Medical Officer Recruitment 2021?
Apply Online in the prescribed format at the ITBP Recruitment website from 13/09/2021 to 27/10/2021 only for Medical Officers Recruitment 2021 in CAPF. Please take a printout of the system generated application form safely with you because this will be required at the time of the interview.
You can search the link for ADVERTISEMENT MEDICAL OFFICER SELECTION BOARD (CAPFs) –2021 Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs Directorate General, Indo Tibetan Border Police Force (Recruitment Branch).
Now open the Notification PDF and Check the Eligibility Details.
For complete detail of the advertisement for information like selection process, eligibility criteria, how to apply on online recruitment portal for Medical Officers vacancy recruitment 2021 in Central Armed Police Forces, etc., please visit and also Download Detailed Notification PDF . wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs..
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TGC 134 Notification And Exam Date – Indian Army Technical Graduate Course commence January 2022
Online application in the prescribed format is invited by the Indian Army from unmarried Male Engineering Graduates for 134th Technical Graduate Course (134th TGC) (commencing in January 2022 at Indian Military Academy (IMA), Dehradun) for permanent commission in the Indian Army.
SSC Commissioned Officer in Indian Army 134nd TGC Entry
Selected candidates for Technical Graduate Course (134th TGC) will be granted Short Service Commission (SSC) on probation in the rank of Lieutenant from the date of commencement of the course or the date of reporting at Indian Military Academy (IMA), whichever is later and will be entitled to full pay and allowances admissible to Lieutenant during the training period.
Pay & allowances will be paid after the successful completion of the training of 134th TGC. On successful completion of training, cadets will be granted Permanent Commission (PC) in the Army in the rank of Lieutenant.
Vacancies of 134th TGC Engineers in Indian Army
40 vacancies in various engineering streams/disciplines
20 to 27 years as of 01/01/2022. (Candidates born between 02nd January 1995 and 01st January 2002, both dates inclusive).
Educational Qualification Criteria
Candidates who have passed the requisite Engineering Degree course or are in the final year of the Engineering Degree course are eligible to apply.
Pay Scale and Stipend
The stipend during the period of training is ₹56100/-. On completion, the selected Engineers will be commissioned as Lieutenant on the pay scale of 7th CPC Pay Level-10 ₹56100-177500. Additionally, Military Service Pay (MSP) ₹15500/- Per month to the paid to the officers.
Indian Army TGC Recruitment 2021: Highlights
Indian Army 134th TGC Recruitment 2021 Notification
Furthermore, detail regarding this entry scheme and online application form can be seen at for the Indian Army 134th Technical Graduate TGC Entry Course for Engineers course commencing January 2022. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs..
“Constable (General Duty) Group – ‘C’ (Non-gazetted and non-ministerial) / (Sports Persons) Vacancy Recruitment in ITBP 2021 [65 Posts] Notification & Apply Online”
Apply Now
Online applications in the prescribed format are invited from Indian citizens for recruitment of following 65 Sarkari (Government) Naukri vacancies of Sports Persons as Constable (General Duty)Group-C Non-gazetted and non-ministerial under sports quota 2021 in various sports disciplines in the Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force (ITBP).
Constable (General Duty) (Sports Persons): 65 vacancies in various sports disciplines, Pay Scale: Level-3 in the 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹21700-69100, Age: 18-25 years, Qualification: Matriculation or equivalent from recognized Board.
For complete detail of the advertisement for information like selection process, eligibility criteria, how to apply, certificates to attach with the application form and Online Application Form for ITBP Constable Sports Quota Recruitment 2021, please visit