BIS has announced a total of 337 vacancies across a range of posts including– Administrative and Technical vacancies are available and are divided into Group A, Group B and Group C Posts.

Online applications in the prescribed format are invited from eligible/qualified candidates to fill up following Group-A, Group-B and Group-C category Stenographer, Assistant Section Officer (ASO), Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA), Senior Secretariat Assistant (SSA), Senior Technician, Personal Assistant (PA), Assistant, Technical Assistant, Assistant Director and Director Govt Job vacancy posts in various disciplines and levels in Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) for the year 2022. (Advertisement No. 2/2022/Estt.)

Bureau of Standards Administrative Job Recruitment 2022

About BIS Administrative/Technical Vacancy Recruitment 2022

Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), a statutory body under the administrative control of Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Govt. of India, is recruiting various administrative vacancies of Assistant Directors, Assistant Section Officer, Personal Assistant, Stenographer, Senior/Junior Secretariat Assistant and Technicians etc. for this recruitment 2022.

BIS Administrative Job Recruitment 2022 Vacancies

  1. Group-A Vacancies
    1. Director (Legal): 01 vacancies on Deputation,  Pay Scale : Pay Level-12 ₹78800-209200, Age: 56 years
    2. Assistant Director (Hindi): 01 vacancies (UR),  Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 ₹56100-177500, Age: 35 years
    3. Assistant Director (Administration & Finance) : 01 vacancies (SC),  Pay Scale : Pay Level-10 ₹56100-177500, Age : 35 years
    4. Assistant Director (Marketing & Consumer Affairs) : 01 vacancies (OBC),  Pay Scale : Pay Level-10 ₹56100-177500, Age : 35 years
  2. Group-B
    1. Personal Assistant: 28 vacancies (UR-13, EWS-02, OBC-07, SC-04, ST-02) (PWD-02),  Pay Scale: Pay Level -6 ₹35400-112400, Age: 30 years
    2. Assistant Section Officer: 47 vacancies (UR-19, EWS-05, OBC-14, SC-06, ST-03) (PWD-01), Pay Scale: Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400, Age: 30 years
    3. Assistant (Computer Aided Design): 02 vacancies (UR-02),  Pay Scale: Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400, Age: 30 years
  3. Group C
    1. Stenographer: 22 vacancies (UR-11, EWS-03, OBC-06, ST-02) (PWD-03),  Pay Scale: Pay Level -4 ₹25500-81100, Age: 27 years
    2. Senior Secretariat Assistant: 100 vacancies (UR-42, EWS-10, OBC-27, SC-15, ST-06) (PWD-14),  Pay Scale: Pay Level-4 ₹25500-81100, Age: 27 years
    3. Junior Secretariat Assistant: 61 vacancies (UR-21, EWS-08, OBC-21, SC-08, ST-03) (PWD-09),  Pay Scale: Pay Level-2 ₹19900-63200, Age: 27 years
    4. Horticulture Supervisor:  01 vacancies (UR-01),  Pay Scale: Pay Level-2 ₹19900-63200, Age: 27 years

BIS Laboratory Technical Recruitment 2022 Vacancies

  1. Group-B
    1. Technical Assistant (Laboratory): 47 vacancies (UR-21, EWS-03, OBC-08, SC-10, ST-05) (PWD-01),  Pay Scale: Pay Level -6 ₹35400-112400, Age: 30 years
      1. Mechanical: 19
      2. Chemical: 18
      3. Microbiology: 10
  2. Group C
    1. Senior Technician: 25 vacancies (UR-10, EWS-03, OBC-06, SC-10, ST-05) (PWD-01),  Pay Scale: Pay Level -4 ₹25500-81100, Age: 27 years
      1. Carpenter: 06
      2. Welder: 02
      3. Plumber: 03
      4. Fitter: 03
      5. Turner: 05
      6. Electrician: 06

Important Dates

Notification Released Date16th April 2022
Online Application Start Date19th April 2022
Online Application Last Date09th May 2022
Last Date of Payment of Online Application Fee09th May 2022
Online Exam Admit Card Released Date10 days before the exam date
Online Exam DateJune 2022

BIS Educational Qualification

Post NameEducation Qualification & Experience
Assistant Director (Hindi)The candidate should have pursued PG/ Master’s Degree in Hindi with English as a subject or vice versa.The candidate must have min. 05 years of experience of terminological work in Hindi and/or translation work from English to Hindi or vice-versa
Assistant Director (Admin and Finance) Candidates should have pursued MBA with Personnel specialization from a recognized university/institute.The candidate must have a min. 03yrs of experience in the relevant field.
Assistant Director (Marketing & Consumer Affairs)The candidate should have pursued MBA in Marketing/ Master’s Degree/Post-Graduate Diploma in Social Work/ Mass Communication.The candidate must have a min. 05yrs of exp. in the relevant field.
Personal AssistantThe candidate should have pursued GraduateCandidate must be proficient with at least up to Level-6 of the National Skill Qualification Framework in Computer.The candidate must be familiar with Short-Hand Writing.
Assistant Section OfficerThe candidate should have pursued GraduateThe candidate must have knowledge of Computer Operations.
Assistant (Computer-Aided Design)The candidate should have pursued Graduate Degree in Science with a min. 05 yrs Exp. in Auto Cad and working knowledge of typography/draftsmanship in the relevant discipline.ORDiploma in Engineering in Civil/ Mechanical/ Electrical with 05 years of experience in Auto CAD and draftsmanship in the relevant discipline.
StenographerThe candidate should have pursued GraduateCandidate must be proficient with at least up to Level-5 of the National Skill Qualification Framework in Computer.The candidate must be familiar with Short-Hand Writing.
Senior Secretariat AssistantThe candidate should have pursued GraduateThe candidate must have knowledge of Computer Operations in MS Excel, MS Powerpoint, MS Office, etc.
Horticulture SupervisorThe candidate must have completed Matriculation from the recognized board or council.He/She must be familiar with the job profile.
Technical Assistant (Laboratory)The candidate should have pursued a Diploma in Mechanical/ Degree in Chemistry/Microbiology with a min. 60% marks (50% in case of SC/ST)
Senior TechnicianThe candidate should have pursued ITI in Electrician; Fitter; Carpenter; Plumber; Turner; Welder.The candidate must have a min. of 02 yrs of practical experience in the relevant field.

BIS Age Limit

Posts NameAge Limit
Director (Legal)56 Yrs
Assistant Director (Hindi)35 Yrs
Assistant Director (Admin and Finance)35 Yrs
Assistant Director (Marketing)35 Yrs
Personal Assistant30 Yrs
Assistant Section Officer30 Yrs
Assistant (Computer-Aided Design)30 Yrs
Stenographer27 Yrs
Senior Secretariat Assistant27 Yrs
Horticulture Supervisor27 Yrs
Technical Assistant (Laboratory)30 Yrs
Senior Technician27 Yrs

BIS Recruitment 2022 Selection Process

The candidates for various posts will be done through the below mentioned Selection Process of BIS Recruitment 2022-

PostsSelection Process
Assistant DirectorOnline Exam and Interview
Assistant Section OfficerOnline Exam, Computer Proficiency Test, and Typing Speed Test
Personal AssistantOnline Exam, Computer Proficiency Test & Shorthand Test
Assistant (CAD)Online Exam, Practical Skill Test on drawing using Auto CAD/draftsmanship
StenographerOnline Test, Computer Proficiency Test & Shorthand Test
Sr. Secretariat AssistantOnline exam and Qualifying Skill Test in Computer Proficiency
Horticulture SupervisorOnline exam and Practical Skill Test on Gardening
Technical Assistant (Lab)Online Test and Practical/Skill Test
Senior TechnicianOnline Exam and Practical/Trade Test

How to Apply for Administrative/Technical Vacancies in BIS 2022?

Suitable and desirable candidates should Apply Online in the prescribed format at the BIS website from 19/04/2022 to 09/05/2022 only for Administrative/Technical Officers and Staff vacancy recruitment in BIS 2022.

Application Fee 

For the post of Director/Assistant Director, the application fees will be ₹800/- and for the remaining posts the fee will be ₹500/- to be paid online.

No fee would be paid by SCs/STs/PWDs/ Women and BIS serving employees.

Details and application format

Details and online submission of applications are available on the BIS recruitment website at ‘Our Services – Career Opportunities’ link (bottom) at for Administrative/Technical Officers and Staff vacancy recruitment in BIS 2022. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

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